High Magic Earth

Chapter 1046: Infinite future (8)


With the splash of blood, a violent explosion appeared not far from Rip, smashing an unlucky egg blocking the shooting path into flesh, and the blood drenched Rip, even confusing his sight. live.


Ripple scolded with a wipe of his face.

The good news and the bad news. The good news is that these black men who are chasing him are not as perverted as the guys he met in his dreams. After all, they are superheroes. The reason why they can be called heroes, there must be His strength.

And very scarce.

But the bad news is that although these people seem to be ordinary people, it does not mean that they cannot use weapons.

This is a very powerful beam weapon. The specific Power Rip has already realized it. If it was not just a hapless time for the Lord to help him block it, it is him who is now being blown into pieces.

Thinking of this, Rip couldn't help but swear in his heart.

It's okay to seize yourself, this half hasn't arrived yet, how could it be replaced by such a powerful weapon.

In this way, Rip would not dare to stop, and later, there would be no fragments left by the cold gun that was directly hit by the rear.

The blood on his body and the messy red liquid on his face stained Rip's appearance a little, but he was too late to pay attention to these things.



There were several blasts that cracked the ground not far from Rip, and a large gap was broken under the pure white ground bricks, exposing the steel foundation.

As a sky base, its solidity is beyond doubt.

At least dozens of people in black rushed out from all corners of the room, directly showing the trend of being surrounded by the surroundings, and began to quickly surround Rip. The running Rip vaguely can see that there are enemies everywhere, no matter which direction. A black figure pushed away the crowd in the queue and rushed towards himself.

Rip doubted whether he could escape from here. After all, this piece of space is huge, but there are also many black men coming from all sides.

Although these controlled crowds can be used as a cover, as long as they are certain to break through in a certain direction, they will hit their blockade sooner or later.

This is also the most critical time.

But this dilemma was not enough to make Rip despair. When his distance from the man in black was shortened again, Rip pulled out his waist pistol and started to fight back.


The weapons configured by the Lord of Time are not as powerful as those in black, but they are enough. As a time-traveling organization, the weapons and equipment used by the Time Tribunal are undoubtedly very advanced.

And things like pistols sometimes don't need too much power. A flaming bomb can kill people, and a bullet can also kill people.

This is the same.

Rip's marksmanship is accurate, this is where he is very proud as an ordinary person, and is the only place that can be compared with those superheroes.

Of course, the premise is not that guy with Oliver.

But Rip’s counterattack did not cause much trouble to the enemies behind him. Even if his marksmanship was accurate, he had only one person and his enemies were far more than one.

Rip soon realized this, and he passed the pistol in his waist as he passed a queue of time-identified guys.


The time court in the future will obviously update their equipment. The weapon of this time master is much stronger than Rip's own.

He directly blasted a man in black behind him to pieces.

Rip froze, shouting loudly to the time master who was controlled by an inexplicable voice and could not hear it at all, "Thank you brother!"

Of course, no one will respond to him.

Soon, Rip felt his second weapon. The new weapon was obviously very attractive to Rip. He even replaced his original firearm, and fought back on both sides.

Rip likes the western cowboy era in the United States very much, and is keen to pretend to be a cowboy. Similarly, he also has a very exquisite gunmanship.

At this time, it played a huge role.



There was a fierce collision between the man in black and Rip. Almost all the controlled crowds and teams in this room were screened, and blood was everywhere.

Rip's advantage is that he has only one person, he is very easy to counterattack, there are enemies everywhere, and he doesn't even need more than aiming.

But his disadvantage is that he is the only one. If he is accidentally hit by the man in black, I am afraid that he will not have it.

Rip's speed is getting faster and faster, and running for a long time does not make him feel uncomfortable. Although he is not comparable to the perverted superheroes, Rip is also professionally trained.

During this time, Rip found another thing.

That is the weapon in his hand is not only powerful, but also. . It is exactly the same as the weapon in the hands of the group of people in black behind.

This means that it is the master of time who is killing him.

Perhaps like the other controlled people in the room, they were also controlled by inexplicable forces and became cannon fodder in the hands of the enemy.

Of course, Rip would not be stupid enough to stop and reason with them.

But whether they are controlled or not, Rip’s heart is not very comfortable, because this has evolved into an internal battle of the Lord of Time.

Splitting is never a pleasant thing.

Fortunately, Rip was close to the door of the room, and as soon as he crossed the last line of defense, the enemies he faced would immediately be lost by three-quarters.

Well, the remaining quarter is enough for Rip to have a headache.

The gate of the black hole is in front, and the four-sided passage looks like a tunnel for the train. Rip does not know where it leads, but at this time, he can only take one step at a time.



As he approached the man in black, the shooting frequency from the beam pistol became more and more frequent. During the crossfire, Rip had taken a look at the weapon in his hand. It did not seem to be entirely a technological weapon. There were some strange things on it. Inscription, Rip doubted that it was magic.

So its power will become so great, and until now there is no tendency to run out of ammunition.

But soon, people in black getting closer and closer, no longer give Rip thinking time.


At this time, the man in black was very close to Rip, and even the nearest one was only less than ten meters away, and Rip did not hesitate, raising his hand directly was a shot, and the unlucky guy was blown up. Debris.

But when more people in black came closer, Rip had no way to fight back.

"Damn it!" Rip cursed again, lowering his body and minimizing the area exposed to the outside. He began to run with all his strength, and the speed was a little faster again in an instant.

But these magical firearms can't be avoided by pressing down on the body. Once they are rubbed and touched, they will be blown into pieces by huge power almost instantly.

All the way, Rip escaped in a panic, but at this time, he was even only three or four meters away from the nearest man in black.


While Rup raised his hand and smashed a man in black, another guy under the cloak had raised his firearm. Seeing this scene in the corner of his eyes, Rip scolded in his heart. He was too late to avoid and fight back. Too.

Almost without hesitation, Rip turned around and grabbed a numb time lord who was walking forward numbly.

Accompanied by a blast, the guy caught by Rip as a shield instantly turned into flying flesh.


At the next moment, Rip raised his gun again, without even aiming, and then passed through the blood foam flying across the sky, directly hitting the man in black hiding on the other side.

Then immediately, Rip had passed by other black people.

"Turn around!"

With a roar, all the people in black turned around, and then chased in the direction of Rip again, but at this time Rip had already pulled away a little distance from them. With the crowd as a shield, it was not so good to aim at.

"Rest in peace, brother." Rip whispered slightly, "I will treat you better in the past."

He still remembers the face of the Lord of Time who was a shield, but he has no impression in his memory, probably he joined in later.

But it does not matter, the reserve army of Time Lord is in those orphanages, he will find it sooner or later.

At this time, Rip was already very close to the exit tunnel, and there were many numb people in the tunnel who could not help walking forward. Although it was not as dense as in the room, it could also be a certain obstacle. The most important thing is that the tunnel It's very dark, as long as you run in, you can disappear from the vision of those in black.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The explosions behind him became more frequent, and those in black had begun to clean up the crowd irrespective of their losses, trying to kill themselves before escaping into the tunnel.

But Rip’s combat experience is also very rich, or rather. . His experience of escaping is very rich.

Rip, who was running away, was constantly changing his position and direction. At the same time, his route was twisted and twisted, and his speed did not decrease at all.

The explosion continued for five or six seconds, and the next moment, Rip had flashed into the tunnel.

He took a deep breath and slowed his pace slightly, but still did not stop.

The tunnel was very dark, and Rip didn't know where it was heading, and that was exactly what he was going to figure out next, and close to the edge of the tunnel, Rip was moving fast.

In the dark, the explosion behind him has almost disappeared, but he can still hear countless messy steps, and he is getting closer and closer. Rip knows that they have not given up to kill themselves, but they can’t find the target in the dark. Not afraid to shoot at random, afraid of hitting his own people.

But all the previous rooms escaped, and how could Ripp fear this kind of hunt.

It was just that his luck seemed exhausted, and not long after Rip and the black men entered the tunnel one after the other, Rip saw the light again.

The tunnel is very short, and its end is still the kind of corridor that Ripley had seen before. It seems that the tunnel is only a short distance between the room and the corridor.

The appearance of the promenade means that this is not a dead end, but at this time, this is not good news for Rip.

Because he still remembers the structure of these corridors, except for the corners of the long corridor, there is no shelter in the entire corridor, which is very unfavorable to him.

and so. . He must always be faster than the people in black behind him by a long corridor, otherwise he would be sifted in a straight shot.

Thinking of this, Rip gritted his teeth, exhausted his last energy, and began to accelerate again.

As he ran, Rip in the dark was immediately noticed by the people in black. They began to **** in this direction, but Rip had already rushed into the promenade.

"He's there!"

He heard a shout from a guy in the dark, "Boom!" With a violent shot, the half wall of the promenade was instantly crushed into powder, exposing some cold air outside.

Rip didn’t think about blasting the wall and escaping, but from the window, his position is at least 30 meters away from the ground. It’s more difficult to jump from this height without dying. The difficulty of escaping under the chase is higher.

Although the attack behind him came quickly, Rip had already rushed over a corner at this time. After turning the corner, Rip began to adjust the atmosphere of the running intentionally, because this pursuit may still take a long time. And after the frantic escape from the previous room to the present, even Rip had a trace of tiredness.

While adjusting the rhythm of breathing, Rip began to think about the next strategy, but it was at this time.


There was another once-like sound, as if echoing deep in the soul, directly surrounding Rip's ear.

"Isn't it..." Rip's eyes were black, and he suddenly stood unsteady. He stopped staggering and supported the wall next to him. "... Come again?"

Although he did not lose consciousness directly this time, he could not continue to run, and this situation was completely fatal to Rip at this time.


Along with a blast, the attack from the rear directly shattered the wall of the corridor that Rip relied on. The aftermath of the explosion instantly blurred the flesh and blood of Rip's back impact, and at the same time, he also lost his balance. One end fell outside the promenade.

The distance of this promenade area from the ground is 32 meters high.

No one can survive at this height, let alone Rip fell from his head.

Rip also felt a moment of weightlessness and howling wind around him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he could not control his body and his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Just before the darkness was about to swallow him, he seemed to be vaguely seen, standing outside, behind the huge wizard statue, there seemed to be a small one statue hidden.

But the next moment, darkness completely wrapped Rip.

"Are you dying..." This was the last thought before Rip's coma.

Rip, who had been in a coma, did not see it. At the moment of his coma, a blurry figure suddenly appeared on the ground below. It exuded an orange-red light, like an old movie with a bad signal. Flashing in place.

Then at the next moment, it was slightly swayed, and the whole person had turned into a red light, and immediately came to Rip's side along the wall, directly connecting Rip, who was still falling in the air, into his hands, like Ignoring inertia, another sharp turn in the air ran down the wall again.

Wrapped in Ripple, he came to the edge of the space base almost in the blink of an eye, and then without hesitation, this figure jumped with Rip and plunged into the dark space. (To be continued.)

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