High Magic Earth

Chapter 1056: Miss Madison's Bizarre Journey (2)

For about three seconds of silence, Madison closed the door of her room silently, it must be that she opened the door in the wrong way, or there was a little witch in the school who wanted to make trouble.

Then Miss Madison, shrouded in a low air pressure, heard a trembling voice, "Ma'am...do you need help..."

Madison raised his eyelids, and then saw a guy dressed as a waiter standing by the wall not far away, looking at himself hesitantly.

She looked back slowly, and what she saw, the door she was leaning against, should be the door with the carved art plate hanging on the door that had just been opened, "men's bathroom."

Silently turned back again.

Your own warm bed, wardrobe with seamless stretch spell, dresser with seamless stretch spell.

all! All! Do not! see! Now!

Only the unlucky egg in front of me.

"No, thank you." Madison squeezed a smile at him, but the poor waiter seemed to be thrown into the ice cave instantaneously, shaking even more, because even he was aware of this smile. Deeply malicious and full of anger.

but. . How did he feel that the lady in front of him seemed familiar. .

Without waiting for the waitress to understand the problem, Madison snapped his fingers, and the waitress leaning against the wall immediately fell to the ground as if he had no energy, and the person fainted. past.

Madison's face was gloomy, and the flat-bottomed slippers just made her feel like wearing high-heeled shoes, knocking on the smooth ground, and the pure white plush bathrobe changed like scales as she progressed. Stay on the style of a black slim dress.

But just when she was about to leave the place, Madison stopped again. She turned her head to look, and then found the women's bathroom in the other corner, pushed open the door and drilled in.

Half a minute later, when she came out again, her face had been put on a simple light makeup, and behind her, you can also see through the slowly closed toilet door that a black handbag was left casually on the sink On the ground, the cosmetics were scattered in a mess, and on the ground by the wall, a new lady with a bad luck was sitting.

Madison, who had a completely new look, obviously had many times stronger aura. The light smoky makeup made her look a little bit more stern. At this time, her feet had been replaced by real high-heeled shoes. She stepped on the floor unassumingly It's crunchy.


Madison stopped quickly. She glanced at the male waiter at her feet and hooked her hand slightly. The checkered handkerchief he hung in the chest pocket flew into her hand.

When Madison stepped over the door of a room again, the checkered handkerchief had changed into a black English hat in her hand.

She buckled the English top hat on her head and walked out with her head held high.

Passing through the relatively quiet corridor of the guest room, the noisy and even hot air outside immediately came across.

Outside is a cafe, part-time selling some snacks and other small desserts and fast food, according to Madison observation, this should be an inflow hotel.

In the back is the guest room hotel and back kitchen, and in the front is the cafe during the day, which may be a shared rental or a chain operation.

Ok. . Did you learn a lot of business knowledge with Zoe during this time?

There are a lot of people in the coffee shop, and the waiters at several windows are already too busy. Madison glanced at the special products above, with super spicy special hot dogs and burgers.

Opposite the order gate is the glass door. The entire coffee shop is about 50 to 60 square meters. Outside the glass door, there are not many people on the street, but there is a lot of passenger traffic in the store. If this is New York, this store It's kind of very good business.

but. . Why are so many people secretly looking at themselves.

Madison wondered.

First of all, she was pretty sure she didn't wear the wrong clothes. New Orleans and New York are now in the summer and autumn season. Even if this dress is not very cool, it can't be called winter clothes.

Secondly, Madison didn't think it was the culprit caused by the two people she put in. They were not dead. Madison only gave a coma spell to one person, plus the Muggle expulsion spell, even if they had not been punished after half an hour. People noticed that they woke up long ago.

Maybe it's because of the bad position?

Okay, behind is the guest room area. Even if you are not a resident here, you are a raw face, but not so many people recognize yourself.

Almost a half of the people in the coffee shop are secretly watching her, don't think she didn't find it!

Is it possible that this half of the people are the guests behind the shop and they all know each other? This probability is too small, Madison would rather believe that there is a problem with her dress.

Fortunately, Madison as a supreme witch, this scene can still bear.

but. . Although I don’t know which part is the problem, it does not prevent the air pressure around Madison from getting lower and lower. Even where she went, even the murmur of her surroundings was much quieter.

She has already decided that when she finds Dave, she will definitely blow up his house first, otherwise she will not talk!

As for why it is Dave.

Only if he is a descendant of Merlin, and the person is in New York, the magician of the whole New York belongs to him. If he said that he suddenly came to New York and it has nothing to do with him, the ghost only believes!

With this in mind, Madison's face was dark again, almost dripping out of water.

She also counted the accounts of people around her and the strange eyes on Dave's head.

Emma, ​​Emma Roberts?

Who is that? Why do people around me say this name, and why do they think they are Emma while they are talking and looking in their own direction? It's strange, so many people think they are Emma, ​​does this Emma really look like herself?

With this in mind, Madison pushed angrily open the glass door, the high heels murmured on the ground, and then strode out.

Before leaving, she also heard a guy in the background whispering with his companion.

"This is Emma Roberts? I finally saw a real person, much prettier than I thought, but... the temper seems to be bigger than reported, and it seems that the rumors of her violent tendency are not unfounded..."

Madison: . .

Well, maybe this Emma Roberts may indeed be somewhat similar to himself.

Madison stepped down the steps, walked to the side of the avenue, and extended his right hand, "Taxi!"

She didn't understand why so many wizards like to use phantom transfer, or flying powder, and she didn't encourage witches to do this.

Perhaps there is no way in the British magic world, because there is relatively closed, there is no Muggle taxi at all, only a knight bus that does not know how many years.

But near the west coast of New Orleans, renting out is definitely more convenient than moving around, and it will not be caught by surveillance or unrelated people.

Clearing memory is really a hassle. Dave has complained about this problem more than once in meetings, saying that he can't suppress the American magic world from being known to ordinary people.

When there are fewer witches, there may be no problem with the occasional phantom migration, but if there are more people, and everyone is so, it will be exposed one day sooner or later.

and so. . Under Madison's leadership, the life of the witch assembly is still closer to ordinary people, more like. . A group of girls with super powers, not the ugly medieval witches.

At some point, the traffic in New York is still very convenient, and soon a yellow taxi stops in front of her, which is one of New York's specialties.

Black taxi driver.

"Forty-sixth in Manhattan." Madison sat in, and then coldly reported an address.

This is one of Merlin’s three disciples, Balthazar’s antique shop, or magic shop, which became Dave’s stronghold after the resurrection of Merlin’s old lover.

The basement area is quite large, enough for Dave to lead new magicians to practice magic.

Perhaps there are not many people who know this place, but you can definitely find that Manhattan is not a chaotic neighborhood. As one of the oldest neighborhoods in New York, it is impossible to find it by the house number.

Sure enough, the black driver didn't even ask, and flew out of the accelerator.

Then he habitually glanced at the rearview mirror. The black driver froze for a moment, then looked at it again.

The wizards were very sensitive to their eyes. Even the witch, Madison almost immediately realized that the driver in front was watching, but she still sat in the back seat very calmly.

Sure enough, the black driver is not a dead-end guy.

"Madam, are you Miss Emma Roberts?"

The black driver asked with fluent black English.

Madison twitched, "Yes, I am."

When she discovered that the driver was observing herself, she realized that he might ask questions. She probably wouldn't get into guys like killers and agents in the movie, then. . It's just that, as in the previous store, it mistakes itself as another person.

But what Madison didn't understand was that New Orleans and New York were not separated by several countries. This guy, who looked like himself, was so famous that he didn't know why.

She hadn't encountered such a problem before when she went out, just like this Emma Roberts popped out of nowhere.

Hearing Emma's confession, the black driver was immediately excited, "I knew it was you!" he said excitedly, "I liked watching American horror stories from the beginning, but now, I am your fan."

"Can I sign a name when I get off?"

"When... of course."

The black driver kept aiming at Madison through the rearview mirror, just like other taxi drivers who couldn’t stop talking. Once, I believe, you will definitely become a big star like your aunt!"

"Even older than her!"


"Yes!" The black driver shook his head as if he had brought his own beat, and nodded to confirm.

Madison digested it before accepting that he was not laughing at his former star dream shattered, but that this guy named Emma Roberts was really a Hollywood star. This message.

but. . Madison was even more puzzled.

Just like the original question, there is such a guy in Hollywood, who has grown up with himself, and can make so many people admit that the star is wrong. How could he not know at all.

Even if you don’t know, the little idles in the school, only the little witches who are star chases and fans should know that their hobbies are so wide, why no one reminds themselves.

It seemed to find that Madison was a little bit of a soul. After adding the previous answers, they all seemed to be fluttering and flickering. The black driver could not help but asked, "Miss Roberts, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Madison recovered, and said quickly, "Of course it's okay."

The black driver nodded, and then couldn't help glancing back into the rearview mirror. He looked at Madison's dress, and then suddenly asked like he remembered something.

"Is the second part of the witch rally? The latest American horror story or the witch rally? Is it a follow-up?"

But hearing the black driver's question, Madison's eyes narrowed slightly. "Do you know the witch assembly?" Her voice seemed to ask a little calmly.

The black driver in front did not notice the change in Madison's tone. He was still in the excitement of making a big news, he said happily.

"Of course, I haven't said it." He patted the speaker twice. "I'm a fan of American horror stories. How come I don't know the witch rally."

"That's... I think the American horror story was the most exciting season."

"Although many people say that the other seasons are real horror stories, and this season is an idol drama, but I think everyone likes it differently, doesn't it." The black driver shrugged.

Madison sitting in the back seat fell into a brief silence.

The Hollywood star, Emma Roberts, who looks very much like himself, is an American horror story TV series, and one season is called the Witch Rally.

There is enough information exposed here.

She is not stupid. These clues are enough to make her think of many things. Even if she doesn’t believe it, Madison has to admit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that she has run into a very bizarre thing.

The black driver in front may have realized Madison’s linguistic problems after he finished speaking. He was concerned and asked more strangely, “Miss Roberts, are you really okay?”

"Of course it's okay." Miss Madison smiled. "I've never been like this, when I'm sober."

The black driver nodded suspiciously, but he didn't notice that behind the seat that was not visible in the rearview mirror, Madison's hands had pinched an exquisite and small stick.

. . .

But at the same time, in the far east of the other side of the earth, in an inconspicuous corner of an eastern coastal city, shadows slowly converged.

The falling leaves were blown away as if there was no wind, and the shadow suddenly expanded against the wall and then shrank suddenly.

The next moment, the shadow disappeared.

Only two figures appeared out of nowhere.

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