High Magic Earth

Chapter 1020: luck

Because of the wind, the mist did not completely disperse. Zhang Junyun and Sang Yuan and the men saw them, but Zhang Junyun and others could see them too, but they did not find the three Hundred Ghost Stars in the distance and the same The hustle and bustle buried in the mist.

However, they were distracted by Zhang Junyun and they were distracted a lot. The case Shanzi who was immediately surrounded by them seized the opportunity. The position of his eyes under his eyeless mask seemed to glance slightly into the mist to cover Yi Huo. Orientation, and then use both hands and feet, fled here with a crawl.

The speed can be much faster than when they were swaying around the mountains and surrounding people, such as Yi Chou and others.

Of course, even if it was an escape, it did not forget to take away the huge wooden cross.

Although its appearance is tattered, it itself is regarded as a treasure.

I don't think it's because Zhang Junyun and others are so powerful. These Gantz players who have come by haven't even fully deployed the detection devices attached to their heavy clothes.

"Hey!" A low laugh sounded from under one of the heavy coats, which sounded like some kind of cat-and-mouse mocking.

They lost the prey of Shanzi, but the new prey is also good.

More scorching eyes are focused on Yang Yan. Compared with the exotic Daisy and Miss Tao, it is still wearing a kimono like a custom-made female Yang Yan, which is more in line with the taste of people here.

Originally proficient in poison and enchanting sun, even a few meters away, you can feel the estrus from these **** men. There was a trace of disgust in her eyes, but she didn't panic.

Because not only Kanosuke is here, but also. . Everyone. .

Sang Yuan and the male have the strongest desires, which can be seen from his only heavy clothes hanging in half. This is not only absolute confidence in his fighting power, but also to facilitate certain things.

He has already let go of the idea that these people may be civilians and innocent ordinary people, because here is the rear of the mist, and it can be said that it is the deepest concentration of aliens. Ordinary people, it is impossible to live here.

And these guys are too weird.

Usually seen as cos clothing, at this time it may be mistaken for the alien party.

Kinosuke's samurai clothes and other people's clothes are really similar to the styles of the ghosts and monsters.

Sang Yuan and the man had smiles on their faces, and looked awkward. He rubbed his hands and walked forward. In addition to the half-length heavy clothes, his hands also wore light tights gloves.

All parts of the Gantz combat uniform are detachable, the gloves are very flexible, and it can bring strong attack and equally good resistance to Sangyuan and men, which is very cost-effective.

But at the next moment, the expressions on Sangyuan and the men's faces froze, even visible to the naked eye, and turned a little white.

Even when Yang Yan was far away, he could feel the fear and trembling of Sang Yuan and the man. Even the few guys hiding under the heavy clothes next to him seemed to become stiff instantly.

Because with the spread of the breeze, the fog blocking the line of sight also began to disappear, and the giant dog and tengu who were standing not far from Zhang Junyun and the three hundred ghost stars of the sliding scoop immediately appeared clearly in these guys In sight.

The changes here will naturally not escape the eyes of the black bald captain Shimagi. When he saw the sliding tengu and giant dog, he immediately shrank his pupils fiercely.

A guy with a perfect score and two guys with a score of 70, he has paid attention to the other three captains.

Shimagi's face is not very good, but it is not difficult to see the extreme. The three guys who appear here, even if all their elites are gathered here, don't think about taking them down.

One hundred points is not so easy to deal with. In fact, those two 70s are enough for them to drink a pot.

Shimaki felt that his squad could only destroy two aliens of 70 cents, Tengu and Giant Dog at most, and bound everyone together. I am afraid that after paying a huge price, he could eliminate the slider.

It's just that at this time, the scoop is here, one full score with two seventies, and the power that they can exert when they are superimposed immediately changes multiple times.

At this point, let's not say that after the heavy casualties, the sliding scoop was eliminated. I am afraid that even wanting to kill Tengu and Giant Dogs without injury is impossible.

Even the few guys next to them could only be let go.

These people are certainly not opponents of the alien leader, which means that their plan to pick up the cheap is completely exhausted. To kill this 100-percent guy, the best option is to immediately evacuate, return again, and then put all the personnel All gathered.

Shimagi is very sensible. As an experienced captain, the sensible heart is the most important. He has experienced a similar alien leader battle. If he does not want to be wiped out by the army, it is best to put away his greed.

But although I can't beat it, it should be no problem to force away from here.

Unfortunately, Shimagi seemed to think too much of it all. The scoop just appeared, and immediately, the mist disappeared because of the presence of the breeze.

This wind, which he would never notice at ordinary times, seemed to have become the horn of their death at this time.

Because Yi Chang, who was standing beside Zhang Junyun, was directly exposed to the eyes of all of them.

Close at hand.

Shimagi's cold sweat immediately ran down his forehead, even wearing heavy protective clothing, but he could still feel the coolness.

It's another perfect score!

The detection device does not know what is wrong, and the above information does not show the clamor at all. There are only a series of question marks, but the captains of Shimaki are not surprised. After all, there are many types of aliens. Gantz has one or two minor problems. , Is not a strange thing.

But when they saw the battle between Yi Xiao and Momotaro, and the scene afterwards, they immediately became serious, because what can be confirmed is that this is definitely a guy with a high value score.

I'm not sure how many points it is, but ninety must have, and even one hundred points is not impossible.

The existence of two hundred points, the enemy this time, is more powerful than expected.

But the three captains did not care too much, because the same, Gantz Black Ball clearly knows that the matter is serious, this time the number of Gantz squads gathered together is also unprecedentedly huge.

Dozens, and even nearly a hundred Gantz fighters, they can use the number to pile up two bosses, of course, perhaps the casualties will be very heavy.

But this is something that cannot be done.

Even if they did not stop, but fled here, these aliens will still immigrate into the earth, and they still can't escape, it's just a matter of time.

But the appearance of two alien leaders is obviously not a good thing.

Shimagi's head was sweating with sweat, and things changed completely beyond his expectations. Just now he still thought that the little dwarf alien seems to have an intersection with another group of aliens, will they be around, and then tight Then, another group of aliens resembling the leader appeared in front of them.

When all the Gantz fighters were there, he had confidence in the battle, but now, he has no confidence and leads five or six elites against him.

Sakuhara and the men naturally thought of what Bald Shimaki thought. The reason why the elite is called the elite means that each of them can take it out and exist on their own.

Not even worse than the so-called protagonist Xuan Ye Ji.

Although Xuan Yeji's talent is very high, after all, he has not entered Gantz's black ball for a long time, and he has experienced few battles. Perhaps his talent will grow to a high level in the future, but now, it is definitely not these elite opponents. .

Gantz's black ball is also a place where talents come out in abundance. Many people are not inferior in talent to Xuanye Ji, even higher than him.

They hit two Boss in one breath!

And it directly hit the opposite face.

After Sang Yuan and the male realized how bad their luck was, he had given up the so-called prey that was about to arrive.

Under the attack of the two leaders, let alone take away an alien, it is difficult to save lives.

Although Sang Yuan and the man are arrogant, they are definitely not stupid.

Perhaps when there was only one leader, he dared to fight up, but now, he doesn’t want to die.

Almost without thinking, Sang Yuan and the male jumped back quickly, his feet stomped **** the ground, leaving a deep footprint, the ground around the footprints cracked, and the whole person bounced out fiercely. It's like a huge spring.

The movements of the others were almost the same as him. At the same time, all the Gantz fighters in heavy clothing jumped around to hide. Because the movements were too synchronized, it looked like a bomb exploded in their midst.

No one left to try to resist.

This is the merit of the elites, but also their shortcomings. After discovering that something is impossible through rich experience, they immediately chose to disperse instead of staying to resist.

They don't lack the courage to fight hard, but more often, reason will prevent them from doing so.

But even if their response is quick, they are not as quick as the magic.

The scarlet energy generated by the silver tongue has not disappeared, but it is diffused around and hidden in the invisible air.

In the moment when Sang Yuan and the male tried to escape, Yi Chong's crimson energy had spread silently. The reason for choosing him was precisely because he was the easiest to kill.

Sang Yuan and the male are the easiest to kill, not because of his weakest fighting power. On the contrary, Sang Yuan and the male are also the elite among the elite in the team of Bald Shimaki, which belongs to the existence of the fighting power in the first few.

Compared with other people, his shortcomings are also obvious.

That is, he does not have the protection of a full protective suit.

When Xuan Yeji took his naive team to try to find Yi Noo's trouble, Yi Noo used light tights to protect his whole body, and there was a large gap in the head and neck, which directly penetrated the blush energy into the protective clothing. Inside, then the massacre.

This situation did not get better until the guys in the heavy clothing team rushed over.

The design of the heavy-duty protective clothing for graduation equipment really should not be overlooked. It leaves almost no gaps, and even the scarlet energy is not easy to penetrate.

In this way, the method of directly attacking the most vulnerable human ontology of the Gantz fighters has no effect, and once confronted with them, the battle immediately becomes glued.

Yi Chou did not like this kind of battle.

but. . At this moment, there was an arrogant guy who almost completely exposed himself to danger.

Without hesitation, Yi Chou directly gave up other people. At the moment when Sang Yuan and the male fled, a large piece of crimson energy appeared around him, directly dyeing the air red, as if placing him in a sea of ​​red crystals .

Under the control of Yi Chou, the scarlet energy was like a gangrene of the epiphysis, and it was rushed up immediately.

Before leaving the range of ten meters, the huge piece of crimson energy has wrapped Sang Yuan and the man, and then. .

"Bang!" A loud noise, Sang Yuan and the man exploded directly, and they were squeezed into powder in the air, and because of the blushing energy, even a trace of flesh and blood was not left, and they directly repeated Xuan. The tragedy before the wild team.

Seeing one of the strongest members of the squad, Sang Yuan and the male, could not resist even for a second. The other people who were escaping were dead, and even the last trace of resistance was eliminated, and they only had to escape madly.

Yi Chong's crimson energy, the knight will only play such a rapid effect when the protective clothing has a loophole and can directly attack the human's fragile body.

It is a pity that these people were frightened by Yi Biao's attack, and they did not even plan to resist it.

Gantz's attack and defense are not proportional. The power of the gravity gun is much greater than that of the heavy clothes. The combat habits of Gantz warriors are also inclined to use the gravity gun to attack remotely.

Guys like Sang Yuan and Men Xuan Ye Ji who like to use knives and melee ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are still a few after all.

Even if you put on heavy clothes, you can't change this.

These guys who are desperately fleeing apparently got the idea. They didn’t plan to leave in a vain way, but they didn’t plan to stay in a silly fight. The power of the boss can’t even resist Sangyuan and the men. They don’t feel like It is more powerful than Sanghara and Man.

They were thinking of leaving here first, and then flying a kite with a gravity gun.

At this time, Shimagi did just that. He fulfilled his duties as a captain, holding a gravity gun, and another team member who was a little further away from Yi Chou at the beginning, firing one shot at a time, covering his teammates. They left, almost every time the gravity gun cooled, a new gravity collapse immediately followed.

But even so, it was still flashed by Yi Chao very easily, and Zhang Junyun and others jumped out of here early the moment the fighting broke out.

Thanks to the large collapse area of ​​the gravity gun, there is almost a concentric circle as big as a house, otherwise, I am afraid that Yi Chou has already broken through his blockade. (To be continued.)

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