High Magic Earth

Chapter 1039: broken

"Retrieving solutions."

"Scene retrieval failed."

As an intelligent core, the samurai mask can naturally feel that countless programs are quickly breaking away from their control. Although the program is just a piece of code for it, even the resources it takes are not counted, but this feeling of being stripped is still Awful.

If intelligence also feels.

As an intelligent person, it naturally does not do some useless things such as shouting or madness. In the face of the program that constantly breaks away from its switchboard, the samurai mask is very calmly retrieving the solution.

Unfortunately, even intelligence is not omnipotent.

For example, in the early days of creation, it may not have considered this situation.

Coentana is also a kind of pronunciation of the ancient language of Oz. The meaning is to turn virtual into reality. Of course, the situation is different at this time. In addition to the core sentences, a lot of stories are needed to pave the way to fill the story. A complete but not so exciting story can only be realized by the silver tongue.

But this is incredible for the intelligent core.

The program is false. The surrounding figures, conversation and thinking in words, and even the temperature floating in the sky are false. Everything is controlled by the program.

But it is these false things that are now out of its control and transformed into real truth.

This is almost impossible.

Just like the fantasy of night, even the creator of the program, the artificial intelligence that is experiencing first-hand, if not all the operating resources are mobilized, it is almost dead.

Under the complete overview of the story of Yi Huo, the monsters coming out of the monster pot are being transformed from virtual to real one by one. The intelligent core can feel that they are leaving the virtual world and then step into the real world. side.

This feeling has to be said, it is really bad.

Although the intelligent core has not retrieved a solution to the problem, as the intelligent core, its biggest role is to adapt to the numerous solutions to find the most correct one.

Seeing that this weird ability that could not stop Yi Huo, the core intelligence immediately transformed the thinking, all the monsters are code written by it, then naturally they can be deleted.

But it just appeared this idea, Yi Chao seems to have turned his head perceptively, and clearly at a distance of five or six meters away, the intelligent core seems to feel that the other party can penetrate the whole world and see his own directly The host is generally located.

"I didn't expect you to be so anxious." Yi arrogant looked at it and said, "Since this is the case, we still... See you in the next world."

Even artificial intelligence gave birth to a bad idea at this time.

The background program changed quickly, and Zhang Junyun, who was still alive, disappeared instantly, as if there were no traces of the world, but the intelligent core soon discovered that it was not easy to modify those monsters.

It is even out of its control.

Then at the next moment, Yi Chou's voice sounded again.

"What is intertwined with reality is illusion, and what echoes with illusion is also reality."

"Magic power will run through everything and take me to the other side of another world."

"And at this moment, all the illusions in front of my eyes will be smashed immediately."

At the next moment, the world seems to have truly entered the end of the destruction, the earth is cracking, the sky is breaking, and the Wanhua mirror-like scene is restored, but then, it has entered a kind of overturning like a cycle.

Just like a piece of puzzle that is broken apart, the pieces of the world are crisscrossed and crooked, like weird teeth, but even more weird, these pieces do not affect each other, even if they collide occasionally, they will not collapse and crash And it seems that it is not in a world and plane at all, and penetrates directly through the past.

There are many kinds of these fragments. In the Edo era Japan, Yi Chou saw acquaintances on it. The reduced version of Kai and his fellow rogues are madly fighting in the walls of a city, not far away Mirage, the illusion of Meiyue, has just raised his head.

The overturning of the ground did not affect their movements at all, and even this piece of debris was completely reversed, but their movements were still souls, and there was no sign of falling.

It's very interesting, this world has been broken into countless scattered small world fragments.

Each one exists independently.

Yi Biao also saw Japan in this period of time. The city under the neon lights was panic, and there were panic crowds and fires everywhere, but unfortunately, Yi Lin could not see more things under the cover of tall buildings.

and also. . Rich river.

"Oh..." Yi Chou couldn't help whispering when he saw a new piece of debris, which was really a nightmare. There were Fujiang everywhere, Fujiang everywhere.

I don’t know which world this is. At this time, it is completely occupied by Fujiang River. The ocean formed by Fujiang River directly lays a thick layer on the ground. As the debris of the world turns, some of them are squeezed to the edge , And then panickedly grabbed the edge of the crust, but eventually fell helplessly from the edge.


Yi Chou seemed to hear the calls of the Fujiang people before they died.

This is definitely an illusion.

He soon understood that these worlds were created by the intelligent core, and all the worlds were exposed at this moment, whether it was Japan in the Edo era or Japan in this era, whether it was ninjas or The black ball space Gantz.

Including Fu Jiang, Zhen Zi, Zhang Junyun and others, all are virtual projections created by the core.

"Is it really like this..." Yi Chou closed his eyes slightly.

The anomaly of this world does not exist in England, or only in a very small part, it is a virtual existence that has just spread.

More is here.

Even this continent was created virtually.

But this creation is not without reason, and it can even be created out of thin air.

Even if it is artificial intelligence, it is very difficult to create a nearly perfect world, and this kind of thing that the angels have tried their best to send in, will not be that kind of powerful artificial intelligence.

Although the angels and demons have triumphed, it also relies on their large army of angels and demons.

Regarding the second world, they are also just getting started. Although many things can be brought out of the second world, the second world is not omnipotent. Each world is a relatively transparent existence. What is in it, most of them You can learn from the stories of this world.

The artificial intelligence in the Matrix can create a nearly perfect world, but a large number of machine groups occupy almost the entire earth. Angels cannot send such a huge thing. The second world cannot have such a thing. The huge space allows them to be placed easily.

So this thing in front of it is absolutely impossible to create a near-perfect world.

even. . It may even be very difficult to create a virtual world.

So it needs to rely on an existing real world, and the virtual world does not appear out of thin air. I am afraid it is extracted from the memories of Zhang Junyun and other people.

Only in this way can we explain why the created virtual world is also composed of plots.

This is good news.

At least Zhang Junyun and others do exist, and they should also be free people, otherwise they will not be able to enter and leave the second world freely, but they don’t know what is going on with their bodies.

The world reverses, as if recreating the world, the scene is constantly flipped with Yi's voice.

Then at the next moment, everything goes to darkness.

. . .

Rip didn't know how long he had been in the dark, anyway, it should have been long enough.

Ever since he jumped into the sparkling aperture door, the darkness has wrapped around him, feeling weightless and cold, but fortunately, there is no suffocation. In general, it is almost the same as in the vacuum universe.

"Hello, anyone?"

Rip has shouted this way more than once, but no one always responded.

Before jumping into the aperture door, Rip didn't think that this was a trap, but the time at that time was really limited, coupled with the critical situation, he didn't really give him many options.

He believed his instincts, and this should not be a trap.

But if it is, Rip can only admit that he is out of luck.

Anyway, he had been in chaos and fierce fighting since he just woke up, he didn't understand everything at all, and what could he do?

Rip had really suspected that he had planted the illusion that the vase looked like a woman. That memory was just a memory. Now it is reality, but now he is suspicious again.

Is this a reality here?

Because the missing memory could not be explained, Rip thought it was just a sequelae of hallucinations. Soon, the memory would recover on its own, but now there is no trace of recovery in the memory, which made him doubtful again.

"Really..." Rip sighed.

"anyone there?"


Rippo called out boringly. I didn't know how long it had passed. It might be short or very long. Then at a certain moment he felt the looseness of the surrounding space.

A very strange feeling, as if. . He just knew.

His body began to fall, accompanied by a sense of weightlessness in the distance. After falling a short distance, Rip felt that his feet had stepped into the ground again.

Never allow yourself to leave the time spaceship.

Rip's mind could not help but this idea emerged, it was something he was admonished from the first day he became the Lord of Time.

Leaving the time ship not only means staying in the turbulence of time forever, but also means drifting forever in the weightlessness of the universe. Of course, it is more likely that the oxygen will be exhausted and then die.

The former Rip has not yet experienced it, but the latter, he already has a considerable feeling.

"This is where.."

Rip, who had calmed down, began to look at the surrounding environment again. No surprise, Rip’s head was closed again. He was in a closed room, and he could not see that he had drifted in the void before. long time.

"Although it's incredible... but why I'm not surprised at all." Rip uttered silently.

He doubts that the aperture that looks like a door has made a mistake, the battle is so fierce, it may be that the door owner has been affected, otherwise he will not drift for so long before reaching his destination.

Ruipu sorted out the useless thoughts, and then began to concentrate on exploring the surrounding environment.

Taking out the tactical pistol, a beam of light immediately hit the surroundings, illuminating the wall as if it were daylight.

"Familiar architectural style..."

Looking at the pure white wall in the white stripe style, Rip couldn't help squinting. He always felt that a building of this style had been seen before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Raising the pistol cautiously, Rip walked forward slowly.

The surroundings were unusually quiet, as if the previous fighting and fierce battles were away from him in an instant, but Rip, who was experienced in acting alone, was not affected. He looked around calmly, guarding against possible dangers.

At this time, Rip also had the leisure to pay attention to his situation. He saw his appearance with a little light.

He is still him.

To be precise, he is still his own appearance, except that he looks older and does not change people or dream.

Although he had expected it, Rip couldn't help but sigh, what the **** was going on.

Even in his many missions as the Lord of Time, Rip has never encountered such a weird thing.

And Rip also noticed that he didn’t know when to change his clothes. It wasn’t the captain suit he often wore, but a windbreaker that often appeared in the 18th and 19th centuries. The brown windbreaker and the tight inside Leather lining, it seems acceptable.

Rip shrugged his shoulders. "Fortunately it's not denim."


Suddenly there was a soft sound in front of him, and Rip quickly turned the muzzle, while slightly lowering the muzzle, he slowly leaned his body toward the wall.

At this moment, he didn't seem to hear the slightest ups and downs even with his breath.


There was another soft sound, and Rip narrowed his eyes in a reflexive manner. He was struggling to recognize the sound, not the footsteps or the sound of wrestling. There were too few clues, and it was difficult for him to hear useful things.


But Rip wasn't a timid person. While raising his alertness, he slowly walked forward.

perhaps. . The answer to all this may be in front.


The sound was getting closer and closer to him, Rip soon saw the light, he immediately turned off his beam, and then slowly moved forward under the cover of the shadow.

It was a false door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the voice came from here.

Ripp slowed his breath, lowered his footsteps, and slowly looked inward through the gap in the door.

The pure white room is stained with wanton blood, as if the innocent child's graffiti is smeared everywhere on the wall.

Rip's pupils contracted slightly, which was blood, and he would not admit it wrong.

Then at the next moment, an exquisite axe instantly enlarged, directly occupying his entire field of vision.

It was a pure white axe with a silver tongue. It was exquisite and gorgeous. Any beautiful words could hardly describe its appearance, as if it existed from a fairy tale.

And its appearance is a huge horse head, which looks very much like a chess piece in chess.

But at this moment, its axe blade was stained with dazzling scarlet, as if it was full of killing red ink. It was lifted high by its owner, and then fell heavily again at the next moment.

"Boom!" (To be continued.)

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