High Magic Earth

Chapter 1018: Obscured fog

Fu Ji's body shuddered.

It seems that the chips are not enough, Yi Chou continued, "And what you have to do is just to block those nasty guys, you see, they are slaughtering your kind, you are already the enemy."

"No need to worry, because what I gave you, even if it's dead... doesn't matter."

Fu Ji finally raised her head and floated in the air. It was completely in the form of a black mist. It revealed its real face for the first time. It was a young face. "How can I believe you." From its tone and voice It can be heard in Zhong that it has already believed Yi Yi's words.

But what is still needed is that Yi Chao uses more words to strengthen its confidence.

"I understand your worries." Yi Xiao spread his hands, "So look, I can show you my sincerity first."

Snow Maiden and Spider Ji Hua married Ji at the same time cast doubtful eyes on Fu Ji, but Fu Ji just shook her head in mid-air.

It can be seen that although the strength of Fu Ji among these monsters is not necessarily the strongest and the size is not the biggest, but his words are very strong.

With the action of Fu Ji, almost all the big monsters in front of him stopped temporarily, and they seemed to be planning to see what Yi Biao was about to do.

And what Yi Biao does, it is very simple.

The flaming magic text appeared again in front of Yi Chou. This is an ancient and remote text. I am afraid that even in the birthplace of Oz, few wizards knew it when it was not destroyed.

The ancient and peculiar characters create a mysterious and dreamy atmosphere. With Yi Huo's whispering that no one can understand, it seems to be performing an ancient sacrifice.

The brainless Spider Ji tried to interrupt Yi Chou's spell several times, but they were all stopped by the eyes of Fu Ji in the air.

A moment later, the fragments of the monster pot on the ground suddenly tremble slightly. With this gradually deepening tremor, they suddenly hung up in the air and moved quickly, condensing into a completed pot in midair again.

Still so old, still so old.

"Ga!" Spider-jig screamed harshly, "I knew he had no good intentions." It exclaimed, "He wants to seal us again."

This time I switched to Yi Huo to look at Spider Ji with an idiot's eyes. Of course, the other big monsters present, except for the name of Fu Ji, did not speak, but their meanings on their faces were similar.

So Yi arrogantly glanced around with this kind of eyes.

For the time being, I believe that Yi Chou is probably only Fu Ji, but Rao is so, at this time it is also a little breathless.

"What do you mean." It asked coldly with a small face.

Yi Xuan did not answer, because the pot had already given the answer.

A Fu Ji got out of the old pot, then the second and the third. . Then more, and not just Fu Ji, but also many cases of Shanzi mixed in it, slowly crawling out of the old pot one by one.

"Hey... where is this..."

"Aren't we dead?"

The faces of these little guys were confused and touched their heads in confusion.

Most of the monsters are born from ages. Perhaps the eight million gods in Japan are slightly different. Some may be born gods, but in the long years, they have accumulated wisdom far beyond humans.

Except for Spider-ji, a brainless guy, the rest of the big monsters are all lit up, and they seem to have realized the true meaning of the scene in front of them.

As the main force among the monsters, the two largest populations of Fuji and Sheshanzi soon greeted their companions, and then welcomed the little guys who had just crawled out of the pot.

The truth of the matter was soon understood, they were all dead monsters, resurrected.

Some of them just died and were directly crushed by the army of Gantz who was breaking through the mist. Some of them have already died for a long time. Even more than a decade ago, Yi Ao and Zhang Junyun had not left Jiahe Ninja Village for various reasons. And died unexpectedly.

But now all have been resurrected, in this old pot that once sealed them.

Reverse life and death, return to reincarnation.

In a sense, the arrogance of being able to do this already does have some qualifications to claim to be God.

Uki and other monsters certainly believe that 8 million can do this, too. . Eight million never resurrected any of their companions.

Gods are not the gods of their monsters, but the gods of this world. Eight million people will naturally not resurrect an existence without these monsters.

Perhaps from this point of view, the 8 million to do is much better than the real gods, and it may be the only one. .

More and more Fu Ji and Shan Shanzi climbed out of it, accompanied by other different kinds of existence, and some very rare big monsters also revived.

The bird, the bridge, the lamp, the cat, and even. . Before Yuzao.

When the enchanting fox and fur woman walked out of the pot gracefully, even Yi Biao felt a moment of palpitations, but she just looked back at Yi Biao with a faint glance. Gently brushed gently on Yi Chou's face, and then slowly left.

As one of Japan's three great monsters, Yuzao Qian, regardless of strength or status, is an absolute frontier in the monster.

Various stories and folklore can also be verified, and the reactions of monsters such as Hua Ji Ji Xue Nu's eight-foot samples also confirmed this. With the emergence of Yuzao, they suddenly became afraid of even the atmosphere, and they gave way sideways. Before leaving Yuzao undisputed, it slowly disappeared into the mist.

This means that all of their monsters are tied together, and I am afraid that they are not opponents before Yuzao.

This reaction made Yi Xiao frown, unsure of his ability to use the silver tongue, and reread all the dead monsters to resurrect them again, right or wrong.

Because the dead monsters can’t just be the dispensables of Fu Ji and She Shanzi. It’s like a street gangster who fights by numbers to fight together. There are many monsters that have disappeared for many years or died because of accidents. Big monster.

For example, it should have died before it became a jade algae that killed a stone.

Sure enough, the power of the silver tongue is a double-edged sword, used well, it can do everything, and once mistakes, it can instantly destroy everything in front of you.

After Yuzao left, no stronger monster appeared. For example, the one who could not be drilled immediately afterwards was just two ears hanging on his head. It seems that the characteristics of dogs have not completely faded, and there are still some points left. Inu Ji.

From the breed point of view, I don't know if it is a Husky or a Shiba Inu, anyway, the ears are bright yellow, and it looks a little dumb.

As soon as it appeared, it rushed straight towards Yi Chou, and seemed to regard Yi Chou standing here as some kind of stump, big tree, or something. Yi Chou immediately guessed what it was going to do, his face As soon as it was black, kick it aside with one foot.

In the distance, the collapse of the Gantz gravity gun mixed with the sound of the satellite lock of the combat pistol is getting louder, which means that the Gantz are quickly breaking through the fog line of defense.

Yi Biao didn't want to meet these guys, he reminded, "Don't you do it yet, those little monsters are going to die."

Without the little monsters to make cannon fodder, it is not easy for these big monsters to kill Gantz on the scene, maybe it can be done, but it is absolutely fatal.

Fortunately, the resurrection now just eliminates their worries.

Fu Ji still seems to be hesitant, "This... can't prove, can't make us believe that you have the ability..."

Yi Chou's sincerity is sufficient, but his patience is not much. In the face of Fu Ji who still refuses to contribute, Yi Chong directly tears his face and says, "You better believe." He said, "You can only believe."

"I can resurrect those guys, and naturally I can kill you, and death is always easier than living."

"You haven't seen any possibility for so long under the hands of eight million. At the moment when you are facing hope, don't you even try to try it."

As the guard of the **** Ji, Fu Ji, one of the great monsters who has lived for countless years, is more determined than Yi Chao imagined.

The moment when Yi Chou renewed his hostility, Fu Ji immediately expressed his position, and even more directly represented the will of other big monsters.

Turned and rushed to the mist.

Not even a trace of inquiries to other monsters, the Fuji clan headed by the Fuji leader had already rushed into the mist in a pretentious manner.

What they want to do is clear at a glance, and they build a defense line of resistance.

Fu Ji’s decision may seem abrupt, but in fact it doesn’t feel abrupt in his heart, because the strength of this Onmyoji in front of him is much stronger than that of the legendary Great Onmyoji Abe Ching Ming, many times, even The two are not at the same level.

As a monster with a long age, Fu Ji of course has seen Abe Ariaki, and even not only met it, but also personally contacted him as a guard of the gods.

That person's pressure is far less powerful than the guy in front of him, as if the streams and rivers are compared.

Therefore, Ukichi will make a decision instantly. A monster who has lived for countless years still has some eyesight. The reason why I just said that, I just want more benefits.

After all, there is such a strong guy in front of him, maybe just a little bit out of his hands. What he thinks is useless may be like treasures for monsters.

Greed is not only the original sin of human beings, it is the sin of all things, and monsters naturally have it, but unlike humans, the experience and reason accumulated by their years of wisdom can restrain themselves well.

As the guard of the **** Ji, under the **** Ji, above all the monsters, the nominal leader Fu Ji, it naturally wants to seek more benefits for its own sisters.

But at the moment when he sensed the hostility revealed by Yi Chou, he immediately dispelled this kind of thought, but if it is replaced by human beings, it may not be so easy to give up the inner greed.

As Fu Ji's movements, more and more monsters turned away and began to converge towards the other end of the mist.

It may be that there are special contact methods or tacit understanding between the monsters. For the abnormal movements of Fu Ji, they have no more nonsense, especially no longer show hostility to Yi Huo, even including the brainless spider Ji, It's all such small movements that grind the paws, but they are also easy to cause misunderstandings.

Just go straight back.

Sure enough, these monsters are not idiots, and their rich experience makes them good at making trade-offs, and because they are another species of magical creatures completely different from humans, there is no such meaningless thing as humans paying attention to faces.

Survival and interests are their primary concerns.

Seeing that under the leadership of Fu Ji, these monsters finally began to march towards the direction of the Gantz squad, organized an orderly resistance, and Yi Xiao's face finally appeared a little relaxed.

"I like this simple transaction method." Yi arrogant whispered.

His eyes turned again, and Yi Chou suddenly found that he was still wandering around. It seemed that there were some reluctant bowls. Yi Chou immediately lit up and gestured at it, and then he was very coveted, but deliberately pretended to be a careless pair. The attitude thing is the source of the resurrection of all monsters, the old pot is called into the hand, and then thrown at it.

Chawanji is a monster who likes to hide things very much. It is also one of the safest choices to put the old pot in his hands.

The monsters who stayed nearby had rich experience and experience. When they saw Yi Chou's movements, they immediately understood what he meant, and Wan Ji did not hesitate much.

Seeing that the desired thing was about to arrive, Bowl Ji jumped three feet high in excitement, and it was less than the height of the table. It took the old pot in the air, bit its edge, and then grinned, less than half a finger The long small mouth cracked a terrible arc on its face, and even the corner of the mouth spread directly to the neck, turning the entire face into a mouth.

The huge mouth swallowed the old pot directly into the belly, and its body was like a bottomless hole. The old pot disappeared without a trace when it was not inserted, and even there was no bulge even a little arc, I don’t know if it gave Where did you eat?

Sure enough, he is a good hand to hide things.

Because anyone who sees it is less than the height of the table, it is impossible to think that it will swallow something as big as his body into his stomach.

Also thanks to the resurrection of the old pot read by Yi Piao with the silver tongue, it is not necessary to climb out from the inside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can also appear directly near the range of the old pot, it just acts as a medium, otherwise Wan Ji is waiting to burst his belly.

After the things succeeded, Wan Ji immediately showed its ungratefulness and mischief-loving characteristics, not to worry about it, and immediately ran away to the distance, and soon disappeared.

Wan Ji is not only good at hiding things, but also good at hiding. It may not be so easy to be discovered by Gantz, and the old pot is also more difficult to destroy than expected.

The purpose has been reached, and Yi Chou will not stay too much. The generous garb lifts with the breeze, and after giving the battlefield to the monsters, he turns and walks in the other direction, gradually away from the mist.

Wait, it seems that I have forgotten something.

"Ah...Are there any people...Are there any people...so foggy, so foggy..."

In the mist, there were intermittent complaints from Momotaro attendants, but unfortunately, everyone seemed to temporarily ignore these two unlucky guys. . (To be continued.)

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