High Magic Earth

Chapter 1043: Infinite future (5)

Ripple, without Gideon as an assistant, has a concept and ambiguity of time, which is also an occupational disease of the master of every time.

Traveling through time is an incredible thing in itself, and the calculation of time is very difficult. It is almost impossible to complete by human power, and it must be recorded by the spacecraft intelligent Gideon.

So once leaving Gideon, the Lord of Time will immediately lose his sense of time.

"This is where?"

Seeing that Strange seemed to fly endlessly, there was nothingness and darkness all around, and Rip finally couldn't help but asked, he needed to figure out what was going on, so that at least when he encountered the battle again, You can also prepare and respond.

"We are at the bottom of the upper combat space, and here is at the end of time." Strange's tone was very brief.

"End of time?"

But Rip was puzzled. As the master of time, he had never heard of the place at the end of time. Time and all other concepts did exist, but the end of time. . There is no record in the time court.

Strange was also slightly stunned, and then came to understand, "Oh, the end of time... This is the name we have privately, which is the meaning of the wizard's territory."

"Because he cut off his connection with time, he cannot be found in the future or in the past. He only exists in the present, so we call this the end of time."

"Every time is invalid here."

Rip frowned slightly and took himself out of time, something he had never heard of.

What is going on here, and what time is it, it must be in the future. The world has undergone tremendous changes, because if it is in the past, there are such people and such existence, the time court cannot be completely silent.

No matter how powerful a person's future is, he always has a past that cannot be concealed, and time court will find it.

"What are you doing here?" Rip continued to ask.

Strange glanced at Rip in a strange way before shrugging, pretending to answer easily, "Fight against the water."

"I want to find the wizard."

"He is the source of everything. Solve him, everything will be solved."

"Okay..." Rip nodded slowly. "But what are you going to do about it?"

Rip doesn’t know Strange, okay, maybe his body knows it, but he doesn’t, and the other wizard, their so-called enemy, is obviously very powerful, because Rip saw the Wonder Woman Xia's body, a person who can push superheroes to this level, how could it be weak.

He wanted to know how Strange could deal with him even if he found each other, after all. . Strange doesn't look so outrageously strong.

Strange's expression was even stranger, but he was still busy running without thinking much, "...maybe talk to him about life ideals."

He shrugged. "He won't disagree. Don't forget, I have it. It's very long. It's a long time...the time can convince him."

But Strange knew that after seeing the wizard, he probably had no more choices.

He was able to force Dormam out, because no matter how powerful Dormam was, there was only one person. Once Strange trapped him in an infinite loop of time, there was no other way.

But this one is different.

In addition to himself, there are countless external appearance gods and primitive gods under his command. In fact, he hasn't really shot himself in the battle with superheroes so far.

Because he still needs to chase down the remaining angels and demons, but he can't deal with superheroes.

But even so, Strange has no other choice.

Only after finding him, immediately trapping himself and the other party in the time loop at the same time, all this can really end.

No matter what conditions the other party promises in the time loop, the time loop cannot be opened. Once opened, I am afraid that Strange will not have the opportunity to rush into the other party next time.

The opponent can send out a large army of outsiders again, killing Strange outside, and the time loop will naturally become a joke.

This is totally a gamble.

And no matter whether winning or losing, what is waiting for Strange is eternal endless sinking and death.

Fortunately, this is not the only purpose of Strange's trip.

Since it is a big gamble, at least you have to give yourself a few more chips to make the balance of victory more inclined.

"And I will find Clark Kent," Strange said. "He was caught by magic and stuffed in kryptonite."

"I heard that kryptonite is much more terrifying for Superman than cactus is for humans. In fact, I think it is a terrible thing to fall into the cactus bush."

I heard that Strange was nagging here, and Rip's expression was a bit erratic, but he was thinking about it.

He has heard of Clark Kent's name. The famous Superman is not only the guardian of the metropolis, but also one of the most powerful guardians of the whole world.

He was still questioning such a big thing, where did Superman go, but he didn't expect it to be so. .

Strange is also paying attention to Rip's expression. He thinks Rip is a little weird. What kind of things can happen during the war. There are so many magic tricks. Even if you pretend to be another person, it is not impossible. As a former neurosurgeon, Strange is very careful and sensitive.

Thinking about it, the eye of Agomo had appeared silently on his head, and the third eye opened, looking through Rip's essence towards his soul.

"God, who the **** are you?!"

At first glance, Strange cried out in surprise.

Hearing the sound of Strange, seeing the strange third eye shining on himself, thinking about the meaning of Strange's words, Rip could reason out almost instantly. Is probably exposed.

"You listen to me explain." He said quickly.

"The words may sound a bit long, because things are a bit troublesome to explain..."

Strange has seen that Rip is not Rip.

To be precise, this Rip is not the original Rip of the body. The body is still him, still Rip, and the soul is also Rip, but it is not the Rip of this body, it sounds a bit tangled, but in the body Rip, he was more than ten years ago.

Rip from the past has come to the future.

The green eyes of Agomo motorcycle glowed tightly, and the tightly packed text flashed in the void. The time in Rip’s body returned briefly, and then quickly recovered. After determining Rip’s identity, Strange Somewhat asked, "Why are you here?"

"Uh... seriously, I don't know too."

In fact, Rip did not understand anything, and if Strange really asked him to explain, he could not explain why.

It's probably the first time Strange has encountered such a thing. The eye of Agomoto can control the time, but that is all based on, now, in this environment and conditions.

The Agomoto Eye cannot directly affect the future and the past, and everything Strange can reverse is only the present.

At this moment, a soul from the past appears in the present.

Strange's brow furrowed.

Rip was also a little nervous. As he said, he didn’t know Strange, which is not surprising, because the two of them were not the same person in the world.

Perhaps after the magic night came, many superhero worlds united, and then Rip met him, but before that, Rip was just a dedicated time master working in the time court.

There is so little social.

This is a characteristic of the Lord of Time. The Lord of Time wanders in the Lord of Time to ensure the accuracy and completeness of history. In addition, he occasionally traces some villains with time power and travellers who stray into Time. .

Because of the particularity of the Lord of Time, they have no friends at all, and time does not allow them to make friends. Any action that affects the timeline is likely to bring devastating results to the entire history, and for the Lord of Time Most of their journeys are in the past.

This means that even if they had a few friends in that era, in a blink of an eye, when time quickly flowed back to the time court, those people had already died hundreds of years ago.

No one can be friends with time, no one ever.

The Lord of Time may be able to get married, but whether it is marriage or other social interactions are conducted within the Time Court with the Lord of other times.

If two time masters get married, one of them will give up the responsibility of time master, that is, the identity of the time spaceship captain. The reason is unknown, probably because people in love are losing their sense.

Reason is one of the most important qualities of the Lord of Time.

Therefore, Rip is very strange to Strange. Even if it is not an accident, Strange is also a superhero, which makes it difficult for Rip to feel relieved.

After all, there are also radicals and moderates in superheroes.

But within a few seconds of frowning, Strange relaxed again. "You shouldn't be here." He said, "But I think...I probably know what's going on."

. . .

"This is the lowest level of the magical world. No one can enter here, even a superhero."

"I can appear here and fly with you because of my particularity." Strange said to Rip, "I'm also a mage, and I can control space by nature, and the eye of Agomomoto makes I am protected from the power of time."

"But you... you are special."

Rip raised an eyebrow slightly, and he knew he was special, but Strange said the same thing as didn't say it.

but. . Perhaps the special thing is that you are the master of time?

The Lord of Time has no special power. Although they travel through time, they all rely on the space shuttle, Gideon and the time shuttle of the time court.

They are just ordinary people who have been trained. Coupled with the high-tech weapons standard in the time court, they may be inadequate, but they are definitely more than that.

Of course, some interesting little things encountered in the journey of time can also increase the power of the Lord of Time.

But most of the time the Lord will choose to go to the time court instead of staying on his own.

These thoughts flashed through Rip's mind, and then he focused his attention on Strange again.

"You are special..." Strange's speech is not over, "maybe... you can reverse all this, you are the opportunity to reverse all this."

"What?" Rip felt dazed.

It must be said that Strange's intuition is accurate. The role of the master of time is to correct the correctness of history, but the more crucial question is what kind of history is correct.

Is it true that for humans, any history that will destroy the future is wrong.

And who has evidence to show that the end of all destruction in the future will be wrong?

After all, death is sometimes a new beginning.

Of course, if we consider the position of the human court and the court of time, then any history that is not conducive to human beings and the court is naturally wrong, but in this way, correctness loses its original meaning.

Rip is the master of time, and as the night of magic comes, the court of time has long appeared. These things are not a secret among superheroes.

And more importantly, the time court has no way to deal with the magic night.

They could not lock in the history before the magic night, and naturally they could not stop them. Even the time court itself appeared very abrupt, as if it had existed before, and it was completely erased.

Many superheroes related to special energies have speculation about this situation, for example. .

"We doubt that our present news can't be delivered at all, we can't pass on our past, nor can we see the future, we are trapped in the present forever."

"Even the Flash can’t escape this strange circle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But... I heard that hiding in the cutting-edge laboratory of Base 3 is reorganizing the time point experiment, trying to get Barry Allen back in the past, I don’t know How was the experiment going, but by the time I came, Base No. 3 had already been attacked on a large scale."

"But it's different now because...you're here."

Strange looked at the Rip next to him. "You come from the past, which means that you may go back. Once you bring this news back, then... everything will be solved."

"Uh..." Rip had to temporarily interrupt the excited Strange, "I have to say...I want to tell you a very unfortunate news."

"I don't know how I came here, so... I don't know how to go back, maybe I can't go back, you better not have too much hope."

"It's okay." Strange apparently expected this already, and he said indifferently, "because as long as there is a ray of hope, we can't give up." (To be continued.)

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