High Magic Earth

Chapter 1057: native land

Yi Xiao and Alimond appeared on the back of the wall and tapped the wall lightly. Yi Xiao did not find complicated monitoring equipment here.

This is the advantage of Eastern cities. Although monitoring has also begun to become popular, it is relatively rigid and still has many dead ends.

Alimond learned to look like a human and patted the dust that didn't exist on his clothes. There was a trace of excitement in his expression. "Is this the hometown of the gentleman? It seems to be no different from my hometown."

Although the portal with the shadow open can be positioned at will, it is only in the second world. In the present world, it can only be counted as a certain degree of magic. The positioning is not as accurate as in the second world.

Yi Xiao still remembers that when he last disappeared, it was probably at a toll gate in the suburbs, and then they were blocked by Eve and a group of guys.

With some distressed rubbing of his head, Yi Chou feels that the trouble from the human side may be more distressing than facing the entanglement of angels and demons.

"It's a group of guys who don't know the situation." Yi Xiao frowned.

There has been some coolness around them. The location of the two people is still near the suburbs. It seems to be a building or an abandoned construction site. The wall they are backing against is a ruined building, a quiet and dilapidated building. It is indeed somewhat similar to Britain after Alimond was born.

It doesn't matter if it thinks so.

but. .

"Not all right." Yi Xuan shrugged. "You are not right." He pointed to Alimond.

"Me?" Alimond was puzzled.

"You should change your look." Yi Huo said, "It's because I didn't think about it. The appearance of Westerners is still a little noticeable here."

This is not a big problem, but sometimes it does attract some unnecessary eyes. For Yi Chou at this time, such eyes are best avoided.

"As you wish, sir." Alimond immediately took a picture from his arms, and then began to cast a metamorphic spell on himself.

The magic of house-elves is different from that of wizards. The most intuitive difference is that there is no wand. As for the deeper, Yi Xiao has not studied this thing.

But after waiting for a while, Alimond did not change.

"Okay." Yi Chou, who didn't want to wait for a long time, took over the problem of its image and began to deal with it. "It seems that the magic on the necklace does not affect you at least. At least your deformation spell is not easy to use."

There are still many mysteries in Melisandre's necklace from the world of ice and fire. As Yi Chou took it back to Neverland, he realized that the magic on the necklace became stronger and stronger.

It seems that the magic attached to the necklace was suppressed.

Yi Xiao suspected that this was a precious magical prop. I don't know what the reason was. Perhaps, as the magic of Westeros declined, its power became weaker and weaker.

Later, it can only be used as a cover-up in the hands of Melisandre.

And as Yi Xiao brought it back to Dream Island, the abundant magic energy made it more active. Of course, there is still a long distance from the complete recovery of the necklace. However, the mystery that is too deep cannot be solved, and Yi Xiao copied the above. It’s no problem to make other disguised props.

The magic of Yi Chou and the magic of the necklace he made naturally come from the same source. His transforming spell was easily realized on Alimond.

The fairly handsome western face soon began to distort, and with Alimond's skeleton, it gradually changed into a common Eastern man's appearance.

Nodded in satisfaction, Yi Biao took out the photo that Alimond was holding.

"What is this?" The picture shows a Qing Dynasty man with braids. The black and white photo looks a bit gloomy. Apparently Alimond, who is a house elf, doesn't know the appearance of the Orientals. The photos change.

Rolling his eyes at the bottom of his heart, Yi Chou put the photo back in his arms.

"Follow me, say less, read more, you still have a lot to learn." He said to Alimond.

Alimond nodded, "But sir, this is what Miss Winnie said to you."

Yi Biao suddenly stopped, he turned his head and then looked at Alimond steadily, "I think this sentence will take effect from now on."

At that moment, Alimond thought that when he returned to the Ministry of Magic again, he was chosen by countless pure-blood nobles as a commodity, such as the ice cave. When Yi Chou finished this sentence, it immediately closed firmly. Mouth closed.

Walking through the Red Forest and Black Forest all the year round, Yi Huo, and house elves who are not humans at all, have better physical fitness than ordinary people. The two soon left this ruin, and after finding the asphalt road, Yi Xiao frowned slightly.

"Is there a car in our warehouse?"

In order to avoid Alimond not knowing what a car is, Yi Biao pulls his hands and stretches a car model built with magic flame in his palm.

Alimond stared at his eyes, then shook his head decisively.

"Okay." Yi Biao sighed. "Even if it does, don't even want to use it in the past ten years."

He glanced left and right, then reached into a shadow, and pulled a large piece of iron from it that seemed to be some kind of mutilated iron.

This is the broken part of the colonial ship. There are many such scrap irons that are used to change a car. It is convenient. The iron block was thrown on the ground by Yi Chou. It soon began to distort and deform, and finally formed his memory. More common types of cars.

Yi Chou calmly pulled the car door to sit in and helped Alimond open the co-pilot.

Alimond, who lived after World War I, should theoretically know such things as cars, but that is the magic world, except for Mr. Arthur who has not grown up, only Hogwarts trains and knight buses, Oh, by the way, the Hogwarts special train at that time was still a train, and the Knight Bus did not know whether it existed or not.

So after Alimond got into the car door and sat in the seat with Yi Xiao, and after waiting calmly for half a minute, he finally couldn't help but ask, "Sir, we don't seem to be moving at all."

"That's because there is no engine and no oil." Yi Xiao expressionless.

He forgot one thing, the transforming mantra can change the shape of the object, and in a sense, can turn the table into a pig, but it is not so satisfactory for the changed body.

Because the pig can be turned into a table and looked at, there must be no internal organs and blood.

In other words, Yi Chou can make a model of a car, but it is just a look, and there are no parts in it.

and so. . Still need a silver tongue.

Yi Xiao took out a new magic book, turned to one of the pages, and chanted in a low voice. After a while, the car made a roar, and then drove away.

. . .

The previous magic book was still forcibly destroyed by it in the battle of wisdom brains, even if it is known that Yi Chao's source of power was not this magic book at all.

But it doesn't matter. For similar things, Yi Chao produced at least one hundred copies.

Anyway, it is just the most common book. As long as one book is written, the other is just a wave of a wand or a word for Yi Chou.

At night, Yi Chou took Alimond to drive the car fast.

He didn't know where the end of the road was going, but no matter what the end of the road was, it was much better than stopping at halfway.

Nearly ten years, it is enough for people to forget most things. Even if it is easy to clamor, it can’t be recalled where this road should lead. He remembers that this is a coastal city on the Liaodong Peninsula, so it follows the stars in the night sky As a guide, casually found a direction, Yi arrogant went out.

While sitting in the car, I feel arrogant for a time, and I feel a strange feeling that can't be said.

At this time, Yi Biao had to admire that the creation of such words with emotion was indeed very subtle, and it almost summed up such a complicated psychology of a person so cleverly.

Just returning to the homeland, but this time when the soul is full of energy and can feel the arrogance of all kinds of emotions, his ears and the next Alimond move slightly at the same time, and then, a roar from Came from behind.

"Woo! Woo! Boom!"

It is the roar of the engine. This kind of sound does not need to be familiar. For people living in this world, they will not forget it even after a long time.

Yi Xiao's body didn't move, and his head slightly turned to the rearview mirror. Sure enough, three or four sports cars of different colors roared and roared from behind.

The roads in the suburbs are still very fast and spacious, but with the intention that one more thing is worse than one less, Yi Chou still skillfully turns the steering wheel to slightly let go of the car, and then his fingers move slightly, the whole car is already under the magic envelope.

It will make people ignore the existence of this car, of course, will also subconsciously avoid this direction.

At the same time that Yi Biao's magic was completed, the sports cars behind him roared, and almost in a blink of an eye, Yi Biao was pulled away by hundreds of meters.

No trouble, no collision, nothing, just an episode on the road.

"Is it just a car?" The house elf has much better eyesight than humans. As for the reason, its eyes are far larger than humans.

For the speed that is difficult for humans to catch, the house elf can still see clearly. When he saw the fleet of sports cars in a flash, he asked curiously.

"Yes." Yi Yi's answer was as calm as ever.

"It turns out that the car is so fast." Alimond nodded slightly. "Why didn't we do it so fast."

"Because I don't want to die yet."

Alimond is a little puzzled. "No matter how fast it is, the sir will be fine." It knows Yihou magic and knows it better than other house elves, so it knows how terrible it is.

"But they will."

Alimond is more puzzled, but Yi Chou has been silent.

Yi Chou's conversation here was calm, but the team that had just passed was not so calm.

Whether they are professional drivers or young people who are bored at night, they will not strangely provoke an ordinary vehicle that is encountered on the road, like the kind of car that they have never seen on the road. Dozens of cars.

The only meaning of these cars is that they are overtaken by them, and become another number to show off on their routes.

but. . This one is obviously a bit different.

The leading red sports car is closest to the lane of Yi Chou. He naturally saw the black car in front. The young man on the car didn't pay attention. In the blink of an eye, he left Yi Chou behind.

Just a hundred meters away, he glanced subconsciously at the rearview mirror, and the black car was gone.

Is it so fast? The young man froze.

"Did you just see a black car?" He almost subconsciously asked the co-pilot's female partner.

The female partner was also confused, "What? Black car? I... I didn't seem to see..." Her tone sounded hesitant.

This is a very common thing, maybe he has thrown the other person out of sight, maybe he has seen it wrong, but I don’t know why, this thing is entrenched in the heart of young people like a viper , Making him uneasy, and even a little distracted, but neither him nor his female companion seemed to realize this.

He is too tired.

It is difficult for ordinary people to concentrate their spirits for a long time under high-speed driving.

. . .

Half an hour later, when Yi Biao and Alimond drove slowly to catch up, what appeared in front was the extremely miserable scene of the accident.

The accident was a red sports car, which was almost thrown off the road. Depending on how damaged it was, Yi Chou did not think there would be survivors on it.

But now Yi Biao is facing another problem. Some people have begun to deal with the scene, so the traffic police will stop Yi Biao at the next moment.

"Your driver's license." The other party is just a routine question.

Unfortunately, Yi Chou really didn't.

With a sigh, Yi Chou took out an empty card from his arms, and the traffic police took it, then looked at it, and waved his hand, "Go." He said.

This is why Yi Chou does not worry about license plate issues. Neither the license plate nor the driver’s license is there. Even if he had a driver’s license for ten years, it would be invalid.

"Sir, did you do it?" After Yi Chou and Alimond left here, Alimond pondered for a moment, then asked in a low voice.

"What?" Yi arrogant, "Oh, I deceived the man's eyes with magic, he felt that he was looking at a correct driver's license, you know the driver's license is..."

"I don't mean this, I mean..." Alimond waved his hand, "Is that car your curse?"

"That car accident?" Yi Chou was a little surprised, but he shook his head. "No, of course not. I didn't do anything to him. I didn't even take out the magic book. Why did I ask that."

Alimond shrugged like he was arrogant, "That's...coincidentally."

Yi Xiao shook his head again, "That's not a coincidence, it's a necessity, at least... Most of the time, it's inevitable. You just stay in the human world for a while, just like I said, what you need to learn is still There are many."

Hearing Yi Chou's words, Alimond fell into silence again.

Half an hour later, Yi Chao and Alimond finally saw the lights representing the city.

. . .

Yi Ao took Alimond to replace the transportation tool with a car. After arriving in this world, Yi Ao had decided to use magic as little as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble, but also because he needed time to think about the next trip.

Of course, there was already a certain plan in the Red Castle, but he did not know what the situation was in this world. Some things still need to come back and be considered.

First of all, if Yi Biao remembers correctly, before he disappeared, a biological virus from the blood family broke out in this city, although according to the information of Zhang Junyun and Jamie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There seems to be no in this world What happened, but he was not sure about the accuracy of the information.

Yi Chao must first figure out the surrounding conditions, whether the virus is under control.

So he needs a foothold, the Internet. Although he has been away from the Internet for a long time, Yi Xiao has to admit that this is indeed the fastest way for the source.

Secondly, it is to give the monsters that he has emerged from the virtual brain to the real in the battle of Zhinao to have a suitable foothold, because if there is no accident, the next action may still be used To them.

It is also time, in this world, to organize and arrange their gains.

. . .

but. . Just after Yi Chou and Alimond returned, they were very calm, even quietly, far away on the other side of the earth, as they had just appeared for more than three months, but because they became the hottest technology company seth, they were not so calm.

At the same time when the battle of wisdom brains ended, a laboratory in the deepest underground was almost instantaneously covered by red alarms in all spaces.

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