High Magic Earth

Chapter 1050: Reverse reality

Time is a wonderful vortex. It looks linear and fluid, but no one really knows what its essence is.

Even time itself.

When Rip's hero squad's plan was not going smoothly, Yi Chou's melee was exceptionally smooth.

When Yi Biao said the word Coantana, everything around him was broken.

Yi Xiao was not surprised. He knew what he had done, and he knew why in an instant, the world around him had broken like a lens, because he had shattered the falsehood and reshaped the world.

Coentana is an ancient Oz language pronunciation, it is not a mysterious spell, just a common sentence.

Crush the illusion and give the real truth.

This is what Coentana translated.

This sentence was seen by Yi Chao in an ancient document in the country of Oz. An opera seems to tell the story of the fearless warriors defeating the evil witch and finally building the Great Harem, including the witch. I don't feel the openness of Oz at that time.

You should know that the king of Oz was the queen at that time, and the alternation of kingship has always been replaced only by women.

Because the queen is the witch.

It’s just a line in the opera. It’s not a spell or a curse. It seems useless, but it means a lot to Yi Chou, because the silver tongue can transform the power of the storybook into reality and the story. The illusion of is now real.

Yi Chou has reversed the entire world by virtue of this sentence with silver tongue.

Ever since Yi Chao discovered the 01 anomaly in Winnie through Tarling of the Red Castle, he suspected that it might be related to some kind of virtual reality machine.

If not all worlds, including everything you experience, are false, and the guess is too scary, Yi Biao may also have this idea.

But in the end Yi Chou came to this world, Wen Ni's birthplace.

Only the suspicion here is the biggest.

Through the guidance of magic, Yi Biao came to another small island across from England, Japan. Here, Yi Biao did find some unusual things, but unfortunately he could not directly reverse them with the power of the silver tongue.

To a certain extent, the power of the silver tongue is no different from God, because the silver tongue can turn everything in the story into reality and unconditionally manifest it.

Unfortunately, the story of Silver Tongue is not so easy to write, and often fails to achieve the desired effect.

This is much harder than creating a spell.

Even Stan, the most famous best-selling author in the world of Silver Tongue at that time, after eating a piece of ntz48, the story he wrote could not directly kill Yi Chou, but caused him a lot of trouble.

To exert the power of silver tongue is far from simple.

One of the simplest examples, when Yi Biao just returned to this world, he thought of using the silver tongue to pull out hidden things.

He has written many short stories that map the invasion of artificial intelligence into the world. Although the writing is bleak, at least the consistency of the story is still there, but it is useless.

Apart from accidentally removing some hidden spells that I don't know how many years have been stored, there is no gain.

According to Yi Piao's storyline, the false world is finally overthrown, and the real world reappears brightly. There are indeed many so-called false breaks by Yi Piao's silver tongue, but they are not close to artificial intelligence at all. Yi Chao's vision is false.

Circus tricks, simple magic from the 17th century, and weird magic spells to hide.

In other words, the silver tongue can do everything, but it is far less handy than the spell control.

So Yi Xiao also created another usage of the silver tongue, the magic book in his hand.

More short stories composed of short words often have only one sentence or even a few words, but the effect can be very practical.

Yi Xiao found a lot of tips for using silver tongue. For silver tongue, as long as it is a story, as long as it can be read by readers, then it doesn’t matter what text, language, and pronunciation.

So naturally, the pronunciation is short, but the far-reaching language is the best.

Chinese is among them, and English is definitely absent because it is pronounced too long.

On a cold winter day I summoned a fire that was enough to burn the entire city.

This sentence is too long. It is better to throw a blaze directly than to be able to read this paragraph easily.

Many lost languages ​​in Oz are also among them, but unfortunately they are not complete. Yi Biao has an hourglass translation ability to understand and read any lost language, but he cannot learn it directly.

That is to say, although he can understand the text in his hand, other words in this language cannot be known out of thin air if Yi Biao does not have it.

Putting these words together is a big project.

It's just some troublesome stories, but it's not clear in two words, it can be used in peacetime, but it is a bit tricky in battle.

And with the wisdom of Yi Biao, it is hard to think of everything, so he went to the world of the song of ice and fire to find Daenerys who has been enthroned.

Although the civilization there is a bit behind, the culture is still very bright.

When Yi Chou finished the matter here, he planned to liberate the seal of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. . Her education will definitely not be low.

So even if Yi Xiao has the power of a silver tongue as the bottom card, he still can't directly pull out the annoying things.

And before finding it, Yi Chao also needs to hide himself carefully, lest uncontrolled forces cause vigilance, but he has no time to play hide and seek with it slowly.

There was no clue before Yi Ao arrived in Jiahe Ni Village, and even the appearance of free men such as Zhang Junyun Daisy disturbed his vision and brought his ideas into the task of this world, and did not doubt the world itself It is a false existence.

Until the appearance of Sadako.

Yi Xuan had doubts when he found the videotape before, but that was just doubt. According to the urine of the second world, this videotape is likely to be the dwelling of Sadako.

He did not doubt that there was anything wrong with the appearance of Sadako, and even when Fu Jiang appeared, Yi Chou thought so, and he was just surprised.

Oh, there is another source of terror in this world, so this world will be destroyed sooner or later, right?

But when Zhenzi led Yi Chou to Fujiang's hostile intentionally or unintentionally, Yi Chou finally realized a little strange place.

It’s not impossible for Fujiang and Sadako to be hostile. In this world where Cthulhu is looming, there seems to be no problem with the contradiction between the two female ghosts. It’s not because Sadako seems to want to use Yihuo to deal with Fujiang. Because it only shows that Sadako was indeed a genius and beautiful girl during her lifetime, and Fujiang has lived and died for so many years or she will not do anything except sell cute.

Yi Xuan smelled another uneasy breath. Zhenzi was using the hostility between her and Fu Jiang regardless of true or false as a cover to cover Yi Xuan's line of sight, thereby concealing her other purpose.

Let Yi Xao follow her guide to the unknown place.

It turned out that it was the third new Tokyo city, Gantz's nest, and artificial intelligence.

Although Sadako has stated that her nature is a virus, once the seeds of suspicion fall, it will be difficult to eradicate, and Yi Chou soon thinks how similar the characteristics of Fu Jiang's infinite proliferation are to viruses.

Even if they are not programs written by artificial intelligence, they must be related to artificial intelligence.

Coincidentally, the destination of Fu Jiang is very similar to that of Sadako, and Yi Chou can basically conclude that these two guys want to deceive themselves into the pit.

In theory, Yi Biao has found a trap, so naturally he should not continue to go, but it happens that Yi Biao is in a hurry, and he does not believe that an artificial intelligence that sneaks in will pose a threat to himself.

Of course, if before getting the power of the silver tongue, Yi Chou might not say this sentence, because if the entire world is false, then the virtual world of artificial intelligence is equivalent to creating a highly realistic illusion, and spirit Magic and illusion magic have similarities.

Yi Xiao does not have a suitable spell to break it. Even if it is forcibly lifted by the energy magic of Oz and the support of the dragon ring, there will not be much magic left in the body. Although it can slowly recover, it is in battle. , But there won't be this time.

The virtual world of artificial intelligence is equivalent to its home field. If there is no killer and the card to break the illusion in one fell swoop, it is really too dangerous.

Yi Chou was not an adventurous person, so he deliberately used his last wish to enter the world of silver tongues, and did more than one thing, right?

But Rao is so, Yi Chou has concealed the existence of his silver tongue power from the beginning, making this magic book is the illusion of his power source.

The eight million **** Ji who met later also explained that Yi's guess did not appear wrong.

It is not a god, but it is better than a god. The attacking method is stereotyped and patterned, but it can directly change and shake the existence of the whole world.

In the eyes of others, it is a god.

But in Yi Chou's opinion, this is the best proof of the connection between artificial intelligence and the virtual world.

God is omnipotent.

Artificial intelligence is also omnipotent in the virtual world it creates.

But it is much weaker than Yi Xuan expected, and this is not the end point of Sadako and Fu Jiangkou. Yi Xuan doubts that it is not a real artificial intelligence, maybe just a subroutine.

However, the emergence of subroutines also means that true artificial intelligence may not be far away.

Then Yi Ao shut up Zhenzi and Fujiang.

In the following journey, he didn't need to mess with the two, whether they were fake or not, as magical creatures, their rarity was beyond doubt.

Even if it is just a program, it doesn't matter, because Yi Biao has already prepared how to turn virtual into reality.

since. . Since then. .

Then Yi Xiao met Gantz's plot, and Miss Huishi Bird. The appearance of Huishi Bird was an accident. Her Westerner's face made Yi Xiao have a trace of suspicion.

It is suspected that she may be real.

Before leaving Jiahe, Yi Biao wondered why Fujiang and Zhenzi had found themselves so accurately, and Zhang Junyun hadn't heard of the relevant news after they spent so long in Jiahe.

There is only one possibility.

After stepping into this land, they have already entered their eyes.

What this situation means is that everything is under the supervision of artificial intelligence, including Zhang Junyun, and even their authenticity.

They may be free people, but they may not even know that everything they have experienced is false, because although they have traversed, their ontology may have been captured by artificial intelligence, sending their thinking into this false Edo period.

Even whether they are free people remains to be determined.

It was also at that time that Yi Chou realized that this world might be false.

The emergence of Miss Tao also made Yi Chou determine his thoughts. In England where Green Biology and Vampires are frequent, it is in the 17th century of the era of great navigation. At this time, although the East India Company did not travel around the world, it definitely arrived. Through this field in Japan.

If there is an anomaly in Japan, magical creatures in the supernatural world cannot be unaware, at least Greens will not be indifferent.

This time, it seems that it is the Huishi birds who are good at taking care of young birds.

Their time gyration is indeed very useful, if the combat effectiveness is stronger.

Artificial intelligence must also be peeping at the power of time, so he only allowed Hui Shiniao and Zhang Junyun to have infinite reincarnation with them. It seems that its penetration into the world is not perfect enough, otherwise, Miss Tao may not wait for Yi Chou to come here .

The angels or demons must have brought in the artificial intelligence of the new humans, and the power of magic is the first target.

Of course, all this is just an easy speculation, but the so-called truth is not just a little bit of thread in the clue.

So after seeing the end point in the mouth of Sadako and Fujiang in Yihou, after the so-called **** stone, he did not hesitate to use Coentana to make the long devil-cutting knives cast by the Tengus real, and then cut them in fiercely. .

Cut false with real.

In addition, the Demon Breaking Sword itself contains the power to resist magic, and indeed all the procedures are disrupted, but this is not enough. What Yi Chou wants to find is artificial intelligence, as long as it is found and locked, it can be completely subverted this world.

Like. . at this time. .

The surrounding sky was gloomy like a polar night, and a stream like a waterfall flowed down the sky far away, and eventually faded like a tide, but the sky exposed was still very dark.

That's because the heavy polluted clouds blocked the sun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No ray of sunlight could fall onto the ground.

However, Yi Chao, who is floating in mid-air, can still follow the blue current and lightning flashed from time to time in the light and huge mechanical ocean shadows to see the surrounding scene like hell.

Far or near, there are scattered cities scattered in Edo style. Yi Chou saw the old acquaintance, Kinu Reeves, or Kai in one of the cities.

He was showing the same expression as his rogue friends, and he looked at the sudden dark sky with frustration, but had not adapted to the sudden changes in the surrounding scene.

Unfortunately, Yi Chou couldn't help him more at this time.

because. . In the distance dormant, as if a mechanical sea like a giant has begun to agitate slightly, countless shadows rose into the sky, spreading like an ink.

Looking at the huge creepy face composed entirely of mechanical octopuses in the sky, Yi Xiao finally became slightly serious, "After a world, I finally found you."

"Eve." (To be continued.)

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