High Magic Earth

Chapter 1028: End

"Then I will say that curiosity will not kill me after all." Facing the aggressive words of the samurai, Yi Chou also said without hesitation.

The magic text appeared in front of him in an invisible way, and the magic book in his hand was also turned over and over. Under the influence of the power of the silver tongue, this sentence almost became the degree of the law.

Far more powerful than the opponent's indignant words.

This is the magic of the silver tongue. It is abstract, ubiquitous, and omnipotent. It can almost make Yi Chou invincible before the battle begins.

As the other party said, if it is always watching Yi Chou, then it must understand Yi Chou's ability.

An omnipotent magic book.

A magical ability that is more magical than magic.

It's changing.

"Very interesting little trick." The samurai stared coldly at Yi Chou, a mask without eye holes, as if passing through Yi Chou's soul in an instant, "but there is no meaning in front of God."

"Look... what else can you see now."

At the same time as his words fell, Yi Chou suddenly felt his eyes dark.

Blinking, he could still feel the existence of the eyeball, without the slightest pain, but he lost the light, and the light was deprived.

Now Yi Xiao believes that 8 million is indeed created by this guy.

Because eight million is an omnipotent god.

Know everything, know everything and do everything.

This is God.

And the God who can create a omnipotent God is naturally omnipotent.

However, compared to the 8 million destruction of the world, it seems that the whole world will be dragged into a doomsday scene. The ability of this guy in front is even more low-key and more terrifying.

Between silence and silence, I already know that I have deprived Yi Chou's eyesight.

And rather than depriving of such a narrow definition of vision, it is better to say that it fundamentally changed the definition of Yi Huo. For example, Yi Huo never had such a thing as vision, so even if he has long eyes, I am afraid that this is bright. Up.

Yi Xiao is still standing in the same place, but no one knows. At this moment, he can't see everything in front of him.

With his eyes open, his eyes are still plain and full of focus, but he can't feel the slightest light. The monsters around are still noisy and noisy. Yi Huo can hear the heavy breathing sounds of tengu and giant dogs, and slippery The scoop of the almost non-existent magic wave.

But he felt that everything around him was so far from himself.

He is blind, isn't it a very novel experience?

At the next moment, Yi Chou felt that Zhang Junyun's vitality had suddenly risen, as if a small stove was burning. This is his soul, the burning life energy.

Worthy of being a werewolf, his vitality is exuberant, and he is indeed the fastest among these few people.

Suffering from such a serious injury, I almost faced the full impact of an unknown explosive, even if it was protected by the tight combat uniform of the special product of Gantz, it was definitely a miracle to be able to wake up so quickly.

Yi Xao can also perceive that his vitality is rapidly recovering and recovering.

It is the self-healing ability of werewolves.

But it is not that a werewolf has such a strong self-healing ability. This speed is not as good as Wolverine, but it is estimated to be able to catch up with the super serum of Captain Rogers.

Of course, Yi Chou hasn't seen Captain America in the true sense, just an estimate.

Zhang Junyun's werewolf lineage is definitely a rare breed. I don't know which branch of the werewolf family. It looks much more valuable than Jamie's guy who can only develop descendants.

It seems there is time to ask, even if you want to develop a descendant, at least you want Zhang Junyun as the ancestor, not the kind of intelligence chief Varis made by Jamie.

But now I am afraid it is not a good time for gossip, because after all, Yi Biao does not have any cultivation of inner strength and mentality, nor is it a hidden weapon, and he does not have the ability to listen to the sound.

He could feel the surging magic power, every wizard could, just like another pair of eyes, but what he saw was not the color played by multicolored, but the wavy lines as if the light wave and infrared light were gorgeously intertwined.

There is no problem of familiarity and inexperience, because from the moment of the birth of magic, this kind of thing is like instinct, just like humans will not repel the color in the eyes and the sound heard by the ears.

Whether or not you discover this ability, magic is always everywhere.

But this is undoubtedly ridiculous for a warrior who claims to be a god. Changing oneself to hide oneself is probably not the smallest thing for a god.

If it is really omniscient and omnipotent, this is just a thought.

Although it seemed that the other party had no intention to start during the short period of sight blindness, but Yi Chou could not keep going blind like this, and put everything on the other party.

The next moment, Yi Biao's hand touched his magic book again.

"Darkness will dissipate in front of my eyes."

"What I see is what I feel."

As Yi Biao's words fell, light appeared again in front of his eyes, as if the curtain covering the stage was suddenly pulled open, exposing the brightest light after darkness.

And the reason is simple.

The power of Silver Tongue is so clear that after so long, the power of Silver Tongue has changed in several different ways even how it is used, not to mention its shortcomings Too.

Obviously, the silver tongue needs to recite words, which is one of its limitations.

Then Yi Xiao of course considers the situation when he can no longer see things, even after speaking. Although most of the magic books only play a role of disguise, they do contain some tricks.


This is also a kind of writing.

When Yi Xiao's eyes were completely opened, his fingers naturally slipped from the raised text on the magic book. With the sliding of Yi Xiao's fingers, the Braille on the surface of the magic book melted into the page again like a gravel, and then line by line. The ink walked under the white paper, and finally gathered again into a line of text.

Ok. . After all, is this a magic book, there must always be some magic tricks on it.

"Right, there."

Yi Xiao said, "As the story enters the most exciting stage, the safety of the reader needs to be guaranteed. No one can deprive him of his vision, no one can control his thinking, and no one...can prohibit him from speaking."

After saying that, he closed the magic book, and then turned his head slightly, looking at the warrior opposite, "How, the foreword in my story is still wonderful."

The so-called **** opposite did not speak, but Yi Chou did not intend to stop.

"There are more exciting things in the next story, but I think you may not hear that time."

In a place that Yi Biao didn't notice, a long black hair with thick silk thread was sandwiched in the pages of the magic book. The magic book with clean magic did not remove this woman's long hair. This is already very strange. And, at the next moment, this black hair seemed to have a life, floating up an arc out of thin air, and then got into the collar of Yi Xiao’s chest.

Flatten the left hand, the magic book opened again, and above the right hand magic book, countless pieces of paper immediately flipped left and right.

"You created eight million, it doesn't mean you are stronger than it."

"I admit that the guy who pretended to be a **** has indeed entered the realm of omniscience and omnipotence, but have you ever thought about it, it also means that there is no possibility of rising again, this is already the end, and you cannot compare it with it. More powerful."

"I can kill it, and naturally I can kill you."

"So... what ending do you want to choose for yourself."

At this moment, Yi Xuan seems to be suffering from some kind of villain inevitably dying from talking too much. He didn't want to kill this guy on the other side quickly, but instead began to chatter.

The warrior standing in the distance was silently silent, wondering if it was indeed speechless for a while, or realizing that Yi Chou was actually waiting for what purpose.

"Killing Curse!"

At the next moment, a sharp female voice broke Yi Chou's one-man show. The dazzling green light had thick fingers and straightly flew towards Yi Chou crazy along the side of the side.

But Yi Xiao's eyes were not surprised. He retreated back dangerously and dangerously, but there was just the right thing. Before the life-spell curse hit him, he sideways let it pass.

Of course, the life spell is not the real purpose of the attacker. What is hidden under the life spell is a silent weapon except for you, or it may be a flying spell.

But no matter what it is, this is useless for Yi Huo.

He waved his hands directly to the side, the curse hit his palm, as if touching an invisible wall, and made a loud explosion in the air. In an instant, most of the power of the spell was broken by Yi Chou, and the remaining part , Was hit by Yi Chou to the ground, splashing a big pothole.

"Oh," Yi Biao said. "Don't you know nothing about the curse, Daisy, you have a lot of spells at hand, and the spells are also very clever. The life spell and the flying spell, you want to kill This book is a good idea, but unfortunately, the power seems to be insufficient."

"And, you may not know that these spells are useless to me, it's almost not as good as toys."

Before the pile of wounded next to him, Yi Xuan noticed that although Zhang Junyun was seriously injured, they were not in danger of life. Even the usually weakest Yangyan stopped, but he did not notice Daisy’s breath.

When he thought that Daisy was dead, and was saddened by the withering of a witch, he didn't expect Daisy to hide, instead of dying.

It should be an invisibility spell.

Daisy's most commonly used spell is also her most skilled spell.

However, this spell usually does not have this special effect, and even Yi Xuan can conceal the past, because every time Daisy releases the Invisibility Curse and wanders around, Yi Xuan can feel her presence, a junior The wizard's magical fluctuations are like lights.

Instead of concealing mana-related spells, the invisibility spells can be released directly, which may be able to deceive the same low-level wizards, but in front of the magical creatures of this level, even the same level and talents with different talents, it is just a joke.

But now it seems that Daisy is smarter than other people's imagination, she is good at hiding, just like she is good at releasing invisible spells.

At a critical moment, she can even hide all her breath.

In Yi Biao's impression, perhaps only the original invisibility cloak of the Three Sacred Instruments of Death has this effect.

Sure enough, girls are very good at hiding themselves, just like their careful thinking.

and many more. . Yi Xiao scratched his head a bit. He remembers that according to the hourglass, there is not only one same sub-world. Does Daisy also have an invisibility cloak? Yi Xiao remembers that Daisy has a teacher, even if Daisy has not been to Harry Potter. In the world, that teacher should have been there.

Perhaps this is not her own ability at all, but the **** warrior opposite is helping her.

After all, it is possible to let Daisy attack herself, I am afraid that there is only his own enemy, and his own enemy is now only the **** warrior.

But anyway, as Yi Biao said, these magics are useless to him.

Of course, this sentence alone cannot prevent Daisy, who is in a controlled state, from attacking Yi Chou.

Sure enough, she didn't pay attention to Yi Chou at all, didn't know where to hide, and after shifting a position, it was another life-changing spell that appeared with dark green light, and called Yi Chou accurately and quickly.

"It's really unwilling." Yi Xiao's eyes were not surprised, and even did not fluctuate at all, an unusually quiet whisper.

This time, he did not even avoid it.

Suo Mingman hit Yi Chou precisely, but unlike Suo Mingman who silently submerged into the body that was hit, and then took away his soul silently, the green light group burst into Yi Chou suddenly , As if a cloud of poisonous medicament was dropped on Yi Chou.

With the eruption of the life-spelling mantra, Yi Chou surrounds his wrist, and the surface of the tamed death wand that appears in the form of a bracelet flashes slightly, instantly canceling out the power of the life-spelling mantra by half, and the rest of the life-spell is cursed by Yi Chou. With the silver tongue already prepared, he withdrew before the spell hit him.

Of course, when the curse hits Yi Chao, there will definitely be a corresponding reaction, but for Yi Chao, a person without a soul, at most, the soul energy is only broken up.

There will be no pain from the depths of the soul, nor will it be torn into different personalities.

Um~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe, it's a little disgusting.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, and seemed to have swallowed the tumbling up, he did not know which direction Daisy was in, so he said directly.

"Well... it's a little bit uncomfortable, like swallowing a big, unpleasant, delicious tree fruit. Seriously, this taste makes me sick, so you don't want to provocatively release this spell to me at the end, I Really angry."

If Daisy is really an enemy, Yi Chao will definitely kill without hesitation, but unfortunately, she is not.

Fortunately, I don’t know if the life-spelling curse had no effect and shocked Daisy, or the majestic godly warrior opposite gave up control of Daisy and continued to attack Yi Chou. Anyway, after saying this sentence, Daisy again There was no action.

Shrugging his shoulders, Yi Chou once again looked at the warrior on the opposite side intact. Before completely ending everything, he had to find all the unstable factors in the world and then solve them.

And Yi Biao is not in a hurry, he has time, because before this is over, there are no creatures. . Can escape from these twenty-four hours. (To be continued.)

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