High Magic Earth

Chapter 1063: New guest

This New York is not that New York. "Teana" "Fiction ⒉

Dustan seemed to understand this.

He has been to New York a lot, but this place is obviously a bit different.

Walking on the bustling and busy street, surrounded by lively crowds and dazzling shops, there are neon lights hung beautifully, and the shops are filled with discount slogans for Happy Chinese New Year, but Dastan I just felt a cold cold infiltrate into my body.

This feeling is almost exactly the same as when he dived into Laleille.

One of the top group of creatures in the multiverse, the old rulers.

Only they will bring this feeling to people.

Chaos, crazy, unbearable thinking.

Dastan suddenly stopped, he narrowed his eyes slightly, crossed the traffic lane, and jumped over the top of the carriage of a double-decker bus. The eagle-like, arrow-like eyes directly hit the opposite side of the road through his eyes. House windows.

Although the curtains are drawn, only a thin curtain can obviously not stop the magical eye of this top assassin in the multiverse.

The dazzling patterns of smoke-like dark tones appear around the eyes of Dustan’s eyes. They are beautiful and charming. This is Horus’s divine pattern. At the next moment, the eyes of Horus open in his eyes. , Just like the perspective of God, sweep the building without dead ends.

Temperature, magic, sound waves, a lot of physical existence that humans have now learned and physical concepts that humans have not yet realized are all in his eyes.

This is just the most basic ability of the Eye of Horus. During the heyday of Durstein, he can even observe cause and effect, rules, and future changes through the Eye of Horus.

This complements his time ability and is the card that makes him one of the most powerful assassins in the multiverse.

But unfortunately, as the timeline was twisted strangely, the magic night disappeared and was disconnected from the great leader, his ability was greatly weakened, and the only energy left to control time came from the sand of time in his dagger. , Let alone the Eye of Horus, even closed completely.

It's just that although the night of magic still disappears, Dash, who has been wandering in different worlds, seems to suddenly feel a touch of contact with the collar. Although there is only a trace, it is enough to reopen Horus's eyes.

Opening the eyes of Horus made Dastan happy, but even more delighted, he finally found a trace of his boss again.

It seems that this time he found it first, and the last time that the stupid big one first found the boss, although the boss also later killed a Egyptian god, and dug out a pair of Horus for him. Looking at him, it is clear that although the orthodox sun **** of the Egyptian divine system is old, it is not so good.

He is a **** who has dragged on the dark invasion from other multiverses. If he gives up, I am afraid that the sun **** under full fire will not be inferior to the boss itself.

Once the two guys of that level exist, I am afraid that it will not be over in one and a half, so all the plans are useless.

Therefore, although the boss's trip to ancient Egypt was very rewarding, the most valuable is probably only the eyes of Horus.

The most important thing is that the last time I found the boss was not myself, it was the stupid big guy, the benefits let it go, and Dalstein didn’t feel the meticulous time, and the exquisite little cute, that stupid big guy One can touch and manipulate.

But this time he had good luck, it seems that he was a step ahead.

Of course, even if you want to find the boss, you must ensure your safety. Otherwise, once he dies, he will be born again from the river of time, and it is really cold.

So when Horus's eyes had everything on the opposite side, Dastan breathed a sigh of relief.

In the room opposite the window, a wild and primitive crazy party is taking place. Dalstein was not interested in this kind of movement many years ago, but its appearance means one thing. .

This is not under the control of the old dominators, even, they do not touch here.

The weird feeling is indeed very much like the breath of the old dominator, but it is not, it is just very similar.

Under the hood of the old dominators, even if they are not intentional, they don’t even bother to look at humans at all, but human fragile creatures will still fall into a frantic state, with fewer and fewer reproductions, which is the most intuitive One of performance.

I really hate this kind of breath.

After confirming that there is not much to do with the old dominators here, Dastan rested his mind. After all, even if he didn't dare to face it easily at the level of the old days, it was better to run early.

So it seemed that when he was young, the coldness of living in Persian slums and sewers made him particularly disgusted.

Can't help but shudder, as if trying to shake this feeling out of his body.

Although Dalstein continued to move forward aimlessly at this time, the Eye of Horus had already contained everything within a hundred miles of it.

The newspaper stall on the corner of the street just sold a newspaper. The passengers in the taxi seemed to be arguing and were arguing with the driver. Two policemen were watching. . Uh, it seems to be myself.

Dastan pulled the brim slightly and decided to leave here quickly.

For an assassin, the most troublesome thing is undoubtedly causing unnecessary trouble.

Well, but Dastan suddenly froze, as his footsteps accelerated, the eye of Horus suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the end of a closed alley at the farthest point, there seemed to be entrenched in a very powerful, evil, and cold, dark magical power. If you feel it carefully, you will feel almost the same as what Dastan noticed at first.


Looking at the dark mass, Dastan instinctively thought of the most common magical creature in this dark energy.

But soon he realized that this was not the case.

To be precise, the dementors are only a part of it. An unlucky dementor is being assimilated or swallowed by it, neither of which is a collection of negative energy, so this thing swallows the dementors to come at all. Strenuous.

As it squirmed slightly, it made a black mist floating action, which was actually raising its non-existent head, and Dastan finally realized what it was.

"Silently... Silent beast."

Dustan frowned.

The name of this thing sounds frustrating, but it is one of the most uncontrollable negative energies.

It was born in the wizard. At first, the wizard thought it was an uncontrollable negative energy, hidden in the body of every wizard, and if it suppressed its magical nature, it would burst out.

But this is not the case now.

It is the wizard itself, the magic power of the wizard, the source of power.

The reason for the explosion is indeed because of depression. It is because of the depression that the magic power is distorted. The distortion and explosion of the magic power is not terrible. What is terrible is its uncontrollability.

Magic itself is an uncontrollable thing, and no one knows on what occasion and when this curse will change.

Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad.

But the Silent Beast is different. This thing is originally negative. Even if it is uncontrollable, it will only continue on the worse and worse route.

Because it originally represents the wizard itself, that is to say, as much as the potential of the wizard who gave birth to it, it can exert as much power as possible.

And don’t forget that human beings, whether they are wizards or non-wizards, say the most common thing is that human potential is unlimited.

So unfortunately, the power of Silent Beast is infinite.

Dastan knows that there is a guy named Hulk in the new human being. The power of this thing comes from his anger. The higher the anger value, the greater his power. There is no upper limit.

The same is true for the silent beast, but its power is not anger, but negative energy.

So if the silent beast is born, it’s best not to despair, though. . He really should be desperate.

This thing is the most uncontrollable. Every silent beast is different. The ghost knows what aberration has happened to this silent beast that appears in front of you. Obviously, this one that has appeared before Dalstein has already changed.

Because it can swallow dementors.

Is there anything else it cannot swallow?

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

But as he paused a little hesitantly around Dalstein, the two policemen who had been staring at him in the distance suddenly strode over and shouted to him.

Sneaky walking on the road, was stopped and asked to show proof of identity is not without things, probably the two of them also feel that Dastan is not like a good person.

Although the Eye of Horus was watching the Silent Beast, the Silent Beast was completely unaware.

As an artifact, the eye of Horus is very high, far from being felt by a silent beast, but it is not a coincidence that at the moment when Dastan was attracted by the voices of the two policemen, he was silent. The beast seems to have swallowed the dementors completely, and then quickly left here.

Its movement was silent, it seemed to slip in along a certain wall, and disappeared within the envelope of the eye of Horus in an instant.

But Dalstein couldn't directly expand his body in the city, sweeping around and looking for him again, so he turned his head and glared at the two guys who were bad at him, and quickly walked to a street corner.

The moment of glance made the two policemen see the appearance of Dustin as a Mediterranean man of the Prince of Persia.

Reminiscent of recent reports about such people, the two policemen were immediately alert. If they said that they were only a bit skeptical at the beginning, they now feel that there may be a problem.

"Stop now!"

One of them shouted loudly, even putting his hand on the matching gun.

But how could two human beings catch up with an external appearance god, not to mention the external appearance that is good at controlling time, and Dastan hangs in front of the two policemen, if their computing power is also like artificial intelligence It will appear that the distance to Dalstein is always the same regardless of whether they add or subtract.

Under this kind of chasing that can never be overtaken, Durstein took the lead in turning into an alley.

As the officers on duty in this film, the two policemen were naturally familiar with the terrain. They knew it was a dead end, so they calmed down and slowed down, and took out the gun carefully.

If there is no problem, then why should they run, and for this reason, they can’t overshoot.

But unfortunately, when they came to the corner, they just saw what Dastan's hands seemed to be gesturing in the air, and then put a lip to them.

"It's too slow..." Probably, does that mean?

Then at the next moment, Dastan disappeared in place, leaving the two policemen in cold sweat, as if they felt like they had a catastrophe.

. . .

In fact, they feel right.

Dastan wasn't making a blind gesture before. He used the last point before Horus' eyes closed to see the timeline entangled in the two policemen.

Then the original timeline was disconnected, and a much shorter timeline was replaced.

What this means is actually very clear, and the length of the timeline naturally represents the length of their remaining time.

The shorter, the shorter the time they can live.

And why this timeline is so short, there will definitely be some unlucky things that let them die prematurely, so in terms of unlucky things, they really feel right.

Of course, this does not mean that Dastan has the ability to randomly reverse a person's future so unsolved and terrifying.

Because these timelines existed originally, Dastan only saw it with the eyes of Horus, not created by him or controlled directly.

In a person's life, there will be a variety of choices, and every subtle choice will cause a great distortion in the future.

Dastan is not sure whether people's destiny and future are scheduled, but it can be inferred and budgeted in advance through different choices.

But because the whole world is closely related to the destiny of everyone, I am afraid this is an impossible workload.

Not only for artificial intelligence, it is impossible for gods who have not reached the level of the boss.

And those timelines are the entangled fate that has been established, and Dalstein can’t understand them, or how they appear, nor know who created them, but it doesn’t prevent Dalstein from giving the two policemen a little Hint.

The future cannot be established ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the choices are limited. You will definitely make a choice, or even not choose, which is a choice in itself.

Like crossroads, they are together and always there.

Dastan did not affect the time. After seeing the timeline clearly, he used magic to imply the spirit of people, so that they would make some bad choices when necessary.

This is a very clever way of thinking, avoiding the horror power of time, but using it cleverly.

This is what the boss told himself. Of course, for some powerful beings, this kind of hint has no effect, because these guys will always make the most correct choices by instinct or intuition when they are most critical.

Just the right idea with ordinary people.

Anyway, dealing with ordinary people is effortless, and Dastan does not mind giving them a small lesson.

As for getting rid of them, isn't it too simple for an external appearance **** who can control time?

A moment later, Dalstein had come to another bar.

He likes this kind of place, and this is also the place where intelligence is collected and the most accidents happen. Here, Dastan always seems to be lucky to encounter all strange things.

Just like now.

As Dastan entered the door, he saw several old acquaintances either sitting in dim corners, or sitting near the bar, listlessly and weakly drinking booze.

Even his keen sense of hearing made him hear the whispering of one of the women complaining, "Form a team? Forget it, I don't want to work with you like this. In addition to being beaten, the other option is to cooperate with the guy who runs away."

Tomorrow Legend Squad, Sara Lans.

Dalstein heard it. As an assassin, he remembered the intelligence of important people and unrelated persons. It was also a skill he must master.

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