High Magic Earth

Chapter 1060: Chaos is coming

No guest has arrived. Teana Novel ⒉

Just as the plane that was mixed in with the bustle of the air traversed more than half of the Arctic Ocean with the roaring high winds, another group of strange guys had arrived in New York one step ahead.

Let's call back time.

. . .

In 2o16, Star City.

The white canary looked indifferently at Rip Hunt, and asked straight away, "But we still don't know who you are."

After coming off the spaceship, Rip said a lot of cracks in a breath, but. . Feeling a little bit excited, he probably made a mistake that only a novice time master would appear.

When he introduced, he did not consider that for himself, he already knew the history, and knew everything that would happen next, so he was no stranger.

But for the people behind them, everything in the future is not yet alive, they have no memory, and their sudden appearance is like a neuropathy breaking into their lives.

The question of the white canary Sara Lans made Rip think about it later, and he touched his nose awkwardly.

Turning around, Rip saw the same expressions of other people, obviously, their inner thoughts probably also.

The kindest Rapamer shrugged slightly and gave Emperor a helpless expression. The old scholar Martin Stein remained silent. As a scientific researcher, he would not deny everything but also everything. Be suspicious unless you see the exact proof.

Forming the other half of the fire storm with Martinstein, black youth Jefferson Jackson was looking at Rip with an eye for caring for children with intellectual disabilities. This guy must do the work.

As for the cold captain Leonard Snatter, the first time Rip turned around, he stared at the gem with his eyes carved on his chest, the gem of time, the eye of Agomomoto.

"Pretty little thing..." He said with a long, slow tone, his eyes didn't leave the gem for almost a moment, "I like it, but I don't like you guy."

"This?" Rip touched Agomoto's eyes on his chest. "Thank you, I also like it very much. This was given to me by a hero."

"By the way, introduce myself. My name is Rip and I am a time master."

"The Lord of Time means..." Professor Martinstein, who had been silent next to him, tentatively asked, his tone a little unbelievable.

When he saw the huge spaceship, Stein had a similar idea. It is not a fool who can become a professor, and he is also a professor who can operate experiments on his own. He has a spirit of bold assumptions.

After hearing Ripple's self-introduction, this idea reached the extreme.

Time, time, everything is related to time, but time is the most mysterious realm known to mankind, one day in the future, mankind can really manipulate time.

But if humans can manipulate time, then why no one has seen people who return to the past in the future, no matter how long the future humans can control the time, but for the future humans, the past humans are just a digital time, They can choose the world at will, we may not need to wait too long at all. .

All kinds of refutation filled Stein's head in an instant, he forced himself not to think about these problems, and then looked at Rip with full of hope.

Rip did not disappoint him, he nodded calmly, and then said, "Yes, I can go through time, our duty is to correct the wrong history."

In an instant, Stein felt that his whole person's thinking had never been active, and he almost instinctively retorted, "This is impossible!"

But at the next moment, he chose to believe with one-tenth of a million hopes, and then he asked, "How did you do it? How did you prove it? We, you have many people? What is wrong?" History, what kind of history is wrong?"

Stein has a lot of problems, but I have to say that he deserves to be a professor, and almost all of the problems are on ideas.

The heat wave next to Mikori was obviously much simpler. He frowned and thought about it for a long time. His long-lost IQ was suddenly taken online by him. "So... you have been to the future, you know that I am special today I want to eat pizza, so in order to let me come to you, you bought all the pizzas, you are the one who bought all the pizzas."

He pushed away Snart in front of him and said simply, "Give me a hand, I want to turn this guy into a baked pizza!"

Snart, who was pushed to the side, rolled his eyes in the usual way, but did not stop Mick. He did see Rip a little unpleasant, and Mick tried it.

It's a pity this beautiful gemstone, because even the gemstone can't resist the high temperature of the flame gun in Mick's hand.

Mick lived up to his grumpy temperament, and before everyone responded, he pointed directly at Rip, and then pulled the trigger.


The scorching air wave sprayed out in an instant, and Saralans, who was an assassin, moved the most quickly, and at the beginning realized that the danger was far away.

Professor Stein and Jackson, as fire storms, have been shrouded in high temperatures all year round and are not afraid of flames. "Hey! Be careful!" They even yelled to try to stop the tragedy.

Only Rappermer was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, the young man was agile and rolled back to the side.

Even Rip was startled.

Fortunately, Rip was not idle when he was looking for a candidate. He tried to open the power of the Agomoto eye, and I don’t know if it was because he hung the title of the Lord of Time, it really made him successful Too.

Facing the blazing flame, Rip raised his right hand almost instinctively, and a ring of light like a tree ring appeared in his palm, rotating alternately clockwise and counterclockwise.

At the next moment, the green light appeared, and the flames in the sky, like a slow-motion shot upside down, retracted into the flamethrower in Mick's hand from slow to fast.

Everything was going backwards, first these flames, and then becoming Mick himself, he began to step backwards uncontrollably, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to where he was when he stood behind Snatter.

The surroundings returned to their original shape again, but at this moment, time seemed to be still.

"Oh my god!" The first reaction came from Professor Stein. He looked at Rip in disbelief and even started to talk incoherently.

After a long delay, he spit out this sentence completely, "Can each of you manipulate the time like this?"

Rip waved his hand and said he didn't want to say more.

At this time, not only Sarah, but also the eyes of Snatter and Ray watching Ripple were weird.

"I know you still don't know the situation, and I know that I appeared very suddenly. I really want to explain all this clearly, but we really have no time."

"I need your help, the world is at stake."

Snatt, Sarah and others glanced at each other, and it seemed that everything was in their eyes, only Mick had no reaction. He touched his head and did not realize what it meant just now. Talking, he raised his musket again, trying to stride past Snatter.

"I don't know what ghost tricks you played, but I still want to bake you into pizza!"

However, this time, Mick didn't push Snatter. Mick pushed Snatch, but Snatter didn't move at all, and reached out a hand against Mick's chest to block him back.

Obviously, Mick and Snart had a private agreement that when the two acted together, most of the time they were mainly Snatter, especially in such small things.

Although uncomfortable, Mick gave up the trouble of continuing to find Rip. He glared at Rip with hate and retreated unwillingly.

Rip shrugged, "I never thought you were so grumpy."

Mick's eyes glared and he planned to refute something again, but at this time, Snatter stopped him one step in advance again. "This alone can't prove anything, and the magic boy can't convince us."

"Yes." Sarah took the words. "The world is in danger every day, but I haven't seen it."

"Why are you looking for us?" It was Ray Palmer who was in doubt.

"Can you demonstrate once?" Stein continued to ask.

"Can someone tell me what I just gave birth to?" Jackson's expression was not my dissatisfied expression.

But Ripple narrowed his eyes slightly and instantly changed his expression, "I know that when each of you is determined to be a hero, you are ready to face death."

"But you don't understand what kind of situation it is when a person you are familiar with really dies in front of you, everyone, everything is destroyed."

"No one is spared."

"There will be a big crisis in the future, pulled by one person, we need to stop him."

"Now, we should go out."

Rip came to the door of the spacecraft, the others were silent for a moment, and Lei took the lead to go up. Snart seemed unwilling to board the ship. "I am not a hero, I am a thief." He said.

"You are the captain of the cold," Rip replied, "not a thief."

Snart agreed, but Mick still didn't seem to be happy, but it didn't matter, because under Snatt's eyes, he still mumbled and followed.

Rip was the last to board the spacecraft. Before closing the hatch, he glanced back at the Star City in 2o16.

While studying the Eye of Agomo, Rip unexpectedly showed some small magic attached to Strange, which left him with some information about the future.

Not surprisingly, one day a year later, Magic Night will come to all parallel worlds at the same time.

The overwhelming appearances came with a breath of destruction. Some heroes were even besieged and killed by the outside appearance army in the first time. Barry Allen and Katie joined forces to reverse the time. The heroes after restarting the timeline have Preparation time reduced the initial casualties and made a counterattack.

but. . Star City has become a ruin.

The world is almost completely occupied, no city can avoid it, and no one can get away.

The spacecraft lifted off smoothly, and Rip stood beside the cabin door. He looked at the situation below, then closed the door silently.

"I want to save it all." He told himself.

But the next moment, when he turned around, Rip had to face the endless questioning and curiosity of these heroes who had not yet become heroes.

"Why not choose a guy like Green Arrow, isn't he going to be more professional..." Sara asked.

"Mr. Hunter, can you demonstrate once." Stein was obviously still not stubborn, but after hearing Sarah's words, he was stunned, and the question came to an abrupt end.

But Rip has already strode toward the control room. "The spacecraft is about to jump. I suggest you sit in your seats and fasten your seat belts. Losing time is not an interesting thing. "

Since these people have chosen to board the ship, it means that they believe Rip, at least temporarily, as for the others. . It just needs to be run in.

So hearing Rip’s words, they immediately started looking for their seats.

And Rip also secretly made a fist movement in his heart, he finally succeeded in fooling these people up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rip did not want to explain, nor was it too cumbersome to explain, but it was really impossible to explain clear.

He needs some help. His own power alone obviously cannot stop the disaster, but he cannot find the help of a well-known hero.

First, if those people leave their original positions, they will immediately change the future timeline. It may even happen that old crises have not yet been lifted and new crises have appeared.

Secondly, if he comes into contact with important heroes at random, his actions will be immediately known to the time court. If Rippo remembers correctly, the future splits, and even the person who destroyed the time court has appeared, he will know his actions. .

Even if he didn't know, Time Court itself would stop him.

Because the master of any time interferes with the time privately is taboo.

So he can't touch those well-known heroes. He must look for an unknown in history, even if it disappears, it will not have a great impact on time. At least one and a half will not be seen.

The people on the scene are smart people, and they will be noticed soon after explanation. The more they say, the more they will be exposed.

Compared with anyone who hears that they are useless to the world, it doesn't matter if they die, so they won't have a happy mood after they are selected.

That would be much more troublesome.

Now, Rip has succeeded in bringing them up.

After boarding the spaceship, things are much easier to deal with, after all. . Are any teams running together?

So far, everything is going smoothly.

After everyone was seated, Rip began to control Gideon. He needed to re-track the coordinates. There was no time for the court to serve as a backup force. Everything could only be found by himself.

And don't know why. . He has always felt a headache recently.

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