High Magic Earth

Chapter 1040: Infinite future (2)

Rip was taken aback. He didn't have time to see the things below, but he felt like he could already guess.

the best. . Don't be what you think it is.

Then the next moment, Rip was aware of the slightest danger in his heart.

So he quickly withdrew his head and prayed that he had not been seen.

The owner of the axe narrowed her beautiful big eyes, and the deep black circles formed a beautiful ivory arc. She looked at the door slit suspiciously, always feeling. . There seems to be a nasty voyeur.

With a mischievous black smile on her belly, she gestured like a court etiquette in her right hand.


There was another sound of the axe falling, but this time, she didn't wave the axe at all, even her body didn't move.

A beautiful smile hung on her face again. She turned her head to squint slightly at the crack of the door, her figure wobbled slightly, and the next moment, she stood silently to the side of the door.

Like a mischievous child, she has a pure smile on her face, but her eyes are full of maliciousness, as if she has exhausted all her strength. She takes a deep breath and collapses her body into an exaggerated bow. At the same time as the beautiful posture, the giant axe with a height of more than one person has been raised high above the head.

. . .

Rip waited outside for a long time.

To avoid drawing more attention, he held his breath and did not dare to move while ensuring safety.

He knows that many powerful guys can even hear people's breathing and heartbeats by hearing alone, thus judging that there are people hiding outside.

I hope this is not what I have encountered.


Fortunately, this heavy thud sound appeared again after three seconds of silence, which meant that the other party did not find himself.

It is quite possible that the other party did notice this, because the sound really stopped for a period of time, about some doubts and observations, and after a few minutes of no results, they thought they were delusions and stopped paying attention.

The situation should be similar to what you judged.

Although Rip has only just become the master of time, it has not been long before, but he has completed many tasks on his own, many of which have high levels and have not been completed for a long time.It can be said that his experience in dealing with various situations Are very rich.

Unfortunately, most of them are aimed at ordinary people.

Rip just didn't see the figure in the room. He didn't even look at the inside of the room. He had no time to look at it.

But vaguely. . He seemed to think it was a woman.

The figure seems to be somewhat. . Plump.

With this thought in mind, Rip looked into it again.

Then at the next moment, a mad impulse rushed into his heart, as if the whole person had fallen into the ice cave. The biting cold instantly soaked his body, and cold sweat wet his clothes, but also made Rip think about it. Then he pulled away.

Like an instinct, Rip didn't react at all, and the body had already made a move.

Okay, it's this physical instinct.

I don't know what this body has experienced, anyway, the instincts in combat are many times stronger than the original Rip and the physical quality has also improved more than twice.

Rip's body rolled back quickly, and instantly backed a distance of three or four meters. He did not hold his body with a trace of jerky, his hands propped on the ground, and then looked up.

Then the next moment.


A violent shock appeared at the place where he had stopped before, an instant gravel splashed, and a huge axe fell like a **** of war. If Rip still stayed in place, I am afraid it was not flattened and smashed into Meatloaf is cut into pieces by a sharp axe.

Rip's frightened eyes slowly rose.

What I saw was a flawless face of madness and beauty.

"Catch you, little bug!"

On this perfect face, a malicious smile gradually emerged.

. . .

Rip looked a little ugly because he realized that his premonition came true.

As the figure behind the giant axe flashed out, the door of the whole room was completely open, and Rip could see the scene in the whole room at a glance.

There was blood everywhere, **** liquid smeared everywhere, all over the place, and the **** palm prints printed on the walls were like the dying struggle of the desperate, and the center of the wall was painted with a crooked portrait of the castle with blood, The blood drips down like blood vessels grow on the wall.

As for the ground. .

The body has piled up into a hill, there are men and women, and there are many heroes with prominent costumes. Rip even feels that he saw Wonder Woman for a moment.

The blood pooled under them, forming a dazzling contrast with the pure white of the ground, but without exception, their last expressions during their lifetime were hidden.

Because their heads are not on the body.

The rounded heads are like bowling balls, scattered all over the place. The blood makes these heads grow tails, waving like beautiful fireworks.

On the ground not far from the wall in the room, a large wooden pile suddenly appeared, which looked like a medieval guillotine.

When I thought of the axe that had just been cut down and still had **** stains on its blade, I was afraid that it was no longer necessary to think about what was going on.

It seemed to notice that Rip was looking at the blood stained into the castle on the wall, and the voice suddenly increased.

"Isn't it beautiful, how do you feel?"

Rip slowly raised his head, followed the voice, and finally saw the full appearance of the figure in front.

That is a beautiful anomaly. . queen.

"My God..." Rip took a step back involuntarily.

The long blond hair looks like a wave of snow, and it flows down the delicate face. The beautiful facial features are like the most dazzling works of art, embellished on the snow-white, no trace of blood.

The big beautiful eyes were wide, staring at Rip, waterless, without moving.

It seems that Rip looked at him rudely for a long time, and the owner with big eyes frowned slightly, like covering ears and stealing bells, carrying his hands, hiding a giant axe taller than her behind him, bowing slightly, facing Rui A classic and elegant court etiquette was popularized.

"You can call me... Queen of White Chess."

Rip finally understood why she thought she seemed a little plump because she was wearing a cumbersome and huge puffy princess dress.

The white princess dress is like a huge lotus, embellishing her like blooming flowers, and rendering her like a star.

This is the most beautiful woman Rip has ever seen.

But Rip will not be lost in this beauty.

Because this pure white princess dress is still stained with blood, the rich blood directly soaked the skirt of the skirt, so that the skirt collapsed softly and hung on the ground, and almost every step could spill a large amount of blood.

And the lips on that beautiful face are black, and the nails are also black, as if the darkest black in the world, and her white and beautiful, showing the most vivid contrast.

It also constitutes a strange sense of coordination.

"Oh, right." The Queen of White Chess looked at Rip and said, "This... handsome gentleman, you haven't answered me yet. Does it look beautiful?"

"What?" Rip was stunned, but he soon reacted. He glanced at the graffiti of the child, even the graffiti of the blood, and said sharply, "Of course, of course it is beautiful."

"Yeah, I feel that way too, and I think so too." The White Queen said with great pleasure, "But why didn't he let me live in the Red Castle, obviously we all have beautiful castles, obviously me Is excellent..."

"Idiot! He was lying to you!"

"I'm not going to solve him yet! Don't waste time, we still have more than 200 heads!"

But at this time, a voice came from behind the White Chess Queen again. In the empty room, there was no third person except Rip and the White Chess Queen. Uh, of course, the dead weren’t counted, but the voice was like that. A clear echo between the two.

The face of Queen Baiqi changed, and she raised her eyebrows. Although her expression did not change, the temperament of the whole person had transformed from her elegant Queen, a **** and dark coexisting tyrant.

"Of course I know." She said impatiently, "I was only cheating him, and then knocking off his head again while he was letting his guard down. Now, when you say that, my attempts are all exposed !"

"Are you an idiot! With such a big axe, you can't hide it, and you want to attack it!"

Although he still didn't understand the strange scene in front of him, it was already certain that they were enemies. Rip didn't care what they were saying. While the guy who claimed to be the Queen of White Chess seemed to be a little distracted, he directly pulled out the double from the waist. The gun immediately hit her face with two beams of light in tandem.


Ms. Bai Qi was staggered backwards, her head straight up, heaved heavily on the axe handle on the back of the giant axe.

"it hurts!"

"Are you an idiot!"

There were two cries of weirdness. Queen Baiqi touched her nose and straightened her head again. Her face was punched out by Rip with a beam pistol, as if melted away by high temperature, and turned into a piece. Fly ash, but weirdly recovering quickly.

Even in a few breaths, it has grown back to its original appearance.

"I blame you." The White Chess Queen murmured in dissatisfaction, and then took the giant axe behind her back to start waving hard.

The sharp giant axe turned into a sharp roar in the air, the sound of breaking the air and even the stabbing Rip's ears were a bit painful. He didn't want to be thrust into the body by such an axe. While escaping backwards quickly, the beam gun in his hand was still fast. Fight back.

Several beams of light hit the White Chess Queen, but this time it wasn't just her face, neck, heart, and chest that were hit with large holes.

The heat and Mars faded quickly, and the muscles and skin of the Queen of White Chess also recovered quickly.

But although she can regenerate, her clothes cannot grow back.

A large piece of snow-white skin was exposed, and the Queen of White Chess screamed, quickly hugged her arms, and even almost threw the axe aside.

So the next moment, she turned around involuntarily, exposing her back to Rip.

But her back was not the weakness that Rip had expected, but. .

"You idiot!"

Queen Queen of Heart shouted angrily, "Throw me this kind of thing every time!"

Because at the moment when Queen of Hearts turned around, several beams of light hit, and even directly covered the entire head of Queen of Hearts.

But the Queen of Hearts was obviously not as weak as the Queen of White Chess, so she grabbed the giant axe before hiding, and rushed toward Rip directly against the beam.

The light beam hit the Queen of Hearts, but it seemed to have no effect, leaving no trace of it.

"It's really a weak way." Queen of Hearts said with a grin. "Obe, let me cut your head!"

At the same time the voice fell, the huge axe came out. It was spinning in mid-air, spinning like a boomerang towards Rip, as if to cut him into two pieces.

Rip’s pupils expanded instantly. At this moment, time seemed to slow down in his eyes. His feet kicked the ground violently, and his body rose into the air.

In the next moment, time recovered again, and Rip had passed the giant axe dangerously and dangerously.

He rolled over to the floor and got up, intending to continue to flee from here, but the next second, he stopped stiffly.

The giant axe was inserted diagonally on the ground in front, and the figure of the queen of hearts stood next to it. She leaned on the giant axe, obviously sharing the same body with the white chess queen, but at this time her princess dress, but It has changed from dazzling bright white to **** scarlet.

How did she come? .

Rip narrowed his eyes and looked at the Queen of Hearts with tight muscles.

The Queen of Hearts smiled, and then picked up the giant axe on the ground again. At the next moment, the storm-like axe light reappeared again. The horse-head giant axe was waved tightly by her, her slender body. The giant axe was pulled down as if it would be thrown out in the next moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in fact, the Queen of Hearts was nailed to the ground, and the horse head giant axe was swaggered by her, but it was abnormal She was steadily held in her hand.

At the next moment, she walked with the exaggerated dance of the giant axe, and gradually approached Rip. There was obviously a lot of escape space around, but in the face of the pressure of the giant axe, Rip seemed to appear a kind of penetrating. Not suffocating.

No matter which direction he flees, he will eventually be unable to escape the fate of being cut into pieces of meat.

This suffocation was like sea water, instantly submerging Rip in the whole person, soaking him all over his body, his eyes showing a desperate look, his body could not move.

The horse-head giant axe gradually approached Rip, as if at the next moment, he would be caught in a deadly storm, but at this moment.


Another aperture-like magic door appeared between Rip and Queen of Hearts. The light door expanded rapidly, and with the opening of the light door, several figures rushed out of it instantly. (To be continued.)

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