High Magic Earth

Chapter 1069: Dogfight

Looking at Dastan, Rip's heart was sinking.

No one can escape the attack of Ago Moto Eye, because this is the erosion of time, but obviously, someone in front of him did it.

As a time assassin, Dastan, who possesses the Blade of Time and the Sand of Time, was originally not affected by time. He was able to preserve his memory forever in the chaos of time, and it was only his most basic ability to resist the backflow of time.

In other words, it is called a passive skill.

Rip didn't know this, he only knew that as a last resort, he was also the killer's control of time, which had no effect on Dalstein.

Although Rip's own ability is very poor, but the power of Agomoto's eye is undoubtedly, Dastan can withstand time, then Rip can't think of anyone else who can deal with him.

Dastan didn't pay attention to Rip's careful thinking, because from the beginning to the end, he didn't take Rip's ashamed guy into his eyes.

His enemies are the first-line superheroes, not the clowns in front of him who seem to be like a family.

The toes lightened slightly at the edge of the slightly protruding edge decoration of the eye of Agomo, and this palm-sized delicate ornament immediately rose into the air, flipped in the air and fell into Stan's hands.

He held Agago Moto's eyes in his hands and looked at the blooming dark green luster. The black patterns around his eyes involuntarily began to deepen, and even the other parts of the body vaguely appeared strange patterns.

Dastan's time energy is rapidly supplementing.

. . .

"Is that the eye of Agomo?"

With the intentional convergence of Atom and Firestorm, the scope of the battle has obviously narrowed a lot. Although there will still be attacks from time to time, it is no longer as dangerous as the beginning.

Seeing that the scene was under control, the group of reporters who were not afraid of death immediately rushed over like a mouse smelling cheese. This was big news. If such a big scene is missed, it will wait for the boss to face the next day. Growl.

Crowded with these field reporters, there are many people who watch the lively, some are fans of Marvel and DC, and some are purely together.

When Dalstein picked up the Eye of Agomo, these crowds who had been hiding far away immediately began to talk.

Although they are far apart, it is not very clear, but it is inevitable that there are many Marvel iron powders that can be associated with the brain through the green light.

However, the treasure time gem belonging to the Marvel Universe, which can fall into the hands of the time master of the dc universe, is also a surprise to the surrounding group of guys.

But no matter how, they are all superheroes, and the eye of Agomo at this time obviously fell into the hands of a person they didn't know at all.

"Is that guy an enemy?"

There was talk again in the crowd.

"how do you know?"

"None who is against superheroes is a good person. You don't look like a good person if you look at him."

"What is this guy's identity? I don't remember any comics that have appeared in him. Is it a comic character that Marvel hasn't published yet?"

"Why wouldn't it be in the dc world, the superheroes here are all in the dc world."

"The magic girl is not!"

The chief of the New York Police Department looked at the messy scene below and couldn't help but have a big head. He angrily grabbed a policeman in charge of the scene next to him and asked in a low voice, "Why not drive them all away!"

It seems that the scene is now under control, but the danger still occurs from time to time. If dangerous explosives are suddenly thrown into the crowd, with so many people now, once the casualties are caused, it will definitely be very heavy.

This responsibility, even if he is the director, cannot afford it.

Of course, the so-called control of the situation is also that the two guys flying in the sky no longer use powerful ammunition and weapons.

The middle-aged director is obviously not a Marvel fan. He does not know the identity of these people. He only knows that each of them is very dangerous and possesses weapons.

Even if the scene is now under control, these people seem to want to protect the innocent people present, but as the director, he cannot put everything on the so-called sense of heroic mission.

As he drove out the crowd, he grabbed a police officer again.

"The casualties before the statistics, drove everyone out, and... told Cohen to let him inform the military and send the army over."

"no need."

At this moment, a sudden voice inserted.

The director turned his head and saw a group of black suits coming off a black suv, "fbi special investigations department." He held a document as if he had an ID card in his hand and held it in front of the director.

"Here we will take over from now on. You can cooperate to disperse the crowd. The special operations team will arrive soon."

"I..." The director was stunned, but it seems to have been expected, "... need to confirm." But he still calmly finished.

The other party did not refuse. He nodded, and then took out a mobile phone directly. A confidential communication number was lit on the screen, and then handed to the New York Police Commissioner.

After half a minute, the crowd around them disappeared, and the range of the cordon was doubled again. Even the reporters were forced to stop recording.

Three minutes later, a box car quickly arrived at the scene. When a fully armed special police officer, surpassing ordinary policemen in both weapons and equipment, arrived here, no one noticed that in the police team, one A black female police officer quickly left the ranks and then came to the edge of the cordon.

"As you can see, it is indeed the eye of Agomo, the jewel of time." She whispered to the surrounding air as if to herself.

"All three parties are robbing this thing. It was brought by the Lord of Time. I don't know where their time ship is. Maybe you can try to find it."

"That Central Asian... very powerful, very powerful."

After a while, a very subtle response came from her ear, "Got it, Valkyrie, be careful yourself."

. . .

The eyes of Horus opened with all their strength, and since Magic Night's strange disappearance, Dalstein has never felt so good.

The time gem is indeed the most suitable thing for him. Mastering the time gem is like a fish owning the entire sea, as if it can't be matched.

Under the control of the Eye of Horus, everything around him was under his control. The crowd around him was dispersed, as if policemen like the army took over and surrounded them directly.

None of this could hide Dastan's eyes.

He didn't care about these problems. In the early days of the magic night, he had faced the siege of the army many times, and even mixed with the existence of many superheroes, but he calmly left.

No one can seize the time.

What's more, here are just a group of very low-level guys here, not even cannon fodder.

The most important thing for him at this time is the Eye of Agomo. He feels that time is recovering quickly, and it won’t take long before he can jump back in time.

Even jumping directly to the eve of the disappearance of the magic night, it is not impossible to prevent that from happening.

as long as. . He possesses the gem of time.

Dalstein took the eye of Agomo in his hand, raised his other hand flat, and began to draw a clockwise circle in the air quickly.

With his movements, the green ripples like gears spread out again, unable to rotate in his palms.

The person who knows you best is undoubtedly your enemy.

Dastan, who is also capable of time, knows Strange's ability, but he also knows more about the use of the Eye of Agomomoto than Rip.

He is quickly gathering time energy, he does not need to waste too much time in this world, what he needs is to make space-time jumps.

The change in Dastan's hands finally attracted both parties. The spirit butterfly and the magic-shaped woman stopped fighting with Sarah and others. They seemed to be surrounded by spirits, and they surrounded Dastan.

Atomic Man and Fire Storm no longer have the spirit butterfly that gave them headaches, and they can finally breathe a sigh of relief. They float in the air, floating slightly up and down. Below are Sarah and Snatter, and the spirit butterfly stands on the second floor of the building On the window.

As the two sides confronted each other, the police and SWATs in the distance also formed a siege. The director looked at the guy who claimed to be the Special Investigation Branch with questioning eyes, but he just shook his head.

"No need to worry about us," he said.

In the distance, Ripple and others are still facing Dastan.

"Give me the eye of Agomo Moto." The temporary cooperation between the magic-shaped woman and the Lingdie gave Rip a little confidence. Although he knew that the energy was still insufficient, he still supported his body and calmly said to Dastan .

The movement in Dustan's hands paused slightly, and then continued to reverse the halo as if unheard of.

"If I said no," Dastan said amusedly.

"Then ask them if they agree!"

Although it is unclear what Dastan is doing, it is clear that Rip has a deep understanding of the power of Agomoto's eyes. No matter what, he will not allow the other party to continue, so he shouted as the voice fell.

"Do it!"

Superheroes seem to have a characteristic. They always show mercy to the people who look good. They don’t look good. Even the cannon fodder exists. The brutality they start is not like a hero at all.

Obviously, Dastan is now in the latter.

Hearing Rip’s words, Atom and Firestorm didn’t hesitate, the two fired almost all at once, the violent attack almost went straight to Dalstein, the snart and heat wave below were not idle, the freezing gun and the flamethrower Qi Fa, the cold chill and the hot flame instantly grew into a snake, and flew to Dalstein in front.

It's the Magic Girl and the Butterfly. I don't know the reason. They didn't do it for the first time, but took a step back slightly.

Facing multiple attacks from the gallop, Daztan didn't even move his body.

"Fighting meaningless." He said softly.

Particles like sand appeared under his feet, and then quickly spread out, forming a circle with a radius of about two meters under his feet.

The attacks from the Rip players were instantaneous, but when these attacks touched the edge of the gravel circle, whether it was fire from the air, or the flames of the air from the flames of Snatter and the heat wave, they all stood still for a moment. As if the time at this moment was stopped.

The flame came out in nowhere, and was stuck in the air, and the cold air sprayed out could also see the white smoke, but the cold air was also frozen and stayed in the air.

Dastan stood in the middle of this attack and ignored it.

"Damn..." Seeing this, Ripner could still realize what Stan had done.

He stopped time.

Whether using the Eye of Agomo or anything else, in this way, Dastan is invincible, and no one can hurt him.


The heroes who have just become members of the legendary squad of tomorrow, such as Atom and Firestorm, obviously have not experienced enemies of this level.

What they faced before was still the existence of free-hand combat and mutual assault. Now they are suddenly replaced by guys who can control the time.

But anyway, Rip is an experienced time master and a guy who has participated in future battles. He soon realized that Dastan's counterattack may not be so simple.

Without hesitation, he shouted again, "Hurry away!"

At the same time, Rip has stumbled to the side.

Although Sara and others are not first-line heroes, they are much higher than ordinary people, and their fighting consciousness is not low. After being reminded by Rip, everyone rushed out.

The next moment, just after the time was suspended for two seconds, everything was reversed.


It's also time to go back in time, but Dalstein has bounced back almost all of Rip's attacks, flames, air-conditioning, Atomist's weapons, and flames thrown by the fire storm.

Everything was swept back in the blink of an eye, the heat wave accompanied by the cold, destroyed everything around in a flash, leaving only a large area of ​​ruins and wreckage destroyed.

After the storm, neither the magical women nor Rip did not move. It seemed that everything was buried under this ruin.

Having glanced at the policemen who were still watching, Dalstein continued to control the eye of Agomomoto, completely ignoring other things.

Neither the superheroes such as Rip, nor the ordinary policemen who surround here, have the slightest solution to Dastan who can briefly control the time in the surrounding area.

As the energy of the Eye of Agomo is gathered, the green light becomes more and more dazzling.

But at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Daztan suddenly frowned slightly, because with the increase of energy, he also felt that the eye of Agomomoto in his hand seemed to start to shudder abnormally.

And with this tremor, the particles on the surrounding ground began to float anti-gravity.

The seemingly familiar scene made Dastan frown, and he stopped cautiously, holding the eye of Agomoto tightly in his palm with his backhand.

Taking a deep breath, he watched the dust and particles around him begin to gather quickly, from small to large.

Do not. . This is not just a matter of dust and ashes. More precisely, it is some unknown particles that are formed by the condensation of atoms and gradually become larger.

He didn't like these little things, he didn't like them, he was even a little scared, the guy who could control these atoms.

Dastan has even begun to consider whether he should run ahead of time, because the comer is not good, and he is not on the same level as him, far from being able to resist him.

"Captain Atomic." Dastan said with a gritted tooth. "It's still Dr. Manhattan."

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