High Magic Earth

Chapter 1058: Search

Mr. Feng was the first to rush to the scene. He is enjoying his easy life at the top of seth company, and then the sudden red alarm interrupted all his plans today.

The height of the thirty-story building didn't even take Mr. Feng one minute. He seemed to be faster than taking the elevator down, but in the chaos, no one noticed this.

"Dr. Price." In the confusion, Mr. Feng grabbed a clerk who was closest to him and was hurried to his reserved position.

The young man in white shirt shook his head in confusion, or he didn't even know who Mr. Feng was.

The alarm broke out very suddenly, and many people were just called back. It was precisely the time for rest. Although many people left their posts, they did not go far, just in the rest area above.

The chaotic range directly enveloped the two-story underground space, while the ground a short distance away was not affected by the alarm.

After asking a few people in a row, Mr. Feng only got enough information intermittently. Dr. Price seemed to go to the fourth floor underground space, and as always, no one needed to follow.

Mr. Feng understood it almost immediately.

Because he knows what the fourth floor is.

It's really chaotic. Mr. Feng patted his head. Besides this place, where can Price be?

But there is such a big mess here, and he is still on his fourth floor, which is a bit unbearable.

Mr. Feng suppressed the irritability and anxiety in his heart, reversing the crowd, and hurried to the stairs leading to the lower floor. Everyone was gathering to the first and second floors, so there was no one in the stairs leading to the third or fourth.

After half a minute, Mr. Feng came to the so-called fourth floor.

In front of him is a huge steel, smooth surface with steel surface that looks extremely strong, and the side of the door is the latest security lock produced by seth company, except Dr. Price, there is no People know the password.

But Mr. Feng does not need a password.

I saw that he took a deep breath and came to the closed door, kicking it out with a slam, the two closely arranged steel doors immediately seemed to be hit by a train, in a harsh squeak. , Cracked backwards and opened a half-meter wide gap.

Mr. Feng walked in somberly, and then grabbed Dr. Price, who was still staring at the gate.

"I said, the company can allow you to carry out that toy-like personal scientific research project, but don't forget, what is your job."

Dr. Price glanced behind the densely packed embryos of unknown organisms stored in glass Petri dishes, trying to refute, "This is not a toy, you don’t understand, this is a great invention, this creature is completely The meaning of the times..."

"No." Mr. Feng interrupted Dr. Price and directly grabbed him and dragged out. "What I don't understand is you, a mad scientist like you. There are many goals we can choose, but why did we finally choose you."

"Because you are weaker, harmless, and easier to control than other goals."

"So... you can't refute our orders, you must do your own job well."

"For the next time, all research materials on the fourth floor will be cleared, including you."

"You should know that you may not be able to return to Tieshan Town. This is not a round-trip ticket, but a one-way ticket. You have to keep going or die until you have no other choice."

Dr. Price immediately kept silent, and the IQ of the guy who could become a doctor would not be low.

In this way, Mr. Feng carried Dr. Price to the front of the laboratory on the second floor, only to find a place where no one was there to put him down.

Dr. Price looked at him a little strangely behind Mr. Feng. He had long known that Mr. Feng was not an ordinary normal human, but he did not expect that his power was much greater than he thought.

"I am very sensitive to my eyes." Mr. Feng, who was walking ahead, said lightly.

Dr. Price looked serious, pretending to be like he didn't hear it, and strode to his place. When he came here, Mr. Feng no longer had trouble with Price. After all, he knew nothing about research.

With his arms in his arms, he stood quietly in the laboratory and looked at the busy crowd around him. After ten minutes, Dr. Price walked over with an ugly face and said to Mr. Feng, "The situation is not very good. "

"I don't need you to say that I also know that I want a more specific situation."

"I'm afraid we need to go to the scene to look at it." Dr. Price said in a tone of voice, "we said as we walked." He made a guiding gesture.

"All the signal sources have been cut off." Dr. Price took a sigh of relief, and then continued to explain to Mr. Feng, "but the wisdom brain itself is not life-threatening."

"What did the previous sentence mean."

"Meaning... I'm afraid I've lost control of that world. No matter what plans we have, we may have failed completely."


. . .

The plan is always changing. Ever since Yi Chou met the duo of Stark and Barry in the world of ice and fire, he knew this sentence well.

Stark is also a person who likes to prepare everything before acting fully, but sometimes, things will always develop to which side he has not prepared.

At this time, he will act first, then plan, so that the brain is completely intuitive.

In the end, he paid a price for it.

May he live well in hell.

Yi Xiao does not regret crushing the apple that represents his heart. Because of his frizz, Yi Xiao encountered an unprecedented turbulence in the world, causing him to separate from Winnie in a moment. The time of the two worlds has passed 100 years.

Although Green is a magical creature, he has no longer than a hundred years of life.

When I thought about it later, things were a little bit weird.

The turbulence in the world does cause different speeds of time, but the time of one hundred years is indeed too long, which is very rare, and when entering the intersection of the two worlds, Yi Chou broke the fragments of the universe cube that he seized. There was a strange energy.

It was this energy that triggered the turbulence in the world and exacerbated it.

Fragments are from angels, and things that are related to angels.

But the last step was Stark, who had to pay the price.

Just like Stark knew that his father’s enemy was Bucky, but Bucky was just brainwashed by the Hydra, but unfortunately Yi Chou wasn’t Stark. Stark finally let go of Bucky, but Yi Chou didn’t. .

I don't know what kind of reaction will be caused when this matter is returned to their superhero world.

It was still far away for Yi Chou. Now, he needs to think about something closer.

He directly opened the channel of the two worlds to the present world through the portal of the shadow. Although he borrowed the power of the hourglass, it was different from the source point transmission known by other free people.

Without the fluctuations transmitted by the source, his whereabouts would not be known.

According to Mei Mi, only when the free man returns to the present world for the first time will he be caught, but in fact every fluctuation of the transmission of the source point will appear, but it is only getting weaker.

But no matter what kind, Yi Chao is now completely out of the tracking of fluctuations.

This means that his return will not be traced by intentional people, and it also means that there will not be some inexplicable guys coming to the door in this world.

Perhaps it was a good thing for Yi Yihuo before.

But now, he misses these guys a little.

But if the clues to the next actions of Yi Chou's actions are broken without these people, it is obviously unlikely. Even without the power of silver tongue, Yi Chou would be very easy to find someone.

Returning back to the inner city of Yi Biao and Alimond, they found an empty room in an office building and settled it down. Judging from the internal sorting situation, there is no room for rent yet, so Yi Biao decided to borrow it temporarily.

He placed an expulsion spell around the room, hoping that the owner here would not come back just so coincidentally, because he would find that his house was gone.

Yi Xiao was looking for the information he needed to know in front of the computer, while Alimond was standing by the window, looking at the bustling commercial street with neon lights in the distance.

"Sir, I remember you said that a large-scale disease outbreak broke out in this city not long ago, but why it looks a little different." A long time later, Alimond asked suddenly.

"like what?"

"The city after the ravages of the Black Death."

"Have you seen the Black Death at that time?" Yi Xuan stopped his hand and tilted his head to look at Alimond. In his memory, this group of house elves who were given to him by the pure blood family seemed to be of age It’s not big. Besides, the house-elf is not a long-lived species. Even if it can live for one or two hundred years, it is far from seeing the Black Death in the 14th century.

"No." Alimond shook his head. "But inside us, there are these things circulating."

Yi Chou nodded and did not continue to question.

"This is not the Black Death." He shook his head at Alimond. "Secondly, there are a lot of people here, so the energy recovery is faster than it seems."

Time gradually passed in a somewhat boring conversation between Alimond and Yi Xuan, and after an hour, Yi Xuan had found enough information on the Internet for his needs.

During these three months of his disappearance, this world happened a big event that was enough to attract attention and vigilance.

Of course, those who can find relevant reports on the Internet are basically things that have attracted some attention.

The first is the blood-borne virus that broke out in the city before Yihou left. This incident did not circulate a little news on the Internet. I am afraid that even if it was there, it will soon be deleted.

Secondly, there are many cities in the United States. In some cities, it seems that some people have seen the figures of the superheroes in the movie, and there are still snapshots of them on the Internet.

However, in Yi Biao's view, those superheroes do not look like original ones, but like new humans who have acquired similar abilities and put on the clothes of these heroes.

The appearance of these people did not cause much repercussions. Many people only think that this is a special effects lens or a promotional video made by superhero culture-related enthusiasts. After all, the number of these new humans is very small, and only a few people see it. Difficult to convince the public.

Even if some government departments are eyeing this, I am afraid that they are just trying it out, and have not really believed in the video.

What's even more strange is that no such thing happened in China, and not only that, even the Zhao brothers didn't seem to have a voice at all, let alone the two free person-related organizations that Yi Xuan first learned of.

What is different from the domestic calm is a seth technology company in New York. Yi Chou can almost conclude that behind this company is the support of new human beings.

Because they come up with a lot of advanced technology.

Imperfect virtual reality, faster communication transmission, etc., but with some scientific research as the background in science fiction movies, it has quickly become one of the hottest companies during this time.

but. . Yi Chao's focus is not just here.

"Virtual reality..." He murmured softly, tapping the corner of the desk with his fingers.

It seemed that it was time to go to New York, but I didn't expect the first clue to come so quickly.


Hearing Yi Chou's call, the house elf who was studying the shopping process of the world immediately looked up, "Sir?"

"Go and sort it out, we will go tonight." Then, Yi Chou threw him a wallet.

Alimond nodded, grabbed his wallet, and quickly left the room.

Don't think that house-elves don't shop, in fact, their housework magic will be more convenient to buy, it just rarely leaves the wizarding world.

Even the pureblood estates of the wizarding world are not self-sufficient and still need to be purchased from the outside world, except that there may be wizards who trade with domestic elves.

but. . It does not mean that smart Alimond cannot learn.

Yi Xiao gave his wallet unlimited withdrawals, of course, all of them are fake, but it can be maintained for a month, enough to let these coins circulate, and do not point the ultimate goal to Alimond and Yi Huo.

After Alimond left, Yi Biao made two more calls.

They were two of his best friends, Qu Hongye and Ye Jie. My friends are very strange vocabulary about Yi Chou's book, but now they are no stranger.

It's a pity that neither of them can contact ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ According to Ye Jie's family, she came back half a month ago and left in a hurry.

For the guy in Qu Hong, the frequent disappearance is not an unexpected accident, but Ye Jie has always been a model of a good girl. She will disappear for half a month, and even disappeared once before this, really Some are not normal.

But now Yi Xuan does not have much energy to investigate their affairs, because it is even more urgent to trace the whereabouts of Zhinao.

By the time Alimond returned with his pockets full, Yi Biao had already checked the last flight to New York tonight. The two of them did not stop and rushed to the airport.

When Yi Xiao took Alimond into the plane with stealth and confusion spells, the time was right.

There is even time for him to go to a nearby gift shop to pass by a fake antique jar as a temporary resting place for those monsters in this world.

After half a minute, the plane took off, and Yi Chou and Alimond returned to the present world in less than half a day, and hurriedly embarked on their journey to New York.

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