High Magic Earth

Chapter 1031: collision

As Yi Chao said, the opposite unknown person is undoubtedly the lowest-end **** Yi Chang has seen.

He didn't even dare to show his face, and his attack was still roaring and charging.

Even Athena has a beautiful face and beautiful posture, and a pair of scythes that she wields is also pleasing to the eye. It can completely transform the harvest of death into the most extreme art in the world.

But opposite this guy, Yi Yao looked so unhappy.

It is like the oldest and most authentic warrior. Whether it is dressing up or the habit of attacking, it is like repeating the fighting style once used by the warriors.

For this guy, Yi Chao has a natural nasty feeling, hates its every move, hates everything about it.

Naturally, the offensive against it cannot be used to.

and. .

"Are you stupid?" In the face of the opponent's charge, Yi Chou sneered unkindly, and then evaded back in a blink of an eye, "I'm a wizard, why should I confront you hard."

Yi Xiao's direction is very clever. While avoiding the other party, and slightly deflecting the direction, he galloped toward the magic book placed by the **** warrior on the ground behind him.

In this way, whether it is to catch up with Yi Chou, or to prevent Yi Chou from regaining the magic book, the samurai needs to turn around and chase in the direction of Yi Chong's escape.

Similarly, Zhang Junyun and others were naturally avoided, allowing them to leave the battlefield safely.

Sure enough, everything was as Yi Xuan expected, just as he fled to the side, the warrior immediately reversed his direction and then followed him.

It stands to reason that for an omnipotent god, it wants to catch up with Yi Chou in fact, it is just a matter of words, because wherever it wants to do anything, it is actually just a word, an idea.

Take the silver tongue of Yi Chou, after saying, "I am coming to you." After this sentence, he will really appear in front of the target soon.

Compared to an omnipotent god, this situation does not need much trouble.

Although I don't know why the other party is still chasing herself with two feet running, Yi Chou is also happy to do it. After all, it is more beneficial to himself, isn't it.

But even so, its speed still far exceeds that of Yi Chou. The speed of the body is not comparable to that of Yi Chou, a wizard who relies on the combination of magic and physical qualities.

Fortunately, after a rough calculation, Yi Biao found that he could successfully reach the magic book.

Behind this nasty guy who catches up and catches himself.

At the same time, Zhang Junyun and others immediately took advantage of this opportunity to leave the battlefield far away. They initially saw that Yi Xao was trapped by Fu Jiang and wanted to step forward to help. Now that Yi Xia had battled with the warrior, they only found out The battle between the two seems more fearful than they thought.

Even when Kanosuke faced the samurai, he had the illusion that he would be dead as long as he did it himself.

You know, Kinosuke is not only a Ninja of Koga, but also a half samurai. He is proficient in swordsmanship, and the ultimate speed is the terrifying effect of swordsmanship.

The samurai's intuition is often very sharp, and Kanesuke's hunch is rarely wrong, especially when it comes to his own life.

Zhang Junyun is almost the same. Although he does not have as much experience as Kanosuke, the werewolf instinct is his most natural advantage.

He could feel the horror of the warrior straight.

Rich to terrible, he was telling him insanely that he had better escape from here.

This feeling is not the low-key, almost undetectable blandness in the face of 8 million, nor the coercive pressure of the three hundred ghost stars of the sliding tengu tengu, but a kind of suffocation, a kind of imprint Suffocation in the soul.

It wasn't until after a certain distance from the samurai that Zhang Junyun felt much better.

"It's so strange..." He set the detective aside, leaned his legs on his hands, and then murmured with a big gasp.

Zhang Junyun has never felt this way. Since he got the werewolf lineage, although he can't say that it crushes everything, it is definitely not as weak as it seems.

In most cases, his werewolf lineage can allow him to withstand a lot of dangers. Even sometimes, werewolves are the natural enemies of most creatures, and they have a natural role in mutual restraint.

This was the first time he felt such a lingering feeling in his heart.

It is almost substantive, so strong that it is completely true, as if the nightmare came true.

After breathing for a while, Zhang Junyun felt much better as the battlefield was gradually pulled away, and looked up, and found that Kanosuke and Miss Tao were observing the battle below, and Daisy was still missing. Yang Yan hung his mind and body on his body, and the shyness on his face could almost be made into an expression bag.

Only Tan Qing looked at herself worriedly, and only she still cared about him.

But this was enough. When Tan Tan looked at him with concern, Zhang Junyun's heart was immediately excited, and he finally saw hope.

Then quickly, Tan Qing discovered this immediately, and then pouted, no longer ignoring him.

What happened here did not affect the Hundred Ghosts and monsters next to them.

I don’t know what kind of psychology it is, watching the excitement, or waiting for the birth of the final winner. The monsters and Hundred Ghost Stars all gathered on both sides of the ruins, and then looked quietly at the bottom.

And when Zhang Junyun and others ignored the occasion and tried to ignite some strange sparks, the chase of Yi Chou and the samurai below continued.

In order to avoid any accidents, Yi Huo rarely closed his mouth.

He sullen his head and only used magic to speed up his figure. The speed of the **** warrior behind him became faster and faster. Although he knew not to say that it caught up, he was dead, but this feeling was still very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Yi Chao finally reached the magic book first.

There is a long distance even before the **** warrior catches up with him.

"You really won't seize the opportunity that the Fujiangs have brought you." Seeing the magic book close at hand, Yi Chou finally had time to make a mockery of the samurai, "and I have to say that all this is meaningless. "

Before coming here, Yi Chou had made a detection with magic in advance.

This is indeed his magic book, not an illusion, nor a fake.

After all, this samurai looks a little idiot, but that's just subjective factors of clamor. As a god, it can't really be an idiot. Putting the book in place, not absolutely confident, is obviously a ghost.

But in any case, as long as the book is true, Yi Xuan got the book, then any traps are meaningless.

Yi Xiao's figure instantly came to the top of the magic book, he kept on stepping down, and then his face changed instantly.

He didn't touch the magic book. To be precise, it was indeed a real magic book, but it seemed to become a jelly with his own life. The moment Yi Yi was about to touch it, The surface is concave, and then hid.

Almost in an instant, Yi Chou didn't even plan to try the second time and then got up and walked away, but it was still a step late.

Countless stone locks pulled up from the ground and penetrated the soft, if the magic book like a frozen, slammed in front of Yi Chou at the speed of the arrow, when he was too late to react, it instantly penetrated his The body, with blood and flesh foam, was nailed from Yi Chou's shoulder.

At the same time, several stone locks broke out of the earth, and even the ground was absorbed by the presence of the stone locks, and a large amount of soil was submerged slightly. These stone locks crossed each other and perfectly locked all the retreats of Yi Chou.


At the next moment, with the figure sprayed with blood, Yi Chou's body was penetrated by several wires and then nailed in place.

In fact, at the same time that the first stone lock hit Yi Chou, he had already stopped. Then the next thing like a seal, naturally hit him without any miss.

"There is no new aesthetic." Yi Chou's voice said without much ups and downs.

Obviously, this is indeed a trap, and at the same time Yi Yao was trapped, the **** warrior behind him immediately followed.

It was not very sharp when it raised its hand, and even some dull samurai swords, without hesitation, aimed at the **** bloody body, and it looked like it was planning to kill it with one blow.

"I said, you will be cleared!"


But at the moment when its blade was about to come into contact with Yi Chou, accompanied by a bang, and countless crows of crows, Yi Chou suddenly turned into a crowd of crows, and then fled from the sky.

But the samurai didn’t stop attacking, but it was weird, as if he couldn’t stop Luss, and slammed into the open space where Yi Hao left, as if cutting a person’s throat, but after it had done so And did not chase.

Because crows are flying everywhere, and the number is increasing. After a while, Yi Chou's figure appears again from the ground not far away, the crows gather into a human form, and then condense into Yi Chou's body.

As Yi Chou appeared, the crows in the sky also turned into feathers and ashes and dissipated in the air.

"Is there really no anime world?" Zhang Junyun, who was also watching the battle in the distance, couldn't help but spit.

After all, Yi Biao's hand is too similar to the Ninjutsu in Naruto, they are all crows, and they are also the instantaneous transfer escape technique that spreads all over the sky.

The difference is that one is psychic, and the other is the combination of transfiguration and animagus.

but. . After all, Yi Xiao didn't bring back the magic book, Zhang Junyun frowned a little, and lost the omnipotent magic book. Although Yi Xiao is still a powerful wizard, but that's all. , Hit down to mortals.

But Yi Xuan obviously shouldn't be the only one. Yi Xuan is not like a fool. As a wise man, he naturally cannot think about what he should do after the magic book is taken away.

He must have left behind.

So the outcome is not yet decided.

Just as Zhang Junyun thought about it, the situation below seemed to be settled once again temporarily.

"Look." Yi Xao stood opposite the samurai, seeming to sigh, "I'm not here yet."

The samurai understands the meaning of Yi arrogance. He means that he is still not cleared. In the face of the provocation of Yi arrogance, the samurai still came up with the best and most accustomed response plan, and was silent.

It leaned slightly and took the magic book in its hand.

Originally always avoiding Yi Chou's magic book, at this time, it was quietly very obedient in his hands, and there was no intention to distort the jelly.

This is the most powerful counterattack of the **** warrior.

Even God is tempered, and it is still an activist. The meaning of the **** warrior is equally obvious. It was originally your thing, but now it doesn’t listen to you at all, and listens to my control. I don’t know what it tastes like.

Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, then looked at it and said, "Are you sure you can really use that thing?"

Obviously, it is impossible for a **** warrior to use this magic book, for whatever reason.

At most, it uses the power of its **** to lay traps on the magic book, even hide and destroy it, making it too unusable.

So in the face of easy questions, it slowly shook his head.

Yi stunned, "Are you still honest." He surprised.

But strangely, the warrior shook his head again.

This time, Yi Chou could not help but frown in the face of its strange movements.

"I shook my head, not to say that I couldn't use it, but to refer to... You haven't been cleared."

But suddenly, the warrior suddenly made a noise. This was the first time Yi Chou heard it say such a long explanation. The low voice sounded like a tongue twister.

Although this sounded very round, Yi Xuan's eyes shrank fiercely, and the fingers of his hands shook a few times, and then immediately, Yi Xuan's eyes ignited a ray of flame text, but this The time brightened quickly and disappeared in an instant, no one noticed.

"What does ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ mean..."

Yi Xiao still pretended to be incomprehensible, and asked slowly, and he said that this sentence was extremely slow, and each word was a bit strangely long.

But the warrior of the gods seemed to have no intention of answering patiently, and he still said to himself.

"As for shaking my head for the second time, it is easy to understand, that means... Your understanding of my first denial is simply wrong."

The warrior raised his head suddenly, and seemed to look straight at Yi Chou through the mask.

"I said that you will be wiped out, not that I am going to wipe you out, or what will happen in the future, but just that you are stating a fact."

"You, have been cleared."

The warrior's faint thunderous sound roared around, and at the same time the voice fell, Yi Chou suddenly felt a cold in his neck. He reached out and covered his throat, but he saw a large stream of blood spewing out, The vocal cords were torn and bloody, and they couldn't stop. (To be continued.)

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