High Magic Earth

Chapter 1032: significance

When a wizard will die, this question is not easy to answer, but if it is replaced with how long after a person's throat is pierced, then the answer may be quick.

Because there is an example at the scene.

It’s not a sophisticated strategy, but it’s a link, and even the existence of Fu Jiang has been lifted out. I don’t know why this guy as a **** can’t directly use the law of karma to kill Yi Huo, but it seems that there are restrictions. Generally, it was so troublesome, but it finally cut Yi Yi's throat, and did not intend to easily give up this lethal opportunity.

Yi Xiao apparently wanted to heal himself, but his actions and magic were interrupted by the opponent several times, visible to the naked eye, the blood on Yi Xiao's face faded and became weak.

The series of massive bleeding and suffocation caused by the torn throat was terrible. The result was that after struggling for less than ten seconds, Yi Chou fell to the ground softly, and there was no sound.

But at this time, Zhang Junyun and others who watched from a distance reacted from this series of surprises.

"It's so fucking..." Zhang Junyun's expression on the face of the dog was completely unpredictable, and Yi Chou even threw the street so simply, the new thigh was really thick enough, even pointing directly to the realm of creation out of thin air, but The enemy of the other party is also not weak, and has reached the level of causality.

Although the werewolf's five senses are very sharp, they can't hear Yi Chou's conversation with each other at a distance of nearly a thousand meters. Zhang Junyun, who became a werewolf, can't possibly speak such a high skill, so he can't hear the two people Say what.

But even so, he can guess one or two from the mutation scene below.


The samurai's sword did not touch Yi Chou. Zhang Junyun clearly saw it slashing into the air, but a moment later, Yi Chou's throat showed a fatal wound that was torn by a sharp weapon.

Although there are many abilities that can achieve this effect, damage transfer, super speed, and even curse, Zhang Junyun still has a hunch in the first time, this is a causal attack.

This is also a free person, the biggest difference from other indigenous peoples in the world, and also the biggest advantage.

Free people who have experienced the baptism of the information explosion will not be constrained by thinking. They will always find a lot of ways. Of course, the barrier of thinking still exists. Even if it is a free person in this world, it can not be said that everything is omniscient, but the relative Compared with many people in other worlds, it has already led countless times.

Wisdom and thinking are always the greatest wealth of mankind, and experience is one of them.

Although Yi Xiao temporarily lost the magic book, in Zhang Junyun's eyes, he is still a powerful wizard, and does not need spells. Many magics can be controlled even by waving his hand, but it is much stronger than Daisy's half-hanger. .

Even Dumbledore and Merlin are probably inferior to him. Although their magic is also very powerful, they still need to be slatted.

Zhang Junyun does not understand the specific division of strength of wizards, but can also see the strength of the strength.

Obviously, between hands and feet, the anxiety of changing magic can be as you like, and it looks more like the legendary wizard, rather than the existence of pseudoscience that completely turns magic into another kind of restriction.

In the face of such a wizard, even if he lost the strongest magic props, I am afraid that no casual attack can hurt him.

Only weapons and attacks of the same level can threaten him.

Piercing Dead Spine Gun.

The attack of the samurai below could not help Zhang Junyun thinking of the weapon in fate, which could not be avoided either.

And the existence of the law of cause and effect can be compared with that omnipotent magic book, even higher than its level.

If there is really another battle to kill God, then this is the most likely attack.

But although Zhang Junyun thinks so, it does not mean that he can accept it calmly.

Because you know, if something happens to Yihou, then they will be their turn next, without this thick thigh blocking in front, Zhang Junyun does not feel that he and others are opponents of the samurai underneath, and does not even need any causal law. It's just that it's tough and hard A came all the way, and neither of them can resist it.

"This..." Zhang Junyun's face became extremely difficult to look, and even had some incoherent words in his mouth, "How could such a low-level error occur..."

Standing above the debris after the burning of the tall building, Zhang Junyun witnessed the whole process of the battle, and naturally saw Yi Chou fighting with the attitude of playing with each other.

He thought that this was Yi Chou's fighting habit, and Zhang Junyun did not expect that after numerous baptisms of comic books, novels, and novels, some people would not know that the villain died of too many words, and that the enemy was to stand up.

So the final result is that Yi Chou was killed.

Zhang Junyun doesn't know how to express his feelings like this, but he feels that his expression at this time will definitely look like a dog.

He originally thought that he had lost the protagonist's luck, first met his thigh to hold, and then immediately opened a series of adventures and treasure.

But I did not expect that everything would end before it even started.

"Damn! Damn!" Zhang Junyun cursed in his mouth, "Why did he make such a stupid mistake, and if there is another chance, I will definitely remind..."

Zhang Junyun suddenly froze.

He stopped whispering in his mouth and stopped at the same place. After a while, he suddenly looked at Miss Tao on the side.

Back to the bird, Dorothy Helmes.

Coincidentally, Miss Tao was also looking at him. Between the four eyes, Miss Tao nodded imperceptibly.

Zhang Junyun immediately realized what Miss Tao meant.

The peak of despair turns around.

Time backtracking.

Echo Bird is a very powerful magical creature. It has only one ability, the only one, and the most powerful one.

Intercept twenty-four hours in the long river of time, jump out of the long river, make a safe bubble, and then reverse the time of twenty-four hours.

Said that it is powerful, it can create a world. Although it is only twenty-four hours, although it is completely dependent on the world once owned, it seems to be copied, but this world still belongs to these twenty hours. As long as the bird destroys the bubbles when returning, then the entire world will disappear, as if mirroring the moon.

It is not powerful, because the whole world is only false, the intercepted, there is no end, and there is no past.

In other words, the people inside are incomplete, and their memory and thinking are even lacking, and the only thing that can be affected by the back-time bird is the few people.

But in any case, this is the realm of time.

Manipulating time means having unlimited opportunities.

But Zhang Junyun, who was aware of this, was not excited or vocal, but very indifferent, trying to keep everything calm and still in the previous state.

Because at this time, it is best not to draw attention. Once discovered by the warrior below, it is the place where there is no life.

For guys who are self-declared as gods, these people obviously should be like ants, and they won't attract each other's attention and interest at all.

And as long as it is not found, once Miss Tao takes the time and brings everyone back to twenty-four hours, then they will have a chance to win again.

Even Zhang Junyun was a bit skeptical at this time, whether Miss Tao was the backhand left by Yi Chou, so he was in such a state of indifference in battle.

However, he soon realized that if this was the case, then it would only mean that Yi Chou was stupid when he got home, because it didn't make sense at all.

With the retrograde bird as a guarantee, you can play in the battle, and you can win a thing at one time. You have to die once. What is the meaning and death?

Zhang Junyun slightly gestured to Miss Tao with his eyes, and setting time is definitely not that simple, so the sooner everything is prepared, the better, and the smaller the movement, the better.

But the next moment, Zhang Junyun suddenly saw Miss Tao's pupil shrink, and even in an instant, it became the kind of bird pupil that appeared to be uncontrollable after being frightened.

The body of the bird is a bird.

At the same time, Zhang Junyun's heart suddenly burst into a fierce palpitations, and cold sweat instantly soaked through his whole body, as if his hair had risen in his heart.

He couldn't control his body at all. His movements turned sharply, and the range was so large that he almost startled everyone around him, such as Suginosuke who was still in a daze.

In the same way, their attention was attracted by it, and they looked in the direction of Zhang Junyun.

It was the samurai. It didn't know when it had appeared around several people. The samurai sword was still dripping blood toward the ground, as if standing there as if a sculpture, watching them silently.

There is no movement, but everyone feels a huge pressure.

It seemed that my neck was suddenly strangled, and it seemed like my heart was speeding up due to the increase of adrenaline.

It was not until this moment that Zhang Junyun realized that the original aura and coercion really existed.

He has always wondered what it was like.

Because the aura seems to be a mysterious and mysterious existence, by description, it is more like a psychological effect than it can directly act in reality.

But at this moment Zhang Junyun knew, and this feeling is not good.

"If you don't want to die! Everyone will attack it! Stop it! Don't keep your hands!"

After a few seconds of being forced by the opponent's momentum, Zhang Junyun reacted quickly. He roared wildly, and loudly reminded his surrounding companions, while directly entering the state of full werewolf.

With the roar of a wolf, his whole body has more than doubled, nearly three meters high, with black hair covering the body thickly, and he can no longer see the trace of human appearance and characteristics. The slender limbs are thick and powerful, unlike Described as a wolf, it is better to say that Zhang Junyun looks more like a bear at this time.

It's just a wolf's head.

This is also the first time Zhang Junyun has revealed a full form of werewolf. Most of him along the way are only half werewolves, even when it is the most dangerous.

Yi Xiao thought he could not become a werewolf because of impure blood or some kind of defect, but at this time, it seems that it is not the problem of the first two.

Moreover, the appearance of Zhang Junyun werewolf is really special. It seems that no movie has such a huge bear werewolf.

Several worlds with branches of the main werewolf have typical characteristics of werewolves. The werewolves in the legend of the night are not so huge. Their body shape is mainly related to the body shape of human beings. But even Lucian, the first werewolf, was only at par with Zhang Junyun at this time.

And Zhang Junyun's human state is not majestic, but just passed the strong line, it can be called not thin.

The werewolf to which the dark alien belongs is taller and thinner, and is agile, almost a stalk, and the Alpha Wolf in the young wolf is not so strong. After all, it is a group of young werewolves.

As for Twilight, eh. . It was pure wolf.

No matter which classic world is inconsistent with Zhang Junyun’s characteristics of being a werewolf, this amazing height and strong overly oversized figure even scared Yi Chao lying in the pool of blood below opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Junyun strangely. After a while, he closed his eyes and rested again.

The reason for Zhang Junyun's unwillingness to become a werewolf soon became apparent.

Crazy and tyrannical flashed in his eyes, and there was no trace of reason at all, acting purely instinctively, and after confronting the warrior in front of him, he instinctively showed a little fear and flinch, but in the next moment, there was no The mad bite stayed up.

Seeking benefits and avoiding harm is the instinct of every creature, and only the instinct werewolf should be more keenly aware of this.

The samurai brought a powerful threat, and even Zhang Junyun's eyes appeared withdrawn and frightened, but did not stop him from attacking.

It is enough to show how tyrannical and bloodthirsty Zhang Junyun is in this full werewolf state.

That is to say, once Zhang Junyun enters this state, then he may be irrationally mad and attack everything that can be seen.

What would fear even an existence that does not fear God?

And just as the giant monster in the form of Zhang Junyun rushed to the warrior not far away, others also woke up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Junyun didn’t call for them to leave, he went to block the other party, and didn’t even cover the detective to escape, then It is because Zhang Junyun understands that it is useless to escape.

Now that the other party has found them, the ending is already doomed.

Unless everyone ignores life and death to block each other for a period of time and let Miss Tao turn around the time, otherwise they will have no chance of winning and everyone will end in death.

And this time running away, it is really looking for death.

Of course, Zhang Junyun did not specifically point out the words that let Miss Tao escape and leave, or protect Miss Tao, because it would make the other party vigilant.

Zhang Junyun believes that Miss Tao knows what she should do.

It has to be said that being able to think of so many things in an instant, Zhang Junyun deserves to be a good mix in the Second World, and even got such a strong werewolf descent.

But a pity. . What they are facing is not a general existence, but a **** who seems to be able to dominate everything. (To be continued.)

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