High Magic Earth

Chapter 1026: source

The change of the water of memory is not obvious, because no matter how the world in the memory roars, it is eventually imprisoned in the meditation basin, just a false memory.

The boiling clear liquid is like the rough sea, and Yi Chou seems to be trapped in a flat boat, with the golden light hitting the memory space again and again without shaking.

This vertigo even involved Yi Xiao in the memory, blending it with the memory, without letting him escape the forced meditation basin.

As a bystander's perspective, Yi Chou can't release any magic. Even the magic wand in his hand is transformed by memory, which can only comfort me.

Just as Yi Huo endured the vertigo like a whirlpool, a force suddenly came from the outside, and then he felt that the whole person was quickly leaving the control of the meditation basin.

The surrounding scene faded like tide, and the memory seemed to be the source of dryness. Everything was fading, and the scenes of the scenes flew away like time.

I was being taken away from the meditation basin. From a bystander's perspective, Yi Chou saw countless flashing seas and lands in a flash.

I don't know what the reason is, and who wants to wake myself up.

But obviously, this timing is very good, because the previous shock was completely unexpected, and he never expected to encounter such changes in the meditation basin.

Perhaps it was originally people outside that were aware of their anomalies. Yi Chou was not sure whether the changes in the meditation basin would directly affect the outside world, but it could also be time.

Because this is a world of memory, the concept of the velocity of time must be different from the outside world. You may feel that the outside world has actually passed a long time while only a moment passed.

In any case, this is a very correct choice.

At the next moment, Yi Chou felt as if he had risen into the air, and he immediately broke away from the cold surrounding of the meditation basin. There was no longer any cold liquid to wrap himself, and there was no longer a slight suffocation.

But soon, a strong sense of dizziness appeared in his head, and the light and dizziness made him close his eyes involuntarily.

But before the magic burst, Yi Chou opened his eyes to a gap, he saw the familiar room, and those familiar.

Still in Gantz's room, he left the meditation basin.

. . .

Zhang Junyun didn't feel the changes in this series. Similarly, he didn't realize the changes in the meditation basin.

After turning over and landing, he turned his worried eyes to Yi Biao. Although it was said that the meditation basin was taken out by Yi Biao and used his own things, there should not be any accidents, but even if it was placed in the x college, professor x sits In the Xavier School of Genius Youth, the brainwave search device in it may be replaced by the enemy.

Zhang Junyun didn't worry much about Yi Chou's injury. His magic book was almost omnipotent. There was that thing, and recovery was only a momentary thing. What he really worried about was the possible enemy.

Being able to fight an omnipotent wizard, or even a person who hurts easily, then I don’t need much effort to kill them.

Zhang Junyun didn't want to die unclearly.

Fortunately, after Yi Xao was thrown out, there were no other changes around him, and Zhang Junyun could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, he still felt that there was nothing wrong with his cautious personality.


However, at this time, Gantz's abrupt change appeared suddenly, directly diverting Zhang Junyun's attention.

The dazzling red light was accompanied by rustling like electric current. Like an alarm, the light instantly spread across the entire Gantz space, and the scanning seemed to wash the walls of the room over and over again.

"Oh... this is not a good situation." Zhang Junyun took a step back slightly, "I already feel that kind of unknown existence."

As in the movie, most of the time, once such a scan appears red, nothing good will happen.


Dark red text appears on the surface of Gantz's black sphere. Its signal is very unstable, intermittent, and flickering on the surface of the black sphere, but it does exist.

It’s not Japanese, it’s not English, it doesn’t seem to be any language that Zhang Junyun knows, he just can’t understand it.

Then at the next moment, several blue lustres of blue sprayed from the black ball and hit the open space in the room directly, just like a 3D printer, the tops of several people's heads were projected into the room.

And inside the black ball, the bald head that could not be seen at a glance, at this time his forehead was sweating like rain.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Junyun could not even know what Gatnz was going to do. It even gave up the task and directly projected the members of the Gatnz squad back into the room.

Gantz has always been task-oriented, even if it was destroyed, the first sequence of tasks must be to eliminate aliens. After all, its existence is to warn the arrival of aliens.

Somehow, it was able to give up its mission and let Gatnz members protect themselves.

But Zhang Junyun is not too strange, after all, the movie is a movie, and this is a real world, even animals and plants have the instinct to want to live, not to mention the highly intelligent Gatnz bio-energy core.

But he couldn't let Gatnz succeed, let out a low growl, sharp pointed claws popped out of the five fingers, and Zhang Junyun instantly flicked to the bald head behind Gantz.

But the next moment, a ray of light stopped him.


Like hitting a cushion, Zhang Junyun flicked backwards, even wearing tight combat uniforms, he couldn't help but step backwards.

Fortunately, this ray of light then turned in the air, and flew to the bald bioenergy in the black ball without stopping.

"Be careful." Yi Chou's voice came from the side, "You look like you want to tear him up."

At this time, Yi Biao had stood up against the wall, and this magic was sent by him, which prevented Zhang Junyun from rushing to the black ball, and also cut off the core of the bioenergy inside.

This time, Yi Biao apparently didn't keep his hand. The whole person of bioenergy moved out of Gantz's black ball. Gantz without energy turned off instantly, and the members of the Gnatz squad who just delivered to the eyebrows also disconnected instantly.

"Pap!" "Pap!"

With a few crisp sounds, several **** cranial bones mixed with plasma, fell from midair.

"Oh...it's miserable," Yi Chou said.

This phenomenon can also occur in Phantom Shift, such as the division of arms and bodies, or even the separation of legs from the body, but these guys are obviously much worse. If they have half their heads, they may not be able to live.

Zhang Junyun was also holding his foot on the other side, "I really want to tear him up." He muttered, then looked at Yi Chou, "Are you all right?"

Facing Zhang Junyun's concern, Yi Chou just shook his head.

The mystery of memory is not lower than that of the soul. After all, it also involves the spiritual realm, but the spiritual realm is a very large existence. I am afraid there are still many secrets that are not easy to know.

So for the change of the meditation basin, Yi Chou did not pay much attention to it.

Since there is the magic of closed brain, it is not impossible to create some small surprises in the memory for the enemy.

Although Yi Xiao does not know how to create one with a silver tongue, it is also very simple.

What he cared more about was that Zhang Junyun was almost ruthlessly destroyed, a very precious source of information, Gantz's bioenergy core.

His intuition tells him that this human being as a receiver probably knows more than this information.

The pain in the head is still buzzing, but this is only spiritual, material, and not affected by the meditation basin.

Taking out a bottle of medicament and pouring it down, Yi Chou soon felt much better. Although he was still groggy, he could leave the wall and walk towards the part-time bioenergy receiver.

"Warning! Warning!"

"The core energy is lost, enter the countdown stage, 2, 1!"

A line of text suddenly popped on the surface of the black ball, as if it was the picture when it was invaded. Countless scarlet texts flowed and flashed on it. This text is unknown, but Yi Chou can read it.

Only the time left, but he did not react.

The countdown is only two seconds, or even less than two seconds. In a blink of an eye, the so-called countdown phase is over.

"Since the bio-energy core is separated from the Gantz shell, he is no longer under the control of the shell." But Yi Xiao has long expected that the core will be affected after leaving the Gantz component. When the text has not yet appeared, he has already seen it. The burning magic symbol slowly read.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the bald head, whose expression seemed to be very painful, returned to calm again, very peacefully in a state of lethargy, and he was out of Gantz's control.


But at this moment, a slight explosion sound caught Yi Chou's attention.

Not just an explosion, but more, it is like some kind of chain reaction, because in this explosion, it seems to contain the familiar fluctuations.

Yi Xiao's face changed slightly. He did not care about Zhang Junyun, who was close to here, and took out a crystal ball directly from his arms. The surface of the crystal ball was covered with red spots, but at this time, these spots were flying fast. Retreat.


Too late to talk to Zhang Junyun, Yi Chou shook his wand, accompanied by a "slap!", his figure instantly turned into a vortex to converge to a certain point in the middle, and then disappeared in place.

Other Gantz is also experiencing problems. Those red dots represent the anomalies, which is Ganzz.

The previous explosion was another Gatnz black ball space closest to here.

When Yi Biao arrived here, the bald man who was the core of the bioenergy and the information receiver had died. His head seemed to be blown away by a bomb, just like the Gantz team members. The effect of the bomb exploded in the head.


Yi Xuan cursed, he had no time to complain, he hurriedly moved again, and tried to rush to the next place, but he saw that there were still a few boxes of combat uniforms left in the black ball grid that had just popped out, He was also polite and pulled them into his hands together before leaving.

In the next few Gantz spaces, Yi Biao still got nothing, except for a dozen sets of full combat uniforms.

He tried to cross the next space, and rushed to several Gantz black ball spaces, but this early warning system seemed to be triggered at the same time after the core was lost. It was too late to rush to any place.

After going around almost all the black ball Gantz space, Yi Chou returned to the original room again.

"What happened?"

The impatient Zhang Junyun, who had been waiting for him, immediately greeted him. During the time when Yi Chou left, the outside was not very quiet. It seemed that there were more ghosts and monsters at once, and the resistance of Gantz team was large. Reduced, and the voice of the Hundred Ghost Stars grew louder.

This is not surprising. If all Gantz control centers are completely destroyed, then the results of these Gantz teams will not be much better.

"Gantz was destroyed." Yi Huo said, and then asked again, "If they are destroyed, what will happen to these people outside?"

Although Yi Xiao has seen the comics and can already speculate on the conclusion, he still wants an answer from Zhang Junyun.

"I don't know." Zhang Junyun's answer is also just a corollary. "It's not mentioned in the comics. They just exploded the bomb in their heads when they tried to escape. As for Gantz's destruction... There is no clear mention of this, perhaps, Will die."

Yi Chou was silent for a moment, and then looked away.

Indeed, during the time when the Gantz console was destroyed, almost all the Gantz squads were completely destroyed. At this time, the existence of the Gantz squad was no longer visible outside, and some were just the assembled Ghosts and quilts. The monsters who unraveled the seal easily.

"This is wrong..." Yi Chou could not help but whispered.

Gantz's ending ended in total destruction, which is not a good thing, nor is it the ending Yi Yi wants.

Because he did not really want aliens to invade the earth, and he did not intend to invade this earth. He just wanted to find the parasites of this world, those nasty beings sent by the angels.

There were no abnormalities in Gantz's death, which means they are really no problem, which means that. . Yi Chou found the wrong direction.

Dadonggange didn't find the answer he wanted, and such a big move would definitely be noticed by the real thing, once it was in hiding. .

and many more!

Yi Biao suddenly stared slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~He saw the members of the Gantz squad, there were people outside, in the chaotic battlefield in the distance, and the members of the Gantz squad were struggling.

because. . There is one last bioenergy core that has not been destroyed.

It was the room where Yi Chou was at this time, and the original room, the Gantz squad where Xuan Yeji was.

Between the electric light and the stone fire, Yi Biao seemed to finally realize something. He suddenly shouted, "Leave this..." But it was too late.

Just before his voice ended, a huge force came from behind.

Like the hottest explosion in the world, the powerful impact instantly destroyed everything around, the building was turned into a sea of ​​fire and ruins, and even Zhang Junyun and others were also affected by the force of the explosion and flew far away , I do not know life and death.

But if you look from the outside at this time, you will find that the entire building where the Gantz black ball space is located has been surrounded by flames, as if it has become a huge fireball. (To be continued.)

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