High Magic Earth

Chapter 1055: Miss Madison's Wonderful Journey

The next day, the sun was shining, and the warm light was like a soft flowing liquid, sliding into the room along the gap between the window and the curtain, rendering the interior like gold.

This is not common during the rainy season in New Orleans.

Miss Madison does not hate the sun. On the contrary, compared with the older generation of witches who hate the light and warmth of the previous generation, as a new supreme witch, she prefers the witch rally to combine trend and popular elements.

Think about the former witch school, there is no computer, no wireless network, the only thing is a TV, and a telephone.

That's really true. . It's so boring.

At least now, they can already shop online.

The shape of the school building can be ancient and simple. It’s okay to have a lot of weird incidents around the school, but if there is no courier car parked in front of the door for more than half a month, it will be too noticeable.

This is the reason given by Madison. I don't know whether it is persuading others or herself.

Anyway, she is a supreme witch, and no one dared to refute her during the rally.

The church hasn’t bothered them for a long time, and the voodoo religion hasn’t changed. The resurrection of the old lover from Merlin, New York, has come to an end. The long rest and recuperation has made the witch school a lot more.

But the number is still hovering between one and two digits.

There are only ten students in the school, what is there to teach.

In fact, even if there are more than one hundred awakening witches, there is nothing to teach them at the witch assembly.

Madison became a supreme witch, and the witch rally brought not only the power to protect them, but also opened the door to a new world.

Just like the wizard who appeared with her at the beginning, from his appearance, the church, the voodoo religion, and the British Ministry of Magic came one after another, as if all things in the world were concentrated at this moment.

The same is true for Madison. Although the older generation of the supreme witch Fiona is equally powerful and understands that the outside world is constantly improving, she does not care about witch assemblies at all, she only cares about herself.

The witch rally is not about standing still, but when there are only three or two kittens who have just awakened the witch, they are almost unable to sustain it.

Cordelia is too weak, and the rallying of the rally has actually reached the edge of life and death.

But all this was solved perfectly with Madison's superiority. She took over the way Cordelia detected the awakening of the new witch, and in line with the principle of the British Ministry of Magic's trace, began to search the entire West Coast of the United States for the newly awakened. Witch.

It may be difficult, but under Madison's strength, most of the difficulties are no longer difficult.

Of course, these witches are all young girls, and they are no more than Madison and others at the basic age, which makes her more unhappy, but also faces another problem.

You know, the girl’s mind is one of the most complicated magic in the world.

In particular, a group of girls with very different personalities and talents.

Unfortunately, Madison was neither the dead Dumbledore nor the Professor Xavier next door. Fortunately, under the talented butler of Zoe, the first series of troubles experienced. The witch school gradually settled down. The little witch dare to do things again.

In this, Madison's powerful magical deterrence still played a very big role.

Then they faced the second problem, which is also a problem that everyone must face.

No money.

Fiona has money, and Cordelia may have some savings. It does not mean that Madison has money. Maybe she had saved some small vaults when she was a star dream, but she wanted to support a person who spent money like running water. School institutions, even those with only a dozen people, are not enough.

And at this time, it was the time for witch management and business talents to be filled with only witch magic. Miss Zoe shot.

She and Madison took a trip to Diagon Alley, England, where the goods opened their eyes. Although many things do not want to appear in the Muggle world, there are still gadgets that inspired them and make money. Road, potion.

It is undoubted that Yi Chou would brew potions. He was cast a death spell by Dumbledore’s good brother. Although he was saved without the double protection of soul and Morgana’s wand, his strength was not Qiang Yihou was seriously injured.

In the days when he came to Orleans to become a cat, he used potions to heal himself.

Madison’s talent for potions is far from easy. These free men come easily, but it is completely okay to cook some simple potions. Perhaps in the eyes of a dead potion master, he is too lazy to see them. Works, but for many ordinary people, it is definitely a holy medicine.

So the witch school finally has its own products, and the potions produced in the witch rally have also become more sought-after on the west coast of the United States.

Fortunately, no matter whether Yi Biao was absent, he didn't notice the existence of the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding world in the United States. Otherwise, with Madison, a witch born in the middle, the potion of the rally might not be sold.

Because there are not many witches who can make potions, potions have been circulating in a small area, and Zoe does not recommend Madison's large-scale promotion, otherwise it is easy to attract some unnecessary sight.

Although the witch school is boarding, it does not prevent Zoe from going online to watch the latest science fiction blockbuster. The government there will always mess up everything.

Especially in the face of forces not controlled by the government.

But even so, the witch rally began to fight for gold.

Not only can the British Ministry of Magic contract two house-elves to come back, to support the operation of the witch school, in their spare time, they can also make large-scale online shopping.

The tradition of women shopping and chopping hands is probably not restricted by ethnic space and time.

The witch school was gradually on the right track, and she felt that she was not ashamed of the title of Supreme Witch, Miss Madison could breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, it's more likely that her competitive character is not as low-spirited as it is to make all this mess up.

Madison, who was idle, began to think about the existence of a witch. The wizarding world in Britain, traditional witch gatherings, voodoo religion, and churches, she knew all these things, but consciously walked in the forefront of fashion, and It is not the traditional and old-fashioned Madison in the past. It is not intended to follow the predecessors and look at these people from the eyes of those old antiques.

She prefers to think with modern thinking.

Warlock, she feels that this concept is very consistent with the witch's positioning, no need to learn, magic is born by awakening, there are only seven kinds of magic at most, very consistent with the definition of all power of the warlock from the blood.

But those wizards in the UK, if they can go out and learn magic, it is probably not much different from the warlock, because their magical strength also increases with age.

It is a pity that the witches are far less powerful than the warlock. Whether it is a game that Madison touches, or the warlock in the movie, their ancestors are powerful magical creatures. They can even regain the power of dragons and demons through their bloodlines. the power of.

But the witches have only seven powers, and even the supreme witch can only control seven.

This is too weak.

So the witch didn’t have a good ancestor. It was really pissed. Miss Madison was deeply in crisis and decided to change the way to enhance the power of the witches.

Textbooks in the British magic world are not strictly forbidden to sell to the outside world, and witches have exactly the power to master this. . Oh, don't learn.

Anyway, the Witch School had nothing to teach them.

Rather than a school, it is better to concentrate the witches here, so as not to lose their control, hurt other people, cause harm, or attract more attention to the sisterhood, just sit together and chatter.

It's a pity that Madison's teaching activities haven't been going on for long, and life has once again become troublesome.

To be more precise, it is the world that has no intention of making people calm for a while.

The dead resurrected and the dead returned.

It is said that it first started along the Mississippi River. At first, it did not attract attention, because those who were resurrected were just like ordinary people. Their memories stayed in the period before death, and they did not realize that they were dead.

Some of them found their loved ones before they died, and some did not. Some of their loved ones did not believe them. They thought they were a liar who looked like the deceased, and some chose to help them hide.

So it doesn't cause much confusion, at most it only affects small towns.

Then things started to get out of control.

About seven or eight months later, the number of returning dead increased, and many small towns of small size could no longer hide them.

And some secrets that only the dead know, such as who killed who, and why, killed the life of the living into a pot of porridge.

And there is another point, the life of the dead is getting longer and longer. I heard that in some towns, not only the soldiers dressed in the American Revolutionary War, but even the Spanish Knights during the pioneering America.

That's really. . A mess.

But this is not worse.

According to information obtained by Madison, the worst thing is that the deceased return, and the deceased lives forever.

There are conflicts where there are people, especially now that there are so many people, and conflicts will inevitably cause casualties. Some people died in the conflicts, and people did not realize what it meant.

Now they are also resurrected.

The nearest one was a black special agent who was shot dead by a black gun at noon while investigating a case. At night, he appeared on a small road half a kilometer away from his home, from the jungle beside the road Walked out in a daze.

The most important thing is his dead body during the day, still in the morgue.

Things can't be suppressed.

Without Zoe’s reminder, even Madison’s head can think of this, because the world’s population is already large enough, and there are no extra resources. Now there are so many people suddenly, and it seems to be endless. Absolutely a disaster.

And Madison knew more.

When she heard that the initial outbreak was in the Mississippi River Basin, she immediately thought of the little gift left by her dear when she left.

Now, it seems that it is working.

Fortunately, the problem has not reached the point where it cannot be solved. The origin and magic will naturally be ended by magic, as long as they find a solution.

The return of the dead did not only happen in the United States, so the Ministry of Magic as far away as the United Kingdom was also alarmed. Together with the descendants of Merlin in New York, it seems that they intend to jointly solve this ancient magic.

At the beginning of the spread of magic, when there was no major crisis.

The New Orleans witches along the West Coast seem to have been forgotten.

But this was not the time to let Madison relax, because of the greater trouble.

Devil's trail appeared in the Decapitated Valley.

Duantougu is also known as Sleeping Valley. The mystery of this place is as uncomfortable as its name. Before it appeared, almost everyone didn’t know the place, and left it behind until it appeared. Only then did people realize that there was such a place in the United States.

There were traces of demons in Sleeping Valley, and there seemed to be traces of witches, but for Madison, it was difficult for her to lift her spirits.

Until she heard a news.

that person. . It seems to appear in it.

Madison appeared at Sleepy Valley almost at the same time when she got the news. She saw Yi Chou, the one she loved so much, changed her destiny, and disappeared for so long without even saying hello, the **** guy.

To be honest, she was not angry, she didn’t completely follow him, the little **** named Winnie torn it, tossed it into the Mississippi River to feed the crocodiles, and did not hurry with her for the second time in Yihuo Farewell, and then disappeared for more than half a year without even a message, strangling him alive.

complete! No!

Miss Madison swears that if Yi Huo appears in front of her next time, if she is alone, she will burn him to death and then love him again.

If it is two people, then burn together, of course, she still loves him.

This is the simple idea of ​​Miss Madison.

. . .

The sunlight gradually spread and spread to Miss Madison’s pillow. The warm sunlight heated the pillow, and finally succeeded in refracting the blond hair’s long hair gloss to her eyes, and then came awake~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Madison She sat up not too energetic. She put her long hair behind her head and whispered over her forehead. "A bad day has begun..."

The thin quilt slipped off, revealing the dark purple corset below. Madison stood up very calmly, wrapped the heavy bathrobe on the wall tightly around herself, then she opened the door and leaned against the door frame and shouted , "Zoe ---"

But the next moment, her voice was stuck in her throat.

Because the door is not the milky white corridor of the witch school, nor the noisy scene of the witch's head in the morning, but the pedestrian, traffic, sunny, prosperous commercial block.

Madison can even see the amazing eyes that the pedestrians in front of him occasionally skim over, as well as the giant light-screen billboards and pizzerias that are changing colors not far away.

And farther away, there is a vaguely exposed head, the iconic Statue of Liberty and the Hudson River.

here is.

new York!

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