High Magic Earth

Chapter 1034: After the dark fog

Just as Daisy flew Yang Yan to the ground in one fell swoop, Zhang Junyun also made the same action. To be precise, he was made the same action.

His huge body seemed to contain endless power, but in the hands of the samurai, it looked like the same thing.

Facing Zhang Junyun, who was rushing to the tyranny, the warrior had no other preparation except to put his hand on the handle of the knife.

But Zhang Junyun doesn't think it's because the other party is stupid.

Although he lost his mind, the fighting instinct was deepened several times. Seeing the opponent's movements, he felt a deep sense of uneasiness when he became a werewolf.

But it was too late to evade.


Sure enough, just when Zhang Junyun touched the samurai around three meters around him, a huge repulsive force came quickly, and a sonic boom appeared suddenly, as if all the kinetic energy on his body had been reversed in an instant. How did Zhang Junyun thrash it? , Just fly back.


There was another loud noise, and Zhang Junyun, who was still flying in the air, had no time to react, and the whole person turned down sharply, as if the whole person was dropped in the air by a heavy object, and fell into the ground fiercely.

If it seems from afar, Zhang Junyun seems to become a badminton.

First, he flew back with a blow, and then when the man was still in the air, he was intercepted again by an unknown force and penetrated below.


A large piece of mud splashed out, and a large pit appeared directly on the ground, burying Zhang Junyun in it, and his figure could not be seen clearly among the flying dust.

This series of changes happened quickly, and even the detective next to him had only time to see a series of afterimages, and half of Zhang Junyun's body had stepped into the soil.

Daisy is a friend of the enemy, not the life and death of Kannosuke and Yang Yan. Zhang Junyun loses his fighting power without even passing by. The detective who is in a turbulent situation can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The dust gradually dispersed, and the samurai still maintained his original shape, as if it had not changed for a long time, but no sound came from the deep pit where Zhang Junyun was buried.

Tan Qing took a step back involuntarily, the fear filled her body instantly.

In the distance, Daisy had fallen to the ground, his body twitched slightly, and his body was covered with venom. It was about to live. In the distance, Kanosuke and Yang Yan were lying far apart. The cold wind blew slightly, letting Tan Qing There was a chill in the bottom of my heart.

"Da Da Da Da..."

The scene was very quiet, because of this strange calm, a sound like walking on a watch suddenly appeared in the ears of two people, Tan Qing, and the warrior who caused it all.

The samurai remained still, but it seemed to turn his head slightly, turning his gaze in the direction of the sound.

Tan Qing also realized.

Back to the bird, Miss Tao.

She has used this short few seconds to escape from this place, turned into a dodo, and fell directly into the distance, but she dared not waste too much time on the escape, and she has landed and landed again before she flew far. Just took out her pocket watch.

When the clock fluctuates twice, the time will reverse.

It was just that she had just turned less than half a circle, and the battle on the field was over. The terrible warrior's attention was focused on her for the first time.

Dorothy couldn't help but also had some body stiffness. She didn't know what she should do. Continue to spend time. She wouldn't be the opponent of the other party at all. But if you don't spend time, then there will be no hope at all. Reverse.

Fortunately, at this time Tan Qing finally seemed to realize something.

The confrontation between Dorothy and the Samurai reminded her that at this moment, Tan Qing Fuling understood Zhang Junyun's plans.

Tan Qing is not a qualified free man, not powerful, even failing to pass, and even this is the first time she crosses.

Not everyone is talented, even if she has the potential for magic, it does not mean that she is exceptional in other ways.

Obviously, Tan Qing is a member of the uncharacteristic sentient beings. She has neither the protagonist's fighting talent nor a super high IQ. She can judge the truth from the clues and believe it, and she is not excellent. When the villains saw it, they had to give up more than ten years of planning and cherish their appearance.

Before entering the second world, she was just a girl who came into the workplace, knew the rules of the office, and was usually a little timid when she was in trouble.

After entering the second world, she is also the one with the least sense of Zhang Junyun.

Ordinary people will still be ordinary when they get there, this will not change.

Even when Zhang Junyun called everyone to act together before, she was slower by more than one beat. You know, Tan Qing also has the speed magic creature ability with double blessings of Tengu chords. If it breaks out, even Faster than Zhang Junyun in the state of pure werewolf.

But she did nothing at all.

Because she is not only physically, but even mentally, unable to keep up with all this in the second world.

But at this moment, she seems to have finally changed.

Even though the warrior's mask couldn't watch the waves, Miss Tao, though a little scared, still clenched her teeth and began to wave the hour hand again.

At the same time, the eyes hiding behind the mask immediately shrank slightly.

Not thinking about it, the samurai bullied himself.


But at this moment, the detective in the distance also moved, and she shouted, her body burst forward instantly, and when passing by the place where Zhang Junyun was originally standing, she was also transformed into a werewolf. The samurai sword left in place was pulled out and held in a non-standard posture.

The speed of the samurai is very fast, and even if Yi Chou simply runs away, he may not be able to get rid of it.

The tengu in the tengu forest, when faced with the clamor, couldn't stand a trick in his magic at all, and Tan Qing's best ability came from tengu.

So trying to catch up with the samurai is a fool's dream.

But this is the kind of detective, but in the case of a distance from the samurai, or even a step back, the distance between the two was shortened quickly.

Numerous afterimages were drawn behind Tan Qing, but her body was not in front. At this moment, she simultaneously stimulated the super speed of both Konosuke and Tengu together. She seemed to disappear in time and space. In a state where all the surroundings are forbidden, run forward quickly.

The distance between the two is constantly shrinking, but Tan Qing is still a long distance from the samurai. Although this distance is far more than the distance between the samurai and Miss Tao, because of the speed of both, Tan Qing couldn't stop the warrior before it reached Miss Tao.

I don't know if it was everyone's death that completely inspired the ferociousness in Tan Qing's heart, but I realized that Huishi Bird was their last hope.

Seeing the warrior getting closer and closer to Miss Tao, Tan Qing's eyes flashed anxiously and unwillingly, and then at the next moment, her entire body suddenly became erratic, as if there was no weight, a flash of shadow, blocking the warrior's Forward.


Lord Samurai, the omnipotent omnipotent, apparently did not expect this. It hit his head **** Tan Qing, and the poisonous mist spread all over his body for a moment, and was carried away diagonally by Tan Qing.

Thereby avoiding Dorothy not far away.

The ability of sunburn.

Whether it is atomization or toxins, it is Yang Yan's good show, and the previous flash of shadow is what Yang Yan used to instantly approach Daisy's lore.

Ninjas are a kind of magical creatures. In addition to all ninjas, their special abilities, except for a little idiot ability to exercise themselves, are almost all the bloodline talents and instincts of magical creatures.

The rules for the free man to activate the sleeping power in the body are not clear. Some people can get the power of the wizard, and even if they see the wizard in advance, they finally get the power of the magic creature.

Even among magical creatures, some people are vampires and some are werewolves.

However, since Tan Qing and Zhang Junyun have already obtained the super speed of Kensuke, it is sure that there is no problem with the Yangyan ability of the magical creature that is also a ninja.

But I don't know why, along the way, but their ability has not been activated.

At this moment, the power sleeping in Tan Qing finally flourished.

She came to the samurai in an instant, and even broke out with the toxin, and took it to the side completely.

This means. . Miss Tao is safe. .

Obviously, the impact of the **** warrior can’t be underestimated. Tan Qing does not have Zhang Junyun’s werewolf lineage and is not thick and thick. In addition, the original tight protective clothing has lost most of the effect in the previous explosion to offset the damage. This time, the impact almost hit her hard.

Except for the superb speed and the blessing of Yang Yan, Tan Qing is no different from ordinary people.

And what would be the consequence of ordinary people being hit by a big truck head-on, without a complete transformation, it is already a good ending.

The warrior of the gods had turned over, and Tan Qing was still paralyzed on the ground.

She felt that she couldn't move her body. There was severe pain everywhere. The whole body had lost its sensation, not only the legs below, but also the shoulders and arms became numb.

She even felt that she had broken her sternum and ribs and plunged into her internal organs, because she felt all the chest and abdomen pain.

The detective did not die on the spot, but the tights were still playing the only cushioning effect.

But after spouting a blood foam with visceral flesh, Tan Qing's pale face smiled strangely, "Hope... that guy didn't lie to me... cough... this place, there should be." ...What a body repair..."

Until this moment, Tan Qing did not understand why he chose to rush up instead of turning around and escaping.

Maybe it's because of that guy.

The guy who looks idiot but always cares about himself all the time. He only helps himself silently, but he is not good at speaking out. From his stiff performance, it can be seen that he must be one in this world. Single dog.

Even if he went through several worlds, and even got the werewolf blood, he could not hide the temperament of his single dog.

If you are still in this world, you will never look at him. Even if you don’t look pretty, it is also a rare breed that has a stable job, only one boyfriend, and no bed.

And he was able to stand out, but he entered this strange world earlier than himself, gaining some strange abilities one step earlier.

This is not uncommon, because maybe someone else will do better.

However, although Tan Qing thought this way, she did not know that she had found a figure, but she never knew when she would never forget it.

Life in this world has always been very monotonous, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to change something in that kind of life.

But here is different. The second world is full of novelty and adventure. With the opportunities, there are death and crisis. The time seems to be extended here. Every day is a completely different experience from the present world. Here, the crystallization of feelings condenses Is faster than she thought.

Although thinking this way, Tan Qing can't forget that figure.

At the next moment, Tan Qing's eyes suddenly saw a sharp cold light, and then she felt a cold body, and her head rolled away as if she was out of control.

She saw her body that had lost her head, saw Zhang Junyun, who was struggling to climb out of the deep pit, covered with scars and messes, and so on. . Standing in front of the Huishi Bird, it seems that there is no God Warrior stopped by himself.

. . This is impossible. .

Darkness also overwhelmed Tan Qing.

. . .

Zhang Junyun, who was still half-werewolf, felt a sudden tingling in his heart, as if he had just broken open and pulled it out of his body.


Zhang Junyun issued a burst of wolf like a wolf in the sky, and the whole werewolf turned into a body that finally could not sustain itself in the heart and the physical impact of the frontal blow of the **** warrior, and transformed into a human form again.

Zhang Junyun, who was covered in blood, fell to the ground. His memory during the wolf transformation surged like a tide. Fortunately, the memory was very short. He resisted the severe pain and looked up outside the deep pit. He did not find Tan Qing’s body. I first saw the samurai warrior who was holding up the katana in front of the bird.

"No..." Zhang Junyun stared at his eyes and reached out his hand subconsciously, but he was unable to stop it.

At this time, Miss Tao, who was shrouded in the shadow of the samurai as if **** asura, is also about this feeling. Her dial is still just a step forward, because Tan Qing's blocking has no effect at all.

She did come to the **** warrior, but she did not stop him.

After the **** warrior bumped into Tan Qing, she was indeed hugged and flew out, but at the moment of flying away, it seemed that it split into two. A **** warrior accompanied the detective and flew down into the distance, and The newly born warrior suddenly appeared as if the soul had separated, still standing in front of Miss Tao.

Although the **** warrior stopped in advance due to Tan Qing's obstruction, it was still only a few steps away from Miss Tao.

No one can stop it.

Miss Tao also realized this, her hand stopped and her wrists were trembling slightly. At this moment, it seemed that even the sky was extremely dark, and the thick clouds gathered above the sky, like a rainstorm approaching, dark The blackened ones were scary and even twisted into a huge vortex.

Slightly raising his foot, the **** samurai came to Miss Tao in an instant, and his hand with the samurai sword in the scabbard was lifted up by it somehow. At the next moment, Miss Tao would be cut off.

At this time, the time on the dial has not been dialed. It seems to feel the threat of death. Miss Tao began to dial the dial irrespective of life and death, but even then, it was too late. The dial dial needs a certain time. This is Fixed, the time tentatively can only affect people other than Huishi Bird, and the people beside Huishi Bird will not be affected.

Otherwise, Miss Tao has already backtracked the time back to twenty-four hours before, and does not need to wait so long.

But obviously, the time to turn the dial is not as fast as the samurai sword falling down~www.wuxiaspot.com~Before Miss Tao plucked the dial back to the twenty-four hour build time for the first time, the sharp samurai sword was already She can be cut into several sections with her pocket watch.

The movements in his hands were not stopped, but Miss Tao's face was already involuntarily showing despair.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared between the two, and the falling samurai sword was restrained.

"Enough." The figure said, "Stop, I can't let you cut the only real one."

Miss Tao at the rear did not see who was coming, but felt that her voice was familiar, but at this time she had ignored the others and turning the dial seemed to be the only thing she would do.

No matter who it is, as long as it blocks for a while, as long as you turn the hour hand back. . all of these. .

But at the next moment, the figure also turned around, using one finger to firmly press the hour hand of the pocket watch, making it impossible to turn, "The same sentence is also for you, Dorothy." The figure said , "Don't go back in time, I just want to know, what is that in the end, but I'm not ready yet, and really attract it." (To be continued.)

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