High Magic Earth

Chapter 1027: Identity

Yi Chou only had time to open a simple magic shield, and the explosion swept through everything in an instant.

He is in the center of the explosion. The impact of the airflow is almost stronger than that of tornadoes and hurricanes. It seems to tear him up, and the shock wave generated by the explosion is also like a life-threatening note, because in addition to the direct damage of the explosion, Only shock is the most dangerous. This kind of shock can even shatter the viscera of all creatures within the impact.

Even if Yi Xiao propped up the magic defense, he was still hit by the impact and was buried directly under a row of ruins.

After a while, the huge magic power lifted the ruins away, and Yi Chou climbed out of the crack again.

The surroundings have become a sea of ​​fire, not only the house they broke into, the building where Gantz is burning, the surrounding buildings have all turned into a sea of ​​flames, just like someone deliberately regarded them as torches, All lit up in general.

Because it is just an explosion, it is impossible to spread such a large range and cause such a large impact.

The scorching flames scorched the earth, the sky, and even the air, due to the scorching, there was a trace of blurry distortion, phantoms clumped together, placing Yi Chou as if in a huge flame furnace.

The spread of high temperature is everywhere, a scene of flame hell, almost in an instant, all the objects around it are burning because of the heat, and even his own hair, Yi Chou can smell a scorching smell.

"Cold." Yi Huo murmured in a low voice. In an instant, the cold breath spread along his hands to the body surface, immediately lowering the temperature, and the hair flying and curled up because of the roast fell again, and the hot corner of the clothes was extinguished. The signs of flames.

"Where are they."

Yi Chou once again issued a second sentence. Suddenly, his neck twisted uncontrollably and narrowed his eyes. Yi Chou searched carefully in the ruined ruins, and finally found the answer to the question.

Fortunately, although Zhang Junyun and others were also shrouded in the area of ​​the explosion center, they did not die. Yi Chou could feel the floating of their breath, a little faint, but they did not break off. There was buffer flowing out, it seems that this protective suit saved their lives.

When the protective clothing was handed over to them, Yi Chou had such a plan. The number of free men in the Second World of Wizards was far less than those of the new humans. Although the power of Zhang Junyun and others was not strong, Yi Chou Still don't want them to die so soon.

Although not sure that every free person will unite, they must not have too many choices under the persecution of the new humans.

Zhang Junyun, Tan Qing and Daisy are three people. This number is close to half that of the free men Yi Yi has seen.

and many more. .

Yi Xiao once again felt the still breath, because his head was a little groggy, and he had not noticed the wrong number before. At this time, once again confirming, he found that there seemed to be one person missing.

His heart sank immediately, and Yi Chou could see that there were not many people lying in the ruins, and only Kanosuke and Tanqing were directly exposed to outside. Fortunately, he could sense the magical fluctuations of these people.

Each person's characteristics are different. Zhang Junyun's vitality is very strong, the Susuke is peaceful, and the Yangyan is very weak.

but now. . Even Yangyan is alive, then. .

There is not much time for Yi Chou to think about this issue, because not far away, a vague figure is vaguely coming here from the flames.

The maker of this explosion.

The high temperature from the flames, and the vertigo of the meditation basin are intertwined, making Yi Chou somewhat unclear about this guy who is coming to himself.

He covered his head and tried to relieve the pain.



When the shadow hadn't come over, some unintentional uninvited guests came to the periphery.

The giant tengu and giant dog, which had entered into a huge size, descended from the sky, with a roar, and fell directly to the edge where the nearby flame temporarily extinguished.

The giant dog looked tattered all over. Not only the clothes had been broken into pieces, but also the muscles were all scars after being torn by the Gantz gravity gun.

It lacks an arm, and the wound at the shoulder joint is directly crushed by gravity. It seems that the edge of the range of the gravity gun attacked it, and thanks to the speed of the giant dog, otherwise it was directly hit by the gravity gun, even if With its strong vitality, it can't resist several times.

The giant dog's face seemed to have been squashed, saliva remained, and even his teeth were missing, and he seemed to be free of previous arrogance and indifference. All that remained was madness and grief and embarrassment.

Tengu is not much better, it seems that the decoration has fallen off with a small wing that is more practical than the other, and only one and a half are left. Its face is flatter than the giant dog, and it is originally flat. The ugly and ugly face is more like a fist punched by a hammer.

It seems that the pressure that the Gantz team puts on them is not small, almost pushing the guards of these two hundred ghost star leaders to the point of being exhausted.

Immediately after this was the leader of the Hundred Ghost Star, Slippery Scoop.

It is no longer the shape of a little old man with a waist, but has become a healthy and strong normal person, except that it is pale white, there is no trace of blood, and it just looks like a human.

The white head looks like a carved marble, and the sliding scoop stands quietly in place. Its eyes are closed, and it seems that it can't even feel a breath of breath.

This is its second form.

The muscles are like the most exquisite sculptures under the artist's hands, and these muscles are indeed like marble. If the sliding scoop in this form is attacked, even the injury of the amputated limb will not die or bleed. The body will be like a toy with Lego bricks, and it will immediately become torn apart.

And after being dispersed, these limbs can still attack independently. In the second form, it has great strength, at least much larger than ordinary humans. Breaking the concrete wall with one punch is not a problem.

If no one stops, these broken limbs will converge again, and then reassemble the complete sliding scoop.

The most powerful attack of this form of descent is its eyes, so it keeps its eyes closed.

It can emit extremely destructive light from both eyes, the principle is unknown, and it is not known whether it is destructive caused by high temperature or other reasons.

If a Gantz member wears a tight protective suit and is directly hit by it for more than three seconds, the endurance of the Gantz combat suit will instantly reach its limit and then die.

This is not its strongest state, not even the form, but only a form of transition.

The pressure of giant dogs and tengu is not small, but obviously the sliding scoop does not feel the pressure, and it is far from reaching the limit it can withstand.

This time, the battle between the Hundred Ghosts and the Gatnz is obviously much better than the history that should have happened. There are monsters who can be resurrected, and their pressure is obviously greatly reduced.

Tengu and giant dogs and bull ghosts and other Hundred Ghost Stars were not killed in the first time, and Slippers did not face the siege that it was the worst at.

The Gantz squad even only forced it into a transitional form.

Facing the uninvited Hundred Ghosts, Yi Biao just glanced lightly, and then turned his eyes. His real enemies were not them, and he could also feel that the case army and other monsters were also there. Crazy came.

Rubbing his head, Yi Chou focused more on the guests in the flames.

The bald-headed bio-energy core inside the Gantz, that guy protected by Yi Chou's silver tongue, has disappeared. To be precise, it has stood up and walked out of the flames.

And it was it that caused this big explosion.

"I really didn't expect you to be an alien." Yi Biao said.

The bald head gradually came, and as it got closer, the image of its whole body also changed greatly. The unclear face was blocked by a majestic tengu mask, and the smooth head also grew at a very fast speed. Out of the rich white hair, cumbersome, as if the royal costume appeared out of thin air around its body.

When it stood in front of the hustle and bustle, it had become a majestic warrior like a general or a big name.

The style of the painting looks very similar to the Hundred Ghost Stars, and they are all monsters dressed in costumes.

"You shouldn't want to think about it either." Under its mask, there was a thunderous roar, and it was really like a thunder, exploding out of the air in the air.

"Are you also a Hundred Ghost Stars?" Yi Xiao asked slightly, pretending to be unknown.

He is quite sure that this guy is the anomaly he has been looking for, not an alien, not a monster, not even in the Gantz plot, nor a member of this world.

It was the annoying thing that the angels and demons influenced the world by unknown methods and were parasitic here while being noticed by the hourglass.

Yi Xiao does not know what that is, maybe it is intelligence in virtual reality. After all, virtual reality cannot be controlled without intelligence, the difference is only the complexity of intelligence.

Because there is no such scene in Gantz’s comics, and it is not an extended plot, because according to the Gantz movie plot they encountered in the subway station, the Gantz inside was eventually destroyed by aliens.

There is no chain reaction, and no new aliens appear.

The core of bio-energy is also destroyed, that is, the bald head died, and the new energy is replaced by the actor Xuanye Ji himself.

And in the comics, the core of bioenergy cannot be replaced, because this is the core of the entire black ball warning system, and it is impossible for aliens to lurk in Gantz without any action, because the alien and Gantz are both The original is the enemy.

Because of the special nature of Gantz's plot, few other plots can be integrated into it, let alone directly integrated and then affect the core Gantz black ball in the core of the entire plot.

It cannot be an extension of the plot, nor can it be an invasion of other plots, so there is only one possibility left.

The original purpose of Yi Biao coming to this world is also a place where this world is different from other sub-worlds.

A huge parasite that parasitizes the entire world.

Of course, all of this is just a temporary guess by Yi Chou. Moreover, the other party does not seem to realize that he is just for it, so Yi Chou still hides his true face and pretends to be the same free man as Zhang Junyun, but The strength is slightly higher.

Faced with the problem of clamor, the warrior wearing a Tengu mask shook his head, "It's true...but it's not."

"You are an alien?"

"Yes." This time, Tengu Samurai nodded very clearly, and before he continued to ask questions, he continued.

"Is it very ironic for an alien to hide in Gantz, where the whole earth resists vigilant aliens at the core?"

"I don't remember such a scene." Yi arrogant shook his head and muttered in a low voice, "Neither should this be the case..."

"Of course." The thunderous roar continues, "Because I am special and unique."

This scene naturally refers to this scene in the comic, and Yi Chou’s pupil shrinks slightly, because if the other party is really a person in the comic, then it is impossible to know that he is in another world, but Obviously it understood.

"Are you trying to deal with me?" Yi Chou asked calmly, still pretending not to understand all this.

"No..." The samurai shook his head. "You look too high on yourself." It said.

"My existence has been for a long time, and it is much longer than Gantz's existence. I watched and looked down at everything in this world, including you."

"This sounds familiar, and it's another guy who thinks this way." Yi Chou's sense of dizziness has disappeared, he stared at the samurai coldly, "Don't tell me, you also intend to say that you are a god."

The Tengu mask blocked the samurai's expression, making Yi Xao not see a trace of his expression fluctuating, but Yi Xiao felt that it seemed to laugh a little, it was a very disdainful indifference.

"I think I understand what you mean... Have you seen that little guy, right? Eight million."

"I created her."

"And for humans in this world, I am indeed God!"

"What's wrong with this world." Irrespective of the monsters who sent out riots because of its words, Yi Chou continued to shake his head. "Every creature tries its best to become a god. I have encountered two The guy who said this to me, since you have been watching me, then I think you must know their ending."

"You shouldn't have found me." The samurai went on without talking about the clamor, "Fujiang is right, curiosity will eventually kill you."

"So that Fu Jiang and Sadako are also your people?"

"You are indeed a little smart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Samurai didn't answer Yi Chou's question positively, but its answer is undoubtedly very clear.

"Although something unexpected, I'm not surprised."

"Don't forget, I'm a god." The samurai said lightly.

"Then you are the least god-like **** I have ever seen." Yi Chou said mercilessly.

After talking about it, Yi Biao seemed to have no intention of continuing to communicate, but extended his hand. The black mist slowly appeared in his palm. The next moment, they condensed into a book, and then, the heavy magic The book fell into the hands of Yi Chou out of thin air.

"But you guys have one thing in common, that is, their own strength is far less than the ambition they have, so let me completely break your arrogant dream." Yi Huo said softly.

But in the face of clamor, the samurai is still calm, "I said, curiosity will kill you." (To be continued.)

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