High Magic Earth

Chapter 1048: The legend begins

If the crisis in the future gives Rip a sense of urgency, then the possible troubles within the court of time give Rip a little precaution.

Not for the time court, but for those who may split the court in the future.

Rip is an orphan, and every master of time is an orphan. They are selected because even if they disappear early, they will not cause any additional trouble to the long river of history.

Orphans who are displaced and will die of cold and hunger in the next moment are undoubtedly the majority of the time master.

It was Time Court that saved Rip. For Rip, Time Court was his home.

He would rather ruin himself than ruin the court of time.

But Rip also knows that sometimes, in order to achieve some goals, the necessary sacrifices are unavoidable. He is already mentally prepared, but before that, he needs to clean up the traces and avoid all possible exposures in advance. .

And Gideon, who is directly connected to the main spacecraft at all times from the switchboard, is undoubtedly the most likely to expose his existence.

"Sir, the information has been compiled."

"Okay." Rip said. "Download them to this computer."

He pointed at a computer next to him. Although Gideon wondered why it would be superfluous, he did not ask. It did it directly. In less than half a second, Gideon said again, "It has been transferred, sir."

"But I don't understand very much. Your time is very precious. If I extract abnormal information for you, it will undoubtedly save you a lot..."


Rip opened Gideon's switchboard directly and inserted a sharp crowbar into its circuit line. Gideon's voice came to an abrupt end almost instantly.

He is undoubtedly very familiar with his ship, Rip. He only cut off Gideon’s data. The spaceship is still running, but without Gideon, everything is switched to manual mode, and there will be no parking station. Any doubts.

"Huh." Rip sighed softly, shrugging, and muttered to himself, "That's because...you will soon sleep for a long time."

"Relax." He patted Gideon's line shell. "When you wake up, you will become a brand new you."

In battle, the damage of the spaceship is undoubtedly the most common thing. Although the time spaceship is very strong, it is also difficult to survive under the attack of high-density and high-power gunfire. The time spacecraft has a time master, which means that once the spaceship If there is damage, all maintenance work is done by the owner of time.

It can be said that the masters of time are more powerful than their combat capabilities in repairing the spaceship.

A time master with a high task completion rate may not necessarily have a high combat effectiveness, but his repair ability must be very strong, because the repair of the spacecraft is not good, all will stay in the time forever.

As a guy who will complete the task of the time court as the first goal, Rip said that he is naturally the best among them.

"I really should be grateful for the danger that Gideon was destroyed several times..." He could not help shaking his head.

He has encountered very critical situations on several occasions. A group of very powerful firemen strayed into the time restricted area. Rip, who thought it was just an ordinary eviction, ran into them head-on, and they were beaten by the ship almost in the blink of an eye. It became a sieve.

If it wasn't that Rip didn't leave the big army at that time, the Lord of other time would soon come, I am afraid it would be Rip's last time.

Even Gideon, the core of the spaceship, was broken down. You know, the spaceship where Gideon is located is the thickest armor of the entire spaceship.

Gideon naturally repaired Rip afterwards, and such a danger Rip has encountered several times, but he has passed through with no danger. Now, Rip finds that he should be grateful for this danger.

Because if it weren't for them, he probably didn't have so many opportunities to repair Gideon, and thoroughly study Gideon's structure.

After a whole day and night, Rip resets Gideon’s core. He sets Rip’s first commander to himself. For Rip who is already familiar with Gideon’s structure, this does not It's not difficult.

And he is not afraid of being discovered by the court of time. Perhaps for humans, disguise is a very tight-rope thing, but for artificial intelligence, it can't be simpler.

As long as Rip tells Gideon specific things, artificial intelligence will naturally distinguish.

There is nothing difficult.

And the Gideon switchboard of the Time Court is also artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence examines what artificial intelligence can find, and will not find anything.

And the most important point is that the time court is all normal at this time, and the war is far from coming. No one will notice Rip, the small master of time.

He is just the most inconspicuous member of the long river of time. In the past, there are countless outstanding time masters, and in the future there will be countless excellent time masters. He is nothing.

"Next... Just know to wait for the restart."

Rip, who was busy all day and night, could finally take a breath. He threw the tool aside, and then came to the surveillance video that was set in advance, and took a rest while watching.

one day. . Two days. . Three days. .

There is no slight change in the images on the surveillance video. The life of the time master on the spaceship is undoubtedly very monotonous. In addition to directly interacting with each other, it is to enter various eras to complete the task.

It can be said that most of the time when the Lord is on the spacecraft, he is in a state of doing nothing and rushing.

Naturally, there can be no major changes.

But the Lord of each time also has a professional habit, they like to collect special small things from different regions and from different regions as loot, and then bring them back to their own spaceship.

Rip also had this habit, and his storage room was his bedroom.

Rip didn’t think he had to find any clues, but it was better than he did nothing, but he didn’t expect that on the fourth day, he actually found something unusual on the video. thing.

"Sir, it's great to see you again."

After a half-hour restart, Gideon’s voice appeared again in Rip’s ear. At this time, Rip suddenly seemed to notice that the things in the picture did not know when, but he changed it without knowing it. Too.

"You came just right, Gideon, turn the picture back." Rip said immediately.

"Okay, sir."

Gideon immediately replayed the picture, but tossed back and forth several times, and Rip didn’t see anything wrong, but he always felt something changed.

"Strange..." he muttered.

"Is there any change in the picture?" Rip asked Gideon.

As an artificial intelligence, Gideon is undoubtedly much stronger than humans in playing games where people find differences, because it can be compared directly from the data level, rather than humans need to use the eyes to receive information before they can see specific images.

Soon, Gideon also answered, "No, sir."

But this answer clearly did not satisfy Rip. He narrowed his eyes and pressed his hands against the table. "Every minute is an image, and all images are compared together."

"I've tried it, sir." Although Gideon said so, it quickly completed Ripple's task. This task processing amount was not worth mentioning to Gideon, even half a second. It's useless.

But this is different from looking directly at the data level, this time from the screen.

After half a second, Gideon's voice rang again, "It's strange, sir, I found the difference, but there is nothing unusual about their data."

Rip was simply too lazy to care about data or not at this time, and said directly, "If there is any difference, please point it out."

All the images on the screen disappeared, and only the last two remained. The two pictures looked exactly the same at first glance, but Rip quickly saw the difference, and then his brows were frowned.

"I don't remember the things I brought back."

He pointed to one of the pictures and said that the monitoring picture was yesterday. A crystal ball on the pedestal was placed on the bed of Rip, and the day before, this thing did not exist.

"I haven't recorded Mr. Bring back this thing," Gideon replied immediately. "And when the unknown sphere appeared, Mr. didn't leave the spaceship at all, and there was no record of stopping the ship."

"It's really strange, I can't find anomalies in the data at all." Gideon continued.

And Rip was silent. Such things as crystal **** are almost invisible in the future. Naturally, there will be no time courts, but Rip has read a lot of information about customs and culture at different times and in different places. There is a real record.

This kind of crystal ball originated in two thousand years BC. At the beginning, it was related to mysterious forces such as divination. In the Middle Ages, it had a large-scale rise in central Europe, but at that time, the so-called mysterious power has been It disappeared completely, all that remained was some deceiving tricks.

In the twenty-first century after two thousand years AD, the crystal ball has been completely reduced to an ornament. Only a small group of people who like strange culture still use it. It continued into the twenty-second century. With the cutting-edge laboratory, Wayne A series of technological frenzy set off by enterprises and Palmer Technology, similar things have been completely swept into the trash of history.

It seems as if there is any force to wipe them out of this world. Only in the 23rd century, a retro culture was popular, and then the crystal ball and other products disappeared completely, even the handicrafts were few. Poor.

But Rip knows that this thing is not a simple craft, it can be related to wizards and magic.

Mysterious power.

Is this a series of things related to magic, the message conveyed in the dream does feel a bit magical, but the guy in the dream clearly tells him that it is super fast.

And if it's really magic, you don't need to tell yourself that the future enemy is a wizard, just tell yourself the wrong information.

and many more. . The celestial force also said that he should not see that battle.

But this does not make sense. The future enemy will tell himself his information in advance, and then let himself kill the danger in the past?

Rip rubbed his hair frantically, and he felt a bit confused.

He patted the table and then rushed back to his bedroom. Unsurprisingly, the crystal ball had disappeared and disappeared completely with its base.

Well, although it's gone, I know some information anyway. If nothing happens, it's the ghost of the crystal ball, and it seems to have the ability to let others ignore it. Not only that, even Gideon No such artificial intelligence can detect it. .

This is also a useful clue. . probably. .

"Sir." Although the refurbished Gideon was completely loyal to Rip alone, he did not know the information that Rip saw in his dream. The secret was a secret. It could not tell anyone, Rip knew himself. At this time, it is difficult to believe in people, even adjusted artificial intelligence.

But Gideon is still doing his job loyally. "I have to remind you that the mooring station is coming."

. . .

Before Rip repaired Gideon, he stayed in place for a day and night. After adding the initial and wasted time, it was almost two days. If you continue to extend the time, it is easy to be found by the mooring station, although there is no doubt. , But routine inquiries must be indispensable.

In this case, one less trouble is definitely better than one more trouble.

Completing the mission is not the first time for Ripple. Of course, the spaceship is not unfamiliar, but this time, after experiencing extremely dangerous and bizarre future wars, when Ripple stepped into the time court again. The base, looking at the busy crowd around, still could not help raising a sigh of emotion.

"Precious peace..."

"Oh, see who is back."

Just as Rip had just left the spacecraft and had not left the spot, a voice came from a distance. Rip looked up and saw that he was a friend of the same time, McVen, so he immediately lifted his spirits, far away Came a hug.

The half-day rest time passed quickly. In the afternoon of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, Rip needed to go to the headquarters to submit the task. In theory, after finishing the task, he had a period of rest, but most Rip They will not rest, but will soon find a new task.

In his own words, even if he is a man who can shuttle time, there is not much time to waste.

But there is one exception, that is Anna.

It happened that Anna was also at the base at this time, so if there were no surprises, Rip should rest for a while and join Anna.

Anyone familiar with Rip knows that he has a good opinion of Anna, and the special nature of the time makes the two rarely meet. The time they can encounter is always very short. It is difficult to meet once in the base. This time of rest It should be longer.

The base of the time court is not a military base. In addition to the docking station, the headquarters, the residence of the time master, the entertainment area, the rest area, including the transmission area to the logistics time node are here, but its area is very large of.

But this time Rip might be surprised by those who knew him, because at the moment he was thinking about it on his way to the headquarters, but this is not the problem. To be continued.

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