High Magic Earth

Chapter 1033: Counterattack

As a native of Koga Ninja, Kinosuke traveled the farthest place in his life, but he went to the city where Daming Prefecture is located to perform tasks. As a good boy, he naturally did not go to the Eagle Custom Street.

Ok. . Why did you talk about this problem suddenly?

Naturally, the question that Zhang Junyun can understand is certainly unclear. He does not know how terrible the so-called causal attack is. He only knows that the enemy dressed up by this samurai is indeed terrifying enough. It is the strongest he has encountered since he became a ninja. A big enemy is enough.

Sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

Kinosuke knew that he was not the opponent of the other party at all. Whether it was to add Yang Yan or to tie everyone together, it was definitely not a good way to fight hard. The best option at this time was to turn around and run away quickly.

With his own speed, there may be a ray of life.

But Kanosuke did not do this.

Because he is a ninja.

Not that noble profession is a ninja, but ninja has absolute professional integrity and loyalty.

Loyalty to tasks, loyalty to masters, loyalty to employers.

Sometimes there will be a conflict between these three, so how to choose is a very difficult thing for the involved ninja.

Fortunately, this situation did not occur at this time.

So in the face of Zhang Junyun's last words before losing his mind, Kanosuke chose to listen.

Ok. . It is not very accurate to say that he is obedient, because Zhang Junyun is not his employer, and Kanosuke is the leader of Jia He who has taken Yi Chou's mantra, and is also the command of his uncle, who is responsible for protecting Zhang Junyun along the way.

It was just that Yi Chao was too strong along the way, which put him and Yang Yan in a state of beating soy sauce.

Now, with Yi Huo crashing down, the situation immediately became extremely urgent.

Susuke Kensuke, who is experienced in battle, knew better than Zhang Junyun about the disadvantages at this time. In the face of such enemies, they had little hope of victory.

But instead of escaping, he chose to fight hard.

Because he understands Zhang Junyun, he is not a non-targeted person, so staying does not necessarily have to die, because everything is over after death, and Zhang Junyun will not make such a choice.

And if you run away by yourself, you may only have a ray of life, and you may not be able to escape from here.

He has seen so many amazing things about these people along the way, maybe this time it is the same.

Coupled with the belief that the Ninja has never given up his mission for many years to support him, Kanosuke did not choose to leave.


Accompanied by a screaming wind, the speed of Kanosuke broke out at full strength, and even more than Zhang Junyun in the state of crazy werewolf, rushed to the warrior first.

He didn't slow down at all. He took out the samurai samurai sword Yi Yi gave him, and with a sharp edge, he cut diagonally towards the fatal position of the samurai's neck, trying to cut his head directly under a borrowing force. Down.

Although the super speed of Kinosuke is not as extreme as the speed of the Flash, but it is also the existence of ten people in a knife, it is not a small peep. The situation in almost all super speed states is the same, everything around is in the string Jie's eyes became extremely slow, and he could even see the gap between the helmet and breastplate of the opponent's armor that was slightly open.

This is where he wants to get the knife!

"Drink!" Kanosuke screamed, "Go die!" The samurai sword almost cut off the air, and pointed at the samurai with a sharp cold light.


At this same moment, the green light appeared!

In the eyes of Kennosuke, from the moment he moved, until he rushed in front of the samurai, the other party had no defense, and it seemed that there was no reaction.

But this does not mean that he really didn't plan not to do any first resistance.

"Killing Curse--!"

Kinosuke almost reached the front of the samurai almost instantly. It seemed that the sharp katana could cut his neck against the gap of the armor in the next moment, so that the blood in the large artery was sprayed like a spring. I have seen it many times, because no one can react at his speed, everyone has the same ending.

But this time, he encountered resistance.

At the moment when the Demon Breaking Sword was about to come into contact, a cold female voice appeared not far away, as if it was surrounded by Kanosuke's surroundings, coming rapidly from far to near, and getting faster and faster.

At first, the sound seemed far away and slow, but as these words he couldn't understand were spit out one by one, the sound became faster and louder and louder, as if whispering In his ears.

At the next moment, Kanosuke saw green, and the dazzling emerald green seemed to be the most beautiful color, becoming larger and larger, and finally gradually occupying his entire field of vision.

This is also the last color Kanesuke saw.

The last scene in his life.

As the strongest ninja of this generation, Konosuke's talent is peculiar from urination. His speed is extraordinary and far beyond ordinary people. No one can react at his speed. He has never missed it.

Fortunately, he has a gentle personality, so there is no killing.

But in the last battle of his life, he encountered resistance, and this is probably also the last time he encountered resistance.

Kinosuke in the running lost his power in an instant, the figure without power began to become distorted, and the direction of the katana became unstable.

But the inertia of his speed is still there.

Under the huge inertia, if the samurai sword is sharp enough, then it may not be a problem even if the steel is cut, not to mention that the Jiansuke is still holding the magic magic weapon packaged in the Tengu forest.

Unfortunately, all this is still meaningless.

In the face of the galloping sword, the samurai is still moving or not moving. I don’t know if he is disdainful to avoid it or if he really doesn’t respond.

At the next moment, the samurai sword whose angle had been tilted hit him as expected.

More precisely, it hit his armor.

The samurai sword, which lost its master's control, naturally lost its quasi-head, it deviated from the fatal gap of the armor at the neck, and then scratched **** the samurai's shoulder armor.

There was a violent tear between the samurai sword and the shoulder armor, as if two pieces of iron skin were rubbing, and the sharp voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

With the Martian splash, the katana came to an end.


When Kanosuke fell to the ground, the samurai sword also fell to the side, and the exposed samurai figure showed no scars at all, and even his armor was intact.

Kinosuke no longer sees this scene.

He was taken down by the life mantra and fell to the ground softly, rolling with his inertia on the ground a few times, and then lying on his back with his body twisted.

There is still panic on his face, which is the common expression of everyone who has been hit by the death spell, but more often, it is doubts about this attack.

how is this possible. . It's so fast. .

This is probably the question he wanted to express before he died.

. . .

"Do not!!"

The first thing to notice that Kanosuke died was Yang Yan, which is not surprising, because among all people, only she kept focusing most of her attention on Kansuke.

If it weren't for the minimum ninja literacy, she wished to focus all her attention on Kanosuke.

When everyone only saw the flower in front of him, Yang Yan clearly noticed that Uenosuke lost his power and fell into a distant figure in awkwardness.

She wasn't sure what was going on, but her heart was suddenly empty, as if she had been dug out of a large amount of hunch that made her sweat cold.


Yang Yan's heart didn't dare to think about that terrible idea. After making a heartbreaking roar, she instantly turned into a tulle that clung to the ground, accompanied by the drifting mist, and the wind was automatically directed towards the string. Referrals go.

She has just found a way to get her own happiness and does not want to lose again so quickly.

If Zhang Junyun is still awake at this time, he must definitely scold the pig teammate.

Yang Yan is not a character who is good at frontal attack. She is good at charm and poison. Well, even if her charm may not work for the samurai, it is still poison.

In most novels and comics, poison is the only way to counter-attack.

In addition, Yang Yan is also a ninja with rich combat experience. The role she can play is actually far less than she imagined.

Unfortunately, all this was destroyed because of her irrationality.

The woman who fell in love is unreasonable.

Fortunately, although Zhang Junyun entered the state of full werewolf, but at this time unexpectedly played a quite coincident role.

Just as Yang Yan tried to pass by the samurai, Zhang Junyun, who had been trending for a long time, was not unexpectedly immediately followed by Uenosuke, he had already rushed to the samurai, but because of the speed of Uenosuke , Was rushed in front of him.

But Kanosuke also blocked a fatal spell for him.

The completely mad werewolf with a tyrannical atmosphere, dragging countless afterimages behind him. Although Zhang Junyun was irrational, these instincts for the use of abilities still existed, activating the magical creature Tengu, the ability of ninja, and their ability in Zhang Junyun. It is always present in the blood and is very easy to use.

It may just not be as fast as Kanosuke.

After all, this thing also depends on talent.

Aftermath of the Dao Dao made the sky like countless werewolves. His huge body with death repression, went straight from the sky to the warrior. This kind of tyranny full of power is far from the thin speed of Kanosuke. Threatened.

It seemed to feel a certain threat, and even the samurai underneath wasn't finally a useless look. He put his hand on the handle of his waist slightly cautiously, and seemed to be waiting.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Yan also successfully swam to Kanosuke, getting closer and closer to his body.

I don't know when the mist is everywhere, this is released by Yang Yan, as if to vent her sorrow.

But at the next moment, the change is highlighted!

Yang Yan, who had originally traveled to Xiangsuke, didn't walk in a straight line at all. Instead, when he was halfway up, his figure suddenly flickered to another location, and it looked as if it was teleporting.

The Yang Yan teleported to the other side of the open space again turned into a human form, and then strangely, made an incomprehensible action.

She hugged the air ahead.

At the next moment, there was a wave in the air, and Daisy in stealth appeared out of thin air.

She was still hiding under her cloak and hood, her long hair seemed to be a messy, unclear face, but she could feel that she was not the kind of controlled stiffness.

However, Yang Yan didn't care so much. Her right hand was like a snake, and immediately became entrenched in Daisy's neck. The hood was dropped by Yang Yan and exposed Daisy's face.

"Damn you..."

With Yang Yan's movements, Daisy stood upright as if stiff. That was the poison of Yang Yan's body. When he came to Daisy's ear, Yang Yan whispered, but his eyes were full of fierce words.

She had long known that Uenosuke was dead, and when she saw Uenosuke lying quietly on the ground, Yang Yan realized.

As the main ninja of Jiahe, her experience and psychological quality are higher than Zhang Junyun imagined.

She made up her mind almost instantly, and she wanted to take revenge on Kinosuke.

This is her only purpose.

As for who killed Kanosuke, it was clear that Yang Yan had seen Daisy shot, and although the life-spelling mantra was only once, she could recognize it.

She seems to have lost her mind and desperately wants to slam next to Kanosuke's body, but that's not the case.

The fog is to determine Daisy’s position. Daisy was in a state of invisibility along the way. Yangyan had already dealt with it for a long time. It’s true that this kind of invisibility is difficult to solve even if it is easy, but it’s not impossible to solve it because Daisy West is not always in stealth.

As a companion, Daisy occasionally needs to show up. It was at this time that Yang Yan left her poison to track her enemy on Daisy's clothes. It was precisely because of this that she determined Daisy's position. .

Sure enough, Daisy was nearby because she seemed to be looking for Suginosuke's plan, because she was looking for opportunities and even killed herself.

The scorching act of catching Daisy was quick. After that, he bowed his head to Daisy's white neck.

The poison of Yang Yan is naturally the most powerful in her mouth. Her physique is particularly poisonous, but for others, it is the poison that seals the throat with blood.

Because of the poison's invasion, Daisy had a short pause, and no accident. At the next moment, blood was left from Daisy's neck along the corner of Yang Yan's mouth.

At a speed almost visible to the naked eye, Daisy's complexion began to turn blue.

But unexpectedly, Daisy was able to resist at this time.

The stiff fingers spread slightly, and the wand that fell to the ground was instantly sucked into her hand. The next moment, the huge magic power burst out for the last time, directly knocking Yang Yan away from her.

Although Daisy can't be regarded as a particularly powerful wizard, every wizard has a magical power to look at~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the full power of a wizard, Zhen Fei is only a trivial matter, and even shocks that person directly. It is possible to die.

But Yang Yan was obviously at the extreme because of Suginosuke’s death hate Daisy. She bit her fiercely on Daisy’s neck and showed no mercy. Instead of poisoning Daisy, she directly intended to put She was killed.

So when Yang Yan was flew out, Daisy took her a big chunk of flesh directly from her neck.

Yang Yan flew to the distant ruins and knew nothing about life and death. There was no life, and Daisy wasn't much better. She fell down on the ground again with a flick of her body, and the blue on her face quickly spread to the whole body.

Obviously, Yang Yan's poison was not given in vain.

But Daisy didn't seem to care that her life was coming to an end, but tried to struggle to get up and continue to move closer to the direction of the samurai.

If you look closely, you will find that although she doesn't seem to have a spell like the Soul Retrieval Curse, she has a special fanaticism in her eyes.

This fanaticism is exactly the same as those enchanted by Fu Jiang. (To be continued.)

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