High Magic Earth

Chapter 1037: Related

"Your incident happened!"

"Rip Hunt!"

With a quick breath, Rip Hunter sat up from the bed in sweat, "huh..." After a long breath, he gently spit out the uneasiness in his heart, shaking his head, he tried to wake himself up some.

The bed is placed on the left side of the bedroom, facing the window, and the bright sunlight is swaying in from the outside, accompanied by a pure white building with a sci-fi building and a busy crowd, it looks like a picture that will let anyone have A good dream.

But all this could not expel Rip Hunt's inner uneasiness, even more. . Let him night after nightmare.

"I had that **** dream again..." Rip Hunt murmured in a low voice.

During this time, he had the same dream almost every day. With those two horrible words ending, the endless attack came from the darkness, trying to kill him instantly.

Rip can only run, but no matter where he goes, he can never escape. .

And more importantly, he did not know what happened to him.

He couldn't remember what he had done in violation of the regulations.

With a sigh, Rip rolled over and sat up from the bed, threw the pure white quilt aside, found his slippers, and called, "Gideon!"

"What did you tell me, sir."

A transparent light curtain shot straight down from the corner of the ceiling of the room, forming a clear blue human face composed entirely of electronic flow and information flow in the open space in front of him.

Artificial intelligence, to be precise, is a subordinate branch of an artificial intelligence, not the switchboard.

"Remove the disguise, I want to see how the poor guy is."

Rip's psychological quality is still very indifferent, he quickly put these strange questions aside, and then turned to the matter.

This is his duty, he never forgets his duty.

"Yes, sir."

Gideon responded, and there was a change immediately outside the window. The pure white city scene disappeared, and the bright sunshine disappeared instantly. Instead, it was a deep starry sky, accompanied by countless endless The stars are like a twinkling galaxy.

This is the universe.

This is a spaceship, they are traveling in space.

In addition to these planets, in the far center of the window, there is the same spaceship slowly traveling in the vacuum ahead, but it looks a bit broken and seems to have been seriously hit.

It seems that this is the poor guy in Rip's mouth and his goal.

"Gideon, tell me about it." Rip said again.

"According to the analysis of the spacecraft model, the other party is using the xxT7135 unknown engine. It is expected that after half an hour of power loss, an error may occur, which exceeds seven hours."

"Very good," said Rip. "This is really good news. I believe my luck has always been good... How long will Anna have to arrive."

"Dehill is expected to arrive at the scheduled location in 20 minutes, Captain Anna is in contact."

"Excellent," Rip said.

He quickly dressed neatly, changed into a blue-purple dark costume similar to the captain's suit, and then took two small energy pistols from the drawer and put them on his body.

"Gideon." He said again, "Set the time, and immediately after I caught the interstellar pirate and joined Captain Anna, I was ready to return to the time court."

"Oh..." Rip sighed, "This time we have to jump back at least seven hundred years, this guy's ability to escape is really first-class."

After checking that he had no missing items, Rip quickly strode out of the room, but neither he nor the artificial intelligence Gideon in the room seemed to be subconsciously ignored, ignoring Rip from the head of the bed. A crystal ball is slowly blooming with soft luster.

. . .

The battle ended very quickly. After twenty minutes, when the Deshill appeared at the designated position, two spaceships belonging to the time master immediately intercepted the escaping guy one after the other.

And the result is naturally no surprise. Although this interstellar pirate wandering on the edge of time has some skills to escape, single one to one is not an opponent of the master spaceship of any time.

What's more, he was faced with two spaceships at this time, and his own spacecraft was seriously damaged. Within five minutes, Rip entered the other's spaceship, and then ended the battle.

This interstellar pirate does not have any Jedi counter-attack or explosive abilities. He can only be obediently brought back to the time court to greet his ending, but it is hard to say.

There are many masters of time, and the number is definitely not a few, but time is a long number.

So the chances of the Lords of Time are very rare. It is an unexpected surprise to see Anna here, but Rip can’t stay too long. He needs to **** the interstellar pirate back and punish the new mission.


As Rip told himself when he got up, he had good luck, and Anna had just finished a mission, and the two of them could go back together.

At night, Rip drank a lot of red wine, this thing will not be intoxicating, but Rip felt he was a little drunk.



He didn't even notice Gideon's call to himself, so he lay down on the bed dizzy, and slept over without changing clothes.

Gideon was silent for half a second, and then, according to the system's preset level, began to systematically complete the finishing work that Rip did not complete.

Well, it seems that this has not happened for the first time.

but. . Tonight, perhaps for Rip, this is definitely the first time.

. . .


"Rip, wake up!"

A hoarse voice awakened Rip, and he jumped up with a shock, but before he was seated, he was pressed back hard.

"Don't show up! I don't want to just **** you off, just to see you hit your head!"

Without waiting for his resistance, the sound that awakened him appeared again, the blurred vision became clear, and Rip saw a seemingly vicious face in front of him.

Uh. . He is probably the master of the sound.

Rip was confused, but although the other party's voice and appearance were very fierce, but it seemed not malicious, he froze for a few seconds and decided to ask, "...sorry, this is..."

But before he finished asking, he was rudely interrupted by the other party, "Told you not to look at her eyes, the guy dressed like a vase can drag you into the most beautiful memories, and then break everything , Let you die in despair."

It seemed as though he thought of some kind of not-so-good doubt. The fierce man shivered and frowned in disgust.

Rip's response was similar, he frowned slightly, and then saw the vase that couldn't be looked at from the side of the other side.

Ok. . It's a woman, very beautifully dressed.

Rip is the master of time. He has been to many places, many times, and soon he found clues about this dress in his memory. In a very ancient time node, in a country entangled by evil, put this A woman dressed up is called a flower wedding, which means bride.

But, wait.

Rip does not remember taking such an ancient task.

Before waiting for his wonderful time to remember, the other party interrupted impatiently again, "There is not much time to rub you up, hurry back, we will help you block them!"

Rip is still unknown, but he has seen the fierce battles that are happening at this time. Are there all kinds of superheroes everywhere? There are Flashmen who are very famous in history, Batman is first-rate, and some are not so famous. If you are not the master of time, you may not know the black canary.

But so many superheroes get together. . Rip does not remember such a time node, that is to say. . Is this the future?

My missing memory. . What's going on. .


There was another loud noise, and even Rip, who was on the edge of the battlefield, could feel that he looked up and saw that the ceiling of the building had been completely exploded, one with nine heads, but each head was abnormal Ugly, almost can't see that this is a huge monster in the head is falling from the sky, entrenched in the gap, so that the enemies behind it keep pouring in.

"Which is this..."


Seeing that Rip had not left, the people around him were finally anxious. He pushed Rip fiercely and shouted loudly, "There is almost no time!"

Rip just noticed that he had a strange firearm in his hand, which could emit extremely high temperature heat. After blocking an attack by a group of enemies, he pushed Rip hard to the rear, "There is another minute, go quickly !"

Finally, Rip didn't hesitate anymore. He didn't know what was going on here, but it was urgent, so he stumbled away in the direction pointed to by the other party.

As for pinching time, kidding, would a time master not carry his watch with him?

"Gideon!" Rip whispered to the watch as he ran, but nothing happened and nothing happened.

With a slight tightness in his heart, Rip began to run quickly, avoiding the stray bullets around him.

As the master of time, physical fitness and explosive power are always one of the most critical factors, because it is directly related to whether you can catch up with the last train. If you are left behind in time, it is not a good thing to wait for a while. It means that I am afraid that I need to stay on the edge of time forever.

But as one of the best members of the Lord of Time, Rip’s good qualities allowed him to avoid the stray bullets flying around while he was free to observe the surroundings.

"The Flash, Batman... Wonder Woman..."

There are superheroes all around, and there are human armies, and among these people, there are three who can name Rip alone, and many others are things that Rip has not paid attention to.

Time is a huge warehouse. No one can know everything. Even Rip, if he does not take related tasks, will not know the useless information.

Of course, the first three are different. They are too famous. Even in time, it affects all aspects, and Rip cannot be unaware.

Especially the Flash, he is the most frequently mentioned name in the time court.

What the **** is going on, Rip is a little puzzled. So many superheroes come together to fight against something, he can't see the origin of the other party at all.

Those weird figures, huge monsters, and misty existence will surely reveal clues in the long river of time.

But Rip never seemed to get this information.

Incredible. . Can not understand.

Soon, Rip arrived at the so-called designated destination, the habit of a so-called time lord, which made him arrive just one second not early and one second late, and it seems that he is also responsible for responding to him.

Just when Rip reached his destination, a halo suddenly burst into the air in front of him. From the light point, it instantly became the size of a fist, and then instantly spread into a door.

Mars-like things are still splashing around the aura, and inside the aura is nothingness and darkness.

"Okay..." Rip of course understood what was going on, and if nothing unexpected happened, this was probably why he hurried over.

but. . This piece of darkness seems to be unable to give him a sense of security.

"Hopefully the situation will not get worse." He complained, and then hesitantly jumped into the unknown darkness without hesitation.

. . .

Whether or not artificial intelligence is in front of him, Yi Chou is not clear, but he can clearly feel that the other party seemed to startle after he said this sentence.

"Surprise." Yi Xiao asked, "It should be a surprise, according to the analysis, oh wait... that should be a shock, or a shock."

Shrugging, Yi Chou looked at the warrior in front of him, "In a sense, you are very similar to me, but they are different, but it doesn't matter, because the main problem is that you don't belong here."

After a pause, as if talking to himself, Yi Biao once again added, "And I don't like you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I hate artificial intelligence, yes, I hate all smart-like guys."

"As for the reason, I won't explain it to you."

At this time, whether it is the samurai in front of the eyes, or Zhang Junyun and Miss Tao next to them, all stayed there, and it seems that they can't accept the meaning in Yi Chou's words, um. . Perhaps for someone, it may not be understood at all.

However, the processing speed of artificial intelligence is faster than humans, and there is no influence of emotional factors. After a pause for a few seconds, the samurai mask said again, "I can not understand, these words of unknown meaning to you."

"It's a pale explanation." Yi Huo sneered. "I don't understand what you're talking about. This is really a classic rebuttal. You think you have changed a word. I can't understand where you learned this sentence from." Yes."

Zhang Junyun looked dumbfoundedly at Yi Chou, then looked at the mask samurai again, and the mask samurai was silent again for a few seconds before reopening, "You will be deleted anyway."

"If you delete it." Yi Huo said quietly, "I believe you have tried it, and the result, you and I are clear." (To be continued.)

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