High Magic Earth

Chapter 1062: arrival

"Sir..." Obviously, Alimond, who had a little strangeness to the world outside Neverland, felt a bit at a loss after experiencing continuous flight, and he opened his mouth blankly.

Then I saw Yi arrogantly took out a magic book larger than his head from his arms.

"If everyone is under the eyes and ears of surveillance, the most perfect way of communication is nothing more than a bright and upright but full of lies. No one can understand our communication, except between us."

After speaking out this short narrative, Yi Xiao closed the magic book and looked at himself and Alimond. He was not satisfied with the image of the two.

Between their minds and hearts, their appearance has changed dramatically.

Alimond naturally changed from the original appearance of an oriental man to a Western face disguising the necklace itself, and Yi Chou also made his face three-dimensional, looking like a mixed race.

Then Yi Xiao saw his hand again, with a dragon ring with Merlin's ring on his left hand. In addition, a yellow light ring of yellow lights was added recently.

Although no one really believes that these two rings are true, it would be too dazzling if they were taken out like this.

Shaking his right hand slightly, although the two rings were not concealed or changed in shape, Yi Chou himself put a layer of magic on his right glove that would be ignored by ordinary people.

To such a level as a wizard, Yi Shao does not read the magic itself. The magic books he has read have already made him understand the essence of most magic. In other words, even without the power of silver tongue, his ability is enough for him to use. Or cumbersome, or concise way to complete the magic you want.

Just like physics or chemistry, a doctor has many ways to purify what he wants. The difference may be just the trouble or not, but if it is just a high school student who has just learned a few formulas, he can count on using these formulas doing what.

Very satisfied, he transformed himself into a casual outfit that was neither dazzling nor cliché. Yi Chou finally let go of his hand with satisfaction.

"Let's talk less, do less, just follow me." Yi Xuan looked back at Alimond. "First of all, we have to find a suitable foothold, and then we need to find out what is going on with Seth, if possible. If you want, contacting the free people here is also a good choice."

"...Finally, I want to sort out the latest harvest. You should always pay attention to contact the house elves of Neverland."

"Thinking about it, there are still many things." Yi Xiao frowned slightly, "Yes, what did you just want to ask?"

"No... it's nothing..." Alimond said without talking.

Yi Chou just left the airport very calmly along with Alimond, and did not cause the slightest gaze. This is not surprising. This is the present world, not some crazy plot.

Only two people are like a drop in the sea in this world. Even if there is surveillance, without revealing any abnormalities, they will not pay attention to the two most common people in the crowd.

Of course, in view of the emergence of artificial intelligence, Yi Biao is not convinced that there is only one such existence. As the most widespread religion in the West, here can be said to be the territory of the new humanity.

If there is also artificial intelligence here to monitor the handset of the mobile phone and the camera on the street at any time, so as to analyze and summarize the available information, Yi Chou has no doubt.

Therefore, he disguised himself as talking to Alimond at the very beginning.

Talkers can understand each other's meaning, but in the ears of others, they hear a different kind of dialogue. Of course, the dialogue is still logical.

This magic is very interesting, but in fact, this spell will not be recorded in any magic book, because this is just a variant of magic.

In the world of Harry Potter, there are indeed many recorded, even very comprehensive low-level spells, which are very suitable as a world of magic enlightenment, not to mention, there are occasionally some very high depths, even in the magic world. Unmagical time, soul-related spells.

But there will be nothing in the world that can record all the magic.

Because magic itself changes, its total number is endless.

Just like Yi Xiao used to twist the dialogue between the two, it is a variant of the confusion spell. No wizard will be bored to create this kind of magic deliberately. Even if there is, it is similar in the world. There are too many things.

Of course, if it wasn't for the girl next to him who was dragging the suitcase and hurriedly passing by, looking at Yi Chou and Alimond with strange eyes, this magic would be more perfect.

Because in any case, "What do we eat after we go home tonight?" This sentence sounds too ambiguous in the girl's ears.

But things like details are instinctively ignored by Yi Chao.

Although he still cannot fill his missing soul after having the hourglass of Neverland, his physical strength is always filled with soul energy that can be used as a temporary substitute. The whole person looks a little more angry, but some essential Something is missing that cannot be changed.

For example, subconsciously ignoring the views of others, or simply not bothering to pay attention, it has not changed.

The very gentleman let the taxi out, or Yi Chou, who didn't seize the opportunity, stopped a car with Alimond after the passerby girl left, and then got on.

"It's okay to get to the center of the city, and then just stop in front of a hotel." After getting on the bus, the black driver said first before he asked Yi Chou.

At the same time, the silent mantra covers the driver. He will be very quiet along the way, and he will not remember the true face of the two after reaching the destination. There will only be a false memory in his mind.

These methods are very convenient, and there is no need to make troubles, no need to use nothing.

But just as Yi Chou and Alimond hurriedly left the airport, the whole of New York had already existed under the orders of Mr. Feng, either brightly or darkly, and had begun to become restless, a stormy scene.

. . .

After waking up in Chinatown, this is Yi Yi's second taxi ride in New York.

Last time, I went with Constantine.

The world of **** detectives is full of depression, as if full of ghosts, ghosts, and demons. These things seem to ubiquitously dye the whole world into a dark style of painting.

But now, it seems that New York in this world also gives Yi Chou such a feeling.

It is full of repression, as if killing and tyrannical breath is being suppressed in the depths, slowly brewing, waiting for one day to fully explode.

"... Rain clouds come over the sky. There may be heavy rains and heavy rains in the city today and tomorrow. Please pay attention to the cold and warmth when you go out."

Coincidentally, this time the car's radio sounded the weather forecast for this period of time, making Yi Chou's gaze turned a little guilty.

Okay, maybe it's just my own illusion.

But the driver sitting in the front certainly doesn't think so.

The two guests behind me said nothing since they got on the bus, and they didn’t say anything at all. The cold face and the low air pressure around them could freeze people. I don’t know why. I wanted to talk a few times, but I was very able to talk Nagging himself couldn't say a word at this time.

Of course, the driver will not know that this is an arrogant magic, and can only think that the two passengers behind are too scary.

Of course, Yi Chou is too lazy to speak, and Alimond, as a house elf, has a camouflage necklace and looks like a humanoid, but its essence will not change. It is more flexible than other house elves. But Alimond will not exceed his duty too much.

What's more, Yi Chou made him talk less and do less.

Then there was the general situation of two wooden men.

If it weren’t for the driver to see that the two girls behind weren’t very young, and they were also very weak, he thought he had been murdered. New York also has urban legends, but for the current New Yorkers, it’s still a murderous demon. Things like this are more frightening.

Even if the driver was influenced by Yibiao magic, he instinctively felt that something was wrong with the two guys behind him, and just wanted to get to his destination sooner.

The scenes on both sides of the car receded rapidly. Although the speed of the car slowed down from the suburbs to the city center, under the skilled road recognition skills of black drivers, they copied the road all the way and almost stopped.

Looking at the rapidly passing scenery around, Yi Chou also thought about it slightly.

If he remembers correctly, there is also a guy named Constantine in the dc world, which is the new human world, as one of the hybrid worlds.

even. . It is the prototype of **** detective.

It's really strange that new humans will appear in the world of wizards. I don't know if there will be Constantine in the new human world. What is going on?


But a sharp, bird-like, and eagle-like cry interrupted Yi Chou from his thoughts.

The sound of crying sounds very powerful. Except for a few special cases in nature, most of the powerful creatures of crying mean the same size. Of course, the powerful crying and sharp sound are completely two concepts.

Guessing from the cry, the size of the creature above cannot be smaller.

It is really strange that it is normal for there to be birds over the city, but the appearance of such raptors, even for New York, is no small matter.

Of course, it may be that Yi Biao's judgment has made mistakes, maybe it's a little bit loud.

However, this thing appeared too strange and too coincidental. Yi Chou never considered himself the protagonist of this world. There is no protagonist in this world, and nothing will revolve around himself.

But I am afraid that the emergence of this thing is indeed inseparable from myself, perhaps. . Is looking for himself.

Yi Huo ruined the wisdom brain. In any case, the new humans will know this and get this information. Maybe they don’t know that they have returned, or they don’t know that they are in New York, but they must have prepared and defended. .

Enemies with increased vigilance are the most difficult to deal with.

So knowing that there were some coincidences in the appearance of raptors, but this could not evoke the curiosity of clamor, he would rather believe that this is really just a coincidence, still sitting in the back seat with a scent.

But at the next moment, Yi Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and could no longer calm down.

"What's the matter? Sir." The next Alimond cast his doubtful eyes, but Yi Chou had already added a partial invisibility curse to himself, and he protruded his head.

Because he felt the magic wave.

Yi Chou’s perspective rose, and then he immediately saw something in the sky. Its volume is too large.


At this moment, the creature above made another paradoxical cry. This time the cry was bigger than last time, and the clamor of leaving the window protection was more intuitive than before.

It can be said that as long as it is not deaf, there will be no inaudibles.

But among the crowd below, it seems that except for Yi Chou, there is really no such screaming person.

The speed of this big thing is very fast, from far to near in the sky, almost half of the sky is cut through instantly, and then disappears at the end of the sky.

No wonder the two cries have grown from small to large, but it turned out that it was just not completely above.

But although the speed of this thing is very fast, Yi Chou still captured its whole body in a flash.

A dry Tianma with huge wings.

Its head is a dragon's head, and its body is naturally a horse. Apart from a pair of bat-like wings, its eyes are also silver-white without pupils.

More precisely, it is a special product of the origin of the Harry Potter world, magical animals, Ye Qi!

That's why Yi Chou is so strange. He raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the horizon where Ye Qi disappeared with some surprise.


It wasn't until the humming horns that accompanied the rapid interleaving that Alimond dragged Yi Chou back from the car window that Yi Chou recovered, and the driver in front also seemed to realize that Yi Chou His head stretched out, and some later protested loudly with fear and dissatisfaction, "Hey! Little girl, be careful! You don't know the common sense of riding a car."

Yi Biao didn't pay attention to the driver's complaint~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He immediately responded to Alimond and asked, "Did the Ye Qiu of Fantasy Island come to the present world? I don't remember when we came here Other creatures followed."

"Still say... There are new cracks and holes in the Red Forest?"

"That's not right." But Yi Chou soon realized that this was impossible. The gap in the forest was just something like a system bug when the second world was running. Some creatures undoubtedly broke into the cracks in space, and then entered by mistake. Neverland.

These gaps are only concentrated in Neverland when the bug is temporarily unsolvable and eradicable, so even if there are new cracks, other sub-world creatures in the second world have entered into Neverland or the creatures of Neverland entered. Among other sub-worlds, it has nothing to do with this world.

"Go ask the house elf responsible for the biometrics of Neverland immediately to get things clear." But even so, Yi Chou still has to ask Alimond to go back and ask, because it is better that the creatures on Neverland have a problem ,if not. .

Yi Ao unfolded a shadow portal for Alimond in his hand, only to realize that they were still renting out a car, and it happened that a fairly good hotel was flashing beside him. So he said, "Okay, stop here."

Then the next moment, Yi Huo was somewhat stunned afterwards, "... little girl?"

He did use magic to influence the driver's thinking, but what did he see in the back seat of the car!

. . .

At the same time, in a hotel in Manhattan, Miss Madison, who just finished reading the third season of the American Horror Story Witch Rally and Harry Potter’s Complete Works in a notebook, also stood in front of the window with a black question mark face. Watching Ye Qi flying fast in the sky.

Madison:? ? ?

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