High Magic Earth

Chapter 1035: biological

"how is this possible."

There was an ups and downs of emotions in the warrior’s words for the first time. When he stopped, he retreated slightly, and he was a little surprised involuntarily.

Even the only remaining Zhang Junyun and Miss Tao saw their pupils shrink slightly after seeing the person coming, feeling unbelievable.

"Explain it to you, it's really troublesome." Yi Xuan's face seemed a bit tired. "Fortunately, I don't need to talk nonsense with you."

Nothing happened to Yi Chou. There seemed to be a sudden burst of magic between him and the warrior god. The invisible and invisible waves pushed the warrior shoved backward, and immediately made it back a few steps.

Yi Xiao snatched Miss Tao's pocket watch, he looked around, set the hour hand straight again, and returned to the original position of the hour hand, which is the time of the moment.


Miss Tao's lips opened slightly, but as soon as she uttered a word, she was interrupted by a finger raised by Yi Xiao.

"Hush," he said. Yi Xuan raised his head and looked at Miss Tao with a solemn gaze. "Do you need any special spells or ways to use your pocket watch?"

Miss Tao's head had completely turned into a paste at this time, only instinctively shook her head.

"Then I don't get it."

Yi Chou checked the time again, and then pouted his lips. With a snap, he closed the pocket watch and threw it back in Miss Tao's arms.

Ignoring Miss Tao's rush to catch the pocket watch, Yi Xuan looked up to the sky.

The dark sky seemed extremely gloomy at this time, as if the pouring fire was coming soon after the explosion, but the vortex that rolled and gathered in the clouds did not look like a normal phenomenon.

Because this vortex is so terrible, the black hole is like a giant mouth, as if there is some monster hidden in it, and I want to rush out of it.

This is definitely an abnormal supernatural phenomenon, and even the Baiguixing people and monsters next to them seem to have a feeling, and they start to become slightly turbulent.

Zhang Junyun also reacted from his initial consternation. He looked at Yi Chou and suddenly showed a bitter smile. He didn't know what to think, despair, excitement, or regained hope.

Yi Chou didn't die at all, so what did he do all by himself.

What about Kanosuke?

In the state of werewolf, Zhang Junyun only saw Kanosuke one person, so he only knew that he was dead and had not found it yet. .

. . Tan Qing.

Zhang Junyun's eyes suddenly fell not far away, and his expression suddenly solidified on a corpse with a separated head, because he recognized everything he knew.

He cannot admit his mistake.

Because of his familiarity with Tan Qing, even if it was just his back, he could not admit his mistake.

"how is this possible.."

Zhang Junyun's heart quickly changed from tangled to invincible abyss.

Naturally, he didn't care about other things.

On the contrary, Miss Tao, who was the closest to Yi Chou, immediately discovered the anomaly in the sky. The previous moment of life and death made her have no extra energy. Even if she noticed it, she thought it was a precursor to the rainstorm, but now look It seems that the abnormal weather is not so simple.

"This weather... is it normal when you create a time roundabout?"

The next moment, Yi Tao's voice came from Miss Tao's ear.

The reason why Yi Chou has this problem is that in the community of Huishi Birds, another well-known figure, Miss Pei, was also in a gloomy rainy day while creating a time maneuver for the orphanage.

This made Yi Xuan have to think that it wasn't coincidence that it rained every time the rotation was established, but it rained because of the establishment of the time rotation.

"Huh?" But Miss Tao was stunned. She didn't understand why Yi Chou asked this question, but she immediately answered, "How is it possible..."

"I understand."

Yi Chou, who got the answer, nodded. If it wasn't because of the back-time bird, it was almost the same as his own guess.

However, at this time, Yi Chao has been neglected and thinks that his neglected God Warrior is finally no longer silent.

"If you are just for these unknown things, then you really shouldn't stand up," it said, "but you should continue to lie there and pretend to die."

It raised the samurai sword in his hand again, as if with an endless threat, gently stroked into the air.

Then, there was a loud bang.

The whole samurai flew upside down, as if the impact of a train hitting it, and it did not make any resistance.

Miss Tao looked at Yi Chou with a strange look, and didn't understand how he could have such power, and why he didn't have such power, and why didn't he do it from the beginning. .

Yi Xiao held a whitish wand like a bone in his hand. This is the old wand with the best magic power. The front of the wand points to the sky. At the next moment, a thick light from the fist spewed out from it, directly penetrating into the terrible Inside the gloomy whirlpool.

"The time gyration of the time-returning bird caused a shock of time and space. It attracted the most terrifying existence, the ghost of time."

"But Huishiniao is not fighting alone. The most loyal friend and wizard of magic is their ally. Huishiya found a wizard and asked him to help him solve the ghost of time ghost."

"In the construction of time gyration again, the ghost of time finally found the trace of the bird at the time of return, but this is, the wizard also arrived."

"He raised his wand in his hand, pointed it at the sky, and shouted loudly:"

"In the name of Angomaka, I announced that the time of this piece of time will return to peace!"

At the same time that Yihou's voice fell, a transparent invisible light film instantly spread along the light radiated by the magic wand, quickly spreading across the sky, and then turned down like a hood.

At the same time that Yihou's voice fell, this invisible transparent cover also just touched the ground. At the next moment, in the restlessness and restlessness of the monsters who looked up at the sky, the light film disappeared to nothing, as if it really melted with the air. One.

The light enveloped everyone, and at the end of the extension of the light film, the gloomy clouds in the sky suddenly agitated.

They seem to have lost something, and like they have lost an important target, they begin to roll over and over, roaring like wild beasts.

The wind is growing, these clouds seem to have no intention of dissipating, but more like being irritated.

But Yi Biao was not in a hurry. Sure enough, after these black clouds continued to roar for more than a minute, they suddenly dispersed outwards in all directions for less than a second, and the entire sky had returned to its original state, still the month. The starry night sky seems to have never happened.

Because the flame caused by the explosion was not extinguished, the blazing flame burned in the surrounding ruins, reflected on Miss Tao’s face, and also imprinted in her heart.

but. . There was still a paste in her head at this time.

"What the **** is going on here?" Miss Tao was a face full of cuteness. At first she didn't realize when the sky gathered a big vortex. Even if she noticed it, she didn't think it would be related to herself.

But Yi Biao said a lot of cracks, which seemed to be related to himself, but he didn't understand it at all, and the most important thing was that after he finished speaking, it all seemed to be really over.

"Hmm..." Yi Xuan shrugged and collected his wand. "My new book is still not going to be published."

This is naturally the power of the silver tongue. Only the silver tongue can recite directly, and it will achieve many incredible effects. The cause of the whole thing is also very simple.

Before finding the Shenshi, Miss Mandela passed a message to Yi Chou.

An uninvited guest came to Neverland, and he was surrounded by a very strange wave of magic.

It’s not a strange thing to have guests on Neverland, whether it’s the shadows that are brought back directly, or the magical creatures that have strayed into Neverland, but Yi Chou still pays great attention to this news, because Miss Mandela’s last sentence words.

As one of the most powerful magical creatures on Fantasy Island, Miss Mandela’s strength is undoubtedly, although it is more familiar with magical abilities such as the Black Valley and plant life and the opposite death curse, it does not mean to other energy Completely unfamiliar.

Identify the nature of magical energy stones, because magical energy is figured out, which is especially reflected in the magical creatures.

Just like animals naturally know that water can be drunk and need to eat when they are hungry, there is no reason and no reason.

Of course, there are some magical energies that are not known, just like the water can't be drunk after rain, which needs to be summed up with experience.

However, Fantasy Island is one of the natural origins of magic. There are many types of magical energy contained on it. Even if the magical creature with very little knowledge stays there for two years, there is little magic.

Miss Mandela, know more naturally.

And it doesn't know, or hasn't contacted. . There are only a few.

Of course, based on incomplete guesses from Miss Mandela's personal point of view, it may be time energy.

And Yi Xiao had to sigh that regardless of race or age, female instincts are indeed extremely accurate at some times.

This is indeed the energy of time.

For wizards, it may be difficult to judge directly without using spells and feelings.

But after Miss Mandela's description, and the fact that it has not seen this kind of energy, basically Yi Chou can be determined.

There was a time when the creature came to Neverland.

To be precise, it should be straight to Neverland to find something.

Because of the particularity of time and space, there are very few magical creatures with these two kinds of talents who lose their space, because it sounds as ridiculous as a fish choking to die in water.

But Yi Chou didn't understand what was worth looking for, was he himself?

I don't seem to have done anything outrageous. I was thinking about it. Time has always been an area that he can't touch. Naturally, there is no talk of disruption and any enemy.

Of course, maybe in the future, I will come into contact with this field, and then get some nasty guys, it travels through time to find its own trouble.

Is it time after all?

This possibility is also possible, but it is not great. The future self should not be a vegetarian. It can force the other party to pass through time to destroy itself. I am afraid that the help from the future has arrived before waiting for itself to be eliminated.

Yi Xiao can't figure out why the other party came, but he doesn't want to contact it rashly. The magic world has unlimited possibilities. You will never know what magic your opponent will throw at the next moment. This sentence is used on magic creatures, naturally more Suitable.

Then I couldn't find the answer to the question when Yi Chou was confused.

He saw Miss Tao.

A return time bird.

A guy who deals exclusively with time.

Well, the problem is solved, and the answer to the problem is there.

Perhaps it is not to find yourself at all, but to find the back-time bird, because you know that the existence of Dream Island is very special, and it is far earlier than yourself. It is the center of all sub-worlds. As a center, it must be It has its particularity. Although it cannot interfere with other sub-worlds, it can be felt at least.

Then it is not surprising that the other party went to Neverland and then locked back.

Of course, all of this is just an easy guess. No one can be sure until it is confirmed.

But Yi Chou could not be quickly proved.

He couldn't let Miss Tao directly create a time maneuver, start to maneuver the time again, and create a no problem, then if the other party really came to the bird, then it really came.

No one knows what will happen. Time energy and time magic are undoubtedly a very mysterious and powerful existence. Yi Biao even dare not guarantee whether it can be solved, let alone hide the strength.

Once the powerful force is discovered by the parasites of this world, it will definitely be alert, all plans will change, and even it may be completely hidden.

That means that Yi Chao's mission failed completely, and everything before was useless.

Fortunately, that creature that looks like a ghost like time magic is not a problem that needs to be solved immediately. Yi Chou just needs to determine whether his goal is himself, and be careful not to let anyone ~www. before determining its goal. wuxiaspot.com~ includes using time-related magic to avoid being tracked by it.

Yi Yi then thought of a best of both worlds.

Find the parasite of this world first, and then solve the problem of the ghost of time. Yi Biao is confident that as long as the identity of this parasitic guy in the world can be determined, and it really appears in front of him, then this parasite should not want to run away. .

At that time, Yi Biao can completely put the parasite aside, and then find a chance to let Miss Tao turn the time, and once the time energy fluctuates greatly, it will definitely attract the attention of the unexpected guest.

If its goal is yourself, then you must be careful next, even if not, you can prepare in advance and then deliberate.

It is indeed a very important thing to clean up the anomalies brought to the world by angels and demons, and it is also my own duty as the guardian of Neverland.

However, when facing a time creature that can threaten his life at the same time, Yi Chou still thinks that the latter is more important, because the person is dead, but everything is over, and there will be no chance to solve the abnormal problem. This account, Yi Chou can still be understood. (To be continued.)

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