High Magic Earth

Chapter 1049: Legend of Tomorrow

"Is there any task with a time span between the 21st century and the 22nd century? It is better to perform tasks that are more cumbersome and time-consuming."

In the huge hall, a green ball is suspended, and the appearance of the ball looks like a planet, exuding a faint luster.

The giant ball has a total height of more than ten meters, and the suspension distance from the ground is also three or four meters, directly occupying one-third of the area of ​​the hall, and the circle around the ball is the data from Gideon. The logistic staff of the court in time and time.

After canceling his task record, Rip immediately asked again about the new task.

The logistics staff gave Rip a strange look, then turned and walked to the huge planet. The movement was undecided, and the figure directly entered.

The entire planet is just a phantom. To be precise, it is composed of Gideon switchboard data. She just entered the internal query data.

Specifying such strange task requirements is not strange to the Lord of Time, so many Lords of Time.

Because these conditions sound, it is not like a task at all, it is more like a vacation.

After being tired of endless shuttles in time, many time masters will look for similar tasks, pick a time they like, and use the task as an excuse to put themselves on vacation.

Of course, be careful not to affect the course of history.

This kind of thing is not strange among the masters of time, but if it is Rip, it is a bit strange. He is a task maniac, full of enthusiasm for completing the task, he seems to be very keen to improve the safety of time .

You know, the master of time is also a person. In this boring life, most people will evolve from enthusiasm to perfunctory at first, followed by numbness and indifference.

Even if you can maintain an optimistic mood, it is difficult to maintain the original enthusiasm.

But Ripple is clearly an exception.

The logistics staff could not have known Rip, so she was even more surprised that Rip was looking for such a task.

But she quickly left the question behind, maybe Rip was finally tired of it. If so, she was the first person to know the news, enough for her to talk for a long time.

Although the Tribunal of Time connects countless times, it is a relatively closed place. Anything is enough for them to discuss for a long time, and there is no news that can be completely blocked.

Unfortunately, despite her thoughts, she can only regret to tell Rip, "Sorry, the last task about the time from the 21st century to the 22nd century has been taken before."

"There will be no more tasks at this time, at least... not in the next three days."

"But we will help you pay attention, if there are related tasks, we will notify you through the terminal as soon as possible."

The terminal refers to Gideon naturally, just like Ripple said, all Gideons are the branch subsystems of Gideon in the time court, and other Gideons can be controlled through the time court.

Upon hearing this, Rip nodded and turned away.

Gideon can handle most of the time lord's things. If it is not necessary to return to the headquarters when submitting the task, and the spacecraft also needs to be repaired at the docking station, most of the contacts can be replaced by Gideon.

Of course, this is not conducive to communication within the court of time.

Three days. . Rip was not surprised. Most of the time, similar tasks were difficult to find, but he had to find them, otherwise it would be difficult to have room for independent activities.

It doesn't matter, just taking advantage of these days, he can still make some preparations.

But just as Rip was about to leave the headquarters and return to his residential area, Gideon's voice came from his ear.

"Sir, there is time for the notice of the council, the chairman wants to see you."

Rip took a slight pause, and then stopped.

The time court is even the time council, because the council is the highest resolution within the time court, and the chairman is naturally the highest resolution person.

He had seen the chairman for a few times. It was because he was rewarded for his outstanding accomplishment of the task. He didn't know what it was for this time.

Rip does not remember what major tasks he has completed recently. At this time, he has a ghost in his heart. Time court can detect that the future will inevitably not see anything from himself, so I can’t help but feel a little nervous.

But he quickly calmed down, because in any case, in the face of the time court's hunt, he couldn't escape.

Because not only the present, the past, and the future are under the control of the time court.

Rather than doing this, it is better to see what is going on, maybe the situation is not as bad as you think.

Lu Ruipu, who was going to the council, was naturally familiar with it. After leaving the mission hall suspended by a huge planet, he found the right way after a few turns, and outside the council, someone was already waiting for him.

"Mr. Rip Hunt, the chairman is waiting for you."

It was not an acquaintance who came to greet him, but this guy looked kind-faced, and he looked very good. Rip nodded quietly, and then followed behind him.

Because it is the time court base camp, there is not much precautions here, and there is no one other than the necessary guards who act as facades.

If it is not an important day, or there is a major event, not many people will come to the council, but it happens that Rip will meet one today.

When the leader was leading Rip to the inside, there were three people walking towards the promenade outside. The two people behind were also the staff of the council. The person in front seemed to be the guests of the council. .

But Rip didn't have much to say with him. The two men just passed each other with a slight eye contact.

Just when Rip just turned a corner, he heard if there was any voice behind him, "Is this your time master's uniform, it looks pretty good, but I don't like the color."

Like a thunder, he exploded directly into Rip's head.

What surprised him was not that the uniform looked good or the color of the uniform, but the voice itself.

Because he will never forget that in that nightmare-like house, he calmly gave the one who grabbed his orders one after another calmly behind him.

It is this voice.

How could he be here, no. . No, it should be said, why he is here now.

Rip felt that his head was starting to be confused again. It seemed that his face was a little ugly. The leader next to him suddenly said, "That's a new member of our board of directors. The person is not bad."

Then he turned his head and looked at Rip with an idol-like look. "Mr. Hunt, I'm glad to see you here, the first person to keep the record of the completion of the mission."

Sure enough, it is new, and I have not seen myself before.

In just a few days, Rip has grown a lot more than before. He quickly calmed down and nodded calmly. This is not the first time he has encountered this situation. He is indeed a leader among the time masters. This is the honor he deserves.

"Mr. Hunter, I can only send you here."

Moving on for a distance, the leader stopped slightly and said to Hunter.

In front of you is the gate of the Time Council. You cannot enter without permission.

Nodding, Rip lifted his feet and walked towards it, but just before entering the door, he seemed to realize that he had seen a future acquaintance again.

A guard standing in front of the board of directors was the time master he used as a shield, but now it seems that he is still a bit green.

Rip's eyes caught the attention of the leader behind him, and he asked with concern, "Mr. Hunter, is there anything wrong?"

Including two guards, the three set their eyes together on Rip, but Rip is not nervous, he shrugs his shoulders very calmly, "Nothing, just think... he may have the talent of the Lord of Time."

After talking about it, he took the lead in entering the gate of the council, leaving only the three behind him, staring at each other with big eyes in the spot.

. . .

Rip is not unfamiliar with the internals of the council, he has been there a few times after all.

To be honest, although the Time Council sounds very powerful, it is not as atmospheric and solemn as the real court building, but because of the problem of light, it seems a bit dark and gloomy.

The internal building of the council is honeycomb-shaped, and the layers of windows on the walls connect the directors at different times and different locations. Once something needs to be voted, they will appear in the first place.

But because nothing happens most of the time, the interior of the council building without adequate light is as dark as a medieval church.

Dizziness makes people involuntarily feel a sense of depression.

As soon as he entered the council, Rip saw the chairman of the board standing in a brown robe under the only light in the middle.

"Rip Hunt, you are finally here," he said.

"Your Excellency Chairman." Ruipu slightly jaw.

The chairman can be said to be the supreme leader of the time court. Although most things have Gideon to deploy, but it is an artificial intelligence, humans, still need a human leader.

And Rip has calmed down from his previous shock. After all, he has experienced many big events in his dream, and his heart is much bigger than before.

"I'm sorry to call you just after finishing a task, but I need your help."

Rip, who was standing across from the director of time, also breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, things were not as bad as they thought, but he was just making a fuss.

"What's wrong, Your Excellency Chairman."

"It's not a big problem. I want you to go back to the 21st century to the 22nd century, find someone in this century, and then bring him back."

"One hundred years?" Rip was surprised.

"Yes." The chairman nodded. "Because we don't have this person's information, enough information, only know that his name and the last time to appear and disappear, it is this century."

"He was in this century, found him, and brought it back."

"Coordinates... have been passed to you through Gideon."

Rip was silent for a while, then nodded, "So... what about his name, Your Excellency Chairman."

"Vandal Savage."

Rip nodded again, and then hesitated and asked, "His President, I don't know this person..."

The chairman naturally understood Rip’s meaning. He thought about it, and seemed to feel it was okay to tell Rip, so he told him what he could say, “This person’s existence affected the course of history, but if he died, It will also affect history, and even worse, so find him and bring him back."

"Do you understand?"

Rip nodded cautiously and said, "I see."

. . .

When he came out of the time council, although Rip had achieved his goal of finding a task with a relatively large time span between the twenty-second and third centuries, the two news that followed him made him unhappy.

Whether it is the emergence of a potential enemy in the future or Vandal Savage, which has affected the course of history, is not good news for him.

time. . Not much.

With this in mind, Rip hurried back to the time ship, and even Anna did not see it. Fortunately, the time ship was originally not damaged, and it did not need a long rest. Otherwise, even if Rip was anxious, the ship would not be able to leave. .

"Gideon." As soon as he returned to the spacecraft, Rip immediately said, "Ready to sail."

"Yes, sir."

Adjusted Gideon has this advantage. It will not refute Rip’s order, even if Rip does not take a rest at this time and hurries.

"By the way, by the way, I told the headquarters that I have received a new task. I don't need to assign a new task to me."

"Yes, sir."

"Also, help me screen the information of the superheroes. I want the kind, the ability is not bad, but it does not bring enough change to the future, that is... The weight is not heavy, even if I take it away, There will be no changes to the future timeline, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, sir."

"Time... and location, you have received the notice from the council."

"Yes, sir."

"Just choose there."

After speaking, Rip hurried back to his room. After the transformation of Gideon, most things in the spaceship did not need to hide it, for example, the Eye of Agomo.

In fact, Gideon, as the center of the spacecraft, could not conceal it, this is the point.

The spacecraft soon left the mooring station, and after three hours of future detection, Gideon finally screened out the people Rip wanted to find.

"This is the person you found?" Rip, who was called out, looked at the long list in front of him. "Is there no simpler recommendation?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then don't tell me quickly." Rip said angrily.

"Atom Man, Ray Palmer..."

"White canary, Sara Lans..."

"Captain Cold, Leonard Snatter..."

"The heat wave, Mike Lori..."

"Firestorm, Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein..."

"Eaglegirl, Candela Sanders..."


"Okay," Rip interrupted. "Do you know where to find them?"

"According to the records of historical activities, 97.6% of the time, six of them will be found in Star City..."

"Then what are we waiting for, set sail."

"Yes, sir, but let me ask one more question, what is sir going to do?"

Rip took a deep breath. "The future is in danger. I can't stop it by myself. I need a team, and they are the best candidates."

"They are not the best candidates, sir, this is my selection based on the list that has the least impact on the future float. They are the historical knockouts, and the losers.

Rip stood quietly in front of the console, his face calm, "I don't think so." He said lightly, "Now lock the time, let's go, destination, Star City."

. . .

In 2016, Star City.

At the top of the tallest building in the city center, the white canary Saralans stood lazily under the moonlight. Although she was an assassin walking in the shadows, she didn't like to stay in the shadows.

It didn't take long for her ears to move slightly, and when she looked sideways, the cold captain and the heat wave were already on the rooftop.

"Oh..." Saralans prolonged his tone. "It seems there will be many people tonight."

Captain Cold still had no expression. He was tough and swept around with a unique and annoying tone. "I just hope...tonight will not be as stupid as I thought."

"And I just want to bake the stupid guy who bought all the pizzas in advance to make pizza!" Redang Mick also looked around angrily.

Sara rolled her eyes and ignored the two notorious thieves.

And as Lhasa thought, soon, more and more people gathered, there were acquaintances, and some did not know, but on the rooftop anyway it became lively.

The feeling of noisy made Snatter very uncomfortable. He gave Mick a look, and the two turned to prepare to leave. "Sure enough, it's stupid." He said slowly.

But at this moment, a strong hurricane appeared from behind everyone. With the sound of optical stealth lifting, a spaceship appeared with a fierce wind pressure in the air at the same height as the building.

Then immediately, Rip's figure also appeared on the rooftop with a flash of light.

"It's not stupid, because from today ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you will be companions. I need your help. In the future, there will be a big crisis that will affect countless worlds and countless people."

"And now, I need you to help me and stop it."

"I know you, maybe you are unknown today, maybe you are not known now, but I believe that in the end of the day, you will become... the legend of tomorrow."

Rip didn’t know when he had replaced the captain’s suit, which was the standard of the Lord of Time, into the windbreaker and leather jacket he had seen in his dream before, accompanied by the hurricane caused by the time ship, His trench coat hunted in the air.

Everyone, including Sarah, didn't speak. They looked at Rip Hunt suddenly, feeling like they couldn't think for a while.

Snart looked depressing the heat gun that Mick had lifted. He looked to the left and right. Sure enough, there was a look in almost everyone's eyes, that is.

Who is this idiot?

Sure enough, if you want to become a legend of tomorrow, you still have a lot to do, and Dao Yuan. (To be continued.)

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