High Magic Earth

Chapter 1061: interference

Maybe let Gideon give him a full-body examination, and while thinking of this, Rip tracks the new coordinates on Gideon.

But at this time, Professor Stein, who had been wearing safety equipment, suddenly seemed to understand what came over, "I know why he didn't look for Green Arrow and the Flash." Tyne seems to have been thinking about this issue.

As a professor, his wisdom quickly made him realize the crux of the problem.

Rip looked at him helplessly, and at this time, Stein had almost subconsciously said, "Because they must have made a very big contribution to the city. In other words, they are very important. If you really do Come back in the future, it means that history can't miss them..."

"So say...you chose us..."

"Because we are not the heroes in your mouth." Sara also understood, she continued, "We are a group of people who have nothing to do with history."

Okay, maybe not so smooth.

Rip set Gideon on track, and then quickly explained, "I heard that I know you..."

"Do you think I still want to hear what you say, you liar." Even the best-tempered Ray Palmer couldn't help saying at this time, he was looking for the seat safety lock release device, "Who Please tell me how to open this thing."


But at this time, the spacecraft suddenly came violently shaking, and Rip stood unsteady, rolling directly behind the metal console.

He struggled to prop up the console, and shouted loudly, "Gideon! What's the matter?"

"The spaceship is under attack! The spaceship is under attack!"

Gideon gave a mechanical answer, while quickly dropping a holographic projection of the spacecraft's exterior in the open space among all people.

The color and three-dimensional holographic projection can clearly see that there is a shadow-like object on the outside of the spacecraft, which continuously surrounds the spacecraft. Every impact will make the spacecraft incline sharply.

Its attack did not seem to break the outer shell of the spacecraft, but this did not make Rippan feel comfortable.

The spaceship has not yet left the realm of the star city. In addition to the spaceship, there are countless skyscrapers in the city. When the shadows around accidentally touch the nearby buildings, the entire building becomes almost like red coral and Gravel sculpture.

Rip's face was ugly. This characteristic attack and styling reminded him of a long memory from the information from Strange.

"The ghost of time..." he said dryly.

"what is that!"

The spaceship swung left and right, and Sarah and others shouted without paying attention to the fight.

They are indeed superheroes, but they are not first-line members of the heroes. Except for Atom and Firestorm, no one can even fly.

Sara is only proficient in freehand fighting, and the heat wave and cold captain only rely on two special firearms, and even the fighting is average.

It may not even compare to some special special forces.

If the spaceship crashes, these people will definitely not be better off.

This is not a metropolis or Gotham. Star City is Oliver’s site, but no one in this city, including Oliver, can stop a spaceship from crashing.

"I don't understand why there will be such things as ghosts of time in this era." Ripple clasped the spacecraft console and replied loudly, "But rest assured, the spacecraft's shell is made of special materials, it can withstand time, Perhaps it can also resist the characteristic creatures of these times."

This is the real characteristic of the time ship.

The spaceship seems to be very fragile, and even some ordinary shells of the past era can be penetrated, but this is not the case. The material of the spaceship is very special. It cannot resist ordinary attacks, but it can resist the most terrible things.

Disorder of time.

There are not many such materials, and the ability is not ridiculously strong.

This is not to say that if you have this material, you can break away from the control of time. It can only weakly resist the aging, youth, and even memory disorders of the time master after the continuous shuttle time.

Other than that, there are no other eggs.

Of course, in the face of time creatures, its defense is much stronger than ordinary materials, at least it will not be time-desertified by time creatures, and become a red sand-like gravel coral.

But this is useless, because no time master has encountered time creatures, and the ghost of time has almost disappeared.

In 2008, the time court announced a statute that told all time masters that the ghost of time had completely disappeared in time.

No one knows where they are, nor what happened.

The Time Court has offered a reward to investigate this matter, but no one has gained anything, and everyone has found nothing. Over time, this matter has been forgotten.

As the master of a new generation of time like Ripple, he even just heard the name.

Most of the information comes from the information left by Strange.

According to Strange's knowledge, this creature came on the night of magic and appeared after the first restart of the timeline. It seems to be on the neutral side. If you don't hit it, it will ignore you.

But they harbor additional hostility towards creatures that can affect time.

The human side is represented by Strange, Barry Allen, and the appearance of time led by the appearances of Alice, etc., all of whom have been chased and attacked by the ghosts of time.

Not only has the human side suffered heavy losses, but once the outward appearance gods also stopped their attacks on the human world due to casualties.

Later, how this matter was resolved, Strange was not clear. It was not easy for him to escape successfully under the arrest of the ghost of time.

The ghost of time seems to have only appeared for this period of time, and no matter whether it is the future or the past, they will no longer be there. Rip does not understand why there is one here.

He also felt very desperate.

The spaceship continued to rock.

And as a scientific researcher, the most annoying, maybe, maybe, Professor Stein of this vocabulary could not help but shouted the safety device fixed to his chest, "Maybe it can be resisted! That is to say, it may also be Can't stop it!"

"Oh... I hate raven mouth the most. If there is such a guy in my partner, I will definitely solve him as soon as possible."

Snape shook his head next to him and said a gesture of shooting with his hand, "boom!"

"You better stop, old man. You are old enough. If you are quieter, you may be able to live longer."

"Hey! Young people." Professor Stein retorted immediately, "You'd better learn to respect the elderly, sometimes it will become your most valuable asset."

"The most precious wealth is always in the safe, I have seen countless times, but it definitely does not contain what you said, you think, Mick."

"I feel a little dizzy, is this normal?" Mick said roughly.

"Enough! It's time for you to be in a noisy mood." Sara called, as an assassin and the most offensive of all, she asked the first time, "Can't we just do this Can't you fight back?

Ripqiang, who was also unstable due to the shaking of the spacecraft and clung to the edge of the console, did not fall. "Are you still quite energetic."

"As Miss Lance said, we have more than just the option of being beaten in vain."

"Gideon, are the coordinates locked!"

"By the way, Mick, dizziness is normal. There may be transient deafness, transient aphasia, and dizziness, nausea, etc. before and after time travel."

"What? Deafness?!" Lei shouted loudly.

At this time, Gideon, who was dedicated and dedicated, had given Ripple a satisfactory answer, "The coordinates are locked, sir, and you can jump at any time."

"That will not start soon!"

"As you wish, sir."

But at the next moment, Gideon suddenly issued a harsh alarm.

"Energy interference at an unknown time!"

"Time deflection is unknown!"

"Unknown coordinate change!"

"The transition has taken place."

The ghost of time appears very little in history, and even less is recorded. Most people have no chance of surviving when they encounter the ghost of time. What’s more, the time jump and the jump are carried out under the interference of the ghost of time. The whole process was recorded.

So Rip is not clear. When there is a time ghost to control the time, almost 100% of the time may be disordered.

Of course, it is also possible that he realized that this possibility will appear, but there are no more choices at this time.

Everyone heard Gideon's voice, but they didn't have enough time to get them ready. The spacecraft violently shook violently, and Rip quickly grabbed the edge of the safety seat and fixed himself.

The next moment, in the violent shaking, all eyes fell into darkness.

. . .

A beautiful river.

Quiet, serene, but a little strange and strange.

There were no insects in the grass, and no airflow was flowing in the air, because everything around was still and solidified there, like an oil painting.

The clouds in the sky are immobile, and the leaves on the trees never fall. Even if you look closely, you will find that the water flow in the river is still.

Only a loom on the edge of the river was slowly and squeaky.

This situation is constant for as long as it has been since the beginning of the world.

No one has ever stepped on, and even no creatures have ever appeared. The loom is slowly running, intertwining tightly and sturdy threads.

But suddenly, the loom paused slightly.

This pause is fleeting, and soon the loom starts to run again, as if the previous pause, if you don't pay close attention, is just an illusion.

But if you get close, you will realize that this is not the case.

I don’t know since when, the beautiful cloth that has been woven on the loom has holes that seem to have been bitten by insects, and there are holes in the east and west, as if the insects have stung the holes here. .

even. . It is slowly spreading out.

Like a corroded spider web, spread and spread.

. . .

At the same time, strange changes have occurred in the unknown universe.

In the vast expanse of void, a cloud of azure halo suddenly appeared. It seemed to flicker twice unstablely, and then slowly revealed the corner of the spaceship.

This spaceship seems to be very old, so old that all the lights are off, and even the surface is covered with cosmic dust.

Do not. . It's not just cosmic dust.

On the far side of the spaceship, it seems to be entrenched in a humanoid with four limbs.

As the spaceship passed through the impulse, the humanoid first moved twice, and then came alive. It is the ghost of time. With the recovery of the ghost of time, after the entire spaceship enters this universe, it seems that time reverses. Start to restore quickly.

The indicator light is on, the engine is started, and the quantum computing system is reactivated.

The ghost of time begins to attack the spacecraft frantically, but the spacecraft jumps again, and the new wormhole opens~www.wuxiaspot.com~ leads to an unknown world, but while the spaceship jumps, the ghost of time suddenly twists the wormhole, will The spaceship threw into a new space.

Future, past, long, and short.

The time spacecraft has experienced countless strange cosmic energies. It constantly jumps with the ghost of time, while the time ghost also constantly transforms the universe with the time spacecraft.

The two confronted each other, but failed to notice that they bore almost all the universe.

I don’t know how long it has passed, or how many universes I have experienced. The appearance of the ghost of time begins to dim, as if it’s like running out of energy.

After a few more twists, the ghost of time was finally unable to throw the spaceship toward other wormholes, but unfortunately, the spaceship had already deviated from its original goal at this time. Not to mention the return of the original path, I am afraid that even where it is now, the spaceship I don't know.

Using the remaining power to open a new wormhole again, the ghost of time has disappeared from the spaceship, as if it has dissipated in the universe, without the interference of the ghost of time, the spaceship finally successfully entered the correct wormhole.

Although, it has already deviated from its original purpose.

Then the spaceship seemed to have completely lost its power, and could only maintain the lowest running state, and then fell towards a blue planet with an endless sense of weightlessness.

. . .

Safe landing.

A few hours later, Yi Xuan once again set foot on this familiar and unfamiliar land in New York. Whether in the Second World or the present world, Yi Xao did not visit New York less often, and even destroyed most of it, it was not without it.

He and Alimond phantom moved away from the airport and reappeared in the nearby unmanned corner.

Although he has not slept all night, Yi Biao's spirit is still full, because he knows that perhaps the next moment is when he really needs to be vigilant.

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