High Magic Earth

Chapter 1038: virtual

The face of the mask samurai has been blocked under the mask, making people unable to see its face at all, and naturally it can’t get any useful clues. Yi Chou’s words seem to really play a certain role, and may have tried again and again to no avail. After that, it finally took off the mask.

Behind the mask is a dull face, but its eyes seem to be out of focus, apathetic and dull.

The godless eyes stared at the direction of Yi Chou, he asked quietly.

"who are you."

This time, its sound is no longer thunderous and low, but has become a kind of mechanical synthesis.

"Wait a moment."

Just when the samurai mask asked this question, Zhang Junyun next to him struggled to interrupt the conversation between the two. "Do you mean intelligence? Is it intelligence in Gantz." He looked at Yi Chou with his eyes bright.

"How is it possible." Yi Xuan's answer was very simple.

"It is the intelligent core of this world, you must know the Matrix." He said to Zhang Junyun, "That's what I mean."

This is exactly the answer Zhang Junyun wants to know, but although there has been speculation for a long time, the moment he really heard, he still couldn't believe it.

"how is this possible.."

Gantz's intelligent core and the entire world's intelligent core are completely two concepts.

Although the story about Gantz can’t be said to be memorable by Zhang Junyun, there are only so many things when it’s plain to say. The earth against the aliens is too old a routine, even if Gantz’s black ball conceals a shocking conspiracy. Or an intelligent core, there is nothing strange.

Because at best it is the degree to which humans fight against aliens.

But if it is the latter statement.

That is completely different.

The entire world is virtual, whether it is human beings, ninjas of the Edo era, the bustling city of this era, or aliens are just a program that has been simulated.

An instant seemed to capsize, and life seemed to have become a false script.

What kind of self was that, thinking of this, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but shudder.

He is very sure that he must be real, because he is a person in this world, but at this time he may also be just a set program, his body may not be here, but lying on the cold cultivation In the cabin, it serves as an intelligent switchboard for bio-batteries.

Indeed. . Very scary.

It seems that the news brought Zhang Junyun a terrible moment. He awoke from the pain and realized another news in Yi Chou's words.

No one died.

This is very strange.

Because even if it is a setting in the Matrix, once the program dies, the spirit of the body means death. The total chance is to treat it as waste that has been depleted of bioenergy, and even if it is not processed, for humans, it becomes a vegetative. It's no different than dead.

Then Yi Biao's words are very strange. Whether it is Uenosuke or Tanshin, they are dead and the program is over. What does Yi Biao's sentence mean?

Seeing Zhang Junyun's expression change, Yi Biao knew that he obviously understood.

But again, what he understood was probably a bit different from the truth of the matter.

"Uh... it's not exactly what you think." Yi Xuan interrupted Zhang Junyun's brain filling, "There is still a part of this world that is real."

The samurai next to the mask, or the agent of the intelligent core in this world, has never spoken, and it perfectly interprets the dullness and stagnation that an intelligence should have.

But it does not mean that Yi Chou has forgotten it.

"It creates a small piece of virtual space, for example...here." Yi Xuan pointed to the land under his feet. "Here it is omnipotent, not to mention creating aliens, even changing the time of the whole world. , It’s just a breeze."

"I'm right, God." Yi Xuan asked the mask samurai.

"In a sense, you are indeed a god. The only **** in this false world is the only real existence. Such a **** is really sad."

Speaking of which, Yi Biao turned his head to look at the sliding scoop again, "These big guys are not moving now, it must have cost you a lot of computing resources."

Sure enough, both the sliding scoop and the seriously injured Tengu giant dog stood motionless at this time. They looked somewhat similar to the samurai mask. If you didn't say it, you didn't pay attention, but when you look carefully, it's really strange.

"who are you."

The samurai mask asked Yi Chang about these words unheard, and still asked quietly. This is also the characteristic of the intelligent core. It only concerns the most intuitive results. Everything else that is not relevant will not be valued.

"Okay." Yi Xiao shrugged. "It's really boring."

"You don't think we will let the angels bring you in so easily."

The next Zhang Junyun has completely become confused, whether it is the existence of an intelligent core or an angel, which is far beyond his understanding, or that it is not incompetent, but many secrets do not know.

For example, he did not understand why all this would be related to the angel.

But obviously, the mask samurai understood.

"It turned out to be so." it said.

But at this time Yi Chou suddenly turned his head, avoiding the unidentified attack from the distance, "Boom!"

Three seconds after the end of the attack, a large amount of debris exploded on the nearby rubble, almost forming a rain of stones. With such a characteristic attack, there is probably only one weapon that can be made here.

"That... die..."

Xuan Yeji, who was barely crawling out of the ruins, exhausted his last effort. After seeing his last attack without success, his eyes finally showed a reluctant look, and then gradually dimmed.

It has long been noticed that Yi Chao here naturally saw him, and it was not surprising to see that Xuan Yeji's life was weakening.

"Is this guy the protagonist?" Yi Xuan couldn't help complaining. Even the villain aliens were in a state of cessation due to insufficient computing resources at this time. He could still be active.

How much computing resources this protagonist occupies?

Or understandably, how simple is human creation.

"It's pitiful, I said...you don't know anything." Yi Chou shook his head.

No one on the scene took the episode Xuanye Ji to heart, and soon, Yi Chou once again focused on the intelligent core in front of him.

"I hate your way of speaking." Yi Huo said.

"I hate you too."

It may seem that a set of treatment plans has been changed, and the tone of the intelligent core has become harder.

"You don't really think of yourself as a god." Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. "This is not really your place, the real thing... there are still many."

He turned around and said to Miss Tao behind him, "Leave here, tell your people what happened here, and how much you understand."

Miss Tao was confused, "I didn't understand it at all," she said.

Fortunately, Yi Chou had anticipated this point long ago, and he seemed to be magically taking a crystal ball out of his arms, and then stuffed it into Miss Tao's arms.

"I recorded it, just take it back, I believe...the bird will definitely understand when I return."

"Oh, how is your relationship with Green."

"not very good."

"Okay, then." Yi Huo shrugged.

Backward birds travel between different time nodes, even if they cannot enter or leave different worlds, and the world will re-enter the information age hundreds of years later, and conjectures about artificial intelligence will also appear.

Putting the crystal ball in her arms, Miss Tao nodded and backed away, while her arms were in her arms, she instantly turned into a blue dodo.

Yi Chou kept watching it curiously as he flew away from here, before slowly withdrawing his gaze.

He is very strange, where did Miss Tao receive the crystal ball, you know, that crystal ball is bigger than the entire dodo that Miss Tao turned into.

"Now we can solve our problem." Yi Chou said to the mask samurai.

"There is nothing to solve."

Masked Samurai's answer is very simple, "This is my world. Here, even if I can't kill you, you can't kill me."

"Your ability does not work for me."

"Even if you kill me here, it's just a program that kills me. My host still writes countless me."

"I think you understand the meaning better than I do."

"And soon...my helpers are coming."

Artificial intelligence will not do useless things. During the time when talking with Yihou, it deleted all useless programs. At different points in time in Japan, all scenes except for a few hundred miles were only left for this time. , Everything at this location.

And soon, an army created by new resources will appear here, and it will drive these people out.

"Unfortunately, I don't think so."

Yi Chou shook his head, and the next moment, the old wand had swept across the air.

The burning magic words are like flying fireworks in the sky, shining with a strange and beautiful luster. This is a very old type of text, and it is not known in the world.

Even in Oz, this kind of text needs professional interpretation.

But for Yi Chou, the only function of this kind of writing is to hide people's eyes and ears.

His real power comes from the silver tongue. Naturally, any text composed of magic is no problem for the silver tongue. As long as Yi Xiao can understand and read it, but if it is replaced with some ancient prophecy that no one can understand, You can give people the illusion that this is a powerful spell.

Thereby concealing the existence of the power of the silver tongue.

The moment the magic text appeared, the mask samurai had reacted.

Because everything here is related to the program, the mask warrior who is the switchboard does not even need to control at all. When the data flow arrives, the monsters and sliders in the distance have moved.

Among them, the movement of the sliding scoop is the most rapid.


Tengu and giant dogs roared first, and then jumped violently.

Although the other monsters are also programs, they are made by 8 million, and 8 million is also a program. The so-called **** is just a joke.

Yi Chao recognized the essence of 8 million at the first sight.

Therefore, Yi Biao would say that eight million people do not know anything, self-declared as a god, but even their own nature, the nature of this world is not clear, just a sad procedure.

The other monsters are naturally programs, but because they were created by eight million, in a sense, they should be regarded as subprograms.

Although I also followed the instructions from the switchboard, it was not called directly.

There is not much difference. The only thing that can be reflected is that there will be a delay of less than a few seconds.

But in Yi Biao's eyes, this point is critical.

Because, he also promised these little guys one thing.


At the moment when giant dogs and monsters seemed to rush over in an overwhelming trend, Yi Chou suddenly uttered two words.

The reason why he chose this language, in addition to looking more mysterious, there is another reason, that is, this language is very characteristic, while the pronunciation is short, but it can contain a lot of meaning in it.

The short pronunciation and many meanings are the most suitable for silver tongue.

Of course, the pronunciation is very weird. If you don’t use magic to urge it, you can’t pronounce it. Although it is a transliteration in human language, actually under the urging of magic, there will be countless numbers after the end of each syllable. The magical power of waves spread out.

Real magic language.

The meaning of these two words is probably. .

"No one can be close to the wizard's ten meters, because this space has been stretched infinitely, never to the end." Probably what it means.

Sure enough it's interesting, isn't it.

At the same time that Yihou's voice fell, the surrounding space became distorted, like a Wanhua mirror. Everyone's figure became overlapping and overlapping from the beginning. In the same square meter, you can even see several The same people, and they are only half of the body.

And in the next moment, the huge Wanhua Mirror Space began to move quickly, and everything around Yi Chou was drawn into it, and then it continually retreated, moved forward, and was drawn back in again. .

Never end.

The range of five or six meters around Yi Biao is probably the only safe zone. Zhang Junyun and the samurai mask are in it, and their corpses have been drawn into the Wanhua mirror space in the distance.

"This is the effect I want." Yi Chou snapped his fingers, and the flame text flying in the air immediately began to become twisted again.

The mask samurai finds that the situation seems to be somewhat under control~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately transforms his thinking, as it said, the whole world here is its own, and does not even need loopholes and backdoors, because it is the backdoor.

Soon, the monsters written by the program began to regroup, crossing the scope of Wanhua Mirror Space and directly entering this small piece of space near Yi Huo.

Because magic text requires space, there must be some distance anyway.

But this is enough for the mask samurai, because if it is really needed, it can make this place infinite.

Giant dogs, slippery scoops, and the figures of monsters began to gradually appear beside Yi Chou, but it was a little late, because when the smallest Fu Ji just appeared, and then waved his dagger to the front of Yi Chou, the sky The magic text in has been regrouped again.

Facing the dagger waving to his neck, Yi arrogantly grabbed Fu Ji's arm. Then at the next moment, he whispered to Fu Ji, "Coantana."

"I said, I will give you, real... true." (To be continued.)

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