High Magic Earth

Chapter 1044: Infinite future (6)

Rip didn't speak, not only because it was a very cruel thing to completely break a person's hope, but also. . He also heard another meaning in Strange's passage.

That is. . The war has reached the edge of near despair.

Even these superheroes who never give up have reached the point where they can catch any life-saving straw they can catch.

Very bad.

Ripp, who was meditating, suddenly felt Strange's emergency stop, and the huge gap almost made Rip, who was caught by Strange, spit out.

Although his soul is not the original match, Rip at this time is also the master of the time of battle experience, and there will be no idiot mistakes during the battle.

He endured discomfort and did not make a sound, so naturally he did not ask Strange what happened, but followed Strange along with his eyes, looking at the void and void of the darkness around him.

But in the darkness, besides nothingness, nothingness.

Rip didn't lose patience because of this, and Strange couldn't stop for no reason, perhaps for other reasons, or maybe something that Strange could feel was farther away than he could see.

These are all possible. Sure enough, Rip's idea is not wrong. Similar to the latter, after the two of them were suspended in the void again for more than ten seconds, a little blue light gradually appeared at the end of the void.

Like a kind of signal light, flashing, flashing bright blue.

There is no sense of science fiction to the future, but instead, in the eyes of Rip, who is accustomed to cutting-edge technology, a little toy-like childishness appears.

But Rip was keenly aware of this, that is, contrary to himself, Strange's face was ugly at the moment and could not be uglier.

"What's wrong?" Rip asked in a low voice.

More and more blue dots like toys emerged from the darkness of the void, gradually showing a curvature in the distance and slowly approaching the two, seeming to surround them.

Although I don't know what that is, it is extremely difficult to deal with in terms of this quantity alone.

but. . This meant that Rip could speak out at will, and the other party began to openly gather together, obviously discovering them long ago.

Strange's face was still ugly. He grabbed Rip's shoulders, let him stand and float beside him, and then watched him say slowly, "I'm afraid you need to end your short time journey early. ,leave here."

"But how do I leave?" Rip immediately asked, he didn't know how he came, how could he know how to leave.

Even in fact, if it wasn't Strange, he saw that Rip did have a problem, and affirmed that Rip thought he had just had an illusion, or a messy memory.

"It's up to me to send you away." Strange continued, "I thought of a way, maybe it works, but it's too risky."

Before Rip asked, if he was too risky, why did he give it a try? Strange had already explained, "But as you can see." He shrugged. "The situation is urgent now, there are no more. Time let us choose slowly."

Strange again took out Agomoto's eye, but this time, he didn't use it, but put this powerful time-controllable weapon in front of Rip.

"This thing is called the Eye of Agomo, and it can control time." Strange said, "Whether it is to reverse time or move forward, or to stand still, it can be done, if you have it, you will have it Unlimited power."

"It's also my only hole card to stop the death wizard, but now, I need you to take it away."

"I will activate its power and turn back time, because we are all trapped in the eternal present, so your body may be destroyed, but the soul, but there is a silver lining to be saved, back to the past, back to you Where it really comes."

"Of course, in order to be safer, I will add more magic to protect your soul."

But Rip interrupted Strange, "Wait a moment." He said, "Since this thing left this way." He pointed to the eye of Agomo in Strange's hand, "Then why don't we Kill them directly."

In the distance, the faint blue light had flickered and came up, but because the distance was still far away, in the dark, Rip still couldn't see what they were.

But no matter what, as Strange said, under the attack of time, in the end it was not vulnerable.

"Even if we are stuck in something forever now, we can't use this thing to reverse time, we can fix them." Rip continued, "As long as it is controlled, even if it takes less than a minute, we can completely remove them. Broken into pieces."

"There is absolutely no need to leave."

As Rip said, Stranger naturally knew that, as a singular doctor with the eye of Agomo, Strang knew far more about time than Rip, the half-time master.

It was precisely because of this that Strange showed some despair at this time.

"Impossible." Strange said with a wry smile. "Because these things are directed at me, they must have known that I am here before sending this thing."

"They are called Dairik, and they are one of the most powerful and aggressive races in the universe, and they are additionally aimed at time-related fields. Each shell has a time lock as a protection, and time is useless for them. The eyes are not effective, they are directed at me."

"But you are the last hope."

Then immediately, Strange didn't give Rip a chance to refute and talk more. He directly put the necklace that was the eye of Agomomoto on Rip's body, and then snapped.


The faint green light flowed out of the eye of Agomomoto. As the eye of Agomomoto was activated, the green light instantly spread into a pupa, wrapping Ripple in it with sparse spacing.

The green unnamed text surrounds Rip, as if dense ant colonies, from a distance, seems to be covered with countless circular cards on his body.


Rip uttered a short exclamation. Soon, the green light was shining, and the entire dark space was illuminated in an instant.

Derrick, who was coming in from afar, was suddenly exposed to the light. The short oval barrel-shaped body looked like a sci-fi trash can, and a toilet pull-out was protruding from it funny. Get something.

But in fact, anyone who dared to underestimate them was swept into the real trash can by them.

However, at this time Rip had not paid attention to this scene. The severe pain seemed to tear him completely, and a scorching heat spread from his soul to his body wrapped around him.

At the next moment, his entire body was extinguished under the halo of Agomo's eyes, but Rip, who was in pain, didn't even notice it, not even feeling it.

Rip's body disappeared in the void, and the halo of Argomo's Eye gradually faded, and with the body of Argomo's Eye, gradually disappeared into the void.

"Oh, right." Strange said suddenly at this time, "If you see me in the past, remember to bring me a sentence, rest assured, it doesn't matter, tell me, don't regret any choices you made , Because, no need to regret."

"Uh... if you can still hear it."

Strange shrugged, probably didn't even hope that Rip could still hear, so, instead of talking to Rip, it was better to say that Strange was doing something with himself in the past bid farewell.

"Okay..." Strange raised his hand again and fixed the ring between his two fingers. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Rip in the past."

Then he yanked the collar of the cloak soaring on both sides, his hands lifted slightly, and the golden dazzling luster bloomed, and the light gradually condensed into a golden light rope like a whip, and he faced fearlessly with the surrounding Dalek Them.

"Now, it's time to let you know the consequences of the abuse of magic."

"Uh..." But looking like he didn't hear what he said, there was no response at all, and the Dairiks who continued to crawl like caterpillars in the void, Stranger could not help but slightly raised his eyebrows, and then sighed Sigh, "This time I probably can't talk about the conditions."

The whip formed by the golden light rose high in the hands of Strange, and then the next moment, like lightning, with a terrifying sizzle, galloping towards the middle of the Daleks!

"wipe out!"


"wipe out!"

. . .

Pain is always an unbearable feeling, and no matter what kind of pain, it will always magnify and extend the time infinitely, making people feel like living like years.

That's a kind. . I have never felt this moment, so long.

Rip now probably feels like this.

I have to say that since falling into that unknown time and battlefield, Rip has not remembered for the first time how many times he lost time to time.

But this feeling is indeed very uncomfortable, very bad.

Fortunately, the pain is slowly weakening, and as the pain disappears, it is a very comfortable sense of familiarity.

Without even needing any reminders, Rip jumped out of an idea instinctively.

This is his original body.

I returned to my original body again.

Sure enough, is all this a dream?

The pain faded like a tide, nausea and nausea rushed up. Rip secretly felt that he had drunk a lot last night, but fortunately, he didn't do anything but make a quirky dream Other outliers.


He asked hoarsely.

Until now he still does not understand why he had such a dream. At a completely unknown time, a battle that was completely unknown but spread to countless worlds.

The time court cannot know at all.

Because in addition to monitoring the past and ensuring the integrity and correctness of history, the time court also has the responsibility of monitoring the future timeline.

If a war really affects countless worlds in the future, and even pushes the survival of mankind to a precarious state of destruction, the court of time cannot be unaware.

The time court will do everything possible to avoid this kind of thing happening. At that time, Rip’s life will not be as easy as now to hunt down some interstellar robbers, but will disregard everything or even pay all costs to prevent such a future. occur.

So he decided to ask Gideon if the time court had any relevant records.

Maybe this possibility has happened in the future, but it has been prevented by the time court in advance. Maybe this kind of sign has appeared long ago, but it has not been valued by the time court and ignored the past. This is possible.

Whatever the possibility, Rip has to check it himself.

But after waiting a few seconds, when Gideon's voice didn't sound, Rip felt something was wrong.

As the console of the entire spaceship, Gideon is also the port where the time spacecraft connects to the time court switchboard, and it is also a subordinate terminal scattered from the time court center. Its response speed is extremely fast, basically not to say more than a few seconds. Even delays rarely occur unless the ship is seriously damaged.

After all, the thing of time is very important to the master of time, especially when traveling in time, every second.

And the hardness and coldness that came from behind made Rip's heart cool. His bed was not so anti-human.

Opening his eyes violently, what he saw was a wall with weird stripes and white patterns. Although everything around him was strange, Rip’s body didn’t seem to matter. He rolled over and sat up, feeling that he couldn’t touch it. It's brains.

The color of the wall was very white, and even the white one was dazzling, staring at the wall deadly, and by the reflection of the wall, Rip could see what he was like now.

A light blue captain outfit, and a dark green blend in it. This is the outfit he often wears on spaceships. It is the standard configuration of the Lord of Time and the dress he wears before going to bed.

Because if Rippo remembered correctly, he forgot to change clothes this time before going to bed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't tell me this is another dream. . "Ripp covered his head in pain.

Because of this, he felt completely confused.

If everything before was just a dream, then why did he appear here? If everything before is not just a dream, then what does all this mean.

Rip pondered for a moment, then stood up.

In any case, he can't wait here quietly, only action can get more favorable clues.

Anyway, this is not the first time he has faced a difficult situation. As a time master, Rip felt he had a responsibility to find out the truth of the matter.

With such thoughts, Rip walked to the wall on the other side.

Although the room is well-lit, it seems to be completely closed. Only the wall on the other side has a door. This structure makes people think of what is obviously a prison, and this is also the best guess for the situation at this time. (To be continued.)

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