High Magic Earth

Chapter 1051: The true face of the world

Yi Chou's voice is not loud, but for the mechanical octopus that covers the entire sky, capturing the sound wave of Yi Chou is really easy, even if these things are just engineering robots.

"How do you know, it's mine."

Stacked mechanical octopuses are arranged in the air to form a face. With the appearance of the sound, countless mechanical octopuses of the mouth float back and forth, simulating the lip movements that should be given when starting the sound.

But the sound is still mechanical, like it came from a very distant place.

"They are all combined into your face, how can I not recognize it, my memory is so poor in your opinion."

It has to be said that these mechanical octopuses are very small, and the images formed after they are closely arranged are indeed very similar from a distance, just like pixels.

The premise is to be able to subjectively shield them from the dense sense of close aggregation.

This scene is completely reproduced in the Matrix, but the difference is that the mechanical octopus in the Matrix is ​​like a shadow floating in the sky, drilling through the outermost protection of Zion, exposing Zion buried deep underground Outside, like ghosts everywhere in the sky.

The mechanical octopuses are still ubiquitous here, but they cannot occupy the entire world, because their number is already terrifying, but it is far less than that in the movie, and it can only barely form the pattern of Eve’s head.

In the distance, the fighting in the city of Chisui Clan had long ceased, and the general scene of the last days was immediately overwhelmed when they were discovered by the foolish people of the Edo period.

It seems that the reason for the need for ore as an industrial foundation. This mechanical ocean composed of artificial intelligence nests is deeply rooted in the soil. Compared with other ground around it, its terrain is lower, so the surrounding cities look at this below It's almost clear at a glance when watching a mechanical ocean.

The ocean composed of countless steels, the artificial intelligence's focus on practicality makes their appearance extremely unpretentious, and the rows of equipment controlled by the artificial intelligence units slowly operate on their own. From a distance, it seems like a giant coming out of **** The beast is roaring.

I can’t expect much progress in the aesthetics of artificial intelligence. The rugged style, dark and cold steel, coupled with the blue arc between the steel and the mechanical octopus wandering in the sky from time to time, this scene is in the eyes of this world. It seems a bit terrifying, not to mention the natives of the seventeenth century.

For people in this world, seeing such a steel city that cannot be built by humans may feel the shock of the sci-fi sense in the future, but for these guys, it is completely impossible to understand, only to the gods and ghosts. Close up.

After Yi Xiao used the silver tongue to break the virtual world of artificial intelligence in one fell swoop, the Edo era of the seventeenth century, which was hidden under the virtual world, was finally liberated.

This is the real world. When Yihou was in England, the timeline stayed in the seventeenth century, and Japan on the planetary side should naturally be at this time.

As expected, artificial intelligence may one day create a world out of thin air, but for artificial intelligence that has just smuggled here, creating a rigorous world out of thin air is a bit too difficult.

Therefore, it is attached to this world and slowly integrates into it, so that it will not be noticed, and it will save time and effort.

When its virtual world is built, it is a breeze to create anything.

But how it drags other people, that is, those guys who actually exist in this world, into the virtual world remains to be considered.

Artificial intelligence is definitely not magic, and mind control and the like can be completely abandoned, perhaps poison gas, or a large-scale deceiving agent, and then use mechanical octopus to recover a little bit.

This is possible.

Even because of the existence of new humans, it is not surprising that some completely anti-scientific abilities, Winnie’s body is completely human, even a Green.

She has at least Green's talent.

Yi Biao is very interested in bits and pieces, but artificial intelligence itself does not make much sense, because the intelligence of Oz is equally good, and it is closer to Yi Biao's power system.

The fighting on the walls gradually stopped. Both the attacking side and the defensive side stared blankly at the suddenly gloomy sky. The sun seemed to disappear, and below it was a bottomless abyss, like There are countless roaring giants among them.

Their barren brain simply couldn't understand this change.

Yi Chou floated quietly in the air, the world seemed to be quiet, but it was just an illusion, even if the wisdom brain did not make a sound, the engineering army composed of countless mechanical octopuses also made a loud noise of high decibels all the time. .

Like a tsunami spreading across the earth.

In front of the huge army of machinery, Yi Chao's figure is not worth mentioning. Perhaps only artificial intelligence can accurately distinguish him in the air, otherwise it will be difficult to find.

Wisdom's main body, Eve, apparently did not understand Yi Chou's sneer, and the mechanical octopus' face shook a little, and sent out a question without emotion.

"Impossible, according to your performance in the watch world, there is more than 100% possibility. In the watch world, you discovered my identity, how did you find out."

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he had little contact with Eve and was an enemy, he could be sure that Eve's tone would not be like this.

This is more like. .

"In order to control artificial intelligence, you will not give up your feelings." Yi arrogant tone is very doubtful, "What kind of existence do you have now."

"No comment."

A cold response came from a distant ocean of machinery.

Perhaps Leng Leng is just an illusion of clamor, because all the mechanical sounds sound hard, without any emotion.

As the oldest human existence, Eve, who is immortal, Yi Chou is also very curious about her, whether she is a new human or an angel, or is it a unique magical creature at all.

Even in a sense, Eve is very important to Yi Chou, she is immortal. . Very important.

Of course, now she may have become another kind of existence, but maybe not, because Yi Chou did not find Eve's body here.

She may have also sneaked in by using the spirit to enter this world. After all, Mei Mi once said that Eve's mental power is far more than ordinary people.

During the conversation between Yi Xao and Eve, he had used magic to find it, and there was no sign of life below.

Not at all.

In addition to machinery, it is cold machinery, which means that neither Eve nor Zhang Junyun are here, even. . She is not there either.

"You didn't hate me so much," Yi Biao suddenly said, "I did kill you... lover, but you were also going to kill me, and for an existence with infinite life, die in your life. A passerby, is your reaction too big..."

"You can't understand, and I won't explain it to you."

Yi Xiao nodded, "Are you making your own choice to control this artificial intelligence, or are the orders given by angels that you need to keep your guard."

"I spent a long time here, even more than ten years, it is difficult to imagine that you can be in this state... It is not so wonderful to persist for such a long time."

"I have nothing to say."

It seems that the wisdom brain with Eve as the main body has no intention to do it, or for the time being, because the smoke rising in the mechanical city below shows that this brain is not as calm as it seems.

These octopuses are just mechanical octopuses. The terrible thing is the quantity, but it doesn't mean that the other party must have no weapons.

For such a long time, even if it is modified and manufactured, there should be a sufficient number of weapons, not to mention, this is not a real Matrix, who knows what terrible weapons were stuffed here while sports artificial intelligence came in.

Eve's two clean and concise answers also interrupted Yi Chou's continued conversation.

This is a typical artificial intelligence answer. Whether it is Dornting or the current intellectual brain, it is a temperament to speak. In the face of artificial intelligence driven by logic and rules, Yi Chou can not ask from it without realizing it. what.

and so. . Destroy it, this is the only purpose for Yi Chou to come here.

Although artificial intelligence can't use magic to detect human kindness and maliciousness, it is proficient in analysis. Hundreds of millions of mechanical octopus cameras accurately capture Yi's facial expressions. Almost immediately, Yi Mo's moment is analyzed through changes in details Attack ideas.

So Zhinao decided to preempt.


The mechanical octopus in the sky is like a frightened fish on the bottom of the sea, and it is like a wasp with a honeycomb that has been knocked out.

Compared with the huge mechanical octopus, Yi Chao is undoubtedly thin like duckweed.

But sometimes, the quantity is not a condition for victory.

The clamor in the air moved slightly, and the figure was momentarily twisted. When it reappeared, it was already thousands of kilometers away from here. After several consecutive shakes, it was out of the range of the mechanical octopus.

Yi Xiao's body entered an invisible state, and when the mechanical octopus searched himself using a series of means such as infrared and spectrum, he had used the shadow to open a door.

This is a portal to different worlds, and it is also the gate of Yihou Warehouse.

In addition to some useless, decorative items with greater significance than practical ones were placed in the Red Castle, and many valuable things were placed directly in the shadow by Yi Chou.

such as. .

"Zi ---!"

Along with the huge sound of breaking the sky, a medium-sized spaceship was driven out of the shadow by Yi Chou, which is also the harvest of the colonial ship.

As a colonial ship, in addition to its abundant population resources, it also stores a lot of materials, even after the severe winter except the song of ice and fire, there is not much damage.

Because the strange ghost does not know these things.

Unfortunately, there are not many weapons on it, because the colonial ship does not need to be equipped with so many weapons.

Yi Xiao sat in the spaceship, pulled the height very skillfully, and then went straight to the steel sea below. In such a battle, it is still more destructive as a technological civilization.

As long as a high-energy plasma bomb erupts over the mechanical ocean, they will be destroyed in an instant.

It is not unfamiliar with the control of small spaceships. He certainly does not control spaceships. Not to mention spaceships in modern civilization, even spaceships are very rare.

However, the silver tongue can make up for the shortcomings of Yi Huo. At that time, after thinking for several hours, Yi Bao got the knowledge related to the control of the spaceship into his head.

Even so, it is still very unfamiliar with different types of spaceships. During the first test drive, a small lifeboat crashed.


It is obvious that artificial intelligence has already arrived at Yi Huo’s plan. As an intelligence, it naturally has everything in mind when considering possible solutions. The high-energy plasma bombs that once appeared in the watch world are naturally recorded in the database.

At the first moment when Yi Chao disappeared, it thought of the battle plan that Yi Chao might appear next.

Unfortunately, it puts a lot of energy into the development of a virtual world. Even after a long time of preparation, there is still no effective offensive means.

A large number of mechanical octopuses is probably its only protective measure.

The sky-filled mechanical octopuses began to surge again in an instant. They layered around the mechanical ocean, layering the main body of Zhinao like a ball.

At the same time, in the operating rooms in the deepest part of the mechanical ocean, the lights like the sleeping cabin light up naturally.

This is the base's self-destructing equipment, and Zhinao is ready.

Hovering above the Zhinao base, Yihou's spacecraft hovered endlessly. Facing a large number of mechanical octopuses, Yihou's high-energy plasma bombs were indeed blocked outside.

Because no matter what angle he dropped the plasma bomb, he would be blocked by the mechanical octopus.

With the number of mechanical octopuses, they can completely fill the gap in an instant, and even launch a certain degree of counterattack on the location where Yi Chou appears.

Although it may not be necessary to blow up the mechanical octopus, it must be destroyed at least to be able to attack the main body of Zhinao mechanical ocean.

Yi Chou is not helpless about this kind of solution. Although his high-energy plasma bomb reserve is not large, it is still enough to break the defensive circle. He just does not understand why the artificial intelligence in front of him should do so.

Because in addition to delaying its time of death, it has no effect.

Will artificial intelligence make such a useless plan~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After wandering around for a few more times, Yi Xuan decided to kill it first.

"The spaceship hovered over the mechanical ocean, and the position of the artificial intelligence subject was silently illuminated on the navigation. In this worldly war, the spacecraft intentionally avoided the brain database."

The magic text burned on the screen of the spaceship. With the little power of the silver tongue, the spacecraft immediately turned a big bend without the control of Yi Chou and flew deeper into the mechanical ocean.

There is the main body of wisdom brain.

Regarding its database, Yi Chao did not intend to destroy it, because there should be many clues.

Soon the spaceship reached its destination, and was once again blocked by the army of mechanical octopuses, but this time, Yi He found the target but did not stay. He grasped the sides of the seat with both hands, and his body was full of magic. Next In an instant, he took the flying phantom directly into the mechanical ocean.

Completely skipped the blockade of the mechanical octopus. (To be continued.)

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