High Magic Earth

Chapter 1054: ready

No one can enter the interior of the Skull Rock when Yi Noo is away. The magic in the cave already existed before Yi Noo came to Neverland. When he first landed on the island, he also entered here alone.

At this time, the inside of the rock was still as quiet as ever.

There was no sun shining in, but glittering golden light fell above the rocks. An hourglass like gold reflected the golden light of the surrounding stone walls, and Yi Chou slowly moved along the stone walls. There were more at the end of the ancient murals. New pattern.

Dressed in a vintage corset dress, she looks beautiful, but she crouches and walks away with a big baggage and runs away...

Black-haired and black-eyed, the pleasing-looking boy took a book in the hands of a man covered in black robes...

A giant monster with nine grisly heads, whose appearance has definitely deviated from the appearance of reasonable creatures, is standing in the magnificent city center and roaring in the sky...

Finally, a mushroom cloud rising in an ugly sea of ​​monsters...

"Art decoration is not reliable..." Yi Huo murmured in a low voice.

These paintings correspond to the several worlds that Yi Piao passed before. The vampire almost took the stone castle away and took the culprit. Catherine was found by the crystal ball of the rabbit in Dream Island, and found the owner of Yanodin Stone Castle. The scary wizard and his little servant did not appear for a few months, so they took advantage of the whole night to pack all the valuable things in the stone castle and the magic items that Yihou practiced that year.

Including the paintings forced to stay by Yi Chou at that time, her active portraits, as well as several master sketches of witch magic, and rings that can resist the sun.

Coincidentally, after recognizing the identity of the heroine of the Catherine Vampire Diary, these rings were made with curiosity after thinking that there is a ring that can withstand the sun in the plot.

But at the end, it returned to Catherine.

Wonderful destiny.

The second picture is Tom Riddle. Yi Biao didn't seem to change his fate. Soon after he met Yi Biao, he entered Hogwarts. At that time, Yi Biao was still cold all day. It is estimated that Tom and Yi Biao He had less communication than the owner of the surrounding food store, and later Yi Biao left, and he was still alone.

At that time Yi Xuan did give him a diary, but Yi Xiao didn't understand that he did like to wear robes, but he didn't walk around in black robes every day. Why do murals think they are this kind of image.

Next is Daenerys, which is easy to recognize, no matter what her fate should be, with the help of Yi Chou, she did take the position of the Iron Throne, the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the King of Westeros, the whole territory The guardian of God, the well-deserved mother of dragons.

Probably it should be the strongest in that world.

Being a king is not necessarily the strongest, but when the strongest becomes a king, her position must be stable...very stable.

The last picture is the trouble that Yi Biao has just solved. The **** art processing, which is clearly a mechanical octopus ocean controlled by the brain, why does it look like a group of monsters.

If it wasn't for his own experience, Yi Chou thought he had gone to hell.

The mural crossed a little bit from Yi Chou's eyes, and finally he stopped at the end of the cave.

"Time is a long river, and the river is round. The death of one world means the rebirth of another world..."

This sentence is still burning on the wall, including the information of Ye Zhishu. Incidentally, after so long, the book that was given to Yi Chou at midnight, which later showed the true face of Ye Zhishu has been He finished reading.

There is no secret or magic.

Some are just some knowledge about the world, and then it seems to be like this sentence on the wall, and some are not plausible words.

Overall, it makes no sense.

Of course, this is for Yi Biao. If it is for aborigines or other unidentified free people, the information recorded in this book is still very useful, because it is related to the truth of the world and maliciousness from demons and angels.

But Yi Huo has an hourglass, and the message left to him by the last guardian of Neverland has made everything clear.

Hmmm...Although I also pitted Yi Huo several times.

There seemed to be two more books. Yi Biao’s eyes turned around on the stone wall. No one told him what he could do after summing up the three books is to summon the Shenlong, or he could put it in his gloves. He wasn’t even sure about the other two. What is the shape of the pendant, is it the appearance of a book?

There is no clue at all, Yi Chou can only try his luck.

When the rock wall reached the end, Yi Chou also stopped, he turned around and came to the front of the hourglass.

The base punctured irregular corners outwards, which looked like creatures and objects of unknown meaning, as if trying to escape from here, but the hourglass was crushed on it, sitting there in a hurry, It's always a grit that drops down every second.

"and many more……"

Yi Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, narrowed his eyes into a gap, and looked suspiciously at the upper part of the hourglass. Why did he think...there was a lot more sand in the hourglass.

"You asked me to collect world energy for this?"

Yi Huo couldn't help but ask, but as expected, the surrounding silence was abnormal, and no answer could be heard.

Sure enough, still can not count on.

Yi Xiao didn't know what would happen if the gravel hit the bottom, but it wouldn't be a good thing. Although I don't know why the gravel is good, at least it can make him feel at ease.

He was twirling around the hourglass, not caring. This was the most boring and wasteful thing he once thought.

It seems that this feeling can make Yi Bao calm down. Of course, this may also be related to the constant convergence of the magic power near the hourglass to Yi Yao.

He seemed to use the center of the Second World as a natural magical power amplifier.

The cave is very quiet, only the gravel in the hourglass, the sound of dripping down, after staying for half an hour, Yi Chou walked out again.

This is the safest place on Neverland, with some weird magic everywhere. Yi Chou even suspects that even if the Red Castle is destroyed, nothing will happen here.

No one can enter here.

It's like no one can understand the meaning of the distorted images of the hourglass, completely assembled by magic.

Yi Chou's figure soon disappeared, leaving only the hourglass still standing alone.

"Preliminary integration of the world..."

The pattern above the hourglass is distorted into an abstract text, as if it is performing some kind of calculation, but soon, this image dissipates into the air again, fragile and thin like a bubble.


Yi Xiao was frowning with a long list of shopping lists.

Alimond has been awakened, and no accident, even nuclear radiation, has not stopped the rush of medical potions to dominate the medical field.

And the leader of this house-elf is very responsible, and the first time he woke up, he submitted the task assigned by Yi Chou.

After ten years of non-return, even if the population of Neverland is declining, daily necessities are in great shortage.

After all... daily necessities that can be kept for ten years are not many.

Yi Chou can indeed use the silver tongue to make some daily necessities, but that always feels weird, and it is not so convenient, so he is only preparing a large reserve.

Anyway, this time with the ability of silver tongue, you can save things for a long time, because Yi Chou can use the silver tongue in the Red Castle to create a relatively static room.

Although if using magic, he does not belong to the realm of time.

It's just... he seems to overestimate the house-elf, even if it's a omnipotent housework elf, there are unavoidable and occasional errors.

"What's wrong, sir?" Alimond, standing next to him, seemed to realize that Yi Huo was not too beautiful.

Yi Xiao frowned at the document in his hand, "The problem is not there, but... haven't you figured out the difference between the wizarding world and the Muggle world, and how long have you not been in contact with the wizarding world."

"Uh..." Alimond was stunned. "Sir...you know, here with us, never...no..."

"This is the problem." Yi Chou said quietly.

The air-dried invisible lizard powder and the skeleton of the bat wings do not say what these things should be used for now, but Yi Chou feels that this thing should not be sold in the supermarket.

Of course, there must be Diagon Alley.

After discovering that he could use the shadow to open the portal to the present world, Yi Xiao tried several other gates by the way. The portal of Song of Ice and Fire was still open, and the one in the Decapitated Valley was still closed, leading to Tom Riddle The door of that world opened this time.

And it seems to have been open for a long time.

But Yi Xuan has no plans to see Little Tom for the time being. He needs to return to the present world first, because some problems... have not been completely resolved.

First of all, he is not sure that Eve was hung up neatly in such a simple way. Secondly, he still needs to trace the real whereabouts of Zhang Junyun and others...

The sooner the better.

The portal is now unimportant. With the arrogance of the silver tongue ability, you can always use the storytelling method to open the coordinates that Dornting once left. As the master of the Oz, the computing power is undoubted. Even in a short moment, at least dozens of sub-coordinates of the second world have been calculated.

This means that Yi Huo can go at any time.

Even if the shadow channel is blocked by the turbulent world in the world, the coordinates can be calculated in this way, so as to bypass the shadow cheat.

The silver tongue is indeed a convenient ability.

The development of a new world is a matter of urgency, but before that, he still needs to go to the present world.

Seeing that Yi Xuan was silent, Alimond immediately shut up. Since Yi Xuan has realized the problem, then naturally it is not when it continues to talk.

"Be prepared." Yi Chou suddenly stood up and said to Alimond.

"What are you preparing? Sir."

"Your words and deeds are very close to human beings. They are very good. Keep them well and prepare to return to the human world with me."

"Human means... a wizard, and a Muggle?" Alimond leaned over his head.

"Trust me, it's far more than a wizard and a Muggle."

"Thank you very much, sir." Alimond bowed slightly and his ears fell to the ground.

When he raised his head, he found an emerald necklace in Yi Chou's hand.

"Melissa's magic is not powerful, but the necklace around her neck is very interesting, and sometimes it will be particularly valuable." Yi Xiao said calmly with it, "This is an imitation, wear Get on it."

Alimond took the necklace, then put it on the neck, the necklace tightened slightly, and began to adjust the size on its own, and finally hung on its slender neck perfectly.

At the next moment, Alimond's appearance was distorted, and in a few blinks, the place where it originally stood had been replaced by a completely unfamiliar Western man.

"Thank you, Mr." His expression was very excited.

Yi Xiao patted him on the shoulder, the feeling from his hands was undoubtedly human, no slight jerky, Yi Xiao's mouth slightly moved, and then said, "Not bad, I was still thinking, if you cry and tell me you Don’t be free. Am I throwing you out of the Red Castle or killing you."

"You laughed, sir." Yi Chou saw the corner of Alimond's mouth, which was more like a Western male, slightly twitched.

"I never laugh." Yi Chou's voice was calm. "After half an hour's departure, you go down first."

Alimond bowed again, and then the figure was twisted, and the phantom disappeared.

Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that the camouflage of the necklace did not affect the magic of the house elf, yes, it was quite successful.

With a slight wave of hands, the bookshelves in front of them immediately separated to the sides, a new room appeared in front of Yi Chou, and then the meditation basin in the corner moved to the middle of the room.

Useless information can easily cause brain deposition. Unless there is a container called Sherlock, this problem is difficult to solve. Fortunately, the wizards first realized this problem.

Yi Xiao temporarily stored what happened last time he returned to this world in the meditation basin. Now he is going back, so it is time to relive it.

Take a glass bottle from the side and pour it into a meditation basin. Then gently stir it with a magic wand. Numerous images gradually appear on the surface of the water. Inhale slightly. At the next moment, Yi Peng immersed his head in it.

Meditation basin.

Genius creativity, idiot use method.

This is the last thought of Yi Biao before entering the meditation basin, and then, the dense memory information flows like a chaotic stream.

"This virus... seems to be a blood-borne virus, have you seen that TV series."

"Dove... Mina..."

"I'm Mei Mi, I still have a younger brother, and you see it, I'm a vampire."

"That guy is called Eve, and there is immortality..."

"Hello, my name is Zhao Li."...

Half an hour later~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the gate-shaped wall of the Red Castle Hall, invisible shadows slowly emerged, and then opened the door leading to the world.

Yi Huo, who changed into a casual outfit, walked in slowly, and the next Alimond followed him closely. After the two disappeared, the shadow shrank again, and finally turned into a black spot and disappeared. Leaving empty walls...

At the same time, the Miss Madison in the other subworld, still in her sleep, jumped slightly.

But instead of waking up from her dream, she turned over and continued to hold the quilt unsteadily. "It's better not to let me know which little **** is cursing me..." She whispered like a dream, completely Not aware of the magical flow that suddenly became abnormal around.

This is not to blame her, because it is not just a problem in her neighborhood, more precisely, the entire world, there is an abnormal flow of magic.

At least, it is more than half of the world, and also includes nearly half of the world's timeline. (To be continued...) Announcement: Biquge app Android, Apple dedicated version, bid farewell to all advertisements, please pay attention to the WeChat public account to download and install: appxsyd (press and hold for three seconds to copy)

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