High Magic Earth

Chapter 1064: Observed

When encountering enemies halfway, Dastan did not have much panic. Calmness and caution are always the best traditions of assassins. Tian『』Lai Novel⒉

He moved his footing quietly, conceded a little, and then hid himself in the dim light of the shade. Then he walked to another corner of the bar and took a glass of crystal wine for himself on the way.

This is not the best place to monitor Sararans and his party, but the ruggedly arranged tables and chairs and dim light can completely cover Dashtan's figure from being noticed by these people.

There is always a certain amount of risk, whether it's back-to-back or side-to-side, and the risk is equal. Dastan does not need to take this risk. The best disguise will never appear in the enemy's line of sight.

Of course, the opposite is that Dastan can't see them, if Dastan is just an ordinary human being.

Even without the eyes of Horus, Dalstein's eyesight and hearing can make him see like night in the night.

These people didn't seem to show themselves, or more like they had forgotten their original mission, and didn't think there would be enemies here.

Dalstein saw Rip Hunter, the Lord of Time, rubbing his head in distress, Saralans was drinking booze, Mick was about the same, and the rest of Snart didn't change much.

What's going on.

Dustan frowned in distress.

One of his abilities is that he is not affected by the disorder of time. He will always be him and his memory will never go wrong.

For example, although the magic night disappeared, Daztan’s memory of the magic night still exists, because he has experienced it, and even if the past is erased, he will not be erased.

Because Dastan has no past and no future, he only exists in the present.

This ability has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that Dalstein can always be used as a time coordinate. The disadvantage is that he doesn’t know all the butterfly effects that time changes.

The night of magic is erased, then all history is naturally reversed, but what is the new history, and what happened specifically, Dastan is completely unclear.

Because he has not experienced.

As he said, he will always be him, but he only knows what he has experienced.

Because of this characteristic, Dastan often suddenly reverses the world, and all familiar things begin to become strange, the original friend becomes a stranger, and the original enemy becomes a good friend.

It's incredible.

The most common thing Dastan does on weekdays is to think about what happened to history, what changes have occurred in time, where he is and who is beating him.

Of course, big events like the disappearance of Magic Night haven't even met Dalstein a few times.

Originally, Dalstein thought that he had strayed into an unopened Harry Potter low-level magic world. After seeing the legendary squad of Tomorrow who had chased him, Dalstein felt that things might not be so simple.

Obviously, now is another time warp.

Even Rip Hunt, the Lord of Time, doesn't remember those memories.

Dustan has never felt that the master of time is so powerful. What they rely on is nothing but a large organization such as the time court.

The time court provided them with a spaceship, allowing them to travel through history and satisfy their own desires.

In fact, there is not much high combat power in the court, and the master of these times can only rely on the future technology to surpass the power in some backward time.

This was true when the Magic Night was born. The court of time had almost no decent resistance. It was destroyed by the crazy attack of the Alice Army, and it was not even as good as Strange's Masters.

and many more!

Durstein's eyes were suddenly fixed, and he even turned his head slightly, leaning his head towards Rip Hunt.

What he saw, the eye of Agomo.

Infinite gems.

Time gem among infinite gems.

Isn't it always in the hands of Dr. Strange Strange, why is it hanging on Riphunt's neck at this time?

This question only circulated in Dustan's mind for less than a second and then disappeared, leaving only one idea to occupy all of his thinking.

Take it!

This is the only thought of Dalstein at this time.

The power of the time gem is undoubtedly, although I don't know what mistakes and changes have occurred in the time, and even got to Rip Hunt, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity to get the time gem.

This thing has always been under the control of Strange, the time gem is very strong, plus Strange is not weak, the outsiders have never had a chance to catch him.

It is true that Derek is very capable of restraining the time domain, but it is obvious that Stranche will not make the Derek hard.

Once he was in danger, he would immediately avoid it in advance and would never meet the Daleks.

But Rip Hunt is different.

Although the time gem is still strong, but Rip Hunt is not strong. The power of the time gem depends on the hands of people. Against Steve Hunt, Dastan feels confident.

And they didn't know that they were here, maybe they just happened by chance, but they just sent the gem of time to their lips.

Of course, Dastan is not in a hurry.

Even if he is very confident, he still has to figure out the general situation here. Maybe this is a trap that has been arranged in advance. Although it may not be aimed at him, he does not know the past timeline.

With such thoughts, Dastan still sat quietly, but secretly began to observe everything around him to pay attention to everyone's reactions and expressions.

On the other hand, the discussions between Rip and Sara and others continued.

Seeing Rip carrying the wine back to the crowd in the corner, Snatter murmured lazily on the back of the chair, "Look, our Captain Hero is back."

Rip, who had touched these people's temper through Gideon for a long time, didn't speak, but put the wine silently on the table.

The atmosphere is a little low, Sara and Mick are still drinking on the bar, young and active Jefferson is also fooling around on the bar's dance floor, and only the cold captain Snatter and the Atom Thunder and Fire Storm are left in the corner. One of Professor Stein.

Of course, Captain Cold is not called Captain Cold at this time. When he was in Midtown, the thief was better known than Captain Cold.

"I'm sorry I deceived you," Rip whispered, "but I'm not malicious, I really need your help."

Lei shrugged. "Well, this seems to be the line that everyone who deceives me must say."

In fact, a kind-hearted guy like Lei has already forgiven Rip, as he said, if there is a crisis in the future, Lei cannot be ignored.

In the future, it is not important that it is not Rip's fault, it can only be said to be his own reason.

He was not angry that Rip had deceived himself, but that he could not accept his future.

This is just anger.

Okay, maybe he was still a little bit angry about Rip’s deception.

Including Professor Stein, everyone is almost the same idea. They are level heroes. Although they are not first-line members, they are still level heroes. They have a sense of responsibility.

Perhaps the combination of Snatt and Mick is excluded, and Sarah, a member of the Assassin League, is also in a unstable state.

But according to Gideon's analysis, they are still very likely to choose to stay.

At this time, although there is still some separation, it is no longer as intense as the spacecraft responded in distress. The rest is just the running between the two sides.

As Rip said, they must first be brought to Fool, apparently, Rip's plan was initially successful.

"Humph..." Snate snorted coldly, but said nothing.

Snart’s wisdom has long allowed him to see the undercurrent flowing below, but he did not choose to leave immediately, although he can tell himself in his heart that without Rip’s time spaceship, they don’t know where now, but What does his choice represent, in fact, it is not difficult to see.

Professor Stein, who was still old, played a round and saw that the atmosphere was still stalemate. He said, "Well, what will happen in the future, now you can tell us about it."

As he spoke, he motioned for Ray to call Sarah back.

Rip nodded and waited for the people to come together, and began to explain in a low voice, "I don’t know much about the future, but I know that a powerful wizard came to this world, and he set off a war, spreading Countless universes, countless universes, and all the time, we have to stop him..."

Regarding the spoilers that Ripple was giving Amway to these people, Dastan did not have the intention to listen.

He noticed for a moment that he knew that Rip was talking about the night before the magic night, but as he said, he didn't know what he knew.

After listening to his story, Dalstein couldn't analyze anything useful, but instead confused himself into a dead end in time.

What really interested Dastan was the barman at the bar.

Before Raipura and Lei and others cooked chicken and soup, Dastan was paying attention to the reactions of people around him and guessing whether this was a trap.

Then he came to the conclusion that this does not seem to be a trap. These people did indeed seem to have entered here, and the time was twisted again and the memory was lost.

However, while observing, he showed a guy who was very interested in him.

The bartender standing behind the bar.

Although he stood there calmly shaking his wine, his attention was always on Ripple's side, and his reaction was dull. Or, for an ordinary person, his response was too dull.

An ordinary person who hears about the future, saves the world, and even related discussions, does not think that this is drunk nonsense and thinks this is some kind of role-playing or game content.

But for him, his reaction was very dull, not only as if to believe, but even seemed. . It was specifically for these people.

And Dalstein noticed that many young girls have looked to Rip and whispered about the stars or something. It seems that there are some guys in this world who look like them and are Hollywood big stars.

Ok. . In other words, it is almost the same.

But the bartender did not respond.

What's more, how far is the bar from the corner, this is what ordinary people can hear.

In order to verify that there was no error in his observations, black **** marks appeared again around Dastan's eyes, and he opened Horus's eyes again.

Sure enough, the eyes of Horus clearly captured the sound waves flowing in the air. Among them, the sound waves of several people in Ripple spread to the surroundings. Each person had a sound wave, which accurately flowed to the bartender behind the bar.

And the Eye of Horus can see through most of the disguise. Under the detection of the Eye of Horus, Dustan clearly sees that this guy is not an ordinary person at all, he is not even a man!

Among the new humans who belong to the mutants, the demon form.

Interestingly, Dastan's mouth slightly twitched. Unexpectedly, the main battle variants among the new humans would appear here, and her target seemed to be those of Rip.

Suddenly, Dastan was a little stunned, because he noticed that another man came in the bar, an unremarkable western man.

But through the eyes of Horus, he saw that this man was also not a human, but a house-elf, whose magic disguised it as human.

But after asking for a lot of wine at the bar, it almost left.

Dastan did not pay much attention to its appearance, only regarded the domestic elf who appeared and left as the aborigines of this world~www.wuxiaspot.com~After all, there were dementors and silent beasts before. Obviously, this The world is somewhat related to the Harry Potter world.

The main goal is Rip.

In other words, it is the gem of time on his neck.

Agomoto's eyes glowed dimly in the dim green light. It was covered by Rip under the clothes, but Daztan's eyes could still capture it. The subconscious fingers contracted, and Daztan felt when he was hidden. Blade.

There is not much time sand in the blade of time. The remaining ability can not support several time jumps. Waiting for it to absorb time to replenish energy is obviously too slow, but if you get the time gem. .

Must get it!

Dalstein's breath is slightly heavier, and he is determined to have time gems.

Even if it is not for yourself, the time gem is also a rare thing, the boss will be very happy.

At this time, the conversation between Rip and his team in the distance has ended. Obviously, these future heroes still eat Rip's Amway. After the big bowl of chicken soup is poured, they still decided to temporarily follow Rip to save world.

Lei et al. said that although Rup is very unhappy, the future crisis cannot be ignored. At least, he must follow up for a while to see the specific situation.

After the purpose was agreed, they decided to leave the bar first, and before Gideon re-locked the time and coordinates, they also had to know roughly what world it was.

Seeing them get up and leave, Dalstein also stood up silently, and then followed silently.

At the same time, Dastan noticed that the bartender was also walking towards the back of the bar. Obviously, after telling his companions that he was in a hurry to get others to work for him, he walked into the exit of the bar.

The targets are all Ripple and others, but they are regarded as targets, but they know nothing about it.

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