High Magic Earth

Chapter 1059: stage

Mr. Feng always thought he was very patient, but at this time, Dr. Price was busy back and forth beside the instrument, but he couldn't get enough information to reassure him. Mr. Feng felt that he might have overestimated his patience. force.

"What the **** is going on." Mr. Feng can't remember how many times he asked this way. In just ten minutes, he may have more questions than a month.

This is really difficult for a polite, gentle and wise guy who always disguise himself.

Dr. Price didn't know that he heard this question for the first time, but. . The situation is indeed a bit bad.

Even if the temperature in the laboratory has been kept at room temperature, a thick layer of fine sweat beads still appears on Dr. Price's forehead, and even the collar is a little wet.

It seemed to notice that Mr. Feng, who could not get any more answers, was about to explode, and Dr. Price finally took a breath and wiped his forehead and came over.

"Get rid of you and tell me the good news." Mr. Feng said to him.

But Dr. Price responded with an ugly shaking head, "The situation is very bad, worse than I expected."

At the end of the laboratory is a sterile room, where a woman is lying quietly, the wheat-colored skin still has a healthy and smooth color, but the whole person has no other than a regular heart beat on the instrument next to it. reaction.

This is Eve.

It can also be regarded as the biological core of the entire wisdom brain.

As an unidentified strange creature with unusually strong mental power, it seems a little overkill to use her in a place such as a bio-battery and control core, but Eve’s voluntary efforts and her ability to never die still made her succeed Got this position.

In fact, no one else competes with her.

The huge spiritual power did bring a great advantage to the intellectual brain in the early stage. The intellectual brain that penetrated into the second world even began to converge with it. Although the second world is also an artificial world, it is better than all the worlds currently known. The ranks of the scientific and technological power must be high.

It not only created very different worlds, but also turned these worlds into reality, real reality.

Although the angels also engraved a similar world as the second world of the new human beings, it was a very long time ago, and even the angels did not know how they were created, they even suspected that they were themselves Made by my father without falling asleep.

For so many years, they have always wanted to study the principles of the Second World, because this is the last Eden of humanity in the last era.

Eve’s brain-brain project is undoubtedly successful for the angels. Although it cannot control and destroy the second world, it has at least been integrated into it. This is a good start.

At the same time, with the help of wisdom brain technology and Eve's spiritual power, she can even redefine the world in the second world, and create some characters to integrate into the world.

Although the birth of these characters ultimately needs to follow the rules of the second world, to a certain extent, the second world is indeed infiltrated.

This also has a lot to do with Eve's strong spiritual power. It can't be done by Zhinao's technology alone. At most, it is equivalent to an artificial intelligence machine stuffed into the industrial age of the second world.

The combination of magic and technology makes it play an extraordinary effect.

When the same, but when the brain is destroyed, Eve as the carrier in the present world has also fallen into spiritual damage. Although as one of the oldest creatures, Eve will never die, but spiritual damage does not mean death, but it is probably a Something more terrible than death.

Spirit restoration, even in the field of magic, is also a very difficult thing.

"You should know that the field I am familiar with is bioengineering." Dr. Price rubbed his hands and said to Mr. Feng, "I am not familiar with artificial intelligence or human spiritual research."

"All of my operations are based on the known information you gave me, and the next action guide..."

"What the **** do you want to say?" Mr. Feng interrupted Dr. Price.

"At this unknown time in the early hours of the morning, all thoughts of Experiment No. 1 communicating with the outside world were cut off. Our people did not find the anomaly for the first time because she did not exhibit anomalies."

"It wasn't until the second information feedback was late that the monitoring staff realized that Experiment No. 1 had stopped thinking."

Dr. Price answered very simply, "We don't know what is happening in the virtual world, but the wisdom brain has completely stopped working, or that it is damaged."

"Experiment No. 1 has no life threat, but it has entered a closed state of thinking. I suspect her thinking was severely traumatized when her brain was damaged, that is, a vegetative."

"The only good news is that the core data has not been damaged too much. After Experiment No. 1 entered the closed state, the program has entered the state of reloading according to the preset content."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Feng questioned just right.

Dr. Price took a deep breath, waved his hand, expelled the unrelated staff around him, and then briefly returned to the console himself.

As the last password was entered, the wall on the other side of the room suddenly gave a slight vibration, and then with the sound of the air valve opening, the wall separated from the middle and then moved to both sides.

The gap widens a little, revealing what is hidden behind the wall.

It was a series of glass jars that looked like petri dishes. Each jar was about the size of a microwave oven, and it was filled with emerald green liquid. In addition to the liquid, each jar also floated like a human brain. organ.

This unknown biological organ was filled with dense and thin pipelines, connected through glass jars, and finally passed to a general line to the other end of the room.

"We prepared 150 carriers for Experiment One, but she didn't have time to manufacture them all, only 78 of them were used."

"The memory and thinking of these 78 carriers have not been damaged. The moment before the brain was destroyed, they were forcibly transferred out and were in an offline state."

"Now, these thoughts and memories are being loaded into these carriers."

"But... because there were only the most basic organs at the time of creation, we could not distinguish any of these 78, and because of the difference in memory and the complexity of thinking, the time of each transplant is also different, maybe It will take a long time."

Dr. Price breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to have relieved his nervousness. He spread his hands. "Overall, this is a big project."

Mr. Feng's complexion is still ugly. He has digested the meaning of Dr. Price's words. Because of this, his complexion couldn't get better.

"So... all plans are finished?"

"Not really." Dr. Price shrugged. "At least these materials are still there. I don't know what you do in another world, but we still don't know whether it is success or failure. Everything has to wait for the data to be loaded. I didn't know until afterwards."

"How long will it take."

"Maybe a few days, maybe a few months."

Mr. Feng nodded and pondered for a moment, then asked again, "What about experiment body two, three or four?"

Dr. Price tapped a few numbers and letters on the safety lock on the wall next to it. Suddenly, three people fixed on the iron bed like an operating table were pushed out.

If Yi Biao is here, he may recognize it at a glance. These three are Zhang Junyun, Tan Qing, and Daisy.

"Their condition is better than these carriers. It seems that Zhinao already knows that his damage is imminent and ejects them as soon as possible."

"You said that these three people are dangerous, so we have been injecting them with sleeping pills and anesthetics, and nutrient solution. They may not be able to wake up in one and a half."

Mr. Feng fell into silence, and Dr. Price did not speak after returning the three to their original positions. After all, he was not the person in charge here, and everything could only be done after Mr. Feng’s consent.

After a few minutes, Mr. Feng reluctantly asked again, "Experiment No. 1, is there really no way to save it?"

"No." Dr. Price simply shook his head. "When you caught me over, I told you that I didn't know anything about this. For so long, I simply tested on the existing basis. And control, let me fix it completely? I'm afraid it's unlikely."

Mr. Feng's breath seemed to be heavier, but there was no way out.

Price seems to feel a little nervous. Although all of this has been said well, who knows whether Mr. Feng will exhale himself because of the failure of things? Make yourself a background wall that no one can see.

But at this moment, there was a burst of applause in the empty laboratory, and then accompanied by a person who sounded a little pleasant praise, "then there is no need to repair it, you have done a good job."

Price was shocked. After all the staff had evacuated, he closed the door. There was only him and Mr. Feng here, and the third one would not appear.

The first time he heard the voice of the third person, he was the first time that one of Experiments 2 and 3 was resurrected, because this is the most likely thing to happen in the laboratory.

But at the next moment, Price saw Mr. Feng suddenly turn around, then bowed slightly and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Lucifer."

Hearing the name, Dr. Price immediately knew who was coming. His eyes were a little curious, but then, he quickly lowered his head and became more convinced that he was a background wall.

Lucifer looked very happy. He was wearing a black suit, his hands were randomly inserted in his trouser pockets, and he came to Mr. Feng in a few steps.

Price does not doubt how he came in. Since this is what Mr. Feng said in his mouth, with the name of the other party, I am afraid that a small laboratory can't trap him at all.

Seeing Lucifer face to face, Mr. Feng's face was even more distressed.

"But sir, isn't this plan what we have been paying attention to."

"Of course..." Lucifer said with a long voice, "but the plan will always be over, don't you? Don't be so sullen, tell you good news, the plan is going well."

Mr. Feng immediately felt shocked when he heard the words, and his face seemed to change with a happy expression on his face, "So..."

"Tony Stark is dead."

"I noticed that one of his soul fires had been extinguished, so... he still started." Lucifer said faintly.

Mr. Feng is obviously very happy, but he is still a little worried, "Don't you think this plan is too coincidental, what if he didn't kill Tony Stark."

"Sorry, I didn't question your meaning, I just thought..."

"But the plan was successful, isn't it." Lucifer exaggerated like a comedian, "This is a perfect ending regardless of the process."

Looking at Mr. Feng's still hesitant expression, Lucifer shrugged. "Well, you are really a suspicious guy, more suspicious than the poor man in my hell."

"Trust me, even if he doesn't do it, Tony Stark can't go back alive."

"Not only wizards have magic, we also have."

Mr. Feng nodded in a clear way. From the beginning to the end, Lucifer did not intend to let Stark go back alive. If it was not the goal, it might be that the angels personally robbed halfway.

Dr. Price next to him is trying to shrink himself into a ball, and it is best that both of them forget him.

But he did not succeed because Lucifer seemed to see through his inner thoughts and was looking at him with interest and a hint of mischief.

Deep in thought, Mr. Feng continued to ask, "Then next, sir, I don’t think Tony Stark’s death is enough to attract everyone’s attention, nor do those superheroes easily believe that Stark died at the goal. Hand because it seems too doubtful."

"I don't need them to believe." Lucifer said without hesitation.

"It is always enough interests that cause war, and we only do it based on enough interests and give them a catalyst and fuse."

"Furthermore, Stark is indeed dead, and the person next to the target person is also dead, isn't he."

Mr. Feng bowed gently, "So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm going to prepare for the next stage."

Lucifer turned around, picked up the beaker on the laboratory table, and grabbed a bottle of red wine from his pocket to fill himself. "Don't worry." He said.

"The end of the Wisdom Brain Project means that the goal is likely to have returned to the present world, and... has been staring at us."

"Ready, he is coming, it is best to give him a big surprise."

"Also." He tapped Dr. Price with his finger. "I need to see what happened in the brain world as soon as possible. We all know that brain eventually failed, but we need to know how it failed. To avoid... we repeat the same mistakes."

"So you'd better speed up the data loading speed of these brains as soon as possible, and then organize the data, and you have to screen out the brain that has always been with the target, find her, and give it to me."

"As for the rest, just how happy you are."

When the last word fell, Lucifer had disappeared in this closed laboratory, leaving only Dr. Price with a cold sweat, which could not be refuted.

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