High Magic Earth

Chapter 1022: Old nest

Although I agree with it, after wandering on the ruins aimlessly for more than ten minutes, Zhang Junyun finally asked again, "Are you sure you can find them, will there be no clue at all?"

Yi Xiao likes to do whatever he likes, not once or twice, he with a conviction can really make people behind him feel relieved.

But this time, he seemed serious, because just after Zhang Junyun questioned, the wand that had been floating in front stopped, and the front of the wand pointed quietly to a tall building.

"That's it." Yi Huo said quietly.

The explosion destroyed all buildings within a radius, but the building on the edge was still intact. The building was just outside the impact of the explosion, and it should be lucky to escape the disaster.

There were many people on the edge of the border with the ruins. Ordinary people who had escaped the disaster, volunteers and medical personnel who came to the rescue as soon as possible, and the police responsible for maintaining order.

But at this time, there is no one here.

There were blood and crippled corpses everywhere, and it seemed that the ghosts had passed by here, and no living creatures were left.

I'm afraid that even if it stays, it won't be on the street, it can only be silently shivering in his residence.

The desolate neighborhood is a dismal scene, the bustling shops and schools of the past are **** and dead, and the corpses are still preserved in the past. The screams and calls for help from here are also expected to make people around them run more. far.

Just like the end.

"Are you sure?"

Zhang Junyun couldn't help but stretch his forehead. After all, in his view, Yi Chou just stopped with the wand, and then stretched his hand to point forward at will. The ghost knew that his magical guidance was not reliable, and it wouldn't hit him again. Good luck.

I don't know why. It seems that a relationship between pathfinding and Yi arrogance is particularly bad.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Yi Chou had already taken the lead to the building at this time, and it was Daisy who answered Zhang Junyun. Although her magic was not as good as Yi Chou, she was also a witch anyway, and she was able to discern similar guiding magic.

Daisy suddenly scared Zhang Junyun, but she only said this sentence, and then followed, Zhang Junyun shrugged, already helpless to his strange teammates.

Mottled concrete floor, strangely shaped construction waste, worn and unused furniture are piled in the corner of the corner of the corridor, each door is tightly closed, I don't know if anyone is living, the interior of this building looks like It has been abandoned for many years.

"There isn't even an elevator." Zhang Junyun couldn't help complaining while he was climbing the stairs.

Although the exterior of the building looks relatively tall and there are more than ten floors, there is not even an elevator, and the interior is completely old-fashioned. The corridors and stairs are very narrow, and the space is very crowded.

However, this pair of Nosuke and Miss Tao are a very novel experience. In their time, one did not climb such a high staircase, and the other, even such things as stairs rarely exist.

A group of people are not normal human beings, and their physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people. Even the most lazy-looking Yang Yan, even the ten-story building, has no atmosphere.

Only Miss Tao may have some difficulties, but she has long been transformed into the shape of a dodo and squatted to Yi Chou's shoulder.

After about two or three minutes, they came to the roof.

After seeing the above situation, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but squashed his teeth, because the top floor of the building was empty, and there seemed to be no other residents, only a door.

Outside Gantz's black ball space, there seems to be only one door.

That's bad, this is one of Gantz's black ball spaces.

"I really found it." Zhang Junyun muttered and asked Yi Chou, "Do you want to open it?"

Even if this is the door of Gantz's black ball space, Zhang Junyun is confident to open it, because if the essence of Gantz space is pierced, it will be found that it is no longer mysterious.

The black ball is passed to the earth by the creator of the house of truth, and everything else is designed and perfected by the earth people themselves.

For example, Gantz game points like a model, such as this room.

When the Gantz team is familiar with this, they will find that the door is not open. After opening, it is just a very ordinary room.

The half-werewolf Zhang Junyun not only far surpasses humans, but even Gantz members wearing tights can confront head-on. Perhaps only when they encounter heavy clothes, it will be difficult, so opening an ordinary door will not appear at all. problem.

Yi Chou nodded, and the next moment, Zhang Junyun kicked.


But an embarrassing situation appeared, because the door did not fly in response, instead. . A big hole was broken and hung on Zhang Junyun's feet.

Zhang Junyun appeared embarrassed, and at this time, Yi Chou had already gone.

The door-opening curse clung silently to Yi Chou's hand. He twisted the door handle, and the locked door opened immediately without a jerky response.

At this time, Zhang Junyun also withdrew his feet and followed him second to enter the room.

Passing through a short zigzag corridor, the most important room in the room finally appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow." Zhang Junyun exclaimed, "This is really a well-known existence."

At the very center of the room is a black ball. The black sphere has shrunk back, and there seems to be no gaps on the surface. Only in front of it, there is a row of small beating characters.


It is a countdown.

This is the Gantz black ball space, which is the home of Xuan Yeji.

"Strong sense of both eyes." Silent, but Zhang Junyun still couldn't control his chatter, "If it's not too ordinary around, I thought I came to the space of the Lord God."

"Forget it... I haven't dreamed of entering the space of the Lord God's space."

"But we seem to have..." Zhang Junyun shook his head. "Strange, the more we say this strange incompatibility, the stronger it will be."

In a world similar to the infinite world, it is really strange to find another world similar to the infinite world.

It is also very rare, because ordinary people may never touch either of them.

Yi Xiao ignored Zhang Junyun's cold humor, he stepped forward silently, then put his hand on Gantz's black ball.

The black ball is very calm. It doesn't have much defense at all. Anyone who wants to destroy it can do it with a little more seriousness, but it is also impossible to crack it and get useful information.

It seems to know this, so it is very calm, and has no response to the arrival of Yi Huo, still counting down in one minute and one second.

"Does anyone understand the computer?" Seemingly Yi Chao's magic was not effective, Zhang Junyun asked in a low voice among the others.

But the three guys who left Kanosuke and Miss Tao without even knowing what the computer was, but Daisy and Tan Qing shook their heads at the same time.

No one is a computer expert, even Zhang Junyun himself is just a level of existence that can reinstall the system himself.

"No need." Yi Zhang shook his head after receiving Zhang Junyun's helpless gaze.

Looking at the black ball in front of him, Yi Chou has two choices at this time. The simplest one is to take out the magic book directly, and then come to a scene of improvisation.

But if the real black ball is dealt with, Yi Chou doesn't mind doing this, but it is a pity that Yi Chou is not only dealing with black balls, but also. . A parasite that runs through this world.

Where there is light, there is darkness, and the dark shadows like mist are gushing out from Yi Chou's hands again, forming a black smoke blocking the view.

At the next moment, Yi Biao suddenly withdrew his hand, the black smoke dissipated, and then was pulled out by Yi Biao, as well as an unusually strange machine.

It looks like a child's toy.

It's like a mechanical splice that only exists in human madness and fantasy.

It is a hemispherical arc-shaped top cover, like a trash can. The middle part is a cylinder, and under the cylinder are four pointed and slender supports.

The arc-shaped top cover is filled with the same sharp iron wire, and the other end of the iron wire is connected with light bulbs of various colors. The overall appearance of the machine is dark green iron color, and the surface is full of traces of iron sheet splicing and welding. The crevices were covered with texture-filled rivets.

Generally speaking, it is a fantasy product full of steampunk, as if human beings are in the era of industrial confusion.

"Damn it!" Zhang Junyun couldn't help smiling, and even his smile couldn't bear it. "Even if you don't have much talent in technology, you can't make such a thing."

Many people particularly like the technology and machinery of the style of steampunk, and many people do not like it. It seems that Zhang Junyun is obviously the former. Although he said so, his eyes are like sticking to this machine. Can't help coming over.

"However... you can make things like this, it is definitely a gift."

For his vomiting soul, Zhang Junyunqiang refrained from smiling, and whispered that even the detectives and Daisy in the back had a few strange smiles on their faces.

Of course, they are still expressionless, and the Edo period has not entered the industrial period. The Victorian period where Miss Tao was in has already entered the industrial period, but in her impression. . The mechanical style seems to be the case.

In her eyes, Yi Huo brought out a very tall thing, so she didn't understand the reason for Zhang Junyun's reaction.

Zhang Junyun, he must have thought that this thing was created by Yi Chou himself.

It seems that the saying that no one is perfect is right. Having talent in magic does not mean that technology is equally powerful, but Zhang Junyun wants to come, even if Yi Tao's technological talent is not very high, with the blessing of powerful magic, I don't know. Make such a weird thing.

He didn't understand the usefulness of this thing at all, but out of love for its appearance and style, he came close and reached out to feel it.

Yi Chou did not stop, but squinted at him.

At the next moment, a moment when Zhang Junyun touched this thing, a powerful electric current spewed out and instantly flew him out with electricity.

"Leak... electricity!"

When Zhang Junyun was still in the air, he spit out a black smoke from his mouth and said tremblingly, "you..."

"Disrespect for the wizard! Warning! Warning!"

At the moment when Zhang Junyun fell heavily, all the lights of this machine suddenly turned on, as if the colorful neon lights were shining a little dazzling, and then he began to spin around the lantern, and made a sharp mechanical sound.

"Unauthorized access to the magic brain! Warning! Warning!"

And this sudden sound immediately plugged Zhang Junyun's next series of complaints back.

He thought that the simple and easy process caused the machine to leak electricity, but now it seems. . Zhang Junyun was not stupid, and he asked in disbelief as soon as his head turned, "Is it... intelligent?"

More than intelligence, Zhang Junyun can tell from just two sentences that it has not only intelligence, but also a high degree of intelligence.

Of course, the premise is that it is really the result of its own processing.

"Otherwise." Yi Xuan asked back, although the voice still seemed very calm, but I don't know if it was an illusion. Zhang Junyun always felt a sense of pride in him.

This feeling was fleeting and Zhang Junyun soon stopped paying attention.

but. . Well, I didn't expect that in this world, the earth that has embarked on the technological line has not yet completely solved the problem. Even a wizard has already achieved results first.

It's true that Zhang Junyun rubbed his face and got up from the ground. He didn't know what expression he should make, but he couldn't help but whispered, "This must be revenge. I laugh at him..."

This power-off is not light, even with Zhang Junyun's wolf body, at this time still feel a bit numb.

And Yi Biao’s attention has long been out of Zhang Junyun’s place. He came to the machine, and after picking and picking on its surface for a while, he got out of the messy wire that seemed to break when he touched it. Pull out two.

Bypassing the back of the black ball, Yi Chou gently pressed the wire in his hand on its surface.

"Can you do it by opening it." He asked the weird machine.

"The second stage enchanting brain of Xicheng District Greening Center~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is honored to serve you."

"It can be done, but it will take some time."

This machine is the magical intelligence of Oz. After Dornting's defection, Yi Chou once went deep into Oz. After searching and searching carefully, although he did not find the same level of existence as Dorning, But it also found a lot of low-level magical intelligence still in operation.

As the magic core of the overall control of the Oz country, there is obviously only one Donne Pavilion. It is unique. These magical intelligences are far inferior to it. Even in the ranks of Oz’s magical intelligence, it is a comparison. Low-level presence.

But after a long time of invasion, some of them will work well. These guys can persevere and have not stopped working like other magic intelligences, which is a kind of luck in itself.

And as a low-level intelligence, there is also a point of reassurance, that is, there will be no antipathy like Dornting.

What Yi Biao took out at this time was the one of these magical intelligences, which was good at invading and used to decipher the Gantz black ball. (To be continued.)

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