High Magic Earth

Chapter 1036: Uncover

The problem was just as expected, step by step, and fortunately, the time-magic creature was not directed at itself, because it was the bird's time gyration that caught its attention.

Of course, everything is not easy to say, but Yi Chou can at least feel relieved.

What's more crucial is that the anomaly of this world is also standing in front of itself completely.

This so-called god, the samurai hidden behind the mask.

"It's time to break your disguise..." Yi Huo murmured in a low voice.

but. . Maybe Zhang Junyun did not like their way.

Yi Biao’s gaze swept to the side of Zhang Junyun. The werewolf’s resilience was strong. At least he was a werewolf’s resilience. At this moment, he had struggled to climb to Tan Qing’s body, looked at her head, and looked. It seems a bit dull.

Oh, by the way, by surprise, Yi Chou also saw Zhang Junyun's appearance as a werewolf.

But there is no clue.

His large size only shows that he is really special, but it does not bring any useful value. The werewolf with a huge body after the werewolf is not without it. It can only be said that it is not the mainstream. Maybe it is in a corner of an unknown movie. Werewolf branch.

There are too few clues, and Yi Huo is not easy to judge with memory. It is best to find a computer and a professional to compare and ask after returning to Neverland or this world.

Speaking of ways, the easy way is really not friendly.

At least for others.

The unexpected guests of Neverland made some minor changes to Yihou's plan, and how to achieve his so-called methodical plan, then naturally do nothing, and then let Miss Tao turn the time after the abnormal appearance.

So why did Miss Tao turn time?

Naturally, he chose the most concise method for Yi Chao's logic.


As long as he fails, as long as the enemy is too strong, then Zhang Junyun and others who have nowhere to go will naturally want to start from scratch. Of course, the enemy is really weak, or Zhang Junyun they have no other card situation they need to know. This is completely Watch the spot play.

Fortunately, this time there were no surprises. The enemies are undoubtedly powerful, and Zhang Junyun is not a villain who hides deeply. There are hidden tricks, so the result is clear at a glance.

Miss Tao tried to reverse time, and then the breath of time ghost appeared unexpectedly over the world.

The only thing that surprised Yi Chao was that the breath of this magical creature was a little too dangerous, and Yi Hao was a little scared.

This is an unrest from a very high level, as if the other party can fundamentally destroy themselves.

So he quickly appeared beside Miss Tao, and then stopped her plan to go back in time.

And after the time is set, the dangerous breath has not disappeared, as if it must have locked the world.

Yi Heo did not hesitate to use the power of the silver tongue. Instead of borrowing the disguise of the magic book, he used it out of thin air. In fact, he did not need to disguise, because the unlucky egg mask samurai had been recognized by Yi Xuan. Don't think about hiding it again.

Of course, because the other side was too dangerous, Yi Chou even doubted whether the power of the silver tongue could resist the erosion of time.

The power of the silver tongue is rarely flawed, but the story needs to be reasonable and partially complete. If the power of confrontation is too strong, and a reasonable story cannot be thought of, then there will naturally be the possibility of invalidity.

Fortunately, it succeeded in the end. Although after Yi Biao used the silver tongue to cover up everything, the other party still seemed to be arrogant and irritable. But in the end, he didn't find the world completely.

It's perfect.

For Yi Chao.

But compared to others, Yi Chou set his sights on the only two survivors, Miss Tao and Zhang Junyun. . No, no, maybe, only the only survivor. .

After being tirelessly persuaded and nagging, Yi Chou has actually changed a lot more than he had no soul before. He is learning, imitating, and re-understanding all human feelings.

Yi Xiao believes that after he really understands all his feelings one day, he will be able to deal with any situation calmly even if he loses his soul energy again.

Although he may not feel anything in his heart, the surface will definitely be perfect.

As for the strength of these people like Tan Qing, how could Yi Biao not understand, it is even better than the chicken. .


The samurai warrior, who had no movement at all times, suddenly appeared in front of Yi Chou. Without any indication, the sharp samurai sword cut into Yi Chou's neck.

perhaps. . For the samurai masks, things really should be like this.

Yi Xiao stretched out a finger effortlessly, then blocked its blade, and even sneered at it leisurely, "I thought you didn't plan to come out of the pit."

The samurai mask did not express surprise. I wonder if it had been expected, or this emotion was useless to it. It did not give up and changed the angle again. It was still a fierce cleavage.

After a few knives, of course, he still returned without success, but Yi Chou was tired of this boring temptation.

"The unwilling samurai tried to cut the wizard's neck again and put this guy who had been disguised as death really dead, but unfortunately the difference between the two was too great, even if the samurai tried his whole body, it was impossible to cut the wizard's skin."

After quickly reading this passage, Yi Xiao withdrew his hand and stood there unavoidably.


The samurai sword made a crisp sound with Yi Chou's skin, as if the steel was colliding, and it was really like Yi Chou said, it didn't hurt him at all, even the outer skin was not broken.

But the mask samurai responded extremely quickly. The samurai sword instantly began to change and melt, and secreted an unknown substance, trying to attack Yi Chou from another angle.

The thing that the silver tongue did not recite naturally could not come true, and Yi Chou could not resist this unknown attack, but he did not plan to stand and be beaten so stupidly.

"The mask improved by the wizard can only be carried around, but it can be used, but the role has been reduced, and only partial mischief can be carried out."

As soon as the voice fell, Yi Xuan raised his other hand violently, as if shooting a fly, and that hand was turned into a huge fly swatter in the air, and he was fiercely attacking and flashing around Yi Chou. The mask samurai fan went.

The samurai mask is not a fool. In the face of such a huge attack, it didn’t even shake, and it jumped directly to the ground in the distance.

"How is this possible." It said again.

But the strange thing is that there is no surprise in its tone, but a positive statement.

This is impossible.

Why is it so determined.

"You shouldn't really think of yourself as a god." Yi Biao laughed mercilessly.

"Without this thing, how can you still use that power."

A magic book appeared suddenly in the hands of the masked samurai, and no one could see how it was taken out, and that magic book was naturally in the hands of Yi Xiao originally.

Looking back at the fighting place, the book on the ground was gone.

"It turns out you are talking about this." Yi Huo froze for a moment before saying, "I didn't expect you to be so stupid, you don't really think I need this book."

"You must have noticed that I need to read everything, but I am the owner of this book, this book can achieve everything, then how could I have not considered that I can not speak, cannot be seen, even the magic book is being criticized The robbing happened."

"And instead of preventing the book from being taken away, it is better to change the method."

"Since it is omnipotent, then... it seems that it is not impossible for me to use the power of the magic book after losing it."

"Very simple logic, right."

The samurai mask was silent for a while, "It is indeed possible, if you start from your perspective."

"But it also shows that your strength comes from yourself, not from the magic book."

"I miss... I never said that my power comes from the magic book."

"So this is impossible."

The topic went back to the original starting point. If it was not Yi Biao who knew that no one could help the mask samurai, he might wonder if the other party was delaying time.

but. . Delaying time doesn't make sense, for both parties.

It seems that the problem that has plagued for a long time can finally be solved. Yi Rou said a few more words.

Of course, it is more because of Miss Huishi back behind.

Yi Xao needs her to bring the situation here back to the Huishi Bird, so instead of explaining it afterwards, if it is clear here directly.

"No one can have this power without being noticed by me." The samurai mask still said persistently.

Yi Chao’s mouth could not help but pick up a bit, “So, you can’t accept it, that is, you can’t bear the power that is not under your control on another person, and you are not aware of it because you are the so-called God, right."

Yi Chou felt that his guess was correct.

"It seems that you don't know everything." He sneered.

After finishing talking, Yi Chou turned directly to Zhang Junyun, "How long do you still plan to sit on the ground, suddenly become so quiet, I am still not used to it."

Hearing Yi Chou's words, Zhang Junyun turned his head numbly.

"Then what are you going to do with me." He said flatly.

"Listen to your pride and unravel the mystery. How powerful is your ability to show off like an idiot, do you still need me to applaud and be quiet for you? My role is just that."

Yi Xiao frowned, but it seemed that he was not surprised that Zhang Junyun could say this.

After Zhang Junyun said so much in one breath, he took a deep breath and suddenly seemed to feel that he had something to say.

"I thought you would be a good person, but I did not expect that I would be so ridiculously wrong. Is this your bad taste? Do you like to give hope to the enemy first and then to despair? Why do you have such a powerful force not from the beginning Just solve the problem!"

Speaking of the last time, Zhang Junyun had roared, and even his teeth and jaws were squeaking, as if to enter a werewolf state.

But he knew the difference between himself and Yi Chao, so it was just pointless.

"...Oh...you still remember my ability, I thought you couldn't figure out what's going on now..."

"Of course I know!" Zhang Junyun interrupted Yi Chou's words, "Do you think I should beg you to save her and save everyone?"

"Resurrection is not an easy task, even for magic, it is a taboo in taboo, and I don’t think a guy like you will be willing to help me, you don’t even consider us as companions, even if you are resurrected and What is it, a repaired item?"

"A guy like me..." Yi Chou spread his hands innocently.

"And for some movies, the resurrection is very simple, I don't need to beg you, I can do it."

"Then did you ever think that I would kill you here directly." Yi Xuan asked immediately, as if he had been holding back for a long time and waited for Zhang Junyun to say that.

Zhang Junyun was shocked, and then stopped talking.

"Okay." Yi Xiao shrugged. "It turned out to be silent."

He shook his head and didn't care about Zhang Junyun's words before, but continued, "Before everything starts, I have thought of many situations that I might face, thanks to the person's continuous learning and personal experience. "

"At this time, I naturally expected it, so I wanted to ask, what would you do if I killed you directly, um... purely my personal curiosity."

Yi Biao seems to have become incoherent, but he doesn't seem to think so, "You can rest your mind." He continued to say to Zhang Junyun, "For all this, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

"It doesn't need to be resurrected because she didn't die at all... No one died."

Ignoring the stunned Zhang Junyun, Yi Chou once again focused his gaze on the samurai mask, "Want to understand." He asked quietly.

The samurai mask didn't seem to care about the conversation between Yi Chou and Zhang Junyun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but still as before, staring at Yi Chou stupefyingly and thinking about the connection between the magic book and Yi Chong.

"So this is not possible." Hearing Yi Huo's inquiry, it immediately answered again, "I am God."

If the magic book is a prop, then it can do some powerful things without control, but it is not surprising, but if this ability is replaced directly from Yi Xiao itself, then it is impossible.

Because it is a god, it cannot be imperceptible.

"Nothing is impossible." Yi arrogantly shrugged. "Like I said, it seems that you are not omnipotent."

"At least you don't know one thing, uh... I don't mean the magic book."

"What?" the samurai mask asked very cooperatively.

And Yi Xiao didn't mean to sell Guanzi, and directly said, "That's... I'm here for you at all."

"Artificial intelligence, your business happened!" (To be continued.)

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