High Magic Earth

Chapter 1052: Instant selection

The lifeboat from Kai Neng's hometown does not have such advanced functions as stealth at the physical level. Presumably, even Yunxing has not yet developed this technology.

The spaceship is in stealth at this time, completely because Yi Chou's spell is maintained.

The combination of magic and technology now seems to be quite good. The brain-powered mechanical octopus army is completely unaware that the enemy has broken through their encirclement and entered the interior of their blockade.

or. . It doesn't matter if you don't realize it. .

Yi Chou in the spaceship is a little distracted. I don’t know how the two aliens Kaineng and Gu Mo are living in the world of ice and fire. . It seems that he has not returned to the present world for a long time.

Solve the following machines, you can go back.

It's a fatal mistake to be distracted in battle. Yi Chou rarely has such a problem, but I don't know why. At this time, he was a little distracted. His eyes were like a lantern, flashing countless memories.

The time may seem very long, but in fact it only takes a few seconds.

Yi Chou's spaceship jumped into the encircling circle of the mechanical octopus, and then went down without stopping.

The power of high-energy plasma bombs is indeed great, one can destroy half of the city, but the mechanical ocean below is far more than the size of half of the city.

Countless units and machinery plants of unknown use are closely arranged on the ground below, spreading to the end of the world, endless, like an endless ocean.

Yi Xiao sits in the cab and pulls the joystick with one hand, while the other hand is vacated, directly inserted into the black shadow of the spaceship wall, the shadow spreads, and there is only a thin layer on the surface, but Yi Xiao's hand seems to be inserted In another dimension, he swallowed most of his arms directly.

In less than a second, Yi Chou pulled a plasma group as large as a car from the shadow with one hand. As long as it was started, it was an activated plasma bomb.

Plasma bombs were suspended in midair of the spaceship, surrounded by the magic of floating spells.

The way Yi Biao uses it has always been simple and rough, activated, opened the spacecraft cabin door, pedaled down, and immediately flashed.

He did the same in the third new Tokyo city.

But this time, just as Yi Biao was about to start the password, he suddenly felt a crisis in his heart.

A huge crisis! The breath of death is coming, as if Yi Chou will be wiped out of this world in the next moment.

This threat of deep bone marrow made Yi Biao instantly cold, and he was no stranger to this feeling. Many magical creatures, including wizards, may have a premonition of the coming danger a few seconds earlier, but he does not Understand that at this point, there is something that can threaten yourself.

At the next moment, Yi Xiao saw the white light.

The white light, just like a spot, appeared so abruptly in Yi Chao's field of vision. It was below, at the center of the ground mechanical ocean, but it seemed to be the center of the entire world, directly occupying all Yi Yi's sight.

There was only this light in his eyes.

Then almost instantaneously, this light spread quickly, sweeping everything in an instant with unstoppable momentum!

Is an explosion.

Yi Biao immediately understood that Zhinao, or Eve, also did not intend to let himself leave here alive, except that it chose a more extreme method, whether it was a nuclear bomb or some other darker technology explosive, with Yi Biao at this time It's enough to threaten yourself.

but. . For their own sake, the entire wisdom brain chooses to destroy itself. Is such a choice really an intelligent brain capable of making?

Or is it because of the influence of Eve, or what important secrets are hidden in its data.

But now Yi Chou needs to consider not these things, but how to survive, because if he dies, then all the plans are meaningless.

The explosion spread extremely rapidly, the white light swallowed everything on the ground almost instantly, and spread to the entire sky at the same time.

At this moment, Yi Chou felt that his thinking had slowed down.

The corner of his mouth twitched, because he felt fear, this is the fear of death, life's most natural fear of death, this taste is not very good.

The spacecraft will definitely not be able to escape the scope of the explosion, not even the spacecraft's rescue capsule. This is not the most robust rescue capsule, but this is the center of the explosion.

Staying in place, there will definitely be no ash left.

Without mastering the space jump, there is no need to think about the speed of the explosion below. Even if it is a phantom, Yi Chou has no confidence to hide.

There is not much time left for Yi Chou to think, less than a second.

He couldn't escape, nor could he stop it, maybe at the edge of the explosion, but as far as Yi Xuan knew, few people could explode the center's hard anti-nuclear power, only a second, and the silver tongue was too late.

Yi Xiao swears that he definitely wants to create the shortest language.

Preferably, all words have only one word.

Ok. . It seems to be a feasible plan, maybe Daenerys can try to promote it.

Yi Xiao sat in the spaceship, and the explosion below swept through with a huge air wave, roaring, only one second passed, and at the last moment, Yi Xuan made his choice.

He chose to let fear dominate himself.

. . .

Without choosing the illusion of evasion or controlling the spaceship, Yi Chou still sat in the position, but he directly inserted his hand into the shadow.

As if something was touched, the next moment, a deep yellow energy surrounded Yi Chou, as if putting on him a layer of armor shimmering with dim luster.

Then immediately, the explosion swept through.

As if to break everything in the world, a fierce nuclear explosion mixed with other unknown explosions directly raised a small sun on the horizon.

The Edo City beyond a kilometer away could not even struggle, the creatures above were instantly gasified by high temperature, and then everything was destroyed by the huge gas wave that followed.

The city was razed to the ground without blinking.

The same happens to all places in the surrounding area, as long as the explosion area is reached, whether it is a mountain or a depression, whether it is a river or a ditch, they are all flattened to the ground by huge air waves and impacts, accompanied by The rolling heat is like the whole world being plowed again.

And the power of this explosion is far more than that. It seems to be endless. The rising mushroom cloud rolls forward, and it continues to advance almost endlessly. It has spread to the end of the sky and earth, and even spread to the edge of the sea. The sea water evaporates large white steam.

I don't know how long it has passed. This white light, which is enough to directly blind people, slowly disappears. What remains on the ground, except for the large pieces of barren scorched earth and glass-like crystals, is only more desolate.

Then slowly, Yi Chou's figure gradually appeared in the air.

His body was covered with a layer of dark yellow armor. Although he was not injured, he also looked embarrassed, but his unknown armor defense was really good, even eating almost flattened half of the island. After the nuclear explosion, there was still no trend of damage.

In contrast, it allows Yi Xuan to continue to float in the air in nuclear radiation, which seems to be worthless.

"But it's really reluctant to give blood." Floating in the air, Yi Chou looked at the scorched earth below, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the choice he made at the last minute was correct, and he survived.

. . .

When Yi Xiao realized that the existing magic was not strong enough to resist the close-up nuclear explosion, it was not timely to use the silver tongue to avoid cleverly, he gave the choice to the body's instinct.

Survival made him abandon all useless choices in an instant, and made the most correct decision.

His hand fell into the small dimensional gate formed by shadows, passed through layers of space barriers, and went directly to the deepest laboratory of the Red Castle, the dangerous laboratory containing uncontrollable magic items.

Yi Xiao thought of something that was almost forgotten by him, or rather than forgotten, rather than dare to try easily.

He touched it with his finger, and then put the ring on it.

From the most primitive and instinctive emotional power of biology.

Yellow light of fear.

Yellow light ring.

Whether it is manipulated by fear or someone who can manipulate fear, this ring can be used. The ring's ability is similar to the green light ring, and it is directly manifested, but the yellow light ring has something more personal. .

For example, if Green Lantern creates a shield that can be defended, perhaps the green light ring will turn it into the appearance of a heavy security door. This is the original ring of green light.

But for the yellow light, it does not have its own style, it has the style of the owner.

The user from the bank may present a safe door as a shield, and when it comes to Yihou, it is a set of medieval armor and the most shield-oriented shield.

Why the magical style corresponds to the medieval armor is not clear.

The moment he took the yellow light ring, the information was known to him, and as Yi Chou reasoned, the fear energy before the death threat was enough for him to urge and use the yellow light ring.

Without hesitation, Yi Chou uses all his fear energy to defend himself.

The spaceship is too big for Yi Chou to protect himself and protect the lifeboat at the same time, so he abandons the lifeboat without hesitation. The volume of the high-energy plasma bomb is too large, and the fear energy can only protect Yi Chou himself. Therefore, while the spaceship was extinguished by dust and smoke, it stiffened for a while and fell down with the support of free fall.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long, even before it fell a hundred meters away, and the shell was also vaporized by high temperature. Without activation, it also forcibly burst in the air.

The second explosion of the high-energy plasma bomb had another impact on the clamor above, but fortunately, the power of the yellow light ring was indeed good, and the power of fusion of the two explosions was carried down by force. .

You know, before taking this ring, Yi Chou couldn't even hold the nuclear explosion.

"Sure enough... It is worthy of being one of the rings of the Seven Lights Legion." Yi Xao's other hand gently stroked the ring of his right hand, and a yellow light flashed through his eyes.

Fear is not the existence of arbitrary slaughter.

Because it is fear itself.

Some things may be easy to put on, but it is not so easy to take them off.

. . .

The fear energy of the armor can also support a period of time, looking at the barren land below, Yi Heo suspended in the air slightly hesitated, and then landed.

Although reason tells him that under such a big explosion, nothing will remain, but he still wants to see it for himself.

The floating charm controlled his fall to the ground. After a slight flutter from his feet in contact with the ground, a large piece of dust-like thing instantly rose from the ground, turning the surroundings like a sandstorm.

The existence of at least three feet thick throughout the ground is such a thing. High temperature not only destroys everything on the ground, but also melts the ground itself into various crystals and dust, mixed with various complex radiations. It can be said that ten Within a few years, this will be a dead place.

Even within a hundred years, there will be no grass on this piece of land and no plants will grow.

Yi Xiao looked around, frowning slightly.

Obviously, the nuclear explosion used by Zhinao to die together is not produced in this world. In this world, there are not many things that can produce such a large scale. The new humans should not give up the advantage of a whole second world as a warehouse. Choose to get this kind of thing from this world.

And from the perspective of the scale and aftermath of the explosion, this is not just a nuclear explosion, there are many other things mixed in there. Weapons that I haven’t seen before, I will feed back from the armor, these various kinds of dust And radiation, far more than a nuclear explosion can do.

The new mankind has given birth to blood.

but. . For the two parties that have countless sub-worlds as their backing, this resource may not be a big deal at all. It is not their purpose to destroy each other. Killing free talent is the most important goal.

For example, yourself.

Zhinao's choice without hesitation is the same as ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and spurring such a big explosion is obviously just to kill himself, destroy this place, and the death of other creatures, it is just incidental.

Just like two humans fighting, they certainly wouldn't care about stepping on an ant nest that they accidentally stepped on while avoiding.

About a truth.

As the surrounding dust continued to float, like floating up and down in a vacuum environment, after a little rest, Yi Chou once again controlled himself to float, at a distance of half a meter from the ground.

The ground below can no longer be settled, so you can only do so.

Using magic to discern the direction a little bit, Yi Chou walked through a large barren land, controlling the speed to fly to the location of the core area where Zhinao once existed.

As for the yellow light ring on his hand, Yi Xiao had a finger to wipe it lightly. He didn't want to directly expose himself to this radiant environment and face the diverse pollution.

So, wear it temporarily. (To be continued.)

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