High Magic Earth

Chapter 1041: Infinite future (3)


Like a metal-clear collision sound, a figure rushed into the horse-headed axe storm rolled up by Queen of Hearts regardless of life and death, and then at the next moment, the horse-headed axe storm was stifled.

When the storm stopped, Rip saw an unusually strong man's hands against the blade of the horse's head, blood flowing down his arms slowly, and eight hard blades were punctured between his fingers. Touch the axe.

Wolverine, Logan.


He turned his head and shouted at Rip.

In just a few seconds of rushing into the giant axe storm, Logan's body has left countless wounds, blood is pouring out, and the deepest scars have even seen bones, and they are almost even fleshed. All of them are down, but fortunately, Logan's self-healing ability is extremely strong, otherwise normal people will have already died under such injuries.

Queen's horse head axe looks wide open, but there are many hidden killer magics attached to the surface of the giant axe.

Being able to twist the target caught in the attack range of the horse-head axe into meat filling is only one of its most basic abilities.

Although Logan temporarily blocked Queen of Hearts’ horse head axe, it does not mean that he has the ability to compete with Queen of Hearts. Logan’s claws soon made an overwhelming squeak and began to bend at a speed visible to the naked eye. An astonishing arc.


After persevering again for a few seconds, I saw Queen of Hearts’ giant axe changed from chopping to beat, and suddenly flew out Logan fan. Logan hit the wall next to it with a heavy muffled sound, and moved the wall. A large crack of a spider web crashed out.

It took less than five seconds for Logan to appear from the aperture until the time has passed. This time, even for the time master, is too short.

"Wow, why are we so miserable every time we play." With an exaggerated tone, Rip didn't have time to react, and another figure jumped out of the aperture, "The frozen ice sinks to the bottom of the river, After petrification, are we exiled to the sky, are we really not the protagonists!?"

The red shadow came to the side of the Queen of Hearts in an instant, and the Deadpool brandished his double knives, slashing towards the Queen of Hearts without hesitation.

"Look, I have two knives, but you only have one head."

"Oh, although you are also red, your taste is still worse than mine, as long as Arizona, there is a very strange animal..."

The threatened Queen of Hearts didn't panic. The Queen of White Chess behind her took control of her body and turned directly to the dead waiter who had teleported and stuck in the air. Raising her hand was a cold, cold face.

"Yes." The Queen of White said coldly, "I'm really curious, how did you immortal bugs come back, I clearly saw my dear send you into the void."

"It's your dear." The Queen of Hearts on the back couldn't help refuting, "Don't take me with you."

"Don't you like him," the Queen of White said in an innocent tone that Ripple first heard.

But it was only the Queen of Hearts who screamed angrily, "Of course! No!"

"We have discussed this issue countless times!"

While the two were arguing, Deadpool had teleported away from the spot again. He looked at the huge ice cube that had suddenly fallen from his previous location. He was a little scared and patted his chest with exaggerated hands.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I was almost frozen into a popsicle."

If the Deadpool had not just moved away, but was still slashing towards the Queen of Hearts, I am afraid that at this time he had been sealed in the magic ice cube again, and then buried forever.

"You are really a family." The Deadpool standing next to Wolverine could not help but spit.

Hearing this sentence, the Queen of White Chess immediately blushed, and the Queen of Hearts took over the control of her body in angrily. The weight was generally waved wildly by her.

Logan, who had just got up, had no time to dodge, and was directly shot into the wall again, but he was unable to dodge due to his teleportation ability, and even seemed to be at ease.

Of course, in any case, his mouth will not be idle.

"Lady in red." He held his arms in his arms, his swords in his back, dangerous and dangerous, and a very elegant one, who evaded the axe sweep, said naggingly, "angry but will make People with wrinkles, I know a guy called Ben, he has no ability to become a rubber person without his companion, but all of them..."


The Queen of Hearts was the most obnoxious, and she let out a violent roar, and a huge horse head axe almost formed a hurricane in the room.

"Hey!" exclaimed the Queen of White suddenly. "You have made my head bigger again."

"This is also my head!"

Under this circumstance, Rip didn't say that he entered the aperture door. He hugged his head, and it was not easy to protect himself in the storm of the horse's head, and even the aperture door itself was a little precarious.

The faster and faster attack frequency of the horse head axe made the Deadpool a bit overwhelmed, but he still couldn't stop his wordy word.

"That's it." He said wordily, "Red and white Barbie, while there is still time, let me tell you how we got back from outer space..."

"it's me."

At this time, a figure came out of the aperture again, directly interrupting the nagging of the deadpool.

A green light gleamed in his hand, instantly interrupting the storm of the horse-headed axe.



The Queen of White and Queen of Heart said ugly at the same time.

"It's an honour." Strange shook his head slightly and raised his eyebrows. "Let the two beautiful ladies remember their names underneath."

Strange has a good demeanor, but the magic in his hands does not seem to be sympathetic. The green halo spreads like a gyroscope around his palm to his arm. He points his palm at the white chess queen and the heart The queen, the next moment, the huge horse-head axe began to shrink rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye.


After half a second, the horse head axe was restored to the original look before the metamorphosis under the ugly face of Queen of Hearts, and turned into a half-height fairyland chess, which immediately gave a panic after seeing the surrounding sober Squawked, and then fled with a jump of smoke.

Wonderland style.

"I don't like bullying unarmed little girls."

Although the Deadpool said so in his mouth, he saw that he took off the double knives behind him, and a flashing came to the top of the Queen of Hearts. The samurai sword with a screaming wind, cut hard. under.


At this time, Wolverine also recovered from his self-healing ability. He pulled himself out of the wall pit, roared, and took advantage of this opportunity to pounce on the white chess queen at the same time.

Although the horse head axe shared by the two was restored to a chess piece by Strange, the double kings in Wonderland are still not so easy to deal with. The white chess queen and the queen of hearts only have one body and two arms, but they are waving at this time. But it seems like four.

The white chess queen raised the sky of ice and frost between her hands, and the fascinating red mist floated in front of the queen of hearts.

Regardless of whether it is Red Mist or Frost, Deadpool and Wolverine dare not make a hard connection. The two of them are like smart monkeys, jumping around constantly, waiting for opportunities to try to find flaws that can be attacked.

Seeing that, Strange was not nonsense, he raised his right hand again, the time power of the eye of Agomomoto diffused out, directly shining on the body of the white chess queen.

"Ah, oops!"


The Queen of Chess and Queen of Hearts made a scream at the same time, and then the two slammed away from the middle and walked a few steps forward, completely divided into two.

"I didn't expect you to look so small." Deadpool looked at the brand new Queen of Hearts and couldn't help but spit it out, "But your head is still so big."


Queen of Hearts clenched her fists in her waist, shouting wildly.

Strange withdrew Agomoto's eyes and was ready to cut into the battle for quick battle. He was indeed a person with a very grace and a sense of justice, but that was already a few years ago.

With the advent of the magic night, countless superheroes died, and the whole world became fragmented, and humans were also displaced. Strange had long given up the so-called persistence in his heart. As long as he could win, he would not mind being a demon.

because. . He couldn't see the slightest hope of victory.

Whether it is the past, the present, or the present. . future.

This is the time promenade, which can only be reached after passing through the labyrinth of space. It is also the second line of defense. Through this, you can find the real residence of the dead wizard.

When the outer gods and primitive gods attacked the earth and other superheroes' bases, the remaining superheroes such as Strange also regrouped into an elite squad, who also rushed to the base of the dead wizard and wanted to launch a final Jedi counterattack.

Although the two kings of Wonderland, Queen of White Chess and Queen of Hearts, are not particularly powerful guys under the death wizard, but they are also good combatants. They can be eliminated here, and Strange doesn’t mind being a little serious.

But at the next moment, when Strange was about to cut into the battlefield, he suddenly stopped, and then looked at the passageway to the gate at the other end of the room.

"The power of destruction..." Strange murmured in his heart.

"More powerful than the Phoenix... Destruction..."

He immediately realized who was here, and did not expect her to stay in the second line of defense, instead of leaving with other primitive gods.

As a result, the plan has obviously changed.

With her there, it is obviously difficult to break in from this side. It is better to change direction and re-find the time entrance that can be entered.

Thinking of this, Strange turned and rushed to the opposite Rip, grabbed him, and his figure flickered into the door opened by the aperture. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind the two deadpools, "Quick Leave this!"

Logan and Deadpool may not be as powerful as Strange, but their fighting power is unquestionable. One is a warrior mercenary, and the other was born in the nineteenth century. The old monsters of war, their combat experience is almost rich.

Although the Queen of Hearts and the Queen of White Chess are not bad at magic, they can hardly hold the footsteps of Deadpool and Logan. The two gradually moved closer to the direction of the aperture door, and the fighting range became more and more shifted.

Strange took Rip to the other side of the portal, quietly waiting for the two to get out.

It is not that Strange does not help them, but he must first ensure his safety and the safety of the door. If the guy with the power of destruction comes here at the moment he intervenes in the battle, the portal will instantly Collapse, no one wants to leave here.


The hissing of Rogan before and the bursts of roaring and low roaring from the battle at this moment seemed like echoes, which spread faintly along the promenade of time to the distance, and spread farther and farther.

And at the end of the corridor, in a deserted room, a dark-haired woman in a fur coat stood quietly in the center of the room. Suddenly, her ears hidden under her short hair moved slightly, as if listening Something arrived.

Then the next moment, her figure disappeared from the room without a trace.

The frequency of the deadpool and the Queen of Hearts is getting faster and faster. At the same time, his teleportation frequency is getting higher and higher. Wolverine also begins to fight back with injuries. Anyway, both of them have an undead body, as long as the distance is enough. , You can instantly leave the battlefield.

But unfortunately, in the next moment, a silver ray came straight from the distance, like a sharp arrow, instantly hitting the dead waiter and Logan who had just teleported, and then bounced away again with a flutter. .

Strange's face changed again, "Go!"

He growled and ignored Rip's reaction, grabbed him directly and rushed back.



In the next moment, as if the still time flowed again, Logan flew out in unison with the deadpool, and then hit the wall fiercely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even hit the very strong wall directly out A hole, embedded them.

At the same time, the arrow of the silver tongue also stopped, and she fell to the ground, revealing her original appearance.

Icy, arrogant, beautiful and charming.

"The goddess of the moon, Serena!" The dead waiter made an exaggerated corner, directly teleporting and wanting to go straight to the portal. "Can your speed be faster than teleportation!"

Selena's speed is indeed not as fast, but when Selena flew out the Deadpool and Logan, the Queen of White was not idle. Her magic has been gathered and she is running towards the Deadpool At the moment of the portal, a white halo has spread out.

The Queen of White slammed the ground with a sudden rush of coldness, freezing the portal instantly.

"Do not!"

Rip, caught under Strange's arm under his arm, shouted, and the scene inside the portal disappeared in the next instant, turning into a useless frozen circle. Among the creaking noises, "Slap!" Fell to the ground with a loud crackling sound. (To be continued.)

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