High Magic Earth

Chapter 1029: Trace back

"Back to the time."

"Dorisie Helmes."

"But she prefers to call herself Miss Tao."

"Born in 1917 in the UK, living with the UK in 1855."

"Everything about her is hidden in a time whirlwind and she can't see it clearly."

As one of the most powerful magical creatures that Yi Bust encountered in this world, when Miss Huitao was back, he couldn't have paid more attention.

But the trouble is that he needs to avoid some strange eyeliner skillfully.

Before Yi Biao entered the world, he knew the anomaly in this world, an uninvited guest from outside the world.

And what can be merged with the world silently, even if there are no traces of entangled parasites on it, can only be artificial intelligence.

That is virtual reality technology.

Mechanical thinking is completely different from human beings. To some like this world, except for some metaphysics, countless logic and causation are the basis of the trajectory of countless people.

This thing is most in line with the current situation.

The second world that the angels imitated, in addition to having large-scale new human beings, that is, deliberate gene carriers, the most sub-world is also the world of science fiction.

Because unlike ancient magic, technology is more in line with the current mainstream.

The two second realms are completely different. The second world of wizards is to project different sub-worlds into the present world, let human beings know, and then absorb fantasy energy.

The second realm of the new human is based on the requirements of human fantasy in this world, and deliberately creates a similar world and absorbs a large amount of fantasy energy, so as to make the world real.

Their steps are exactly the opposite of the Second World of Wizards.

And because of this, in the vigorous growth of the mainstream of science and technology, the number of sci-fi worlds in the second realm of the new humans has increased almost doubled.

Of course, because there is no relationship between the world as a prototype, human fantasy soon reaches a critical point, and it can no longer imagine fantasy beyond the cognitive range.

So the world of science fiction, almost reaching the interstellar age, is already the current limit, and it has been unthinkable. Of course, with the continuous passage of time in this world, human cognition will be expanded, and fantasy will also be expanded.

But that will be the future.

The advantage of this world is that it has a large number and is generated quickly, but the shortcomings are also obvious. It is almost produced in a model and the levels are very similar.

Among these worlds, the existence of artificial intelligence is undoubtedly the most.

It is also angels and demons, except for the new human beings, the things that are most likely to come out.

As for artificial intelligence, Yi Huo is completely familiar with it. In terms of processing information, its importance is unquestionable, and since it is already semi-integrated into this world, no matter what happens in this world, it is very easy to touch it. .

It's like a large invisible net, covering everything, making people unclear what is it and what is real.

Yi Chou has always been cautious, but naturally because of this, he does not want to touch the guy hiding behind the scenes because of his mistakes.

Whether it is mortal counterattack or escape, it is not good news for Yi Chou.

Therefore, even when he saw the Huishi bird, Yi Chou didn't have any special performance.

until. . He has the opportunity to reach an agreement with Huishi Bird in a fair and just manner.

When invading gnz.

That machine.

Yi Xiao is not sure that there must be a problem in the black ball, but he is sure that he is very close to the problem, so it is imperative to reach an agreement with Huishi Bird.

He must find an opportunity to do so.

And exactly, invading the gnz black ball gave him such a chance.

That is a machine belonging to the Oz, the intelligence constituted by magic, a kind of existence that does not belong to artificial intelligence, and even in a way, it is more superior.

Although it is not a Donne Pavilion, the magical intelligence in Yi Biao's hands is not to be pryed into. It is far more than a simple function of breaking a password.

That belongs to the Tin Man department.

In the history of Oz, the Tin Man has always been directly under the direct command of the Queen's forces, and is also the secret police everywhere under the Queen's command.

What is the most powerful part of the secret police is naturally investigation and detection.

In front of the magical intelligence, Miss Tao’s message did not reach even half a second, and it appeared directly in Yi Chou’s head.

No investigation, no interrogation, and no need to even understand, the magic brain can directly transfer data to Yi Chou. This is not a strange thing, because it is magic intelligence. The biggest difference between the magic brain and artificial intelligence , Is that it has no logic at all.

Just when Yi Xiao understood Miss Tao's information thoroughly, Miss Tao immediately knew Yi Xiao's plan. No need for Yi Xiao to do redundant things or any commands, so Mo Nao could understand Yi Xiao's ideas.

The analytical ability of artificial intelligence is undoubtedly powerful, even if it is just some of the most subtle movements, it may be perceived by it, and even the truth of the matter can be guessed based on clues.

Perhaps it's better to be slightly further away from its core, the closer to its core, the easier it is to be noticed.

The abnormality is undoubtedly the core of artificial intelligence. At this time, Yi Chou needs to be extremely cautious.

With the help of the magic brain, Yi Biao can distinguish the authenticity of Miss Tao, the back-time bird really exists, the magical creature on the British side is the Green creature, and so on, at least to a certain extent it is true.

It really belongs to this world, not outsiders.

In this way, things are much easier to handle.

For the sub-world, the parasite is undoubtedly an outsider, and his own retrograde bird is obviously more important than the parasite. Outside of course, perhaps the retrograde bird itself is inferior to the other party, but there is a clamor here .

At the moment when the anomaly appeared, Yi Huo let Miss Tao fix the time and drag it into the time whirl. In this way, even if something happens, there can be a good buffer point.

Yi Xiao didn't know how much the new humans would pay to bring in an artificial intelligence-like existence, but obviously the price will not be small, because its danger is equally great.

Especially after it lurks.

. . .

Time is passing by one minute and one second. For Yi Chou, he still has twenty-four hours, so there is no need to worry. Before solving the other party, there are still many things that have not been answered.

For example, what happened to Fu Jiang and what happened to Sadako, the other party. . In the end, in what way or loophole did you sneak into the world.

Among them, the latter is the most important.

but. . This time may not be so good for the **** warrior.

It wears a mask, so Yi Xao can't see her eyes, but Yi Xiao can feel that it is a little free, and has not gathered on his body.

This guy wouldn’t be thinking about it.

"Aren't you a god." Yi Xuan continued to use words to stimulate, "It doesn't seem to be as powerful as eight million."

The monsters around were quiet now, maybe they were also confused, so they decided to stay neutral, but the Baiguixing people represented by the sliding scoop also bypassed the place far away, a look of no interest, let Yi Some clamor is not clear.

Hundred ghost stars. . In other words, what role does the alien in gnz play in this world? This is also one of the answers that Yi Biao needs to figure out.

Hearing Yi Chou's words, the guy opposite finally had a movement, and he raised his hand slightly, and then pressed it on the handle of the samurai sword placed around his waist.

"I thought it was just an ornament."

But this time, just before Yi Bao's voice fell, a sudden change happened.

Not the attack of the warrior who pretended to be a god, but from Yi Chou itself.


A white arm suddenly appeared on Yi Niao's neck, half like a dexterous snake, wrapped up slippery, and then a second arm, two arms crossed, light, but silky stuck Live the arrogant throat.

At this moment, the suffocation felt spontaneously.

But before waiting for Yi Xuan to respond, the sound of "Bang!" seemed like an invisible fireworks exploded, and Yi Xuan's body suddenly burst into countless dazzling white.

but. . Not a real firework, but all are human limbs.

Bai Huahua's arms, arms, legs, palms, slender like a woman's limbs, are fragile, but powerfully entrenched Yi Xiao.

They seem to have little power, but in fact they are unexpectedly difficult and solid. One by one, like a Hercules, strangled Yi Chou, making him unable to move at all.

And even if they have no power, with their numbers, Yi Chou can be buried in it instantly.

Because countless residual limbs erupted from Yi Chou's chest, just like the ocean, he submerged him in a blink of an eye, and within a few breaths, they had even become as big as an elephant, and Yi Chou was killed by them Entangled in the most central position, and can no longer see the figure.

The huge limbs squirmed in the ocean, like a disgusting mucus or bug, and like a human brain, like a terrible nightmare that only existed in fantasy, densely packed, it made people shudder at a glance.

The residual value showed a snow-white color, no trace of blood, and the pale was horrifying, and on this countless pale surface, a small black spot was slowly creeping.

It seems that the goods on the conveyor belt are wriggled by countless residual limbs and sent to the outermost.

At the next moment, the black spot slipped down the edge, and then was caught by a hand that protruded from the peristaltic sphere, and was steadily handed to the life samurai who had been waiting there.

The magic book in Yihou's hands.

In the end it fell into its hands.

Putting the magic book in his hand and pressing the other hand on it, the warrior with the mask seemed to be staring at the hunting scene in front of him without focus, not knowing what he was thinking.

. . .

At this time, Yi Chao, who was overwhelmed by countless unknown creatures, was breathing hard.

Seriously, at the first time these things appeared, Yi Chou thought he had been attacked by the sliding scoop. He wondered why the sliding scoop attacked himself, because this thing and another form of the sliding scoop are too Like it.

Then quickly, Yi Chou realized that this was not a slide.

Slippery scoops also have a form that is composed of women. Numerous human female bodies are pinched together. At a glance with intensive phobia, they will explode and distort and grieve, forming a huge giant.

In this state, the sliding scoop can still not be hurt, because all attacks can only break it up, and then re-compose a new sliding scoop.

Even if it kills a part of its body, the scoop will quickly split and regenerate again.

It's just that in this form, the independent individual of the sliding scoop is also terrible. It is far less soft and fragrant than its appearance. Once it is included in it, it will instantly break bones and bones, and strong pressure will immerse everything into it. Something is pressed into a patty, and plasma flows out.

So while Yi Biao didn't feel the pressure, he also realized that this was not slippery.

And the real answer can be easily obtained.

It is Fujiang.

Because of the ocean of countless arms and legs in the outer circle, the inner circle of the circle, that is, the range of the center is easy to clamor, all around him are Fu Jiang's head.

Although Fujiang looks beautiful, looking at dozens of Fujiang's heads at a stretch can be aesthetically tiring.

In particular, they only have heads, not only do they not look beautiful, but they are mostly weird.

Countless Fujiang's long black hairs are intertwined, like a large net, they are woven, constituting a scene like this nightmare and hell, Fujiang Hell, Long Hair Hell.

Anyway, I don’t know what the **** is, but definitely, normal people, not only the contact, but also the weirdness of having no courage at a glance.

But the most annoying thing for Yi Chou is that these Fujiang's mouths are not idle. They are like zombies. When they are close, they open their small red mouths to separate and bite, as if taking Yi Chou as a delicious piece. Fried chicken nuggets, and those far away, are like three-dimensional surround sound, lingering around the clamor, continually nagging.

"I said, curiosity will kill you."

"I said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ curiosity will still be you..."

"I said, curiosity will..."

"I said, curious..."

"I said.."

These rich rivers obviously have their own consciousness, and are not really zombies, so she is terrible to eat. Not only does she have clear teeth and chews like eating, but also picks fat and thin, not eating everything, such as some places that are difficult to chew hard bones, It can't avoid the mouth, and in some very soft places, there are often many heads gathered in the past.

Although it’s no problem to deal with this group of heads even if the magic book is lost, they appear to be too fast, as if the fireworks exploded everywhere in a flash, even Yi Chao It takes a reaction time, and in this short period of time, he was **** all over.

Moreover, the sound of Fujiang is more like a built-in surround sound. It is almost everywhere everywhere. The sound of Fujiang itself is magical. Under the impact of countless sounds, even if it is easy, it is somewhat invincible. bother. To be continued.

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