High Magic Earth

Chapter 1045: Infinite future (7)

"Hope not as I thought." Rip secretly prayed, putting his hand on the door by the way.

His luck has always been good, but I don't know how it happened. Since entering the completely unknown battlefield, he has started to become unsuccessful.

But fortunately for him, his luck seemed to be back at this moment. His hands gently pushed up the door. With some heavy and jerky feel, the pure white door immediately opened.

"Huh?" Rip was stunned. Was he wrong?

And Rip didn't have so many tangled options. After a slight stun, he slipped out quietly along the door.

Either way, staying here is undoubtedly one of the worst options.

The outside is very quiet and still full of light. The pure white with a striped wall that seems to contain a certain pattern gives an endless feeling.

But Rip always felt a bit familiar with all this.

The right hand sagged slightly unconsciously, and his finger had touched the trigger.

Rip found that not only did his clothes change from the previous windbreaker to a captain's suit again, even if he forgot to take it off, the weapons he carried were still on his body.

And unsurprisingly, the eye-shaped necklace that the man called Agomoto Eye in the dream was gone.

Everything was like returning to his bedtime again, except that when he woke up, he was not in bed at all, but came to another strange place.

This series of chaotic baptism did not make Rip panic, but aroused his fighting spirit.

As a master of time, even if he is just an ordinary person, but also has a deeper understanding of time, this series of things is likely to be caused by time chaos.

The Lord of Time sounds very powerful, but it is just a person who traverses other people in the river of time. Rip cannot really control time, nor can he borrow the power of time.

It's just that he filled in the word time in the context of his work, which looks even more powerful.

In fact, the Lord of Time does not have much dangerous work. At least, the chaos of time and space has never been encountered by the Lord of Time.

Even in the court of time, this is just a record and legend.

But today, time chaos was encountered by myself.

Rip will not give up easily, either because of his identity as the Lord of Time or because of the future he saw in another space that was completely ignited by war.

Slightly pressing a button around his waist, the boots under Rip's feet no longer made a sound when he stepped on the ground.

The sole of the shoe becomes soft but not tough. Naturally, it can absorb sound and make Rip's actions more concealed. Like an assassin walking in the shadows, Rip walked to the other side of the promenade in a few minutes. At the end.

Rip is just an ordinary person. This is relative to those superheroes who are far higher than ordinary people. For real civilians and ordinary people, the fighting power of the Lord of Time is still not small.

Even some of the top agents are slightly worse.

After all, the Lord of Time walks in all corners of time and encounters various strange situations. Agents are just one of the occupations they have to master.

Rip sneaked into many heavily guarded places, the Egyptian Pharaoh's residence in BC, the French King's Palace in the 16th century, the British prison in the 14th century, etc. . Well, it's just relatively guarded.

He is very confident in his sneaking technique, and he hasn't alarmed anyone because of this. . He didn't even touch him at all.

This makes Rip very strange.

Originally, he thought that the battle was also encountered here, so he opened the prison door. . Or it is not a prison at all, but there are no traces of fighting and destruction along the way. Not to mention the corpses, even the blood was never found.

As if all people had evaporated.

For reasons that are clueless about everything, Rip dare not determine where this is and what happened. Perhaps this is an empty place.

For example. . It was abandoned for many years.

Because if Ripple reaches the future if the shuttle time reaches, this situation is not impossible.

However, when Rip was a little cranky, a little footstep suddenly came in front of him. Although it was very faint, in this quiet environment, it was difficult for Rip to notice.

He breathed a screen at once, but he didn't dare to go too far.

After all, the fact that he was hiding behind the door and was nearly hacked by an axe is still vivid. How could Rip forget.

But the sound of the footsteps in the distance seems to really not find Rip this time, because it is getting farther and farther from Rip, which means they are in the same direction, and they are still behind each other, Rip immediately realized at this point.

He did not hesitate to follow him quietly, and after walking through several corridors, he finally saw the back of the man in a corner.

This was the first person Rip saw in this building, but the results he gave back to him were not very good.

Because he wears it too. . Captain suit.

The standard configuration of the Lord of Time, Ripple will not be wrong if he turns into gray, not to mention what he is wearing at this time.

Because the corridor is like a labyrinth, there is nothing to cover in the whole corridor except the corner. Rip immediately retracted after looking around the probe at the corner.

Rip couldn't help thinking about what was going on.

But the people in front will not stop because of Rip’s thinking. In order to avoid losing, Rip hangs far behind him to track with a distance that will not be found, but will not be too close. Holding him.

After several abductions, Rip didn't see his profile, but Rip made a new discovery.

This person did not voluntarily move forward.

In other words, he is in an unconscious state.

That is, something is controlling him.

Sure enough, Rip knew that things would not be so simple.

But fortunately it’s still easy to know the answer, because the thing that controls him is controlling him to move forward, as long as he keeps following, seeing his final destination or what he wants to do, naturally he can control him. What things want.

Rip has been hanging tightly behind this man.

However, coming along the way, Rip felt that the surrounding buildings became more and more familiar, no matter the layout or style. Of course he had never come to this pure white building, but the wall patterns looked familiar. .

Perhaps you can find clues from here.

Unfortunately, Gideon was not here, otherwise he would not need to think hard about it.

Whether it is the person who is controlled in front, who does not have his own thoughts, or Rip, who follows behind him quietly, is very patient. The former does not have this concept, and the latter is not an impatient.

Sure enough, after crossing several corridors again, the surrounding buildings finally changed.

It is no longer a completely enclosed pure white corridor, but a very ordinary walking corridor, and just where Rip just came, there is a window with a direct view of the outside.

"this is.."

Before waiting for Ripple to carefully observe the difference between the two buildings, he was attracted by the scene outside the window.

Starry sky, endless vast universe.

They are in outer space.

The entire building is erected in space, like a space station, but it is much larger than the space station that the earth can build.


The outside of the building is covered with a protective layer. It seems to be able to isolate the vacuum and fill the inside with air, because Rip sees green plants on the platform below.

But this is not something that surprised Rip, because the time court headquarters is also a similar layer of protection.

What really surprised Rip was a huge statue standing outside.

That is a wizard.

Even if Strange didn't tell Rip about the appearance of a dead wizard, Rip knew what a wizard's characteristics should look like.

Black cloaks, hooded hoods, faces hidden in the shadows forever, and scepter weapons.

This is a classic dress of medieval wizards, although they are sometimes just a suit, but Rip is very clear in his mind.

Because most of the time he was responsible for the Middle Ages until the era of the modern cowboy era in the United States. Of course, it was far more than Rip alone, but even so, the business needed to be skilled.

It is even more important to memorize the ethnic customs and dress of various regions in various periods. This is to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by the time lords wearing different clothes of different times.

Incidentally, Rip's favorite is the American cowboy era, and he is also very keen to pretend to be a western cowboy.

But at this time, Rip did not plan to learn the cowboy duel at all, and carried forward the adventurous spirit of the west because. .

"Shouldn't it be here... that's the wizard's base camp..." The cold sweat on Rip's head immediately ran down.

Because if he remembered correctly, the man in the dream once said that they have been looking for the wizard's base camp, and it seems that they can use the hole card called Agomoto Eye to trap the dead wizard forever in time.

I just left that strange space, and then came to another place inexplicably, and if I came to the place that Strange had been looking for, and Rip would not feel it. It's strange.

Because all this is too confusing.

But this does not mean that Rip is willing to enter here.

This is where Strange was looking, not him. He neither had the speed that Strange was flying faster than he ran, nor the magic that he could open the door and wave away.

What's more, the thing called Agomoto Eye was not on him.

This time came to the base camp of the dead wizard, with only one ending, dead.

Thinking of this, Rip had already retreated. At least he couldn't just venture into it in such a risky way. This is definitely his own behavior.


But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly appeared in Rip's ear, as if reaching the depths of his soul, deafeningly resounding.

At the next moment, Rip's eyes lost color, only darkness.

. . .

Dark and boundless, Rip was shrouded in darkness, very quiet, just staying quietly.

He never doubted why he was in this darkness and why he stayed here.

I don't know how long it passed. The hazy light enveloped Rip again. He seemed to see a ray of green. Although it was not conspicuous in the dark of the same dark system, it was the only color here.

Like a kind of flame ignited, the warmth of memory burned Ripple's whole body at the moment of the green light, and instantly awakened him from this numbness.

"Where is this..."

This was his first thought after waking up.

And as he was sober, the darkness faded away like a tide.



Rip closed his eyes, his footsteps were moving forward instinctively, and there was a strange sound of falling water in his ears.

When something went wrong, Rip immediately opened his eyes.

While the light was reappearing, Rip also saw the situation around him.

He is lined up in a line, both before and after the time master in captain suit, the same is true around him, there are people who wear captain suit, just dress casually, but several of them are very Familiar faces.

Because without exception, they are all time masters.

Then at the next moment, in Rip's horrified eyes, he saw the end of the team, where the strange sound of falling water came.

It was an incomparably deep black pool, so encased in the strange sunken ground, all in all directions were lined up walking time, and there are many logistics staff, because Rip saw in it He is often responsible for maintaining the logistics team of his time ship.

They all have the same expression, numb, mechanically walking to the edge of the pit, and then silently jumping in.


Without even a trace of water splashing out, not even struggling, he silently sank into the bottom of the tumbling pool, and the black liquid seemed to be a never-satisfied behemoth, constantly swallowing one after another. .

As for their ending, Rip may not even guess.


Obviously, he was also under control before, just like the one who Rip followed quietly at the beginning. I'm afraid it was the bang that sounded in his ear before he lost his memory.

Although I don't know why I broke free of control, Rip has only one choice at this time.

That is to run!

Among all the crowds under control, a sudden appearance of a person who can act autonomously is unclear, but he is not sure, but he can be sure that if someone is monitoring here, then he must have been found.

So he must leave immediately, but if no one is monitoring, then he will not leave at this time, when will he wait.

Thinking of this, Rip's body was already faster than he thought, almost instinctively, a sharp turn, a staggering leg ran out.

Sure enough, at the very moment when Rip moved, an old voice sounded in the empty room.

"catch him!"

Suddenly, the whole room seemed to be turbulent. Numerous black-robed people poured out of the corner and surrounded Rip in all directions.

And Rip’s ears fled slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because he felt that the sound seemed familiar, as if he had heard it before, but the thought only wandered in his head for a while, and then disappeared. .

At the same time, Rip, already submerged in the crowd, immediately made a decision to be the master of time.

He met many acquaintances in the queue, and the captain of the spaceship, who is also the master of time, often helped him to wait for the logistics personnel who waited for the sequence of the time spacecraft. Many of them were his friends.

But Rip didn’t stay at all, not even pulling them.

Because Rip didn't know how to wake them from numbness, and another more important reason is that these things happen in the future, as long as they are alive, they can go back to the past and warn them in advance.

But if you die, then it is really over.

So Rip was running desperately, fleeing here desperately.

Because he could feel that the guys behind him were getting closer and closer to him. (To be continued.)

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