High Magic Earth

Chapter 1067: This world

"This is New York Television, and we are broadcasting for you what happened near Broadway..."

"Oh shit! What did I see! Is that Iron Man?"

"Is this a group of criminals imitating superheroes, or is it Marvel and D's latest publicity?"

"This is crazy..."

Regardless of whether it is on the Internet or on TV broadcasts, the relevant news has shown an explosive trend. The final shot falls on a white aunt. Behind her is a block of war. The level of fierce fighting between the two sides seems to have shown Incandescence trend.

Whatever the truth of the matter, this is definitely the worst incident in the United States during this time.

At the same time, the relevant telephones have been directly connected with the various departments, the police car of the New York Police Department roared, leaving in groups and rushing to the place of the incident.

The situation seems very bad.

"What's the matter?" Harbens pressed the mute button, tossed the remote control aside, and questioned others who were still in the room.

But one of them counted, and they looked at the explosion news that was still playing on the TV screen, and it was also inexplicable.

"I didn't pass Broadway this afternoon." A young man took the lead and said, and then there were lessons, and everyone shook his head.

Harpens sighed, rubbing his eyes in a bit of distress.


At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and Mei Mi's figure instantly appeared in the room.

"The mutant's magical woman, and the spirit butterfly, and the TV series of Tomorrow Legend. Have you watched it? The derivative TV series of D World tells the stories of some second-line heroes, and the other side is them. It seems that they are between new human beings. Infighting, and free people are not involved."

"Fire storm is also a second-tier hero?" asked a young woman on the sofa next to him, whether dressed or dressed, who was very normal and completely undoubtedly.

However, from the point of view of her speaking in London, she should be British or live in the UK all year round.

"Otherwise?" Mei Mi asked rhetorically.

"He can change the atomic structure of matter..." the young woman said flatly, then closed her mouth consciously.

"I don't care if they are first-line or a few lines of heroes." Harbins said calmly. "The new humans obviously don't care about covering up their identities. This group of people is making things big. Now what we should consider is what we should do. "

"The new man has never concealed it." Another blond man pushed through the door. He looked very young, but the vicissitudes of his body and the wind and frost on his face brought him a trace of maturity completely different from the immature.

"The Flash in Los Angeles and the Catwoman in Chicago have always been on the Internet, and the new humans have never planned to hide their existence."

"That's different, Joseph." Harbins still looked calm.

"Whether it is the Flash or Catwoman, they are imitators among free men. They are not original goods, and few witnesses only regard them as rumours and urban legends."

"Even if I really see it, I can only think that there are really abilities in the world."

"But the group of guys in New York are different. Whether it is a witch or a legend of tomorrow, they all have faces similar to the actors in the TV series."

"This will not make people pay attention to their abilities, it will only remind human beings of another very old topic, the parallel world."

"You should know that human beings discover abilities in this world, and there are other parallel worlds besides the human discovery world. These are two types of explosive news that are not on the same level at all."

The young man named Joseph was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Call me Lancelot."

"You think you are more mature." Harbens responded faintly.

"So you should be called Lancelot."

"Please." Mei Mi over there was already impatient. "How many times do you have to struggle with this boring problem."

Harbins and Joseph shut up at the same time.

After a few seconds of pause, Habens said again, "The situation is not good for us." He looked faint, and it seemed that he was a gentle person before. "We have a small number of people, so anyway, we Do not have any advantages."

"The new humans have formed a company. I believe they must have other industries and people involved. Once things about the parallel world are exposed, our situation will be even more difficult."

Nobody, including Joseph, objected.

"There will be many possibilities after the incident is exposed. Peace or war. New humans may cooperate with existing humans to target us, or we may all be hostile, but I think the former is more likely."

"Because the new mankind has combined benefits with the present mankind, and we, as a parallel world with a smaller number of people, are likely to be listed as the primary target of peeping."

"Rebel..." Mei Mi asked peacefully.

"That might not be a good idea." Habens said, "Except for some weird magical creatures, our backbone is probably vampires and werewolves from different worlds."

"And the top power, except the top of the vampires, seems to be only the wizard and Valkyrie."

"That Valkyrie is still fake." Joseph immediately accepted the words.

"You are not too." Harbens responded immediately.

Seeing that the two had to stare again, Mei Mi frowned and interrupted, "Okay, in the final analysis, it is the lack of strength, right?"

"Also... not exactly." Harbins frowned.

"We know too little about the Second World. The most fundamental reason is that we have a small number of people. We even have a pitiful number of our existing companions, and the new humans have appeared in more parallel worlds, even saying Moved those Aborigines to leave their world to participate in these things."

"If the existence of parallel worlds is fully exposed, no one knows what impact the actions of the real world will have on these parallel worlds."

"Whether it is us or the world of the new human beings are all manifested in the real world, comics, movies or TV series."

"If the real world cuts off the source of these things, it is strictly forbidden for directors and cartoonists to draw these things again, and we will not know the consequences."

"The future is slim."

At this time, the British girl who had no sense of presence suddenly said, "I'm more curious about how the aborigines entered our world. If they can come here, does it mean that we can also go to them, we can freely choose parallel The world?"

"I haven't seen aborigines appear here before." Harbins looked back at the TV. "They are the first case. I'm afraid the answer is only known to them."

The British girl didn’t hear Harpens’ answer and said, “I heard from sister Joanna that there are also wizards in the wizarding world in the UK who are studying space magic. They have reached other worlds, but they’re not Here."

"If that magic gets here, it seems that it can no longer be used."

Habens expressed silence on this, as he said, they knew too little about the Second World. The more they knew, the more chaotic they became, and the more they felt they knew less.

There are at least three or more parallel worlds known to exist in Hogwarts, with different time periods, and other movie plots appearing outside the UK.

The wizard in Joanna's mouth may not be an aboriginal in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but a wizard belonging to other plots was superimposed.

The ghost knows which movie will be the magic.

"Did the Gree tell you anything?" Mei Mi asked Harbins.

As a sacrifice in the Spartan era, Habens not only possessed some magical skills like magic, he also saw the existence of the divine palace with his own eyes.

Of course, as real people, they are more like these guys as a stream of higher creatures.

But it is undeniable that these existences are indeed very powerful, with many incredible and even incomprehensible abilities, such as prediction.

It is not just foreseeing the world they are in. Their eyes can even see through everything and see other worlds, not their own destiny and entanglement.

Harbens shook his head. "They didn't say anything, but they seemed confident."

"When did they feel full of confidence," Joseph said, "no matter who wins, they are gods and need to be worshipped by humans."

Habens still shook his head, but said nothing.

"Continuous music," Mei Mi said. "He still stays in his own country. I heard that it is still calm. If things don't work, I'm afraid we need to return."

"It just looks calm on the surface." Harbins frowned slightly.

"That's better than here." Joseph replied differently.

Harbins' brows deepened, "Don't underestimate the power of government, any country is."

But obviously, Joseph did not care about this. Looking at the contempt on Joseph's face, Harbens said lightly, "We have experienced many different worlds, and also watched the comics and TV series of the new human world. "

"There are extraordinary individuals in a world that can fight against a whole country or even an entire planet. There are very few, as few as almost none, not even Superman."

"Whether it's an alien enemy, Kryptonite's weakness, or affectionate fetters, he just can't fight a whole planet."

"Not to mention, no one here has the power of Superman."

"That's just comics, but here is the real world."

"So, reality may be more cruel." Harbins shrugged.

"In the final analysis, it is still strength."

But Joseph's idea is also very simple and correct, and Harbins has no objections to this.

However, as Mei Mi said, Qu Hong still has to contact. They can’t plan to have nothing at all next, and Qu Hong has a good relationship with Yi Xuan. Yi Xuan hasn’t heard from him for a long time. Mei Mi didn't know whether he was not in China or did not return.

On TV, the live broadcast of the battle continued, and Harbins looked at the screen, and then suddenly he was slightly surprised to see the man who suddenly appeared on the edge of the battle.


Perhaps the scene is a bit confusing. This kind of place that is not the center of the battle is easy to be ignored by the two sides, but as a third person, it can be caught at a glance.

"Who is this again?" Harbins asked immediately.

Because this is definitely a big news, during this time, almost all radio stations in New York sent the best manpower.

In addition to being a little swaying, the clear video recorder reflected almost every detail of the scene. It was precisely because of this that Harbins saw the lines around the eyes of Dastan's side face.

Logo of the Eye of Horus.

Although Habens has never seen the real Horus Eye, as a Spartan sacrifice, he must have studied the relevant theological culture carefully. Although the painting method of the pattern may be slightly different, he is still very familiar and thinks slightly. , I remembered it.

No one knows who Dastan is.

I am afraid that if you break your head, no one will want to reach the Prince of Persia where Stan jumped back from the future. This is absolutely crazy.

But...Habbens could see Dalstein's target, on the ground...

"That thing is the eye of Agomo." Joseph also saw the eye-shaped necklace on the ground of the screen. "This is not the strange doctor just released..."

"It is also a gem of time." The British girl sitting on the sofa said suddenly, "The gem of time is placed in the eye of Agomoto, one of the infinite gems in the Marvel universe."

Harbins immediately turned his head, "Contact Valkyrie." He said to Mei Mi, "I want to know how the police are going."

"Are we going to intervene?" Mei Mi asked back.

"I have a hunch," Harpens said. "That guy is from our world and is not weak."

"The worst thing is that it is also an infinite gem, a time gem with infinite power."...

While Harbins cared about the poor New York police, the police chief was in a bad situation.

He was sitting on the policeman and hurried to the Broadway neighborhood.

The police had already got there first and pulled up the cordon from afar, but despite this, the fierce fighting in it still didn't seem to decrease much.

When I first heard the news, the poor secretary thought it was a stupid joke. Has the superhero in the movie come to the real world? Don’t be mad at the people who told this news.

But soon he couldn't laugh because it was indeed true.

Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~Why do virtual characters become real, such a brain-damaging scientific problem is left to those scientists to solve, but now he has to face is how to quickly stop a small-scale war battle.

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that the other party's firepower is very strong, and if it is really like in the movie, then their policemen are generally in the presence of cannon fodder, and they generally cannot live for half.

Things are not so simple.

He didn't want to be a cannon fodder at all...

No one wants to be a cannon fodder. Both the Sarah and Snatt below, after realizing that their attack is indistinguishable and powerful, will cause serious damage to the surroundings and are easy to accidentally hurt. Atom and Fire The two of the storms intentionally converged their attacks.

But unfortunately, the other party does not seem to plan this way.

Tomorrow's legendary squad intends to get away quickly and leave here, but neither the Butterfly nor the Magic Girl, they plan to let them go so easily.

In this case, Dastan has come to the eye of Agomo.

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