High Magic Earth

Chapter 1025: unknown

This question was quickly thrown aside by Yi Chao's mind, because the explosion was not over.

The tumbling air wave even turned Yi Noo's vision several times, and he turned up and down in the diffuse white smoke.

Fortunately, it was just that Yi's vision changed, and he didn't go up and down. He could still observe all this from a spectator's perspective.

In a strong explosion, he saw the body of the guy who changed his combat uniform and tried to resist, and the body of scholar Asotan.

Oh, this is unexpected.

Because Yi Chao originally thought that Asotan successfully escaped with the Gantz prototype, he finally launched Gantz after all the hardships.

This is different from what I thought.

But soon Yi Biao no longer has the mood to gossip. Those guys shrouded in the shadow are slowly walking in their own direction. Although they know that they are just a bystander, Yi Biao still has a feeling of discomfort.

feel. . It's as if they can really see themselves.

"It's weird..." Yi Xuan murmured, and even the meditation basin had such side effects. No wonder Levine would collapse because he couldn't distinguish the illusory reality.

But soon, Yi Chou felt that something was not right, because these guys not only seemed to see themselves, but more like them. . I really saw myself here.

Yi Xiao observed that these guys shrouded in the shadows seemed to be adjusting their steps slightly, and their new direction was to face themselves.

He exhaled slightly. Although he was clearly in the perspective of the bystander, Yi Chou still couldn't help but clenched his wand.

Maybe they didn't see themselves, it just happened that there was something here that was their goal.

Because this is just a memory, a memory stored in the meditation basin, can not cause any physical damage to the bystanders.

Perhaps there will be a loss of spiritual level, but it is not caused by memory, but by the user itself.

The body shrouded in the shadow approached step by step. His whole body was covered with mist. The sound of footsteps was completely absorbed by the mist, and there was no trace of it.

Wand flying at Yi Chou's fingertips, he was ready.


But with a loud noise, the corresponding two did not intersect, because a huge impact came again from the side, and the guy who was facing Yi Chou was directly hit and flew out.


A shadow squatting on the ground said something in a low voice, and then disappeared instantly. At the next moment, all the shadows seemed to be transformed into dementors. In the dust.

More sounds followed the explosion, and apparently someone from the other side came over.

Seeing this, Yi Chou can already be sure that this is definitely not the earth.

There are not so many abilities on Earth, because no matter how big the secret is, as long as someone knows, it will reveal a little bit sooner or later, there is no such thing. Only people who can reach this circle can know that this kind of thing exists in this circle.

and. . Yi Chao is not sure, these are abilities.

Because with the violent explosion and the sound of engagement, there are several golden lights flashing in it, and every collision will produce a crisp sound that is almost straight into the soul.

From the spectator's perspective, there is even a situation of unstable standing.

This is probably a relationship of excessive mental exhaustion. Yi Chou frowned a little bit. The memory here is much more than he expected before he came in, and it is also very chaotic.

Although the square I saw at the beginning seemed to have only the style and appearance of the 70s and 80s, it does not mean that the technology here is only the level of the 70s and 80s.

Aesthetics is not the same as technology.

This battle now looks exactly like a Jedi in a Star Wars, and it seems to be even worse than that.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The golden light was like two gears, spinning and slamming wildly in the smoke. Almost every time the golden light collided with the virtual shadow, the result would end with the black shadow being knocked out.


This kind of light seemed to hit the soul. Yi Chou even felt that the whole world was shaking madly with the vibration of the light. . No, no, it should be true, not an illusion.

Within the scope of Yi Chou's vision, everything is shaking and shaking madly.

This is a very interesting phenomenon, because these flying things don't hit the wall, table and other physical objects at all, but shake directly with Yi Chao's vision, as if the edge of Yi Chao's vision becomes A framework that really exists.

And the shaking is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that Yi Chou will dizzy with it.

"Spiritual magic!?"

Yi Biao felt a shock in his heart, as if dispelling this side effect, but soon he realized that he was just a bystander's perspective, and he could do very little, even. . The only option is to break away from the meditation basin.

But it seems a pity to leave now, because the memory is far from over.

But soon, Yi Chou had no other choice.


The sound of Jinguang's collision became more and more intense. With the deepening of this vibration, Yi Chou's sanity began to blur in an instant, as if being thrown into a drum washing machine, there was no option to break free.



The golden light of the gear madly hit the shadow, and it also stirred Yi Chao into it. At this time, the entire memory space seemed to become a huge vortex, which absorbed all the things crazy.

. . .

At this time, the outside meditation basin has also undergone dramatic changes.

The meditation basin, which was originally clear and clear like Wang Qingquan, began to become muddy, and the crystal clear liquid representing the memory began to get confused, as if the appearance was covered with a layer of mist.


It is not liquid that is contained in the meditation basin, but the manifestation of the concrete representation of the memory. It should not have any characteristics similar to liquid, but now, its surface even appears a little boiling.

It's like boiling water being boiled.

But if someone touches at this time, you will find that these liquids are still extremely cold, suffocating, and cold, as if from the cold ice at the bottom of the deep sea.

But not far away, Zhang Junyun and others did not realize the changes here, because they were still immersed in the excitement of getting tight combat uniforms.

"More fit than I thought!"

Zhang Junyun has taken off his ugly samurai suit and put it directly on his body. The werewolf lineage has brought him a strong physique, but the burly but not strong and abnormal, the shapely muscles are like a bodybuilding coach. Perfectly distributed in all parts of the body.

At this time the four Tanqin also changed their clothes and walked in from behind the door together. Seeing Tanqin, Zhang Junyun also swollen the muscles in her arm, but unfortunately Tanqin didn't even look at it.

Miss Tao still wears the original clothes, Victorian clothes are very cumbersome, and she is not wearing the kind of belted chest clothes, so including the entire neck, covered by a tall collar.

If you wear tight combat uniforms inside, you can't see anything unusual.

Tan Qing is almost the same as Zhang Junyun. She took off the samurai uniform and put on her tight combat uniform. She has no magical creature's bloodline potential. She only has the ability of Tengu. Fortunately, her original material is good. Does not look ugly.

Daisy wore a hood outside, naturally there was no need to say, only Yang Yan, she put the kimono on the outside of the tight combat uniform again, but all this did not have half-open clothes, but like Miss Tao, the clothes Lead to death.

However, besides being good at using poison, Yang Yan is also proficient in charm.

Even if it is just such a very ordinary dress, but wearing it on her body will show an extraordinary sense of temptation.

However, all of Yang Yan's attention fell on Susuke, even if he wore tights inside and a nondescript samurai suit outside, but he could still wear a very gentle and chic sense.

Fortunately, Zhang Junyun didn't focus all his attention on these women. After staring at Tan Qing for a few moments, he waved forward a few times.

"The power has more than doubled," he said thinking.

They haven't figured out how to use the combat uniform next to them. Zhang Junyun, who has seen the comics, is naturally very skilled at getting started, but he hasn't seen the comics and other people, naturally like those Gantz newcomers, You don't know how to use it, you need to explore it slowly.

Everyone's combat uniform is different, it will subtly conform to the user's combat habits, so the specific opening conditions require the user's own exploration and control.

Of course, most users are already dead before they find out.

Because the death rate of newcomers in the Gantz mission is the highest.

Tan Qing and other people nearby were also very excited. They just hadn't changed from an ordinary person's form, but they weren't stupid. They fully understood that such a piece of equipment can help them in these worlds.

Because the ability of tight combat uniforms is not as useless as it seems, even compared to many weaker second worlds, it can walk sideways.

In terms of practicality, it is even more useful than the Tengu ability obtained by Tan Qing and Zhang Junyun.

Of course, it is not comparable to Zhang Junyun's werewolf lineage, but the werewolves are also divided into categories.

Thinking of tight combat uniforms, Zhang Junyun naturally thought of Yi Chou. Thanks to him, they were able to get one of the most valuable things in the Gatnz world so smoothly.

Otherwise, if you want to rely on them alone, even killing those Gatnz combatants may be very difficult.

And even if it is killed, it is not necessarily possible to get a tight combat uniform that can be used, let alone directly penetrate into the Gantz black ball space.

They came to this world as aliens, so when they are hostile and malicious to Gatnz's black ball space, Gantz black ball will naturally warn this point in advance, and then call a large number of Gantz members to resist.

After all, Gantz itself is the best early warning system.

Just like the Gantz warriors Yi Yi met before, and directly to the extent that all are heavy clothing combat squads.

Then Zhang Junyun raised his head, and saw Yi Xiao's head immersed in the meditation basin. After three seconds of stun, Zhang Junyun thought from the appearance of the meditation basin that it was something.

"There is still this thing..." he muttered in a low voice.

But soon, Zhang Junyun, who had bowed his head, realized that it was not right, and he suddenly looked up, looking at Yi Yi who was slightly trembling.

"Will this happen to the meditation basin?" He naturally ignored Tansuke and others and asked Tan Qing and Daisy.

Because without thinking, the former certainly didn’t even watch Harry Potter, but the latter was not necessarily, but Daisy had some hope, after all, she was also a wizard.

Hearing Zhang Junyun's doubts, Daisy turned her eyes immediately. She seemed to frown slightly under the cloak. After a few seconds of staring, she hesitated uncertainly, "It seems... no."

Meditation basins are not very common in the wizarding world, because not every wizard needs to store his memory outside, nor does everyone have useless memories to separate.

In addition, the meditation basin is not a simple thing. It is very good to make waste materials. The expensive price makes most wizards not even look at it. Only some pure blood families have a collection.

Although Daisy also studied Occlusion, she did not need the assistance of the meditation basin, so she had only seen the meditation basin once, and it was the user’s perspective. I don’t know from the outside world, the user should What is the situation.

Her hesitation was still based on the Harry Potter situation in the movie.

At this moment, Zhang Junyun showed a sharp mind that did not match his amused appearance. He almost immediately realized that Daisy did not confirm the current situation, but. . He is also not sure whether Yi Huo should be dragged out, because he does not know the situation when the meditation basin is used.

But soon, he didn't need to tangle this problem anymore, because the trembling of Yi Chou suddenly became violent, so violent that even from the naked eye, he could realize that this was an abnormal state.

Zhang Junyun no longer hesitated, a fierce forward, under the blessing of his tight combat uniform, he directly jumped out of the range of nearly five or six meters, and then came to the Yihuo in front of the meditation basin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, he reached out and grabbed Yi Xiao's collar, and pulled him directly back, pulling it out of the water.


The meditation basin seemed to have some kind of invisible explosion. At the moment when Yi Chou was dragged out, the invisible magic power exploded directly above the meditation basin. Go back.

Zhang Junyun was helped by the wolf's body and soul. With the blessing of tight combat uniform, he slightly adjusted the posture of the falling ground in the air, and he turned over and fell cleanly.

But Yi Xiao obviously didn't go so smoothly. I don't know whether it was the changes in the meditation basin or other reasons. He didn't resist it, and was hit by the impact of the explosion on the other side of the room wall.

Fortunately, the impact of the explosion was not strong, and when Yi Chou was pushed onto the wall, it slowly dissipated in the air.

At the same time, the surface of the meditation basin has also undergone incredible changes. The water of memory seems to be boiled and tumbling, but it quickly cools down again. (To be continued.)

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