High Magic Earth

Chapter 1068: Eye of Agomo

Dalstein seemed thin, but his feet were like a catty, and he slammed on the back of Rip's hand. Rip felt his bones were cracked.

He stood up in pain, asked ugly, "Who are you?"


In the distance, there was still fighting, rendering the whole block in an explosion and roar. As the fire storm and the atomic man who stood on the side of justice, they obviously did not want to mess up the surroundings, but obviously their enemies were more than expected. Tricky.

Lingdie is somewhat similar to Sarah, holding a pair of long and narrow samurai swords in his hand, which looks like a destructive and proficient combat.

But this is not the case.

Whether it's bouncing power, body's anti-strike ability and explosive power, the spirit butterfly is far more than the ordinary human Saralans, and the weapons in her hands are also changing. Even after being thrown by her, it will quickly change in the air. Big, forming a big stone and hit it hard.

If you don't pay attention, even the flying Atom and Firestorm will suffer greatly.

In desperation, the two can only abandon their previous plans to reduce the scale of the war and continue to create firepower suppression below. Only in this way can they temporarily block the flexible figure of Lingdie everywhere.

No wonder the Devil-shaped woman dared to challenge so many second-line heroes with only a support of Phantom Butterfly. Obviously, this Phantom Butterfly is not just an ordinary mutant of mental ability.

I don't know what world she came from.

The corner of his eyes slightly aimed at the battle not far away. Rip looked at Lingdie and couldn't help but think of another hero he knew, an absolute first-line hero, Green Lantern.

The fighting styles of the two are very similar. This strange woman seems to be able to create something with her own mind, but the limitations are very large, and not as varied as Green Lantern.

But it was hard enough, which can be seen from her suppression of Atom and Firestorm.

At the same time, Rip couldn't help but wonder whether he was really right in finding these people.

The losers in history have no effect even if they are erased in advance by time. This is undoubtedly a portrayal of Sarah and others. Rip dare to find these people for their own use. In addition to being very confident, on the other hand, they are unconscious. To the cruelty of future wars.

Although he personally experienced it, it was very short after all.

His way of thinking is still the master of the previous time. When maintaining time in various historical periods, the task of using technology to crush is almost stress-free. Just like the stage play, he said the lines that Gideon has booked in advance. That is, while accomplishing your own tasks, you will not cause any deviation in history because of saying the wrong thing.

But now, just after finding these players, and not even starting, they are entangled by the inexplicable ghost of time, and then reduced to the unknown world, the unknown time node, and then beaten by two crazy women like dogs.

This series of oppression can't help but make Rip somewhat suspicious of life, or that the players he found are not enough to complete the task of saving the world.

In terms of their force value.

Both the Butterfly and the Magic Girl are playing lively with his newly recruited team members. Of course, there is really nothing to be proud of with three people to five people.

But the fact that he needs to face is that the fighting distance is not far. Although he and Dastan are on the edge of the fighting circle, only a few meters apart, but no one noticed here.

In other words, when I saw it, I couldn't help.

I can only rely on myself.

With a slight sigh, Rip looked at Dustan who was not speaking, and asked again, "Who are you?"

Touching the beam gun hidden in his waist, the cold steel surface could not bring him any comfort, some were just deep and straight into the bone marrow.

For his level, Ripple is naturally self-aware.

Previously, in a world like sleepwalking, his physical fitness was greatly increased, whether it is physical fitness, strength or explosive resistance, there has been a leap in growth.

But when he realized that he returned to this world, except for the eye of Agomomoto, his amazing physical quality was not brought back.

Rip was not surprised.

If he said that he went to the future, then something must have happened in the future, which caused a substantial increase in his physical fitness.

Now, this matter has undoubtedly not happened yet.

If a fire storm can control a war, Atom can guard a city, and can participate in the war when it bursts out, Saralans can run the block without any gangs to intercept, Rip is undoubtedly the kind of sneaking into a Gangs can have dangerous levels.

Of course, it refers to the gang organization after time has entered the modern era.

Rip still managed to deal with the outdated Italian mafia.

Although the stranger in front of him did not speak, his strange dress made Rip's heart sink.

The strange patterns around the eyes also have the kind of aura that is incompatible with the times. The strange visitors all have a mysterious breath and colors, which may not be obvious in the eyes of ordinary people. I just think that this person is a little weird, but it is also the same For Rip, a time traveler, this taste is undoubtedly familiar.

The other party is also a time traveler.

But by no means the master of time, Rip can be sure, coupled with his mysterious temperament, then his identity is ready to come out.

did not think of. . Even his own group of people is now staring at him, but he has crossed over unknown times and even unknown worlds, which can be found. No wonder there will be such a huge disaster in the future.

Undoubtedly, the other party is the right one, and Ripple will form a team to fight against the future enemies.

In fact, it was Rip who blamed Datstein wrongly. He didn’t chase Rip. He didn’t even think that he would encounter a time master here. If it’s not Rip’s neck. Even if it hits the eyes of Gomoto, Dastan will be more inferior than less, and has been in a latent state.

I only hope that Agomoto Eye can still play its due role. .

Rip’s eyes fell on Agago Moto’s eyes in front of Stan, flashing slightly, not because he had no confidence in himself, but because he had self-knowledge about himself and experienced those enemies in future battles, so Only then can I conclude that I am not an opponent.

Dastan, who was in front of him, saw Rip's eyes flashing and he knew what he was thinking.

However, he didn't break the point, but asked instead, "Why do you think I will tell you what my name is, are you an idiot."

"There is a group of hunters in the hands of the time court. They chase the target and erase the target, and even wipe the target's past. Even if it disturbs the timeline at this cost."

"In fact, we are very similar in this respect. Time court and I do not value the correctness of time, only our own interests."

"Nonsense!" Rip snorted.

Durstein looked at him without blinking, and Rip felt as if he could see each other's eyes through his body and see through his soul.

After a long while, Dastan suddenly opened his hands, "Then you just treat me as nonsense." He said, "Just want to know who I am, I am afraid you do not have this qualification yet."

Dustan said facts.

As an external appearance god, his strength is not as cheap as those mass-produced cannon fodder appearances. If he develops his external appearance **** form, I am afraid that this city is not enough for him to destroy.

And he is an external **** who can control time, and he wants to kill him, except for those superheroes who can also control time.

As an external appearance god, his enemies have always been first-line heroes, with war level and above, national and even planetary levels as his main targets.

Although the Tribunal of Time roams through the long river of time, it seems very huge, but the overall combat power is tied together but it can barely launch a large-scale war.

It is far from affecting a planet.

As a cannon-like member of the time court, Rip did not see enough in Dashstein's eyes.

But Rip didn't know this himself, he didn't understand Dalstein's identity at all, and terrible.

Upon hearing Dan Stan's answer, Rip immediately rose with rage, and a trace of abnormal blood appeared on his face. He was the master of time, and he could shuttle the existence of time.

Time is the most unknown realm of mankind. Until the future, even the time court has not fully uncovered the secrets.

But being able to travel through time is enough to make human beings proud to say that they have conquered time. As time masters of time shuttles, more or less after entering an era, they will produce themselves as the masters of this era. It is the feeling of the protagonist.

Rip is no exception.

But Rip was more sensible, except for an angry look in his eyes, he had no other movements, still gasping against the wall, showing a seemingly weak state.

But Dastan just glanced at Rip and looked away, not paying attention to Rip at all.

There is only a gem of time in Dustan's eyes.

He squatted down and placed his hand gently above the eye of Agomo, as if stroking it, "What a wonderful existence, what a wonderful time..."

Then the next moment, he grabbed the eye of Agomo without hesitation.

"How can you get this miracle!"

Dalstein's goal was the Eye of Agomo. After this goal was realized by both sides of the battle, the fighting between them was intentionally slowed down.

Although the meeting has not stopped for a while, both parties know that as long as there is a chance, they will turn their eyes to this third party who comes in without hesitation.

At this time, the police in New York City also rushed over as much as possible, and the dense police cars almost blocked several nearby blocks intact.

Both Snatt and Sarah were anxious and did not know whether Atom and Firestorm would take them away from the sky.

The spacecraft hasn't finished repairing itself, otherwise, they will call the spacecraft to pick them up directly.

Although the spacecraft appears, their whereabouts can no longer be hidden, and will certainly be noticed by the United States in this era, but even if there is no spaceship, because of the sudden appearance of these two mad women, their existence cannot be concealed.

Their ability to break out will surely attract prying eyes and curiosity. I am afraid that the next step is to leave the world sooner.

And at this moment, when Rip saw Dastan’s hand touching the eye of Agomo, he suddenly stretched out his intact hand, aimed at the eye of Agomo, and turned sharply clockwise. And then shouted loudly, "Reverse!"

During the period when Strange left the eye of Agomo to Rip, Rip found out a lot of wonderful uses of the eye of Agomo.

Pause and reverse are the two most commonly used, but instead accelerate, Rip has never known how to use.

And the time reversal and pause can be used without touching the eye of Agomomoto. It seems that the eye of Agomomoto has consciousness and can distinguish who is its owner.

But there is a problem. If the eye of Agomomoto is in the hands of Rip, then when he realizes that the eye of Agomomoto cannot be maintained, the time of the suspension will naturally flow and the reversal will stop.

But if the eye of Agomomoto left Rip, he would not be able to exercise such precise control, and the stop would be extended indefinitely, and even the reversal would have no end.

Sure enough, just after Rippe roared out this sentence, the time around Agomoto's eye seemed to stagnate for a while, and the two sides around Ripple who were still fighting were also affected, and there was a momentary pause.

Then the next moment, visible to the naked eye, everything around the eye of Agomomoto began to change rapidly, the neat stone brick ground became pitted, degraded into rocks, mud, fine particles, and then became Shashuo and More original composition.

The street signs lying on the ground not far away did not escape, the iron sheet began to decline, the paint applied on it quickly evaporated and disappeared, and the iron itself quickly became the form of elements.

It's just that because the eye of Agomoto is limited in scope, the upper half of the street sign has been broken down by time, but the second half is still intact, it seems very strange.

Even the finer particles did not escape the erosion of time.

There are two ways of reversing the eye of Agomoto, one is to reverse the time of the material itself, degenerate it to the original state, and the other is to reverse the time of the region and re-appear a certain period of time.

Obviously, Rip chose the former.

In this state of time reversal~www.wuxiaspot.com~Daztan, who catches the eye of Agomo, will also be affected if not unexpectedly, becoming younger, younger, even children, infants, cell.

The step-by-step degradation is as if everything that time has exerted on humans has been reversed.

Eventually, everything will disappear.

Therefore, the ability of the time gem is indeed very powerful, and no one can resist the invasion of time.

but. . There seemed to be such a person in front of Rip.

Everything around Agomoto's eye is disappearing, and the rapid gray smoke is extinguishing. Similarly, this situation is also over for a short time. Rip cannot control the Agomoto's eye for too long.

It was just that the situation he expected did not appear. This strange enemy, Daztan remained in place, and he didn't even show the slightest change.

"Back in time?" Looking at Rip's dull expression, Durstein laughed a little, "Can't you think of some new ways to come out."

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