High Magic Earth

Chapter 1053: Back to front

Like a little black spot in the wasteland, Yi Chou's figure was moving forward quickly, but as he got deeper, the surrounding scene became worse and worse.

The large scorched land, and the high temperature and glazed crystals produced after the second burst of high-energy plasma bombs, except for a deep pit remaining on the ground, scattered with shining stars and crystal fragments, nothing is left here.

Yi Biao sighed, although expected, but still a bit disappointed.

Since it is the same-doing plan initiated by Zhinao, the calculation will obviously not make mistakes. The amount of explosion is absolutely enough to flatten everything that used to be, leaving no clue to Yi Huo.

Not to mention the little secrets hidden in it, even the huge mechanical ocean and the wisdom brain data center have nothing left.

Fortunately, in the previous area, Yi Chou didn't feel any signs of life reaction. Some of them were just large pieces of cold mechanical bodies, that is, Zhang Junyun and others escaped.

Yi Biao originally thought that Zhang Junyun they are also in this world, this world of the Edo era, they just entered, they were captured by Zhinao, and then just like Neo in the Matrix, they directly made bio batteries to make their The spirit survives in the virtual world, and he does not know it yet.

But now, this possibility is very small.

As soon as Wisdom entered the world, three free men followed him, and it happened to fall within Wisdom's control.

It sounds too coincidental, because you know, as the conscious body of the second world of the wizard, it is inherently biased towards the free man in this world, that is, Yi Chao and others.

There is only another possibility. The three of them were brought by Zhinao.

It is not without this possibility that the technology mastered by this brain is very high. Although it is a bit biased, it is definitely a crooked black technology tree.

It can even directly impart will into another body, which is already a very mature cloning technology.

No wonder it chooses to destroy everything.

Technology has no boundaries. It is not as confidential and mysterious as magic. Even if you get it easily, you can use this technology. Obviously, this is not what angels or demons want to see.

So Zhang Junyun, three people, may really be a free man in this world, accidentally fell into the hands of new humans in this world, or maybe not at all, just three little mice, but in any case, their body is not here.

To find them, Yi Biao can only try their luck in other worlds.

This world.

A light of yellow flashed in Yi Chou's eyes.

Of course, he is not so interested in these three guys. The purpose of this incident is always only for one person. Yi Chou will not forget.

The yellow light in his eyes disappeared without a trace, and the phantom of the armor on his body seemed to fade a lot. Yi Heo slightly rotated the ring on his hand, and suddenly the energy bloomed again.

But looking around, Yi Chou didn't think there was anything left to do.

The nuclear explosion is definitely a catastrophe for the land underfoot. Although it does not affect the entire island, at least half of the island will not improve in at least one hundred years.

The ghost knows what kind of lethal radiation is mixed into the weapons brought back by Zhinao from the future era.

Maybe it won't even be solved in this world.

This is the base area of ​​Koga and Iga. After the destruction of Akaho, even if there are still magical creatures in other places, they are nothing more than ninjas.

And in Japan that left the Edo period, far away in England and the European and American continents, there are scattered Green creatures and Green, oh, yes, there is a vampire who loves hide and seek.

The vampires represented by Catherine also live here, and werewolves and witches do not seem to be far away.

However, it is still far away from the time when the story and the plot take place. At least there are hundreds of years. It is not a good time for Yi Chou to join in.

Either his own problem has not been dealt with, or there is no direction to the plot at all.

More importantly, there seems to be nothing worth peeping at here.

The green creatures' strange and strange abilities are quite in line with Yi Yi's tastes, but this is not the time.

Yi Biao had an early plan to build a magic legion, but unfortunately the first step of his creation stuck him, and since then there has been no major progress.

but. . Not long ago Yi Chou saw new hope.

On Daenerys.

In a mistaken hit, she was eroded by the forces of higher latitudes and transformed into a coexistence of a man and a magic dragon, the real mother of the dragon, Daenerys.

Her power is more powerful than the magic dragon, and her level of life is more perfect than people.

It sounds like a superhero expansion.

But is this not exactly the method Yi Chou has been looking for.

Although in terms of communication, she may not have the kind of magic corps that Yi Xuan envisioned, absolutely obey Yi Xiao's order, but a completely independent consciousness, but this problem can be solved in the future.

The most important thing is that Daenerys' fighting power was just an ordinary person, not a power person, a superhero, or a demon hunter who didn't die.

But after she accidentally gained this power, her fighting power was almost as good as Yi Yi.

This means that perhaps other people can also use this method.

Other people here. . Naturally refers to the protagonist, or supporting role in countless other sub-worlds, they always have all kinds of enviable talents, many of them are just mortals.

Of course, this plan is not so easy to carry out.

Yi Chao did not forget the key to everything, magic, or yes. . The magic of high latitudes.

It is a pity that Yi Chao in that field has not been touched for the time being, but soon, Yi Bao feels this way.

Yi Biao even thought about the name, called the God Creation Project. Although it is a bit earthy, it is very appropriate. No wonder why so many people like to think of themselves as gods after creating some strange creatures, because this feeling is really true It's fascinating, and it's already the case that it hasn't even started manufacturing.

These indescribable and indescribable creatures are strange and strange, but they have extraordinary strength. . God.

It sounds like a very beautiful future.

Yi Biao suddenly stopped, suspended quietly in place, there is no need to continue to watch, there will be no life to survive, this world probably will not have a strong presence that can hardly resist nuclear explosions.

Otherwise, Wisdom Brain's plan will be destroyed long ago.

The sky was covered by a large area of ​​dust, and the strange clouds that originally blocked the sun dispersed after the destruction of the wisdom brain, but unfortunately the nuclear dust that followed immediately caused a local nuclear winter. Looking up, almost the sky The original colors are no longer visible.

Without sunlight, there is no shadow.

No, shadows are everywhere. When there is light, just raise your hand, you can create unlimited shadows from small to large, if there is no light.

There are shadows everywhere.

The black shadow of ink like a quagmire slowly spreads from the ground, then stands upright, and opens a stable portal behind Yi Chou.

The next moment, Yi Chou turned around and disappeared into this world.

. . .

The Red Forest, not far from the Red Castle, opened a black crack out of thin air. Experienced Pegasus and other magical creatures immediately ran into the forest strangely. This is the wizard’s magic. Although the portal is not dangerous, there are Sometimes something dangerous comes from the door.

Or other existence.

Radiation from another world.

Almost visible to the naked eye, the plants near the shadow portal began to yellow and wither quickly, as if the fire had dried up the moisture in an instant, and the wet soil quickly turned into scorched soil, cracking the gap between the dry.


A bunch of soil with turf was finally unable to maintain the originally tightly aggregated soil due to the lack of water. After a cracking noise, a wide finger gap was exposed.

But fortunately, Yi Biao's figure soon appeared in place, with a breeze, and the portal disappeared silently again.

Frowning at the surrounding environment, Yi Chou was obviously in a bad mood.

"The radiation is stronger than I thought. What do you think, Alimond." Yi Chou looked at the deserted surroundings and said calmly.

But after a while, he did not hear a response.

Turning his head to look in one direction, he saw that Alimond was holding the old wand and fell into the range of radiation, his body was comatose unconsciously.

Obviously, as a house-elf of magical creatures, there is no concept of harmful radiation in its brain.

"I don't feel surprised at all." Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows expressionlessly. At the next moment, Alimond's body flew out of the range of radiation instantly as if he were hit.

It fell to the ground, and two house-elves phantom appeared immediately beside it.

"Take it back... Heal." Yi Xuan said, "Don't worry about me."

It seems that Alimond still has some prestige. The two house-elves dare not delay, and even the head of the ancestral ancestor grabbed it in phantom without disturbing it.

Yi Xiao is not worried about the radiation problem of Alimond. Perhaps because magic originated in the Middle Ages, most of the mysterious creatures do not understand technological weapons, but when it comes to treatment, there is absolutely no problem.

The potion has always been the most unsolved existence in the Harry Potter world, the focus is not on the terrible level, but its amazing healing effect.

Yi Xiao always thought that only the world of Harry Potter was so unscientific, but when he climbed onto the Neverland and saw more magic plants that were incomprehensible, he extended this irrational to the entire magic world.

Actually, magic plants are terrible. . Far more than magical creatures, and magic itself.

Wonderful nature.

At the same time that Yi Xiao finished expressing his emotions, the magic feather pen had almost been drawn in the air. A large section of magic text slipped down in front of Yi Xiao's eyes. He had found the story of how to clean up this radiation zone.

It is a little difficult to clean up the radiation at the nuclear explosion center, but it is still okay to clean up a small area of ​​the Red Forest.

While Yi Yihuo was chanting in a low voice, three or two little yellow men tweeted from afar. They all wore white robes and a ridiculous hat on their bare heads, um. . In fact, the hats were just put on, and after they ran up, if they didn't press the point, they would fall to the ground next moment.

Their faces are anxious and they seem to be in a hurry, but obviously these little things are more than the house elf's knowledge. When they are near the edge of the radiation zone, they have not stepped on their feet. After Yi Xiao's silver tongue was finished reading, the radiation area was still contracting, and finally returned to nothing, they came close.

"what's up.."



Before Yi Huo finished talking, they sputtered a bunch of words, thanks to the hourglass's translation ability, otherwise no one would understand what they were talking about, and the headed little yellow man grumbled a lot After that, his eyes suddenly fell on the ring of Yi Chou's finger, and his voice weakened immediately.

"So you stayed in the laboratory and found that the ring was gone, but why didn't you recognize it, it was my hand that took the ring back then."

Yi Huo asked quietly, and then looked at Xiao Huang Ren Gu Zhuo's appearance, and he knew the reason.

"You guys are sleeping again, are you."

But although they are somewhat unreliable, it is undeniable that they are indeed very smart, very qualified assistants, looking at their three little yellow men looking pitifully, Yi Yi said calmly, "The next is not an example."

Waving his hand, Yi Chou sent these three guys away, "Oh, yes, tell the house elf to sort out the missing items in the Red Castle, and I will go back in a few days."

. . .

After solving the radiation of the Red Forest, when Yi Chou returned to the tower again, sat in the sofa, and sinked his mind to the lowest level, he found that the so-called world mission had disappeared. Let him clean up the world's parasites, he's done it anyway.

But this time the mission was over, he was not forced to return to the present world.

"So... if I didn't get the power of the silver tongue, wouldn't I be trapped here in my life, no wonder no new guardian of Neverland appeared for so many years."

It seems that he heard Yi Chou's complaint, and the shadow deprived of Neverland appeared silently in the room. It floated behind Yi Chou, with silver eyes staring at Yi Chou.

"Oh, it turns out the door is on you."

Yi Chou and the shadow were originally a person, and the two minds were connected, and Yi Chou almost immediately understood the problems in the shadow.

As the guardian of Neverland, the shadow can connect different worlds originally. After the mission is over, Yi Chou will not be kicked out of this world, and the door of this world will always be open forever.

Yi Xiao waved his hand and disappeared the shadow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although he said that he would return in a few days, it is not now.

As the most important hub of Neverland, the hourglass in the skeleton rock, Yi Chou will go to check it almost every time he returns to Neverland.

On the one hand, it is to rest assured, on the other hand, it is to replenish energy.

There is the most magical and complicated place in the whole fantasy island.

Looking out the window of the tower, Yi Chou directly saw the skeleton rock below, but he did not directly transfer the phantom to the past, but turned and pushed open the door and left the room.

Outside the house is the staircase, and beside the staircase is another room. When passing the staircase, Yi Biao naturally inadvertently leaned slightly into the door of the house. There are many portraits hanging in the room. There is something shining.

Slightly converging his gaze, Yi Chou calmly walked down the stone steps, and then at the next moment, his figure suddenly turned into black mist and disappeared on the steps instantly.

Next to the Red Castle, on the edge of the skull rock, Yi Biao's figure appeared again. (To be continued.)

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