High Magic Earth

Chapter 1042: Infinite future (4)

Seeing that the last retreat was cut off, Deadpool used a double knife to hold a knife in his hand, and then shook his body.

"Must let Strange add money to me next time, this guy will slip away in advance every time." He complained weirdly.

This is not the first time he has faced a dead end. Superheroes with an undead body often take on post-mortem tasks, either actively or passively. Of course, even with an undead body, exile in outer space and sinking into the sea It will definitely not feel good.

Even then it would only make people feel that it is better not to be immortal.

But even so, they are not afraid of fighting.

Because there is nothing to be afraid of.

"remarkably brave."

Seeing Logan struggling to stand up again, he finally groaned like a twilight, and Selena said lightly, "But I smell a nasty feeling on you."

"I don't like it very much."

"So... please disappear."

A ray of cold light spread out along Serena's palm, and the sharp, thin, sharp blade was slowly turned over, and the dazzling luster bloomed in this pure white room. When the glare reflected on Logan's eyes, let him not The autonomous narrowed his eyes slightly.

And at this moment, Serena's figure had suddenly disappeared.

The silver light was like an arrow off the string, coming directly to Logan, piercing his chest and separating his warm throat.

The blood was like a hot feast, swaying from Logan being lifted to the half-empty body, red filled the space and rendered all the surroundings equally gorgeous.

Deadpool's hands holding the knife handle shrank slightly, and his heart was not calm.

Selena has some of the characteristics of a vampire, but her most famous point is the super speed comparable to the fast power of the Flash Barry Allen.

Even among superheroes, there is very little that can compete with her in speed.

She certainly is not an opponent against herself.

Even teleportation can't escape her interception. I am afraid that after a few rounds, what is waiting for him is the same slice of fate as Logan at this time.

Fortunately, her opponent is not her, and she is still a double king in fairyland. If you face the two guys, Deadpool is still very sure.

Serena and Logan played against each other, or while Logan was tortured unilaterally, the Double Kings of Wonderland also launched an attack on the Deadpool without hesitation.

Multicolored magic is intertwined, as if ribbons are entwined towards the deadpool.

"This kind of gameplay requires extra money." The deadpool teleported back suddenly, and continued to nag without stopping.

The sharp samurai double knives also weave a dazzling cold light, mixed with a little vibrating sharp blade without hesitation to separate the invasion of magic.

War is always the fastest way to spur progress. Not long after the magic night came, although superheroes and humans were beaten and defeated, but also, all kinds of thrilling black technologies are spewing out geometrically.

For example, the ruined cutting-edge laboratory has developed a kind of metal that is attached to metal and can cut off magic.

Using one's own strength to synthesize new elements by refining different substances on the basis that the earth does not exist at all, and is accompanied by demon-wearing attributes, which almost instantly raised the magic level of the entire earth.

It can even be called magic alchemy.

Unfortunately, the production of this metal is difficult, the output is very low, and it was not long before it was destroyed by the news of the popular Wall Cavaliers, and only a small amount of metal was spread.

Since it is no longer mass-produced, it can only be given priority to superheroes. There are not many superheroes who like to use weapons in close combat, and there are only a few. As one of the main players of the leader, Deadpool is naturally well deserved. A copy.

The two samurai swords in his hands are special weapons mixed with rare derogatory metal and Zhenjin.

The two sides of the battle were violently colliding, and the deadpool seemed to be easy under the sandwich between the White Chess Queen and the Queen of Hearts, but Logan was almost cut into the skeleton by Serena.

But even so, the hardness of the Edman alloy is still not to be seen.

The weapon in Selena's hands hardly hurts the Edman metal skeleton. Every collision can only leave a violent splash on it, and then you can't cut it in again.

The pointed slender knife in her hand is also a magic weapon, otherwise the long knife that doesn't look very strong should have been broken by the collision of Edman alloy alone.

The other side of the Deadpool dodged, ridiculed incessantly, and the long-time offensive could not help but make the Queen of Hearts agitated, her face turned a little flushed, and then suddenly stopped the magic in her hand.

"You **** little bug..." She shivered madly, "I want to make me..."

The Queen of White Chess next to her suddenly covered Queen Queen's mouth, "Hush."

She raised her fingers and said gently, "Our magic cannot be used here. They are too powerful and will destroy the structure here."

"Look, what a beautiful house." She drew her hands around like she was dancing. "Do you want to watch them collapse once they are destroyed."

The terrifying degree of wonderland is not low in the magic world, and even to some extent, its strangeness and bizarreness are more terrifying than some indescribable existence.

The Queen of Hearts and the Queen of White Chess who are double kings in Wonderland are also far from being so weak.

It is because the magic of the wonderland is too bizarre, so it seems that they are a bit weak compared to others, because the queen of white chess and the queen of hearts never really released their magic.

Once the wonder magic appears.

It is easy to cause great confusion in other magic systems.

The deadpool in the distance also stopped, arms crossed, heads crooked aside as they watched the quarrel between the two, the habits of the Queen of Hearts and the Queen of White Chess have already been known, so it’s not surprising .

Deadpool doesn't know what to do now, running away, or killing them seems to be a little impossible, then it's better to delay the time.

Anyway, the longer you drag on, the less pressure others will face.

His thoughts were still correct, but unfortunately, the existence that scared away Strange was not intended to give Deadpool and Logan this opportunity.


A sound that seemed to be twisted to the extreme appeared in the ears of the people. The deadpool looked up and saw that everything was wiped out at the end of the passageway to the door of the room.

"Qin Gelei?" There was some surprise in the voice of Deadpool.

The end of the channel has completely disappeared, and the rest is just a large piece of void. Countless objects that once constituted the room were all broken down into fragments, turning into ruin-like dust floating in the void, with the vortex formed by the void. Of rotation.

Such a powerful decomposition ability can only be achieved by the power of Qin Gelei Phoenix.

The enthusiasm of all things, the spark brings life to the universe, and the flame will eventually destroy all this.

Serena, who was moving at high speed, and the quarreling queen of hearts, Queen of Hearts, also saw this scene. They froze for a moment and then stopped immediately.

Serena even gave up Logan and fell directly into the distance, letting Logan, whose only skeleton was left, fall to the ground.


A low groan like a sigh slowly drifted from far away, and as the low groan spread, Logan's body dropped on the ground as if raised by an invisible big hand, and then gradually tightened.


Logan's torn vocal cords couldn't make any sound, but he was able to see that he was struggling and writhing in pain, but unfortunately it didn't do much.

The first to be wiped out, turned into ash, was Logan’s heart. The beating heart and other organs seemed to be instantly burned by the high temperature, and directly changed into ash and drifted with the wind.

The heart's powerful beating stopped, and Logan's struggles also weakened, and then there was the only thing left to prove Logan's existence.

Edman metal skeleton.

The metal skeleton is very hard, and even Deadpool can hear Edman alloy squeaking in pain, but this can't stop the force everywhere from invading.


As if the tightest string was suddenly broken, and it seemed that the thick bones were broken rigidly, the Edman alloy suddenly made a heavy muffled sound, and then at the next moment, it did not show any sound, just like before Logan's soft organs, like the heart, were directly reduced to ashes and then dissipated into the air.

This time, no ashes were left.

"Uh...friend, you remind me of a big blue bald head like this."

Deadpool's vomiting didn't stop, but the thought of running away had risen in his heart. Logan was probably broken down into atoms. Their self-healing ability is very strong, but only the remaining cells can continue to heal and die. The waiter was not too clear.

And he didn't want to try it for himself.

But this thought just appeared in the mind of the deadpool. While the teleportation ability was slightly moving, an invisible force directly enveloped his whole body.

"Oh, **** it!"

The Deadpool was taken aback. He panicked and shouted, "This is not the one with my mouth shut!"

Then the next moment, his scream came to an abrupt end, because the invisible force had directly squeezed him into a powder, and scattered it into scattered pieces.

Even Logan’s Edman alloy can be wiped out, so it’s easier to crush the deadpool.

This invisible force quickly skipped the queen of white chess queen and the three of Serena, and then moved on, as if a proud knight patrolling his territory.

This is indeed the case. With the departure of this annihilation force, the promenade and room doors that were destroyed once again have been restored again, the debris flew, and retreated to form a complete room, it seems as if time has reversed.

However, the figures of Deadpool and Logan have disappeared.

I don’t know if they can heal themselves again, but if it is possible, it will take a relatively long time.

This force is specifically aimed at outsiders, as if the clock hands of a continuously rotating clock will block in front, and everything it perceives is completely smashed.

Just like the laser of a scanner, the power of extinction hits the wall through the time corridor, wherever it goes, everything is destroyed, and as this force leaves, everything it passes through is renewed immediately. recovery.

Everything is flying, and destruction and reorganization are more than flipping.

Quietly watching this scene gradually away, the Queen of White Chess and Queen of Hearts rarely quarreled, and Selena stood indifferently on a high place. After a long time, she lowered her eyes slightly.


The queen of white chess seemed to hear Serena whispering to herself. She turned her head cutely with a golden crown on her head, but Serena had disappeared.

. . .

"Why not save them?"

Rip, who was caught under Strange's arm, had recovered after a while. He was closely following Strange, and he was flying forward with him.

The magic float cloak not only allows Strange to float and fly, but its speed is also very fast, and if Rip simply runs, he can't keep up.

Previously, Rip’s physical fitness was just that of an ordinary person. Okay, maybe this time the body’s hero upgrade plan after the night of magic has improved slightly, but it is still far inferior to other heroes. I’m afraid even Steven Rogers Not enough.

What's more, Rip simply couldn't run here.

This is a space of nothingness. There is darkness and emptiness everywhere. There is nowhere to borrow power. Running and jumping are impossible to talk about.

Even if Rip has adapted, Strange can only run with him.

Hearing Rip’s question, Strange’s face was not very good-looking. Most of his expression was blocked by the towering collar of the magic float cloak. Rip didn’t see clearly, but he could also pass Stran Qi grabbed her slightly trembling hands and felt the other's inner uneasiness.

"Because I can't save ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a long time later, the flying Strange uttered such a sentence.

As if he had exhausted all his strength, he slowly relaxed, "I can't save them." He said slowly again, this time he had experienced enough powerlessness, but now, I did not expect him to Once encountered such a situation.

Rip didn't say anything, he knew his problem was a bit rash.

He didn’t know what was going on. He didn’t know who the two men suddenly appeared from the aperture and rescued him, and who the guy was in front of him. He didn’t even know what he was before. Who are the two so-called enemies who want to kill themselves?

But this does not prevent him from intuitively having a favorable opinion of Strange in front of him, and it is not for no reason. Rip guessed that his body may have been familiar with Strange before.

may. . probably. .

With Rip’s silence, Strange didn’t answer anymore, and the atmosphere was dull again. In the darkness, time seemed to be stretched indefinitely, and far away, there seemed to be only howling at the two. (To be continued.)

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