High Magic Earth

Chapter 1017: True 0 Ghost Night Walk

"Don't you..." Slippers put treacherous eyes on Yi Chou and the three or five people behind Zhang Junyun, the meaning is already very obvious, "can I change the situation."

Their number is also very small.

Not only relative to the number of Hundred Ghosts, even if compared with the Gantz, it has no advantage at all.

"Did I say we only have such a few people." Yi Chou said suddenly.

He slowly raised his hand again, and the worn demon pot in his palm was lifted up immediately as he moved.

Slippery eyes squinted involuntarily. It felt a threat to this thing, and it was the terror of this thing that made it aware of what was happening here.

Otherwise, Momotaro is just a very ordinary family among the Hundred Ghost Stars. No matter how much attention is paid to the sliding scoop, it is impossible to pay attention to every small person.

"This thing is called Feng Yao Ke." Yi Huo said, "as the name suggests."

The hourglass has another advantage of knowing all languages, that is, communication and translation are very accurate. It is important to know that many words cannot be accurately translated with the language, especially many proper nouns.

But the hourglass does not have this problem. Fantasy energy is the foundation of the entire world. There are naturally no problems in translating some languages.

"It can seal off demons and ghosts."

Slipper's wide sleeve robe flicked, "Are you threatening us?"

The Gantz in the distance is approaching quickly. Although the scoop is a little nervous, it is not panic. It can't deal with the group fight of so many people, but it's okay to escape.

"No... I just want to say that many guys have been sealed inside. They are...very good helpers."

Slippery eyes that were slightly treacherous narrowed again, and he lifted up some big funny heads, "If possible... then of course there is no problem with cooperation."

The Hundred Ghost Stars don't pay as much attention to faces and other useless things as humans. In the face of the arrogance of showing strength, Zuizi almost puts down what he said before without hesitation.

"I mean you don't have to work without effort."

Yi Chou is also very straightforward, and it does not need a cooperative name. He needs cannon fodder. With the help of the guys in the monster pot, I am afraid I can’t stop Gantz for too long.

There can never be anything between him and Zhang Junyun. They personally rolled up their sleeves and played.

"It's natural." The sliding scoop raised his head again.

The Gantz in the distance had roared, and could even hear the rumbling noise of the individual motorcycles they were riding on.

Isn't that mysterious plan?

Yi Chou suddenly saw a familiar face in the forefront of this group of people. His eyes showed calmness and silence like a pool of standing water, but Yi Chou could feel a kind of madness below.

The madness of burning life, the madness after despair, and the abandonment of all madness.

"Why did he steal his girlfriend like himself..." Yi Xiao whispered and underestimated, but soon realized that it seemed to be the case, and it was more serious than this. His girlfriend died directly.

Forget it, Yi Chou shook his head.

Although Xuanye Ji is barely the protagonist in the killing city, there are countless ruthless people in Gantz who are more powerful than Xuanye Ji. In Yi Biao's eyes, Xuan Yeji is not much special than others, but only a little Big ants only.

Holding the seal pot with one hand, he winked at Zhang Junyun.

Question mark on Zhang Junyun's face.

After half a minute, Yi arrogantly turned his face and looked at the Gantz who were getting closer and closer, and then slammed the pot of monster demon into the ground.



Accompanied by a burst of explosions, the seal demon pot shattered and fell apart, followed by a sound like a tide gushing out, accompanied by a large amount of smoke, madly diffused out.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Yi Cong had already put a few cold blades around his neck, and the deadly positions of the heart and kidneys were also pointed by sharp objects.

Fortunately, Tan Qing's reaction was relatively quick. At the moment when Yi Chou dropped the Fengyou pot backhand to the ground, he had dragged Zhang Junyun to the distance. At this time, it had not been affected.

"Don't do it." Feeling the coldness of the skin, Yi Chou immediately said, "I let you out."

The tingling sensation was slightly off, but immediately, Yi Chou felt a vigorous force coming from all around him, a slender, but very large, flourishing jade hand came out of the mist as if breaking ice, and suddenly grabbed Yi Huo, it grabbed Yi Huo's body and pulled him off the ground as if pulling a carrot.

Yi Xiao looked at it and lifted himself up into the air. At the next moment, a big face covered by a straw hat covered half of his face appeared in front of him.

"But you also shut us in." Bachiyang held Yi Chou, looking like he wanted to squeeze his intestines and internal organs from his mouth.

Silently, several Fu Ji appeared beside Yi Chou, and the black blades of mist formed all over his body. As long as Yi Chou was slightly moved, they would be separated into corpses instantly.

An icy cold also spread instantaneously, entrenched in Yi Chou's body, almost half of his body was frozen into a popsicle.

The rustling, like the sound of spiders crawling on the cobweb, the clogs of clogs, accompanied by the fog shaking, all kinds of strange sounds surged over, almost the first time they reappeared in the world, monsters The big monsters with heads and faces are on Yi Chao.

Fortunately, these monsters and Hundred Ghosts from the Edo era are completely different styles of painting, almost the appearance of young girls.

But at the same time, being spotted by so many different beautiful faces, even if it is easy to arrogant, can not help swallowing.

"I know, I know, take it easy." Yi Xuan grinned, the eight-foot-like strength was great, and Yi Xuan even felt that his bones should not be crushed. "Isn't I releasing you? ."

Although he can instantly recover with the silver tongue, the pain is still inevitable.

"Do you know how narrow it is?" The body is the most massive, and the eight-foot sample with eight feet is immediately angry, "I'm just..."

"Yes." The source of the cold, pure white, even the eyes, eyes, hair and eyebrows are white, wearing a white dress, no trace of blood on the surface of the snow girl floated over, it stared at Yi Huo, cold Said, "Let me make him the most beautiful ice sculpture."

"It's too cheap to freeze into a popsicle." In a rustling sound, countless legs of the spider Ji crawled along the net, and the scarlet lips bent a vicious arc, "I can put him Melt the adult stick."

"Yes, I can also drag him down and stuff it in his mouth." Huanji, who hates men so much, walks out of the mist, and bright cherry blossom petals are scattered all around him, but because of the coldness brought by the Snow Maiden Withered and withered in an instant, it fell to the ground, but it was unheard of, so it stared at Yi Chou straightly.

"The intestines, the intestines are also pulled out! Wrapped around his neck!"

"It's the most interesting thing to hang up!"

"Yes, yes, I want his tongue to add some embellishment to my necklace."

"But I still like to cook..."

More and more voices came out of the fog, from all directions, and then slowly gathered here Yi Yi.

Yi Biao's forehead, indifferently sweating, was not caused by tension and fear, but was shocked by their strange brain holes, and it was indeed a magical creature completely different from humans.

"That's not called a frozen popsicle." But suddenly, since the spider Ji's speech, Xue Nu, who has remained silent, suddenly uttered again, "That's art, the most beautiful art."

In an instant, the whole scene was quiet, and only the locking sound of the Gantz who had started to attack in the distance could be heard.

All the monsters were very silent. They stared at the spider Ji and the snow girl with a weird look. After a while, Yi Chou felt that the scene must be very embarrassing.

After almost breathing, the spider Ji screamed with a sneer, "When... A quick-frozen thing can also be called art."

"What do you know! You only eat frozen spiders!"

Xue Nu successfully interpreted what it means to start spraying without saying a word. Yi Chou originally thought that Xue Nu was the kind of high cold type. After all, it is an ice-magic creature. This kind of thing is generally lazy and indifferent. slow.

It’s not surprising that the spider Ji Ling is sharp-eyed, and it’s not strange that all three women and one play, magical creatures, female monsters and the like are not much different. Between the spat.

"I said...when eight million are there, are you the same?"

Yi Xiao felt deeply helpless. In the huge jade hands of Ba Chi, he struggled to shrug his shoulders, but it was a pity that he just lifted his shoulders, and then was pinched again by Ba Chi, so that his shoulders could not be put down.

After wriggling for a while, Yi Chou gave up the idea of ​​shrugging.

The existence of eight million seems to be very important for these monsters. Upon hearing its name, Xue Nu and Spider Ji stopped arguing in a moment. Almost all the monsters turned their heads and stared at Yi Chou.

"My lord." A Fu Ji asked with a blade across Yi Xiao's neck coldly.

These little guys, as natural assassins, seem to exist like the 8 million guards, and they are most concerned about the whereabouts of the 8 million.

"Slain by me, or... sealed." Yi Chou said again, "Anyway, you don't think about releasing it."

After hearing that, the monsters in the mist made another riot, and after a few seconds, the messy sound rang out.

"..kill him!"

"kill him!!"

The voices gradually gathered together, forming a threat full of death.

Even the gaze in front of the eight-foot specimen and Xue Nu and others also became cold, and Yi Chou could feel that they were indeed moving.

"Don't assume that you have controlled the situation." Yi Chou sarcastically said, "Do you think you can kill me if you hold it in your hands?"

Seemingly not paying attention to the imminent threat, completely ignoring the surrounding monsters as if they could tear him apart, Yi Xuan asked again, "Why is 8 million so important to you, you know my strength, you want to kill Death me, you will pay a great price."

"Is it really worth it for a heart that has been sealed?"

"Because even if it killed me, it might not be able to lift its seal."

"What do you know!" Eight-foot specimen lifted Yi Chou to the front. "Without the gods and adults, we will die soon. Since they will die sooner or later, why not drag you to hell."

At the end of the day, the eight-foot sample can almost be said to have been slammed.

It suddenly shrunk his palm and clenched his right hand, seeming to squeeze Yi Chou to the palm of his hand.

But at the moment when his fingers were about to gather, his palms suddenly froze, because the eight-foot sample found that no matter how hard it was, its five fingers could not advance one more point.

Yihou yawned, supported his hands, then pushed away his eight-foot palm and jumped out of his fist, "So you found this." He said, "That's a lot less trouble."

After floating in mid-air, Yi Chou did not mean to leave, but after pointing to their mist, "Those guys are killing your companions, don't you want to stop it."

What Yi Chao refers to is naturally the Gantz. When the monster demon pot was broken and released from these monsters, Gantz was already very close to this place, and in the face of the sudden large mist, they certainly did not hesitate to choose to continue to move forward and attack.

The attack power of the gravity gun is more than double that of the Gantz combat pistol. Almost every tap of the gravity gun will have a circle that is as big as a room repeatedly fall down, and everything in the circle will be suddenly increased by gravity. Pressed into meat foam.

Almost all the big monsters are gathered here. In the face of those little monsters that have no threats at all, the gravity gun is like a fish, which is almost a slaughter.

"It's too late to kill you first." Spider Ji said coldly, and then said a piece of "Papa!", a thick white thread spit on Yi Chou's face.


Yi Xiao wiped off this group of faces with no expression, and the monsters around him also had similar expressions. The silk thread of Spider Ji was not poisonous, and the venom was poisonous, and the silk thread was like saliva, which could only be used for nausea and nausea.

It has been said many times, but it just doesn't listen.

"Effect me." Yi Xuan suddenly retreated slightly, and the figure shook to Xue Nu's body instantly. Xue Nu hadn't been surprised yet, and Yi Xuan continued to say in his ear, "You will find that under my hands , Much better than eight million men."

Xue Nu drifted aside quickly, and like the monsters around her, stared at Yi Chou with an idiot's gaze.

Yi Xiao shrugged again, "I'm serious." He said, "I can give you ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even more than eight million for you."

These big monsters still have the same gaze, but this time, there is a look in the dead.

"You don't know anything." Fu Ji, who seemed to be the leader, shook his head, "killed..."

Before its words were finished, Yi Chou moved again. His body seemed to have no weight. The same as Fu Ji, he came to his side again instantly.

"Oh... there are still people who understand." Yi Xuan said, "I thought you all only found the surface, but did not understand the truth of the matter."

As the guard of the **** Ji, Fu Ji seems to know more.

Yi Xiao quietly approached Fu Ji's ear and whispered, "I can give you freedom, the freedom you want."

I don’t know why, but instead of evading, Fu Ji responded, "I don't understand..."

"No... you understand, you understand what I mean, real freedom, real... existence!" (To be continued.)

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