High Magic Earth

Chapter 1065: Observation (2)

Before Dalstein entered the bar, the sun had already begun to fall. When Rip and others left, the night had occupied the sky, and the roads outside were covered with gorgeous billboards and bright street lights.

Dustan pretended to be a pedestrian, and followed behind Ripple and others in a hurry.

He is still observing.

What is certain is that time must have been distorted and some kind of change has occurred, but Dastan does not know what this change is.

He must observe.

Dastan noticed that Rip and the other players had a very jerky sense of fit, and even Snatter felt a little unresponsive to Rip.

Obviously, if this is not a trap, then Rip's team is at the initial point in time.

Dastan does not care about these guys, whether it is a mature team or the team just formed, it will not be his opponent.

The only thing he cares about is other people.

In the previous timeline, he was facing the hunt of the Rip team. These people, Sara Lans, were not terrible. Even the Black Canary and Green Arrows were completely like Daztan.

The real trouble is the disappearance of Magic Night, his ability is greatly weakened, and Rip attracts other heroes.

After jumping from Star City, Dalstein came to New York, but Rip attracted the same early time as SHIELD and New York's good son Spider-Man.

This S.H.I.E.L.D. has not yet joined Iron Man, relying solely on Hawkeye and Captain America, and Spider-Man who spontaneously came to help is not at all an opponent of Dalstein.

Although Dastan in the human form was chased by them and ran across the street, but after releasing the appearance of the outward appearance, the roles of the two were immediately reversed. Dastan beat these people like dogs in New York.

Until he somehow angered the Hulk.

Faced with the few uncapped existences of the new human beings, Dastan is obviously not an opponent. He wisely chose to jump again in time and space, and then he came here.

He didn't know which sub-world it was, only hope that this time he wouldn't make the Hulk out of luck.

Dastan suddenly stopped, because the people in front of Rip stopped.

Seriously, he didn't think it was Rip that they found themselves, their team had just been established, not only was the run-in very rusty, but even the vigilance was almost absent.

Although Saralans is a member of the Assassin League, she obviously has no experience of cooperating with others and completely forgets what she should do.

Sure enough, they stopped in front of a weapons store.

Dastan said that there is nothing terrible about the time court. The time master they cultivated has no superpowers and nothing extraordinary. It only depends on the technological support that the time court has in the future.

The team members of Rip even need to find an ordinary firearm of the era.

Really shameful.

These firearms didn't have much effect on Dastan. Of course, it was good to have less trouble, but Dastan still didn't show up to stop them, because there was a group of people behind him.

The magic woman.

Dalstein watched the Magic Woman slowly approaching a few people, as if planning to pass by and observe them up close.

At this time, the magic-shaped woman had changed her appearance, which was no different from the pedestrians on the street. Rip did not want to recognize her as the bartender in the bar before.

In fact, Dastan is curious.

He wonders what the world is here.

Because there are not many worlds where mutants appear, mutants are the main battle in the new humans. At least, most of them are mutants, so they are not popular among the new humans.

As it happens, there are not many worlds where mutants appear. As far as Dastan knows, there are only a few. Is this the main world of mutants? That's not very good.

The mutants are the main battle group, because they have this strength, especially in several sub-worlds, the mutants' fighting power is close to the outside appearance god.

Even before the magic night came, it was also the sisters of Aisha who joined hands to freeze the time and space of those worlds in advance, preparing to solve these mutants in a little bit after eating away other worlds.

The superhero, who is also a new man, is clearly more than one step away.

Although they have the same number of sub-worlds, there are at least four parallel worlds known by Gustain, but only one can be comparable to the mutants, but they are completely weaker in number than the external appearance gods.

However, thinking of the identity of the magical woman, she often wandered out of other worlds out of spy. Dalstein was relieved that perhaps things hadn't been as bad as the mutant world.

Thinking about it, the demon-shaped girl had already arrived not far from several people.

Out of curiosity about this sub-world, Dastan once again opened Horus' eyes and carefully observed the reactions of these people.

As a matter of fact, no matter whether it is Dalstein, the magical woman, or even the super heroes such as Rip, although they say that they care about humans for ordinary people, if they fight, not many people really pay attention to the casualties.

Among them, superheroes are more typical. Gustatan knows that there are several worlds where civil war broke out because of this incident.

The other two are justified. The mutants are not humans. For them, humans are actually completely different races, which is understandable.

For Dastan, those sub-worlds of new humans are not his world.

Even like the npc in the game, Dastan didn't care about casualties, anyway, he left that world, he could go to other worlds to start again.

Just like now.

but. . This sub-world obviously seems a bit different.

Because Rip Hunt’s team, including himself, seems to have a high reputation in this world. Everyone who sees him is either stunned for a while, and then whispering with his companion A star, either directly or boldly came up to sign.

Dastan can see that the occurrence of this incident made Rip and they were also a little bit dumbfounded.

In a very interesting sub-world, Dastan is increasingly wondering where this is.

Even the owner of the gun shop knew them.

The eyes of Horus opened by Dalstein can clearly capture everything in the distance, including the sound wave fluctuations generated by these people when they communicate, and then reassemble into a language he can understand.


Snart and Sarah were at the forefront, and the two pushed the door into the gun shop.

The boss apparently froze when he saw them, and then his eyes seemed to fall on Snatter.


"I didn't expect that I saw a real person!"

Then the owner of the gun shop looked at Snatt's clothes and asked with some uncertainty, "Are you making a TV series? Sorry, I'm a fan, but I've only watched jailbreak, your new show I didn't even watch it."

Obviously, the owner of the firearms shop is not a fan of brains, but just these few words have made Snatt a bit stunned.

"Wow," Sarah mocked, seeing a pin in the side. "I didn't expect you to have the glorious history of mixing Hollywood."

When Snatter was young, his father was a thief, and then he was arrested and imprisoned. Poor childhood was even a problem with food and clothing. How could there be money for him to perform in acting?

He stared at Sara with an idiot, and after a while, he moved to the owner of the gun shop.

Being uncomfortable staring at Snatter, the owner of the gun shop rubbed his hands and asked with a smile, "What can I do for you?"

"You're going to get your brain back, it's the greatest help for us." Snatt still said coldly in that prolonged tone.

Sara is obviously more reliable than him. She said to the boss, "What else can we do in this place, we need some weapons." Then she took out a stack of banknotes and shot them on the table. "We can afford it." ."

This is certainly not Sara's character, but fortunately she still remembers Rup not to cause trouble.

In addition to enjoying clubbing and fighting, drinking and sipping girls, Sara is actually very disciplined. Think about this is her first time travel, or listen to Rip, it is better to avoid trouble.

But obviously the owner of the weapons shop doesn't think so.

"What do you want weapons for?" He said in surprise. "If you want to make movie props, using a real gun is not a wise method."

"I firmly resist taking a real gun to make a movie for you." While talking, the owner of the weapons shop raised his hands, shook it very disapprovingly, and then walked behind his counter.

He is still a professional guy.

Unlike the people in the movie who beat Gatling on the bills on the table, of course, whether it is Sarah or Snart, their identity in this world is all about a big star.

"We're not making movies." Sarah was also fooled by the owner of the weapon shop, and subconsciously retorted.

"Please." The gun shop owner shrugged and made an expression that you shouldn't tease me again. "This joke sounds not funny at all."

He tapped on the computer skillfully a few times, then turned the notebook around and aimed the screen at Snart and others.

"Look." He stretched his hands helplessly.

"But rest assured, I will keep your secrets for you." The gun shop owner seemed to be smug, "I know that filming needs to be kept secret. Rest assured, my old Jim's mouth is the strictest!"

But no one ignored him, because everyone was staring at the laptop screen.

Including Dalstein who is peeping through the eyes of Horus in the distance.

Because there is a webpage really open on the screen, which is writing the huge title of the second season of Legends of Tomorrow, and not only that, there is a trailer for the video window below.

Even the trailer is entirely of Snatter and others, they look almost exactly the same.

So not only were Snate and Sarah stunned, but even Dalstein in the distance was a little stunned.

But unlike their snate, they were completely in a state of coercion. After seeing this scene, Dustan seemed to think of a certain possibility, and his face gradually became difficult to look.

He frowned slightly, and seemed to say in disbelief, "Damn... no..."

However, the Snatter in the store is obviously even more simple.

Snart also frowned slightly, unable to understand what was going on, but his neat style made him choose the fastest way.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and then he took out the freezing gun directly from the arms of his coat and shook the muzzle of the most accurate weapon shop.

"I don't care what movie is or not, and I don't want to know what you are talking about nonsense, so I now tell you the request clearly."

Snatt still said in the long note that he couldn't wait to be popular, "Look, my hand is the most convenient thing I use, but some people haven't."

"All you have to do is take out the weapon immediately and talk less nonsense."

"It's that simple."

But after Snatter thought he was very straightforward and severely threatened, the owner of the gun shop still had nothing to do, and even without hiding him under the table, he could take out his shotgun, but although he was dissatisfied, But still just rolled his eyes.

This kind of reaction made Snaat and others confused. Sarah and Snaat glanced at each other, not knowing whether the boss was really an idiot or really not afraid.

But then, Snatter knew why.

Because the owner of the firearms shop pouted at him, his eyes winked, and the corners of his eyes glanced slightly, slanting onto the screen of the notebook.

The trailer continued, and it turned to the scene where Snart was holding the freezing gun, not just two people, even the freezing gun on the screen was exactly the same as the one in Snatter's hand, but the difference was that Just a movie.

Snart understood.

Although I don’t know why there is a guy here who looks like he is in Hollywood, and happens to play a movie based on himself, but Snart has not realized what this means at this time, he just thinks maybe this is a A very technical hacker.

Just like Sisko.

But the idiot guy in front of him actually believed it was a movie.

Although everything is very confusing, Snatter’s IQ is still there, and some basic questions can still be understood, and since this idiot does not believe it, then it is good to prove it.

The corner of Snatter's mouth slightly moved forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He sneered, and then the muzzle turned slightly, aiming at the computer on the table.


At the next moment, a very cold breath spewed out from the muzzle instantly and spattered on the computer. The entire computer was frozen into ice, and this cold air was still spreading. The computer was almost instantly blinked. Frozen with the table, even the shotgun hanging under the table was frozen together and turned into an ice sculpture.

"Oh my god!"

Looking at the lifelike ice sculpture that appeared in a blink of an eye, the boss’s eyes were almost falling off, but Dalstein in the distance felt that he was not surprised by the power of the freezing gun in Snatter’s hands. It was because the characters in the TV series actually appeared in front of themselves, and they felt incredible and shocked.

But obviously, in addition to shock, the more intuitive is the threat of death.

This time, under Snatter’s muzzle, for the time being, regardless of what happened to these people, the owner of the gun shop actually felt death and chill, so he immediately opened the cabinet quickly and began to continue to Take a weapon outside.

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