High Magic Earth

Chapter 1019: Cooperation

Yi Biao's feet are fast enough, plus Zhang Junyun did not leave them far, he soon caught up with them in the ruins that had left the fog.

Slippery scoop and Tengu giant dog were standing beside them, and they were equally upset with Zhang Junyun.

Seriously, if Yi Huo didn’t catch up, it’s also a problem for Zhang Junyun and others to leave with the three Hundred Ghost Stars. God knows if they will suddenly turn back on the way and kill everyone. dead.

Zhang Junyun has also seen the comics of the Killing City. He does not have the amazing memory and meditation pots of Yi Chou. However, the horror strength displayed in the comics by Slippers left Zhang Junyun with a deep impression.

Of course, Zhang Junyun didn’t even think about the issues they were worried about. It felt the same fearful danger on Yibiao’s body. This was the instinct of high-end biological instincts, and there was no doubt that those who created the fog The guy can leave Yi Huo there.

"...Cooperation, it's really troublesome." Slippery whispered, "It seems that it can only be achieved."

No matter what means Yihou used to summon so many monsters, it is obvious that the number has been recognized by the slider, as the slider said, cooperation can only be built on the basis of equal strength, otherwise, it will not Call cooperation.

Yi Biao has the strength, and the new monsters have the number, then the preliminary basis for the cooperation has been obtained, and naturally the sliding scoop has no idea to refuse again.

But Yi Chaod didn't pay much attention to these things. He didn't pay much attention to the face project, as long as he achieved his goal.

"Then... don't let those little guys run around, the business matters." He said to Slippery.

There are also a lot of Hundred Ghosts. They use the transmission technology similar to Gantz transmission technology to come to the earth and come out from the shadows of all corners and the river water.

However, because there is no order of the slider, they are wandering around the ruins of the city and the city on the edge of the surroundings, wandering and attacking humans who know nothing about it.

These guys have different levels of strength, some have low-level existence that can only bully human children, and some are so huge that they can destroy a whole group of elite assault teams.

If they come to help, the pressure of the monsters will definitely be reduced a lot.

Although Yi Xiao uses the power of the silver tongue to enable the monsters to resurrect infinitely through the resurrection pot, they cannot always use them to resist the Gantz squad.

After all, there is a limit to resistance.

If the attack power of the Gantz squad is far greater than their resurrection speed, even if the monsters can use the advantages of the resurrection to keep the Gantz squad back and kill their power, they will still be pushed to the so-called resurrection point by the Gantz.

It's just a matter of time.

Therefore, Yi Chou needs the people of Hundred Ghosts to join in. The cannon fodder is greatly increased, and the monsters' problem of resisting the critical value disappears immediately.

The advantage of their resurrection will be magnified geometrically, like snowballing, rolling more and more, until the tactics of the sea are used to block the members of Gantz.

Of course, it is better to eliminate the Gantz team.

This group of guys trying to save the world has a good idea and a good starting point, but unfortunately, they simply don't understand the true truth of the matter and have been kept in the dark.

Slippery scoop is still a salty expression, it seems to have no feelings of joy, anger, etc., even when speaking, it still maintains a sense of slowness.

His squinted eyes were fixed on Yi Chou, Yi Chou's crooked head, but soon, some murmured voices came from around the mist, and then, the edge of the ruins faintly dark, began to hold. Tumbling with some shadows and presence.

I don't know what the skater did, but these Hundred Ghosts have indeed begun to gather here, and some of the closer ones have already rushed over.

"Very good." Yi Xuan asked, "Are you interested in raising their nest with me?"

Yi Huo’s question is straightforward. His goal is the Gantz black balls, but Slipper’s answer is more direct.

"Not interested." It replied slowly and lacking in tone.

There is not much strangeness in Yi Chou. Slippers should know the existence of the house of truth, and then they should know the horrors of the creators of the house of truth.

After all, it was the planets of the creators of the Truth House that were the first to be targeted. These aliens were violently expelled by the creators of the House of Truth, and then they retreated to choose the earth.

The House of Truth has passed some of its own technology and early warning methods to the earth to prevent alien immigrants. It must have been guessed by the scoop in these Gantz weapons. It is also easy to guess this.

It stands to reason that the best thing to do now is to find Gantz's nest, and then lift them.

After all, the Gantz combat team is the real enemy.

However, Slippery did not do this. Yi Chou could see that it was really not interested.

Slider is obviously not a guy who advocates peaceful coexistence. It will not be because he doesn’t want to break the rules, so he doesn’t look for Gantz.

Then it does not go to the root to block the Gantz team, there is only one possibility, it is frightened by the creators of the House of Truth.

Even if it is known that this is just the technology they transmitted to the earth, there will not be much danger in the nest, and it is not willing to take this risk.

And it obviously chose another method to cut off the existence of the Gantz squad from the root cause. That is, Gantz black ball is to select soldiers from humans to resist aliens. Since it cannot directly destroy the Gantz black ball, then kill all All creatures.

After the original creatures on the earth are cleaned, there will naturally be no warriors who can resist them.

Perhaps this is not difficult for the upcoming alien immigrants.

I just don’t know how powerful the creators of the House of Truth are. What they were like for the Hundred Ghost Stars at first would make them so afraid.

However, since Slipper is not interested, then Yi Chou does not intend to continue to blend in with it. The world has become more and more chaotic, and the risk will become greater for every minute of delay.

Yi Biao had just given up the idea of ​​leaving, and Zhang Junyun had already noticed that he actually didn’t want to stay here anymore, firstly because the pressure from the slide was too much for him, and the other was because more and more Ghost stars began to gather here.

The painting style of the Hundred Ghost Stars is far different from that of the former 8 million men. On the one hand, they are all kinds of strange monsters composed of strange and bloody, and on the other, they are all mountain monsters who are all transformed into Ji.

There is no comparison.

Seeing Yi Xiao finally ready to leave here, Zhang Junyun immediately planned to ask for directions.


"Ahaha! Some guys who look normal are finally here. I cut those ugly monsters, and my hands are soft."

But a burst of laughter and roar from the edge of the fog interrupted Zhang Junyun's next words.

Everyone gathered their eyes, including the giant dogs and tengus on the opposite side, and even the scoop slowly turned its huge little head, and the plain eyes fell into the mist.

"We kill first! Then wait for me..."

Noisy sounds came from the mist, accompanied by the loud noise of the explosion and the fragmentation of the ground, the sight of the Gantz combat pistol and the collapse of the gravity gun, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, did the defense line break through so quickly?

The conversation in the mist did not stop, and they did not seem to have found the people here.

"What time is it, and you still think about those things."

"Just one, just grab one."

The specific number is unclear, but there are definitely more than two individuals.

Yi Xiao frowned, and immediately began to sense the monsters in the distance. The resurrection pot was in the belly of Wan Ji. Although the resurrection pot itself did not have the ability to track similarly, for Yi Xuan, it was actually one more sentence. thing.

Soon, he passed through the monsters in front of him, and understood the general situation of the incident in a few words.

Gantz's army was indeed installed with the monsters, and the mist appeared very abrupt. Many Gantz had already plunged into the mist when they approached, and had no time to withdraw.

But there are still a lot of people who hide in the past, fortunately with luck, and also avoid them deliberately.

At this time, the guy hidden in the mist belongs to the latter, and their luck is obviously not good. After avoiding the monsters in the mist that is wildly unfolding, they hit Yi Yi here.

You should know that in addition to Yihuo, there are dogs and sliders here.

If Yi Huo is added, all the alien leaders in their mouths are gathered here.

"Come on, come on! I can't wait any longer!" The voice in the mist continued to ring.

In fact, Shimaki et al., the black bald captain, were among the most trusted and strongest players in his team. They avoided the fog and wanted to go back and pick up. Cheap.

They are not as stupid as the guys in Xuan Yeji, staying on the edge of the mist and fighting hard with aliens.

Because there are many aliens, but the score is very small, after killing a few, I am afraid that you can not accumulate many points, but on the contrary, because the number is too much, the danger of combat has doubled.

Not worthwhile.

The equipment provided by Gantz is also a type of high attack and low defense. Even if the heavy combat uniform makes up for a little of the defensive power, it is still not comparable to the destructive power of the gravity gun of the same level.

Members from Gantz are still very weak in defense, especially fear of group fights, because the defense of heavy clothing is still at its limit. When the buffer is consumed too much, it will still fail.

This cannot be avoided.

Shimagi thought of this, and then brought his team members back closer to see if he could find any high-scoring guy behind the team.

The main force of Gantz attracted the main force of aliens in the front, and there was no interference from civilians and police. This is simply the best opportunity to find orders.

Even if they have graduated several times, the score is still important. Whether it is to resurrect a player who has died or upgrade a stronger equipment, it is a very good choice.

Shimagi took his team members and then moved forward, advancing quickly.

When they walked around, they just avoided the monsters that Yi Biao released from the seal pot, so they didn't collide with the monster's main force, but at this time, although they met the Hundred Ghost Stars who gathered together in response to the call But because the state remained good, it almost showed a destructive momentum.

After all, this is a captain of Gantz and the elite around him, and it is not something that these hundred ghosts can stop.

Only then did Shimagi meet the monsters who were resurrected sporadically by the resurrection pot, because they were completely different from the different painting styles of the Hundred Ghost Starmen, which surprised them.

Their advancing speed is very fast, almost within a few minutes, they have gradually left the scope of the fog.

The figures of these people were revealed in front of Yi Huo and others. There were six of them. Five of them were wearing heavy clothes. Only one guy was wearing heavy clothes, but only half of them were wearing heavy clothes. In the lower part, his upper body was bare.

"Sang Yuan and male..." Yi Xuan heard Zhang Junyun's voice, "Osaka team's..."

"Do you know very well."

Hearing Yi's doubts, Zhang Junyun frowned slightly, "mainly... this guy has some..."

At this time, as the mist gradually spread out, the figures of these people became more and more clear. They each held a huge gravity gun in their hands. Three of them were surrounding a case mountain. They seemed to intend to block it. In a dead end.

"Hey, don't kill me!" One of the bare-chested men, Sang Yuan, said to the man, "I haven't looked at how long it can't be seen under the mask."

The other two probably thought about the same as him. Although wearing heavy clothes, they could also feel that they seemed to smile.

But at the next moment, as the mist spread, Daisy and others were also exposed to their vision.

"Whee?" Seeing Tanqing them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These guys immediately lit their eyes, directly crossing Zhang Junyun and Xianzhijie who stood at the front, and fell to Miss Yang Yantao and Daisy and others. Body.

Especially the Yangyan in it, because she is wearing a kimono, it seems that there is not much difference from the monsters, but the appearance is much more beautiful than the monsters.

But when his eyes fell on Tan Qing and Daisy and others, Sang Yuan and the male hesitated because they didn't look like aliens.

"Hello... these are ordinary people?" he said, puzzled.

But the other two apparently disagreed. "There are still civilians." Their voices revealed lasciviousness and lewdness. "If ordinary people are here, they would have died long ago."

As old teammates, Sang Yuan and the men naturally understood their meaning, but after hesitating, he kept silent and did not refute, because what they said made sense. If they are ordinary people, they should have died long ago. It is impossible. Live here.

The same is true of the bald black captain Shimagi. He frowned slightly, but he didn't stop, but hesitated and whispered, "Hurry up." He looked away alertly. (To be continued.)

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