High Magic Earth

Chapter 1066: Mutants

It seems that the damage to the time ship is very serious. Observing Dapstein from Rip and others in the distance thought about it slightly. The spaceship of the time court is not very powerful, but as Dahstan knows, the time court is very good at using the future. 'S technology crushes past times.

Every time ship has a fully equipped arsenal.

But now these guys have been reduced to supplying in this backward sub-world era. Obviously, the time ship has suffered a serious damage, and even the arsenal has been attacked.

But at this time, there was a loud noise like an explosion outside the weapon shop.


A large number of sparks burst out, and the explosion did not have amazing power, but it messed up the surroundings. With the thick smoke, even in the night, it almost immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It's a magic girl.

Her identity was exposed.

The eyes of Horus focused on it for the first time, and Dastan saw a large and large mist appearing on the body of Ruiwen, a magic figure, accompanied by different colors of light. Her disguise was almost visible to the naked eye. The speed faded quickly, revealing the original blue scale skin.

Dashtan recognized the disguised spell at a glance. Strange Doctor Strange's style, and only the group of wizards like this gaudy stuff.

Dustan noticed that the eye of Agomomoto hanging on Rip's neck was slowly emitting a fascinating halo. Obviously, the source of magic was from this thing.

Sure enough, it was Strange's handwriting.

Although I don't know why he gave the eye of Agomoto to Rip, he still left a lot of magic on it, and the removal of disguise is only one of the most basic defensive magic.

After the magic night comes, the Transfiguration Charm has become the best choice for the outside appearances to infiltrate the enemy. Like the Soul Capture, you never know whether the companion around you is an enemy or a friend. Each appearance is a natural magic form. Female.

In this case, the new human wizards headed by Strange finally successfully invented a kind of magic, which can be used to distinguish the magic of the transforming spell.

Most low-level metamorphic spells will be identified.

Some higher-level, outward-looking gods, or variant magics like Animagus are still undetectable.

But this is enough. The number of high-level external appearance gods is also limited. As long as the new human beings stare more closely, they will not be penetrated again.

So why is there such magic on the eye of Agomo Moto? Where did Rip get this thing from? Dastein became more and more curious.

But this does not prevent him from seizing the time gem.

At the same time that the magic-shaped woman was exposed, Dustan also approached several people.

Of course, before that, the Magic Girl had been in a mess with Rip and others.

"Oh my god!" Lei screamed at the magical woman who suddenly showed up. Obviously, the Atomic Firestorm and Black Canary from the DC world did not know the existence of the mutant.

The shape of the magic woman is definitely not normal. She is a small number of mutants. The appearance of aberrations in the whole body occurs. Most mutants are no different from ordinary people, or only a little different, and only a few, similar to the magic woman and Red devil and the like are all different from ordinary people.

Think about it. A passerby walking around suddenly becomes a blue-skinned monster. That situation will never calm down.

"What a monster." The grumpy Mick couldn't help whispering in his mouth.

Mick is a rough man. His so-called underestimation is probably to the extent that everyone can hear, not to mention, the magic woman is also a mutant, and her hearing is very keen.

"Did your mother not give you what is called politeness." The blue scales of the magic woman began to reverse again, trying to change her form again, but the eye of Agomomoto once again radiated magical luster, transforming her. Stopped again.

The failure of the transformation only made the magic-shaped woman froze a little, but this did not affect her on-the-spot performance. "No wonder you are a lot of age and still partner with a poor **** guy."

As she said, the magic-shaped woman rushed towards Rip in one arrow, and obviously her goal was also a time gem.

Although Rip is somewhat unknown, this does not prevent him from playing on the spot. When he retreats backward, Rip immediately throws his hand and takes the pistol that is the standard of the Lord of Time in his hand. Two powerful beams of light bombard the magic woman. In the past, but she flashed easily behind her, leaving two small holes on the hard ground.

At the same time, the speed of the magic-shaped woman has not stopped, and it is almost coming to Rip.

Snatter and Sarah are in the weapon shop, and only Mick and Lei have been left outside Professor Stein. Apart from Mick, Atom and Firestorm are not the first to be able to intervene in the battlefield.

And Mick's reaction was slower, and the Magic Woman came to Rip's side smoothly.

She kicked back to Rip with a kick, and at the same time her arm grabbed Rip's chest, ready to kick Ago Moto's eyes while kicking him out.

Rip's response was slow, and when he saw his movements, he knew that he had learned combat training but was not proficient.

I don’t know how much worse than the magic woman who has spied into the enemy’s back countless times.

But Dastan, who hadn't arrived yet, didn't seem to be in a hurry. He still walked slowly in the shadows. He didn't seem to worry about Agometo's eye being snatched by the magic-shaped woman.

because. . The eye of Agomo is not so easy to deal with.

The magic woman's movements are lightning fast, it seems that in a blink of an eye, the eye of Agomoto is about to change its owner, but at this time, Rip's hand without a pistol suddenly burst into green light, which was connected to the eye of Agomoto. In a straight line, straight like a laser.

The next moment, the movement of the magic-shaped woman stopped.

After half a second, as if with a bang, the magic woman suddenly fell back, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Just a moment ago, Rip paused the time and kicked out the magical woman. However, because Rip had limited abilities, he probably only tentatively fixed the blinking time. He had no time to draw a gun and could only push the magical woman instinctively. open.

This is enough.

Sarah and Snart had rushed out after hearing the fighting outside.

The white canary Sara Lans from the Assassin League can be said to be the most suitable person to cut into the conflict in this squad. She does not need to wear a suit like the atomic man, nor does it need to merge as a fire storm, and she 'S melee ability is very strong and very flexible.

Without staying, Sara threw a large bag of firearms to Lei, making him almost hug and sit down on the ground, and then took out the two sticks and rushed to the magical woman who had just climbed up.

At this time, Mick also pulled out the musket, and he aimed at the magical woman who was avoiding Sarah's attack, and then the hot heat spewed out instantly.

"I don't have a mother." Mick grunted, but his men showed no mercy, and didn't even estimate Sarah.

Fortunately, Sarah was also very sensitive to danger. She turned and hid, and kicked the dreaded magical woman on the lamppost, and then gave Mick a fierce glance.

"Also, this beautiful lady." Snart also walked out slowly, holding the freezing gun, as if pointing in the direction of the witch-shaped woman, with dangerous luster in his eyes, "I... not a **** guy."

He still said that in a slow tone, but he was able to hear it, and he was obviously still dissatisfied.

Seeing the situation seems to have been controlled, Sarah slightly aimed at the Magic Woman with her two sticks, but did not step forward. After all, the freezing gun and flamethrower attacks of both Snatter and Mick were too large.

But obviously, the Magic Woman doesn't think so.

She moved up quickly, and it seemed that the previous attack did not cause much harm to her. She looked at Snat and others coldly and sneered without hesitation, "Oh... yes, I really hope you can Keep up with the times on the Internet instead of wearing such old-fashioned coats."

"Also, Lingdie, do you really think Eric's words are useless?"

When the voice of the magical female voice fell, Rip and others seemed to realize something, but it was still a step late.

As if there was a wave, a dark-haired woman wearing a purple samurai costume appeared behind Rip, holding a huge giant sword in her hand, and slapped him towards Rip.

With the roar of wind, the huge giant sword is like a door, but it seems like there is no weight in the hands of Lingdie.

However, everyone on the scene had no doubt that if he hit Rip, he would definitely be seriously injured.

At this time, the rescue was too late. In anxiety, Sarah's two sticks turned around in his hand, flicked away, and slammed into the distant Butterfly.

The short stick swirled in the air, with the same screaming wind, and came to the edge of Lingdie's head in a blink of an eye.

The pair of short sticks are equally powerful. If Lingdie still can’t avoid it, she will definitely break her head, so in desperation, Lingdie’s movements can only be a slight pause. The giant sword also missed a point.

Seizing the opportunity in this line, Rip slammed backwards, making the giant sword wipe only one side.

But even so, the blade of the giant sword still crossed Rip's arm, and a large strand of blood immediately appeared, immediately dyeing his sleeve red.

"Boom! Boom!"

At the same time, the pair of short sticks also smashed into the wall fiercely and suddenly didn't enter half of them.

A trace of anger flashed in Lingdie's eyes, and the giant sword in her hand suddenly twisted, and turned into a soft weapon like a whip. With a "pop!", the whip hooked up and hung Arp from the chest. The Gomoto Eye necklace was torn off.

But at this time Lei had already put on his Atom Man suit, and Professor Stein also merged with hurried Jefferson to become a fire storm.

Just as the whip was picked up by the eye of Agomo and brought back, Lei urged the suit to step forward and grabbed the whip and stopped it in midair.

"Who are you?" Looking at the strangely dressed Butterfly, Lei's suit jacket and helmet came with doubts.

Of course, this question is destined to be unanswerable.

As a panacea-like mutant of mindfulness, Lingdie can turn her mindfulness into various weapons. Seeing her whip caught by Lei's Atom Man's suit, she immediately gave up the weapon.

The whip suddenly disappeared in the air, and the eye of Agomo fell to the ground immediately. Lei was about to pick it up, but Lingdie had transformed into two samurai swords. With a flash of figure, he jumped in front of Lei.

Although Lei did not think that the samurai sword could cut through her armor, it was obvious that the opponent was a good proficient in combat. She did not intend to bump into her armor, but she swung the samurai sword through a sinister angle and cut directly into the joint of the armor. And other parts.

The joints of the armor joints are still relatively fragile, and it seems that it is not a common thing to add this changed weapon. Under desperation, Ray can only shrink himself, and then suddenly disappear.

Lingdie, who suddenly lost her target, was also stunned, but her task was not to kill Thunder, but to the eye of Agomo.

She was just about to pick up the eye of Agomo, and she saw that the fire storm had been lifted off. Two fireballs like meteorites were thrown down by him. Lastly, Lingdie could only temporarily give up the eye of Agomo. Jump away from here temporarily.

Seeing the situation in the distance, Sarah tried to grab the eye of Agomoto. Although I don’t know why the two strange guys who came out suddenly targeted Rip’s necklace that can control time, but this powerful Sarah seen it myself.

In any case, it cannot be robbed by others.

But at the same time as she moved, the magic-shaped woman also flew over. Sarah who lost her weapon was obviously a little weaker than before. With the help of the spirit butterfly, the magic-shaped woman could fight more concentratedly. Some of them prevailed.

So Snatter and Mick can only help Sarah by the side, but also be careful not to accidentally hurt.

The roaring battle sound turned the front of the weapon shop into a battlefield almost instantaneously. At first, there were pedestrians stopping to think that this was a movie, but at this time, with the flames flying, no one thought it was an ordinary special effect.

While not forgetting to escape, some people took out their phones without fear of death, dodge snapshots and videos, and kept exclaiming in their mouths, "Is that a magical girl?! Isn't it a fiction in the comics!" ?"

"What's the matter! The police!"

The addition of Phantom Butterfly and the resurrection of the Magic Woman immediately messed up the scene, even if the large-scale lethal weapons in the hands of Snart and Mick were not used, but as a fire storm that could be among the first-line heroes, it immediately changed the surrounding It became a situation like a battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fortunately, under this chaos, both the Butterfly and the Magic Girl were dragged down by the team member who had just formed, and no one had the opportunity to fall to The Eye of Agomo on the ground snatched away.

Although the previous Great Sword didn't directly hit Rip, the edge of the blade that had wiped the edge still swept Rip's arm through a terrible wound. Eye of Agomo, who was not far away, lying quietly on the ground.

Although the blood had stopped, the sudden hemorrhage still made Ripple dizzy. He took a deep breath, struggling against the wall and staggering away to the eyes of Agomo.

But at the moment when he was about to come to Agomoto's eyes, a sudden force pushed him aside and fell to the ground.

Rip watched a figure appear again on the flat ground, his eyes painted with dark black lines, and it looked a little weird.

He stepped on the hand that Rip tried to reach out, and then slowly picked up the eye of Agomo on the ground, and looked at Rip's eyes and said softly, "You are much worse than its previous master."

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