High Magic Earth

Chapter 1021: guard

As Yi Xiao said, the crimson energy can be destroyed instantly in the face of the fragile body of human beings, but the defense of Gantz heavy clothes is not bad. Once these guys hide in the turtle shell, the destructiveness of the crimson energy immediately It will be reduced by half.

And this group of guys in heavy clothes ran desperately, and Yi Chou could not catch up for a while.

Shimagi fought and retreated, and as some escaped guys gradually distanced themselves from Yi Huo, their courage also fought, and at first they turned back and let go of cold guns.

Originally this distance was not long, they ran and played, they had returned to the edge of the fog again.

Yi Biao didn't want to waste a lot of time here, but he didn't plan to let them go, so he immediately set his sights on the three sliding scoops who were not working hard.

He remembered that a certain shape of the sliding scoop could emit a destructive light from his eyes, comparable to a laser, to see where it was fried, and it was better to deal with turtle shells like heavy clothes.

And as an alliance, Shuaoxiu didn't shoot, but it was a bit unreasonable.

Sure enough, Slipper did not intend to let go of the opportunity to beat down the water dog, and even before he gave his order, the giant dog next to him suddenly jumped on all fours, his face full of excitement frantically rushed to the group of escaped Gantz Players.

Before leaving the ground, the giant dog has entered a huge form, and its size has doubled, not to mention, and its speed has doubled compared to before.

The height of four or five meters grows to nearly ten meters, and the weight and volume naturally increase with it, but strangely, its speed is still very light, and its huge body is on the ground. If it is not willing, even a trace of turtle No traces of cracks remain.

This speed is even easy to catch without time-related magic.

Everyone only saw a white figure flashing in the air, and it had madly rushed to the crowd in the distance.

just. .


"What's wrong with it?" Yi arrogant tone was very strange.

The giant dog has always maintained a very elegant stance, and successfully interpreted what is called a man-like dog. It seems to be deliberately imitating humans, or some kind of creature similar to humans, indifferent standing, calm expression, or wearing Go up to the ugly suit.

Even with a brief confrontation with Yi Chou, it still maintains a pretty style.

It can be seen that it is a very beautiful guy.

But at the moment he just rushed out, he almost abandoned everything before, completely subverting its short-lived image in the hearts of Yi Chou and others.

The upper part of the garb has been completely broken due to the body's explosion, exposing the underlying veins, the muscular body that is surging, the hat is also left by it without knowing where, and the long tongue is hanging out of the mouth, it seems There was also dripping saliva, and the dog's face was completely cruel. What was left in the memory of Yi Chou and others in a flash was a completely broken face.

"What's wrong with it?" Zhang Junyun's tone was also very strange.

Because guys like them don’t need to do anything after a large amount of cannon fodder joins the battlefield. Even Zhang Junyun and others around him can stay here in peace because of the monsters as cannon fodder.

Yi Chou let Slippery Shot, just intend to let it use its talent ability to snipe remotely, can kill a few of the best, it does not matter if you can not kill.

But without saying anything, the giant dog rushed out excitedly.

Although it is strong in the comics, it is not a militant. Yi Chou doesn't know what changed it. He doesn't like what happens beyond his control.

Especially now, because of the chaos of the world at this time, it has collapsed on the last string.

"Maybe... I know what's going on..."

While Zhang Junyun was eagerly guessing, Daisy, who had no sense of existence, said weakly, although her tone was weak, but with her less enthusiastic face, it immediately turned into a kind of stranger. Into.


Zhang Junyun immediately turned his attention to her, and even Yi Xiao turned his head slightly, seeming to raise his ears.

"My husky, when I was, it was like that..."

Daisy speaks English, but this is not a problem for several people. Compared with Japanese, the popularity of English is obviously much higher.

However, although she is an English girl, she is not very open. Even when she talks about the word love, her voice is still unconsciously low.

If it were not for the few people present, they were all ordinary human beings.

After silently thinking about the types of monsters under the 8 million men, whether there is a canine monster in it, Yi Chou still wisely decided to leave it behind for now.

On the other hand, as the giant dog moved, Tengu, who was a good friend, didn't need to slide instructions, but followed immediately.

At this time, the huge body of the giant dog has jumped to the side of those Gantz warriors, and it is almost full of excitement. It has almost 200% of its strength.

While falling heavily, he slammed on the ground, and the Gantz fighters next to him had already been fluttered into the air like the dishes in the chef's pot.

The man still didn't fall in the air, the giant dog's heavy fist followed.


Hearing only a dull air burst, the unlucky egg, which was regarded as an appetizer by the giant dog, has fallen heavily to the ground. Even under the power of the giant dog, his entire back showed a very exaggerated reflex in the air. Angle, before being heavily photographed into the dirt.

That is, the presence of heavy clothes. Although the giant dog's power is huge, it did not directly kill the man. The buffer of the heavy clothes absorbed most of the shock, and even the elbow that was enough to break his waist directly was blocked. Come down, otherwise, the man may be cut directly into two segments, no. . It should be, directly hit by giant dogs in the air.

However, this is the case. This unlucky Gantz warrior was still photographed directly into the mud by the giant dog. Most of the liquid in the heavy clothes was scrapped instantly.

Although he didn't stop and break directly, he must have been paralyzed on the spot and could not stand up.

In general, although he didn't kill him at once, he certainly couldn't survive. The next attack, he can't stop it.

Sure enough, the giant dog does not have the habit of humans hesitating. In the face of the enemy who was photographed on the ground, it raised his right foot without hesitation, and then stepped in.


There was another loud noise, accompanied by a splash of gravel, and a large amount of earth slate splashed an amazing warp, blooming like a blooming flower all around.

And the most central position of the flowers, that is, the feet of giant dogs, is blooming the brightest flowers in blood.

That unlucky egg must have died.

"Damn it!" Seeing the giant dog cleanly solve a Gantz player in a heavy suit, Shimagi immediately scolded and yelled, "Withdraw!"

He intends to fight a bit, but another enemy, Tengu, the same size as the giant dog, is about to pass away, and even more terrifying is that there are two hundred-percent guys passing by.

Once entangled, God knows whether those two guys will come over.

When I thought of this, Shimagi and the others had no fighting spirit. Even Shimagi's resistance was much weaker. Obviously, he was ready to start the escape mode.

By this time Tengu had arrived, the highest fighting power of the two Hundred Ghost Stars, immediately rushed to the next nearest target, and began to massacre these Gantz fighters who had no resistance.

What a **** feast.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, "Enough..." he whispered.

Tengu and Giant Dog showed nothing in the original comics. They didn't show up for a long time. It was almost a face-to-face time. They were crushed to death by the Gantz squad with the news.

It was the Shimadaki squad that was chasing them all over the ground that killed them.

I have to say that the will to fight and the prerequisites are really a very important factor.

The reason why Yi Biao resurrects a large number of monsters is because they are worried that these hundred ghost stars are just baubles. After receiving their own prompts, they will still be restrained by the aura of various protagonists.

But now it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

These guys can drag Gantz fighters here for a long time.

So, it's enough.

The battle in the distance is almost set. Yi Chou will no longer pay attention. He looks back and sees the sliding scoop standing not far away, because the giant dog and the tengu have left one after the other, the sliding scoop is left alone, short Weak and thin as if the figure of the little old man was standing on the spot, there was a feeling of being alone.

But it was still a pair of heads lowered, as if counting money and not awake, the corner of Yi Biao's mouth looked slightly.

Although it has only one person, Yi Huo has no intention of starting. Slippery scoop is a perfect score target in the eyes of Gantz Squad, aliens in the eyes of Gantz black ball, but it is nothing here in Yi Chao.

This time the task is not to deal with it.

"It's time to go." Yi Huo reminded in a low voice.

The role of the cannon fodder is to delay time, and at this time, the cannon fodder is all in place. They naturally have no reason to continue to rub on the spot. Under the leadership of Yi Chou, Zhang Junyun and others quickly followed him out of this chaotic battlefield.

. . .

When he was still on the road, Zhang Junyun had already questioned, "It's still an old question. Next, what are we going to do?"

All the actions along the way were directed by Yi Chou. Zhang Junyun found that in fact, from the moment he left Jiahe, all of them had somehow fallen into the route planned by Yi Chou.

Fortunately, in the unity of free people without conflicts of interest, Yi Chou is not malicious, but has temporarily become their umbrella.

Of course, this also makes the danger they face more dangerous.

But high risk also means high returns.

This also means that for the next action plan, Zhang Junyun can’t know anything but Yi Chou himself, and no one knows that some things that Yi Chou did on the road are actually very puzzling to Zhang Junyun, but out of his Knowing any insider relationship, he never commented.

To some extent, Zhang Junyun is actually a person who knows the current affairs very well.

And his familiarity can also make people ignore some of his hidden cleverness. Such a guy, no matter where he is, will actually mix very well.

It's much better than the detectives who have not yet converted from ordinary people and normal mentality, and Daisy who is not very good at communicating with people.

"It's very simple." Yi Xuan said, "find what exactly wants to lead us over, and then solve it."

"Okay." Zhang Junyun shrugged. "Simple and clear, one of the most practical plans, but how can we find out what is fooling, or uh... what caused it."

A wand floated in front of Yi Chou, hovering in the air, turning constantly, pointing them in a direction.

"Sadako once told me that after arriving at the residence of the gods, and then in the guardian of countless people, you can open the real door."

"We have probably found the dwelling place of the gods. Now, don't you think we are moving towards something guarded by countless people?"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Junyun's head didn't turn around for a moment.

"Gantz black ball space." Yi arrogant said lightly.

"As the last line of defense for the Earth's early warning and resistance, it is also the home of those Gantz fighters. You never think that these Gantz fighters are also like some kind of guardian."

"Do you think there is a problem with Gantz's black ball?" Zhang Junyun understood, but his voice was not very confirmed, and asked with some doubt, "Then how dare you... Sadako said it is correct, you know, you But shut her down..."

Like the source of fear, Fu Jiang, after opening the little black house, Yi Heo did not hesitate to put Sadako in. Then, as an opposite, the credibility of Sadako’s words can be imagined. Too.

"That's not the same." Yi Chou's voice was calm. "Sadako and Fujiang were opposites of course. Of course, I also suspected that they sang white faces and sing red faces. Even the final destination of both was the same place. ."

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, I finally want to find out what it is that wants to lead us in and destroy it."

"Come here sooner or later, UU reading www.uukanshu.com then it doesn't matter, find the way to it."

"But we can't hold their noses all the way, and if we don't pay attention, we might fall into a fatal trap. In that case, even for me, it should be very troublesome."

"Otherwise traps that won't cause me trouble will not be laid."

As he spoke, Yi Chou shrugged, "Curiosity will kill the cat, but...it's definitely not me."

Zhang Junyun saw a kind of expression on Yi Xuan’s face. I’m definitely not the cat’s expression, and he was also very serious. Well, he also believed that with the power of Yi Xuan’s near-creator, few things in the world Can hurt him.

He is indeed not the cat.

In the end, Yi Xiao opened his hand, "Anyway, just try it, and it won’t take much time, not to mention, in addition to looking for the black ball space Gantz, do we have other clues, this seems to be our only choice. ."

The next Zhang Junyun nodded helplessly. (To be continued.)

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