High Magic Earth

Chapter 1047: Future crisis

The darkness is endless, and since entering this strange circle of dreams, Rip has not remembered how many times he has been swallowed by darkness.

It was as if he had fallen into a strange world. Rip was very strange to everything in it. He didn’t know when he would be wrapped in maliciousness, nor when and where, it was a deadly trap buried. .

Rip even felt a little numb.

He lay in the darkness of weightlessness, ignoring the strange surroundings, and even the words of someone, he was too lazy to say.

Sure enough, it was almost what Rip had expected. After I didn't know how long the time had passed, an orange-red light flashed at the end of the darkness and hurried forward in my own direction.

"Is this the thing this time..." Rip murmured secretly.

He was awake again from his coma.

I don't know what the reason is. Those who controlled the other time, let their numb platoon jump into the dark abyss to kill the sound can not control Rip, he can break free from it.

Although the second time Rip was still briefly controlled, the time to get rid of was much shorter than the first time.

When he returned to clarity again, he found himself in the darkness.

Or, again.

Anyway, darkness and nothingness looked the same in his eyes.

The orange-red light is very fast, and almost comes to Rip in the blink of an eye. The red light stops in front of Rip, and then outlines a fuzzy human figure inside.

"Flashing... Xia?" Rip said somewhat uncertainly.

As far as he knows, the guy who has such a speed and has the characteristic of red light is only one of the superheroes in the superhero, but there are also many flashman. Although most of them are distinguished by color, there are still duplicates. He couldn't determine his identity.

"As you... see...I am...Barry...Allen..."

This figure looks like a set of old receivers with poor signal. Not only is it very blurry, the picture is intermittent, and even the sound is sometimes lacking.

The hoarse voice was not so much a person talking as it was a kind of electric current shaking. Rip's eyes looked suspiciously at the guy in front of him, "Are you really Barry...Allen?" he asked.

The speed of the Flash is undoubtedly much faster than that of ordinary people. In Rip's eyes, the other party almost didn't hesitate, he immediately replied, "No... I'm not, I'm Barry Allen's fast power?"

"Quick Force?" Ruipu frowned slightly.

He naturally knew what Divine Speed ​​Power is. This is the source and foundation of all the Flash's abilities, and the origin of the birth of the Hurry.

Whether it is an evil villain or a superhero of justice, as long as they are fast-movers, then their abilities will surely be related to the power of super-speed.

The swift force enhances their power, and their speed often brings danger to them, such as the ghost of time, or the **** of speed, and their corresponding opposites.

In the court of time, there have been recorded many major events that occurred in the future about the birth of Divine Power, and Rip is also very clear about these records.

And the so-called one of the most unscientific forces in the world has always been the focus of research by crazy scientists.

This is a race against time.

As Gu Ruipu knows, Shen Suli does have his own thinking, to be precise, sometimes most of them are a kind of thinking image of the hurry.

Unexpectedly, it was Barry Allen's swift power that stood before him at this time.

"Okay, I know." Rip shrugged. "What do you want to say or something? But I think you'd better focus on it."

If what the repeated dangers bring to Rip is a big heart, before he was just the most common member of the time master of the time court, let alone superheroes, he was even linked to the power No mission has been experienced.

But now, he not only has contact with superheroes, but also personally participated in the battle of future superheroes.

I'm afraid it's already very difficult to surprise him with something.

In front of him, Barry Allen's swift power naturally didn't know what Rip was thinking. He still kept an intermittent voice, and said to Rip in a hurry, "Time... a little problem has occurred..."

"You shouldn't...experience...that battle...but...direct...see...future...time court..."

"Amendment... time... took up most of my strength..."

Although Barry Allen's expression sounded strenuous, Rip still understood what he meant.

"So... is this all your ghost?" Rip asked in a counter-question. "Let me participate in the future war and see the divided court of time?"

"No... split..."


"And... that war...it should have...not letting you..."

"Okay." Rip interrupted Shen Suli's speech directly. It was too uncomfortable to listen to him. "I understand what you mean, let me see that the battle was unexpected, but the crisis of the time court It is real."

"What the **** is going on? Tell me, you said it was not a split, who colluded with the time court? That wizard?"

Derip couldn't help but doubt that he first saw the sculpture of the wizard on the periphery of the space base, and then tried his own best to send the strange queue to death.

With the power to manipulate the human mind, apart from the few spiritual power villains that can confuse the human mind, Rip can only think of the wizard. Anyway, the wizards always have a lot of strange magic. In the information given, the deceptive mind is also It has always been one of the symbols of the wizard.

"Or... is that sky base a new stronghold of the Time Court? It looks very good."

"No... no." Shen Suli said, "Not you... as you think..."

"Mine... time is running out...then...then...it's about to be given to you..."

"Remember...the truth...not like you...see it."

Rip's eyebrows rose immediately, "Are you mistaken?" He said, "You didn't say anything useful at all, what's not like what I thought, time court didn't collude?"

"You know why there is not much time, why don't you focus on the beginning, I told you long ago, is it not the habit of all superheroes to speak the whole habit of not speaking?"

But Rip’s complaint is doomed to no one, because it seems that there is really little energy left. After the sentence is quickly and intermittently spoken, it immediately starts to flicker instability, half a second later , "Poof!" It sounded like the balloon was burst, and it disappeared.

At the same time, the entire darkness and the void suddenly seemed to be a huge wave that was lifted, and began to roll and twist. The invisible darkness became a tangible substance in the void, as if the evil wave slapped to Rip.

"Ah..." Rip looked back at the darkness of the riots around him, and stepped back slightly. "That's not good."

This is the space of Divine Speed ​​Force. After the disappearance of the Divine Speed ​​Force, the space will of course lose control. The next moment, the rolling darkness wraps Rip into it, and then begins to shrink quickly, just a few breaths, as if there is a whole universe. The void shrinks and disappears, becoming as large as the singularity.

Soon, the singularity could not be captured by the naked eye. In a blank space, everything returned to peace.

. . .

It was like having the oldest dream, when Rip felt like he would never wake up, Gideon's voice suddenly appeared in his ear.


"Sir, you have returned to the base."


Gideon's voice finally awakened Rip from his sleep. He seemed to have had a nightmare and stunned.

"Hoo...!" Rip gasped loudly, and the heavy breathing sound could be detected even by Gideon without the use of external PA equipment.

The spaceship of the Lord of Time is controlled by a single person. There will naturally be no second person on the spaceship. The room is very quiet, only Rip's voice is fluctuating.

Other than that, only Gideon cared about the question, "Sir, what's the matter?"

The time court is an organization for time, not for human spiritual organization. Naturally, it is impossible to have the ability to detect dreams, and Gideon has no related functions. In Gideon’s view, Rip just slept, and then became The whole portrait was taken from the book.

In its database, this situation is called a nightmare.

But Rip's reaction seemed too violent, which made Gideon puzzled.

Gideon's voice quickly calmed Rip, but it came only from the body. His thinking and his memory were still in a mess.

Where is this? . What time. . where am I. .

These problems lingered in Rip's head, which made him unable to calm down, but soon, the familiarity around him made him re-understand himself, and everything was familiar.

He was on the spaceship with Gideon beside him, and he was back.

"Gideon, what time is it now?" Rip asked suddenly.

"2135 AD, a total of 153 hours from the last departure, and 502 minutes from your last sleep."

Gideon certainly understands the meaning of Rip. As a time master, losing time is a very common thing. It naturally speaks exactly the time it records.

Rip was relieved when he heard the exact answer.

"I'm back..." he whispered.

Like the calmness after the rescue of the drowning person, Rip stayed in bed for three or four minutes, and then he sighed with fear, "It's a terrible nightmare..."

He has been thinking about these questions before, and the final answer is that this is a nightmare.

Shuttle time is naturally possible, but that requires a spaceship, and even if it is not needed, he himself will change.

Because everything he experienced is true, not to mention wounds, at least fatigue and physical fatigue should be there, but now he only feels mental distress, but his body is not tired at all.

And most importantly, there is Gideon as proof.

One of Gideon's most important functions is to help the master of time correct and identify time.

Anything will go wrong, but Gideon will not.

If its records are correct, even if Rip believes, everything that happened before is only a fake, just a strange dream.

Of course, Rip was also curious why he had such a dream. This is probably not for no reason. At least he had to find out the reason.

Thinking about this, Rip got up and got out of bed, but at this moment, his movements suddenly froze.

Because he touched something, something that stayed on his neck and hung down on his heart, but was extremely hard.

It was a metal object like eyes.

Eye of Agomo.

A name suddenly popped out of Rip's head, which was told by the guy named Strange.


"Sir, what happened?"

Rip's long stagnation caused Gideon to question, and it asked strangely.

"No... it's nothing..." At the same time, Rip put the necklace under his clothes quietly.

The eye of Agomo is also very strange. It is obviously a very large object, but when it is stuffed into the clothes by Rip, it immediately becomes flattened. At least from the appearance, no strangeness can be seen.

Gideon didn’t continue to ask questions. After all, it was just artificial intelligence. Perhaps he slept with Rip, and his behavior became strange and somewhat incomprehensible, but he was not as curious as humans. After that, immediately return to calm.

But it did not know that at this time in Rip's heart, it had already set off a huge wave.

If this thing exists, then it means that everything before it is true, because the eye of Agago Moto, where the entity has appeared, cannot be faked.

This is not the point. The point is that in the scene that Rip has seen, the future ending is not so good.

Thinking of this, Rip felt a little restless. The tasks he had completed before and the joy of returning to the time court to ask for help disappeared immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because compared with this matter, this future is really too small Useless.

"Gideon, bring up the surveillance video." But first of all, Rip wants to figure out how this happened, because he can't appear this strange crossing for no reason, there must be a reason, and figure out the reason, saying Uncertainty can find more clues.

"But, sir, we are about to return to the mooring station." The spacecraft is about to arrive at the time court, and Gideon, who is the intelligent control of the spacecraft, immediately questioned.

"My order has the highest priority." Rip said, "Now, I want to watch the surveillance video, immediately."

The Lord of Time has absolute control over the time spacecraft when he is out of the mission. It has long been undoubted that the spacecraft is about to return to the docking station, and has not returned. Gideon will naturally not question it again.

"Okay, sir." It said.

"From the last mission to the present, all the videos in the captain's room." Rip has walked out of the captain's room, that is, his bedroom, to the spacecraft's control center, looking at Gideon's hardware switchboard, Said thoughtfully. (To be continued.)

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